The Kickstarter Trinity

The triumvirate
The three saviors
The tres caballeros
The holy trinity
The three games created by legends of the industry, with the intention of returning gaming back to its golden age.
Only one delivered (barely) and still did it under heavy criticism and the certainly of being inferior to other modern takes on the genre.

What happened? When did dreams turn into nightmares?

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Bloodstained was great though. There are no other modern takes on Metroidvania with -vania part intact.


Conmen. Conmen happened.

Bloodstained was garbage my dude; If you want a good Metroidvania, just play Hollow Knight.

Why not both?

Because Hollow Knight is excellent; Bloodstained is shit, a washout has been attempt of fame by cloning his past games

I do like HK more, but Bloodstained is still a good Igavania. If you didn't like Bloodstained you probably didn't like Sotn, Cotm, Hod, Aos, Dos, Por, or Ooe either.

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Hollow Knight has no Castlevania elements. Regardless of quality, it's not scratching the same itch.

Bloodstained is good but could've been better if the project was managed better.

Yooka has a bunch of problems but isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be.

MN9 is genuinely terrible with no redeeming qualities.

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But Hollow Knight was incredibly boring to me and I've enjooyed Bloodstained.

Hollow Knight is only half the game Bloodstained is, literally. Bloodstained borrows the stat and item/crafting mechanics from the original Metroidvania's, whereas Hollow Knight is a more simplified take on the genre.

Hollow Knight's better overall, but it literally can't offer the experience you get from playing around with your stats and equipment/shards from Bloodstained.

For that reason alone, both is the answer.

It's not perfect, but it's definitely not shit, and a lot of love was put into the game. I don't think those games really should compare.

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>leaving out the incredibly successful kickstarter collect-a-thon return to form made by total nobodies

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>Absolute fucking train wreck of a game I gave 200 dollars to
>Never got my shit despite doing everything
>Was even a good boy on the forums and didn't stick my neck out
>Only got a copy of the steam version because my friend who only gave 30 somehow got four codes
>Only redeemed by Burst on Switch

>Yooka Laylee
>Absolute fucking garbage
>As someone currently replaying all of the Banjo games anyone who says it's 'what we wanted' deserves a slow, painful death
>Gigantic levels that make Tooie look like a micro machines playset with FUCK AND ALL TO DO
>They realized they fucked up because the sequel is a Donkey Kong ripoff

>Backed the Wii U version
>Got upgraded to the Switch version
>Still waiting for the miracle patch so I can even play my fucking game
>Haven't left the village because they've already said this patch is going to scrub so deep you have to start a new game

I can't fucking win. I'll never ask for a console port again. I'm going full PC version now IF I ever kickstart again.


>Putting the disaster No.9 in with two great hits

And they're all ugly piexes of shit, never trust kikestarter

To be fair the last one you just did to yourself.

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But we already had a perfect kickstarter user

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Yeah. I backed the Wii U version of MN9 and got a Steam code, and I also did the same for Yooka and got upgraded to Switch where I had to wait a fucking year longer than everyone else.

I just have this weird thing where I want to play games with what I associate them with. Like Nintendo for collection games, and I did Bloodstained on Wii U because I had just bought all the GBA Castlevania games...

I've long since started buying everything for PC, don't worry

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fuck HK and HK shitters

I think it speaks to a more fundamental issue with Hollow Knight which is that the powers are boring as shit. Your movement options are as stock as possible and the charm system is both overly restrictive and gives you incredibly lame abilities. I found that the most useful ones were also the least interesting, like elongating your sword or letting you attack faster.

Since abilities are a huge part of why I like Metroidvanias more than simple linear platformers, that's a huge mark against HK and it makes it vastly inferior to a lot of other games in this genre. It's so much worse than the genre standards like Super Metroid.

Compare it to Bloodstained, where you get a gigantic variety of powers from nearly every monster, all available whenever you want, you have tons of weapons and different shards to experiment with, and the unique abilities you acquire let you breeze through previously beaten areas. Even if you remove the leveling mechanics in Nightmare because they're just boring flat increases, it's still so much more satisfying to find and improve your abilities throughout the game. It's simply more varied and more fun.
