Do you seriously think Cyberpunk 2077 will allow you to roleplay? R0fl

Do you seriously think Cyberpunk 2077 will allow you to roleplay? R0fl

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but he's right as because usual you faggots are expecting too much that was never actually promised

Why is there a perception that different backstories or simply an open slate for you to invent it yourself is impossible, when its been done before?

I was just expecting a cyberpunk Witcher.

How did it go from being one of the most anticipated games to being hated both by gamers and trannies?
Ever since the first trailer came out it seems like there’s been nothing but bad news

CDPR allowed itself to be trampled upon by twitter degenerates. Once it happens, it never stops and results in a full blown PR disaster.

Oh yeah, im sure they're shaking because a few autist on Yea Forums cant stop shitposting every day about it

I expected a Mass Effect esque game from the start. It's the PnP german autistics who are mad that it's not going to be Gothic with neon rainstorms.

Your home land of resetera is shitting on it too senpai, maybe you should go back and check up on them

I see the austistic Cyberpunk 2077 shitposter is in full force today AGAIN

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I'm not talking about Yea Forums you fucking retard. I'm talking about twitter trannies and the fact CDPR actually decided to lick their boots despite the fact they only started shitting on it harder

I was expecting a video game adaptation of the tabletop game cyberpunk 2020. I guess it was too much asked for.

>reddit screenshot
I hate you all

Imagine caring about literal whos on twitter. I know its hard when you're an autist, but obsession really isnt healthy for you

What the fuck is this and why is it so based?

Its going to be a "cinematic experience"
The only roleplay is choosing your favourite sexual deviation since thats all the snowflake gen seem to care about

Dont forget these threads are always visited by the same autistic people who shitpost because they are social outcasts

Pic related

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You dad was expecting someone he could take fishing and play ball with.
Instead all he got was autistic tranny who whine about video games online.

I don't even think the cyberpunk tabletop players had any expectations

are you 19?

How does that invalidate what he said?

If you weren't a social outcast you wouldn't be here.

Why are ESL retards all so obsessed with trannies and SJWs? Do they even have those in your 3rd world country?


>I need the devs to spoonfeed me quests and dialogue
>it's impossible for me to roleplay without someone else writing the material
I don't think you know the meaning of the word roleplay
it requires 99% the effort from your own imagination and 1% the backdrop of the game

low intelligence backwaters cling to superstition and conservatism to fill the void in their critical thinking and make complex decisions for them without requiring any thought

Yeah and baldurs gate is a perfect recreation of dnd

>being hated by Yea Forumsirgins

>No dumb consumer you don't want to play as you like
>You want our canned cinematic experience
>giv money

RPGs with voice acted protagonists have shitty roleplaying every time

Why are the trannies angry? Did they not use the right xshola pronoun

Skyrim created an entire generation that thinks an RPG has to be a game that gives you an entirely blank slate character to project whatever the fuck you want upon it

Man I used to play Taz: Wanted as just a dude on vacation, it's called IMAGINATION.

That's always been how WRPGs are, Mass Effect set things in the opposite direction during the same gen

they did promise that
it's just that they back pedaled since then and the game now officially is an action adventure game, not an RPG

It could become one. Look at the last dlc for Prey. That was actually kind of cool class based thing.

theres always nwn

That's completely wrong, a good game will let you roleplay by having choices in game that you can make and then making sure those choices feel meaningful and like they've actually affected either your character or the story. There needs to be validation that your choices were actually made and not just in your head, in a tabletop game that comes from the social aspect and the fact that other players/the GM acknowledge your choices, in a videogame that comes from the game acknowledging it.

Have you ever tried roleplaying in a game like Skyrim? Sure you can technically do it by using your imagination a lot but it gets boring quickly because the whole thing is in your head, the game doesn't support roleplaying so you might as well just be writing a novel about your character or something instead of playing a game

>hurr i have attention span of goldfish
>if i don't see rpg mentioned in every sentence it's no longer rpg

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This is ridiculous, the people complaining that Cyberpunk isn't an RPG don't think Skyrim is an RPG either, in fact I'm pretty sure the thing we're all worried about is Cyberpunk becoming Skyrim:Cyberpunk edition.


It was very obvious from the first gameplay video that it's just poor man's Deus Ex.

who cares fag? Itll be fun

I wouldn't mind since I play Skyrim to this day honestly. (with mods)
They have a vision for what they want this game and you to be and you're just filling in the blanks. You're a street punk named V who is going after a chip that gives you immortality with the ghost of a long dead musician in your head. That's good enough in my books to make me interested.

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hey man
what is your favorite moege?

Is it true that you can't steal cars? In a thread the other day, people were saying it.