Am i the only one who thought the modern warfare gameplay looked great?

Attached: call-of-duty-modern-warfare-ps4-playstation-4.original.jpg (1920x1080, 432K)

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Yes, you are.
Cowa has been exactly the same shit for the past 15 years now.

>no riser on his microdot

mans gaming for that VA disability checks for neck trauma

yes, looks like the same shit we've had for almost two decades now

I really loved lighting and shadows.

anybody got the link?

Lots of them on jewtube.

all I can find are zoomers talking over the gameplay


What gameplay? We only have cinematics.

Well that's all we have today. Guess noone loaded their twitch stream on youtube.

I like the gunplay and the graphics, but if I buy it I’m probably just going to play it for the campaign, which already sounds like another “lol kill Russians xddd” campaign

This. I bought BO4, the last COD I bought before that was World at War. Buying it evrry year is stupid. The only reason I got BO4 because I didn't have a current gen FPS and Blackout looked fun. Me and my gf like to play zombies together too

The only time I had fun in a COD campaign was playing WAW on the hardest setting. Felt like a real war. The modern titles are so boring

>2v2 multiplayer
No thanks.

Jesus Christ. First they skip E3, then the first gameplay reveal of their "singplayer-focused" game is a bunch of cringey zoomers playing 2v2 and trash talking each other.

What the fuck is wrong with Activision?

Just an overview of a new gamemode from CG:GO.
I don't think Call of Duty ever was a "singplayer-focused game". I mean every game had a "cinematic hollywood blockbuster single player" but mostly people play it for multiplayer.

MW1 and MW2’s campaigns are pretty fun. I liked CoD3 and WAW more, especially on veteran. Multiplayer-wise WAW and MW1 are good as well.
I liked Infinite Warfare’s campaign too but I only got it because a friend gave me it

Looked fucking phenomenal, the way the showed it off sucked, "pick on of 4 screaming chimps to play the game for you"

>Looked fucking phenomenal
Nice one shill
It looks dated even before coming out.

Imagine making a game just to reveal it’s gameplay with a bunch of screeching retards who can’t handle a vidya game

Attached: 65F902B1-74C7-4129-83F0-C6577E10B57A.jpg (599x1024, 41K)

Is that supposed to be the new engine?
It looks like BO4 and not like the singleplayer trailer.

Stop using buzzword "game engine". Artstyle of a game has nothing to do with technologies supported by the engine.
Example: Fortnite on UE.

>It's CoD4 again (again)
>But edgier
>With the same fucking name
This fucking industry is so young but already so fucking bankrupt. Hollywood did the same thing, I guess.

>game engine is a buzzword
Kill yourself, your supposedly new engine looks like trash and you know it shill.

I didn't even mention CoD in my post retard. You clearly use "game engine" without knowing what it stands for underage faggot.

Fuck off shill your game looks like shit and your new engine does too.

Attached: U.png (601x499, 107K)

Infinity Ward has been spouting the line that MW is gonna be single-player focused like CoD 4 was.

They promised change, and all we have is something that looks like a mix between Ghosts and Siege.
And they made the retarded decision to make this a "serious and realistic" military game, when that's exactly what killed Medal of Honor.

>that's exactly what killed Medal of Honor
Please user, don't make me have false hopes in this shit dying soon