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Dragon Quest Builders 2 thread
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Isn't Malroth everyone's wife?
Fuck no, that guy reminds me of Goku's other super Saiyan form
Marry me evil overlord!
I haven't beaten DQB1 yet, what's new in 2? Is it good?
Way more fun than the 1st
I'm playing the first game and my Cantlin looks like a fucking hackjob and there's already so many citizens so I can't fix it and I just want off this ride
Is there character creation?
Also can I be a bit fat thicc bitch from the nintendo dragon quest?
Tons of just general improvements. They took a good game and made it very good and with multiplayer.
How's the Switch version? I was gonna get it but I heard it has slowdown issues so I got Minecraft instead.
Slowdown in heavy areas really not that bad desu senpai
It's decent on first map so far
Is there still speed run challenges? That was the most unfun part of 100% the first and getting the platinum
It just got released
Is this game good? I saw some signs of really bad performance issues on the switch version, did those get fixed in time for launch?
>for launch
This game was released almost a year ago in Japan and judging from the demo no
There's basic creation - gender, hair color, skin color, eye color, changeable outfits. No size changes.
Miles better than the first
I play in handheld and it's perfectly playable
I'm on the second island and only noticed slowdown during the part where the game spawns like 50 ants for you to fight.
It honestly wasn't that bad however, still very smooth.
No, this one is pure relax mode.
Oh god, those 30 day challenges ruined that. Did it on my second playthrough for the plat, and hated it. So glad they're not in this one.
Not even getting to build anything yet
Thankfully they're gone, you can go at a comfy pace this time
Babs is a SLUT
I love this game. I thought the companion is going to be annoying, turns out he's fucking great
>malroth follows you everywhere
Stop watching me poop baka
are you forced to have that extra follower dude? i hate having npc's follow me around to "help" me with the combat
if yes i won't be buying this game
I wish more "build and survive" games went with this aesthetic. The world is blocky but the characters and mobs don't look like lego people. Because Minecraft is popular everyone decided that game's style was the way to go.
You have every rights to be an autist but he's really helpful collecting resources and dealing with the swarm of mobs the game's throwing at you.
A welcome addition from the first.
I haven’t bought DQB2 yet but from what I understand
>Combat is better thanks to enemies only damaging you when attacking and not when you run into them
>You have a dash move which can be used to dodge during combat and move around faster on the map
>Building is faster and you can make plans for NPCs to construct things for you
>underwater exploration and a glider so you can see more stuff and get around faster
>Permanent companion following you around to help make combat even easier
>Tools and weapons are on different buttons so you don’t have to swap between a hammer and a sword you just press either button.
That’s about all I know other than obvious things like more blocks, bigger map, etc.
This sounds great, I need to finish the first one or I'll never end up going back to it.
that doesn't answer my question
implicitly, it does.
Watch the gamexplain review, it drops below 20 fps constantly and even freezes (so 0 fps) for one or two seconds in some situations.
Don’t forget it has worse loading times than the disc PS4 version somehow.
No it doesn't
You built a house and a temple though
PC port when?
do the world still reset after beating the big bad?
>only port musous even though the Builder series would be incredibly popular with PC players
Why would you lie and shill on the internet for free? It never stays at 30 fps, it’s a terrible port.
Well that stinks, i prefer to play and explore games on my own, i hate having npc followers that ruin the mood
PC players are too busy playing minecraft
Wiah there was a portal knights with the infinite world thing
>t.someone who didn't play the game.
I haven't even bought the game, only played the demo and I know you're full of shit
>tfw no arale gf
>t. Someone who bought the shitty version that runs at 26 fps on average and drops to single digits everytime something happens in the game but is too butthurt to admit it.
Yikes, again watch the gamexplain review, they used random gameplay and most of it is around 20 fps, very sad.
you can do what you want in DQB1
Please stop lying, Nintendo or Square community manager.
i don't need to parrot like a fucking braindead, i'm experiencing the game first hand and it's not a nightmare. it plays fine.
If by fine you mean 24 fps most of the time sure.
What? They added waifushit for the second game?
Couple of things that bug the fuck out of me
>Go to sort inventory
>Accidentally use food because the same button does 2 both
>The use button also swaps tools
I feel the use button should ONLY ever do that, use. Not do one thing but sometimes something else.
>Go to swap tool
>Somebody just so happens to pass by and I end up talking to them instead
Switchlets are used to sub-30, they can't tell the difference
Another user that played the demo here, but didn't play much, it didn't had too much framedrops, what kind of stuff do you have to do to get that low framerate?
Are the pre-order content forever impossible to acquire from here on?
Yes, and? Why do you need 144fps on a building game anyway?
24 fps is more cinematic too
I just tried the Switch demo and holy shit the performance is actually horrendous. Guess I'll buy it for the Ps4.
Yes you get a cute boy to follow you around everywhere and protect you
I watched a full playthrough months ago and it has some severe fps drops on Switch. Only gets worse as your cities get bigger
>Muh fps
This. I don't understand how people can let one number dictate their gaming habits
Jesus Christ
sex Rosie while she's sleeping
>you can watch npcs shit and bathe
>you can literally collect their shit straight out of the toilet and use it for crafting
What the fuck Squeenix
these motherfuckers talk so goddamn much
i just want to build some shit, jesus