Critical hits are a stupid idea in an FPS and should be removed. Fuck off

Critical hits are a stupid idea in an FPS and should be removed. Fuck off.

Attached: BocVi1M.png (768x768, 557K)

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Do you mean headshots?

the only stupid idea was selling a copy to you

oh and making christmas hats wearable year-round, fuck that

How about you shut up NIGGER-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

Attached: fempyro_pinup_poster_by_lieutenantkilljoy-d771drp.png (706x1080, 682K)

based reply, cringe attachment

Guaranteed crits every X hits is acceptable
RNG crits on the other hand...

Imagine complaining about random crits when valve has yet to properly implement non-random crits on any weapon

Yep, random crits are a mistake.
We have Kritzkrieg and Banners if we want more damage.
Outdated and shit "mechanic"

Basically you add the same number until it reaches hundred
Subtract 100 on crit, rinse and repeat, how hard is this Gaben?

I hate it when self-insert faggots feel the need to draw their shitty cosmetics, if you’re gonna draw a TF2 comic just keep it vanilla

Oh and players should be able to know when an another player's next hit will be a crit at all times

Random crits are fine in normal games. Tf2 wasn't built for competitive and shouldn't cater to e-celeb or e-sports cancer

6vs6 was always played with random crits off.

Attached: 1532286569511.png (899x570, 161K)

OP you chose an image working against you

Once an e celeb attached themselves to the idea of no random crits you fuckers decided to love random crits now. Random crits are shit and just because some "member of the community" dumbass agrees with me doesn't mean that I'm gonna change my mind for the sake of being contrarian.
sorry for rambling alot

>what’s the matter dude? Are you not having fun? I just killed your entire team with one critical rocket and caused you a loss. Guess you just can’t have fun

The cosmetics are referencing a tf2 youtuber who doesn't like random crits

Uncle Dane should uninstall the game and then commit suicide with a rusty iron bar

Go back to plebbit, Dane.

This is literally ripped straight from Reddit and no one batted a fucking eye? Also, critical hits are fucking retarded. The last thing I want in a game is RNG instead of skill.


Crit from headshot = fine
Crit from "x% chance to crit" = shit

No you fucking zoomer moron. Before, people would just say "oof crit", "fuckin crit", "nice crit", "anons on a crit rampage", neutral shit like that. Now it's always "random Crist are fair and balancex", "I hate random crits", "random Crist should be removed", "you didn't deserve that kill". I know what I'm talking about, I started in early 2008 and there was never an outrage over it. But new blood has poured in as old blood has poured out and now because of some random newbie jackass on yt (or two) got popular and decided to make videos basically exposing themselves as compfags, no. TF2 has been always fine. It's not a competitive shooter. Fuck off. You're not the ones who think they're right, you're the ones trampling on what we always found fun and entertaining until you all had to make it ultra serious for your needs with a shitty, underpopulated comp mode no one plays. Go fuck yourself and find another game.

6v6 is a dead format

Hey OP

Attached: you're.png (1920x1080, 1.34M)

Good thing TF2 is a casual shooter game that's been around and popular for 12 years. Obviously it isn't for you.

go and kill yourself

>duh criticals

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Do i spot a based uglehposter?

>competitive tf2

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It's kinda weird that people start leaving audio posts on Yea Forums but that's cool

>someone bitching in chat about criticals with a bind
>near the bottom of scoreboard

pretty much everytime. start paying attention pretty much all of the no critical derps are just shit at the game and its their scapegoat.

>good enough to never die in pubs unless it's to a crit
>want them to stay

Attached: 1541716810684.jpg (184x184, 13K)

kill yourself degenerate

i have difficulty writing english since i am lurker mainly so i use vocaroo since everyone yell to use it sometime in friend thread but i try

Fuck matchmaking, fuck quickplay, people who like crits could play with them and people who hated them could play without them before these stupid updates

>player has "glouting about crit" bind
>another one has "crits are bullshit" bind
>theyre often activated at the same time

No retard people always got fucking mad at crits. I have no idea what alternate timeline you live in. I started in 08 too. The difference is now people are saying we should remove them, the solution is just join a no crit server. I fucking hate crits but i see zero reason to have them gone from the game

>Critfags are as bad as cucked as the bike cuck
You didn't need to make a comic just to state the obvious

Where are all the no crit videos from back then?

This is the most zoomer response I have ever seen. Because if you hated crits you just joined a no crit server. I'm not saying everyone hates crits but tons of people bitched about them. Why the fuck were no crit/no spread servers so popular?

Crits are only okay if I get them and the enemy doesn't

>headshots should be removed
based retard

You think I don't know that? My point was they still didn't make any fucking essay vids stroking their dick about how Crist are bad and should be standard TF2.

And I'm agreeing with you, what fucking point are you making

quick reminder that dane works at a fucking coffee shop and he's dying there, people only jump on his opinion because he's a youtuber and most people think whatever these shit out is a fact and is the absolute true because they are uncapable of forming their own opinion on the subject without using someone's else view

tf2 is not meant to be competitive, it never had an official competitive gamemode from the devs until recently because of the e-sports surge in the last decade and they just rushed that update to stay relevant in the market

tf2 is fucking dead in the current day and only autists/furries/financially irresponsible people take this game seriously

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Critical hits are a dumb idea in general. Name the last video game where critical hits were ACTUALLY enjoyable.

That’s the point, it’s a false flag.

Quick reminder that Uncle Dane is a shit YouTuber and I wouldn’t mind either way if crits stay or go.

RPGs and literally any derivation from them, critical hits are a "fun" factor in videogames when it comes to numbers and without them the calculations on a game would be dull

Casual TF2 is so broken and random that it needs random cits to keep the game moving. People like Dane have already made it clear you can't fix Casual TF2 without removing most of the ways people enjoy it, and considering how far removed Sixes are from Casual TF2, there's no real argument that it's a learning environment that needs crits removed.

>b-buh muh cassual!
Go back to OW, retard. Maybe that's more up your alley. Whoever thought RNG was fine in any context should be lined up and shot.