>game is only fun when you play specific classes
Game is only fun when you play specific classes
Other urls found in this thread:
where to find my test pls im retard
retarded horoscope
I'm infp and crusaders are generally my favorite playstyle
>I'm neither a visionary or a strategist
Which one deserves more hate,the ultrabeta INFPs or the autistic INTJs?
>inspired crusaders
If only.
>ultrabeta INFPs
please dont bully me
thank u
What game is that from? Looks like Frieza wearing a Wizard Driver I love it
I think it's just fanart of this guy.
You do know this is an invalid approach to personality, scientifically speaking, right?
The only valid model is the Big Five.
The MyersBriggs is basically horoscope for people that pretend to be smart.
Yeah because that's what this is. What's my fortune for today? Retard
For science purposes sure the Big 5 is better, but fuck off it doesn't have any relanvce to people outside of that.
intp-a what play
>every fucktard gets INTP
Nice quiz, lol
You're on Yea Forums so about 12 of the personalities aren't going to apply here
>not understanding sampling bias
If you are a INTP you're a bad one. Then again I can't say I disagree with the test being heavily flawed.
You get a car YOU GET A CAR!
we have to stand up for ourselves infp bro
No one else is going to
Too pure for this world
Should I start assuming that everyone is a fucking INFP ?
>tfw INFP-T
Fucking kill me
>Durr if I samefag I can change facts
Why do you keep posting the same thing? INFPs are only about five percent of people.
I am so disappointed I got ISFJ, this is like the equivalent of being a human doormat and we are usually the ones who never succeed in life because we're treated more like a stepping stone.
ISFJ is like the support/tank of the party yet nobody gives a shit about us. Fuck ISFJ.
>tfw ENTJ
>also have Anxiety and Bipolar
Life is hell
Why don't you shut up you're supposed to be listeners.
>inspired crusader
I never really considered it to be like that
Is this why i can only dream and plan but never fucking do it?
got INTP-T
how fucked am i?
I like how these tests always make everyone out to be some sort of hero. I wanna hear the negative sides to each personality type
intj btw
I'm too scared
please help me
Why do you idiots buy into this bullshit pseudoscience
you may as well talk about your astrology signs
because that's all it is, fun talk
we don't take it seriously so you shouldn't be this frustrated with it
You're probably a jaded dick
Niggar any test will list the negatives. Read the INTJ one, shit is 80% negatives
Extroverts are more likely to be successful than introverts. If you aren't an extrovert, you're pretty much fucked. Extroverts are the party's team leader and no group can function well without an extrovert.
>Literally a charisma vaccum
ENTP always kills me
Let's just say that ISTP is spot-on.
we're all gonna make it
It isn't all fun talk, there is some validity to it which is why people connect to it in the first place. There's tons of issues with the test itself and it's reliability, but the general idea is totally fine. As long as you're not a pychologist pretending it's hard science in a thesis there's no reason to get a bug up your dick about it.
I always score almost 50/50 on the I/E part, not sure if this is good or bad
I usually get INTP but i'm fucking retarded and can't code for shit. Am I really an INTP?
Yes, of course the general idea is fun. Fuck off.
Those tests have nothing to do with having talent for anything.
You might have predispositions for thinking one way or another but that doesn't make you competent.
>Be scorpio
>Be a sissy villain
Every time.
IQ and conscientiousness is more accurate in judging your abilities than your MBTI type. being an INTP/INTJ with 80 iq wont really get you anywhere
ISFJ here, just replace vacuum with computer desu
You are an ambivert. Better get off that fence and jump to being an extrovert bro because introverts are bigger losers than extroverts.
If you are an introvert, you
>are twice likely prone to depression
>are a virgin
>have few friends
>are treated like a failure
>don't have any clear ambition in life
>Doesn't get invited at parties
>use Yea Forums to get along with other losers
>keep spilling the spaghettis
>are a yes-man
>have no social life
If you are an introvert then you are a loser. Hope you don't grow into one.
tfw inspired crusaders
Why did you choose to be a doormat?
>No one else is going to
i hate how INFPs are stereotyped as always crying when they are actually very selective about expressing emotion. i prefer the stereotype of being a day dreamer and i think its more accurate.
I didn't choose the doormat lifestyle, the doormat lifestyle choose me.
will you do my laundry for me?
Hey doormat, buy me my fucking game or else I won't give you your next (You)
Suck my dick first faggot. I might be a door mat, but I'm a doormat with spikes on it.
Y-yes ma'am, just b-be careful not to make it sorry, okay?
Its all true
Too bad that they're all blunt, eh?
You wouldn't say this to me in real life, you wouldn't even shoo me off. You'd still talk to me when I talk to you, and because you understand me emotionally. You will buy me that game bro
the most hardworking, honest person with the most integrity i know is an ISFJ. they are valued by their friends and family if they have friends and family.
Only because ISFJ are crowdpleasers, they will never go into an argument with someone and they will work their ass off just to please people.
Introverts are fucking disgusting.
It only has little relevance because people don't like realizing they're not special and that they have flaws, while in the Myers Briggs everyone wins.
I'm a proud INTJ
This is the only scientifically valid personality test. Myers Briggs a shit
I'm ISFJ and I get into arguments all the time, I just tend to be more calm and rational about shit. Reminder that just because you might respond to F doesn't mean you're full on brainlet. Here's a crazy tip: Learn how to manipulate people but be a good person about it.
>This is the only scientifically valid personality test.
Meanwhile in the real world, even that test method isn't infallible.
>Meanwhile in the real world
Companies only use the Myers Briggs because
>tfw no brown skinned pikachu onesy gf
Replace all the descriptions with "cringe"
I remember when /vp/ did this test everyone got INTP.
are you sure youre not really an INFJ?
I'm apparently an extrovert, odd considering most people I meet are surprised to know I'm still alive.
>97% introverted
>literally unplayable build
desu, I'm actually like 50.01% F and 49.99% on T so idk if that makes me ISXJ or w/e.
You're not an extrovert, the scale means you're less extroverted than 63% and more extroverted than 37% of other people who took the test.
I'm also a brainlet, because I just figured out it's a category. I'm 37% extroverted or 100% autistic and introverted.
>I'm apparently an extrovert,
if those are your results i think it means you have low extroversion which means youre an introvert.
>introverted builds horrible in the main game
>become absolutely busted after death in the post-game content
Yeah, I better stay away from any IQ tests posted here
ITT: Party Healers
Be a healslut somewhere else
I love everybody except for S-type faggots.
>I'm actually like 50.01% F and 49.99% on T so idk if that makes me ISXJ or w/e.
yeah i get almost 50/50 in F/T too. i used to get INTP the first times i did the test but since then have always got INFP.
instead of NPC, most of those could just be Crafter/Gatherer mains
Haha I'm le aquarius haha
Here's a primer on the big five results and how to read them:
The number you see on the scale means that you're more of that aspect than x% of people who took the test. So in my game, I'm more extroverted than 24% of people who took the test, and less extroverted than 76% of people who took the test.
Now, each aspect is somewhat biologically based and unchangeable, although with lots of work you can change where you stand on each of them somewhat. Being high/low on each aspect also has advantages and disadvantages, and you couldn't say a priori that being high in one thing is objectively better than being low in it, it's just different ways of seeing the world which are all valid (otherwise they wouldn't have evolved this way).
Extroversion: high extroversion means you really like being around people and view your life around interactions with people, the advantage of this is that you'll naturally build big social networks, the disadvantage is that you won't be able to spend time alone, meaning professions such as programming won't be good for you. Low extroversion is the opposite and you prefer spending time alone, the advantage being that professions that require you to spend time alone will be good for you, and the disadvantage being that you'll have a small social network.
Agreeableness: high agreeableness means you're more compassionate, kind, more likely to work well in groups, and to be conflict avoidant. The advantage of this is that people will be more likely to want to interact with you because you're nice to them and so everyone benefits from that interaction, the disadvantage is that you're inherently nice to everyone and you essentially live for making other people happy, meaning you don't have a handle on your own goals as much and you also will be taken advantage of by less agreeable people more easily. Higher agreeable predicts salary negatively, for instance, because more agreeable people are conflict avoidant and less likely to ask for a raise.
>Ugh, horoscopes? Only dumb women believe in that nonsense, who actually believes some arbitrary classification can define your personality?
Also Incels
>According to the Myers-Briggs test, I'm an INTJ...a cunning strategist, a modern Sun Tzu, if you will...
imagine being this mad
Christ dude, did Myers and Briggs both rape you with their pussy-dicks as a child?
Imagine how much higher everything but neuroticism would be if I never found this place.
Could the wannabe Psych majors fuck off and just let us have fun?
What class for ISFJ?
I'm almost the same, except I used to test INFP but slowly moved towards INTP over the years. I guess idealism just ain't for me. I'm close to a 50/50 on the J/P scale too, but not as much as on the T/F scale.
Agreeableness: low agreeableness means you're harsh and do things your own way without regard for what others think. The disadvantage of this is that if you're too low in agreeableness you'll be more likely to engage in criminal activity, especially if you're also low in conscientiousness. The advantage is that you have a clear idea of what you want and how to get it, and you'll do what's necessary to achieve it. You view the world as a competitive field where the best will win, and that's a good thing.
Conscientiousness: high conscientiousness means you're disciplined, dutiful, ordered. The advantage is that you'll be able to sit down and get work done more easily, procrastination is not something you'll engage in that much and you'll just be a really productive person. Other than IQ higher conscientiousness is the best predictor of life outcome when it comes to salary. The disadvantages of high conscientiousness is that you can't stop working, you're uptight and ordered, and so less fun to be around. Also, when high conscientiousness people are failing they tend to get more depressed and then fail harder than low conscientiousness people. Low conscientiousness means you procrastinate, have a hard time sitting down and doing work, and you're not an organized person. The advantage of this is that you're an easier person to be around as you're not as uptight as people higher in conscientiousness, but that's about it. I'd say being low in conscientiousness is probably objectively the worst result you could get but that's just me.
Openness: high openness means you're interested in ideas, abstraction and the aesthetic appeal of things. People like academics, artists, entertainers, journalists, game developers, will be all be higher in openness by default because they need to lateral thinkers in their professions. Openness also predicts liberalism politically, while low openness predicts conservatism.
>mfw 50/50 on E-I, N-S, J-P
Its fun being schizo
ENTJ but not far from INTJ, sounds about right. When I was younger I was just INTJ and it was all about vision, and whilst I could get people interested everything I ran just went to shit as I lost interest/didn't manage it.
Now I have more focused vision, look at most things strategically, and always assume directorship/leadership roles. Works well. I can't do the 'management' type roles to save my life though, I simply can't muster the interest.
what did they mean by this?
Yes, Briggs personally shot my father for publishing research against their model while Myers held the child me and made me watch my father get killed while whispering 'that's what haters get' into my ear
Turn in your Yea Forums pass before you leave, normie.
Look at the belt
Sick. So, what do you do for fun these days?
Hey buddy, it's a shitposting thread. Stop giving people homework no one cares.
what's all of a sudden with the personality tests I am seeing, what's CIA doing now
ISTP are the turbo autists.
Us INTPs basically just have overclocked brains. My fucking thinking never stops, it fucking sucks because I care more about the bullshit going on in my head then what's happening in a game
Don't really know what I expected really, much more of it is in my control of some of these tings than otherwise is shown, it just takes effort to go into say social mode in which I can talk many people up but it's not my preference.
Whatever, I'm in a fairly good place in my state of mind.
based enfj
Fellow intj.
We have meme autism (not the actual kind, the way it's used on Yea Forums, which is if anything closer to a schizoid personality).
Difficulty with some aspects of social interaction (romance much more than business).
Perhaps more importantly it's the least common type (like 30% of Yea Forums is intj but 1.5% of the general population) which means there simply aren't that many people around that think in a similar manner.
Having sex
Openness: the advantages of being high in openness is that you can think laterally and creatively, which is what is necessary to create new things. For instance, people who create new businesses need to be high in openness because creating a new business requires a lot of quick and divergent thinking. Openness is also closely associated with IQ, such that the higher you are in it the higher the likelihood your IQ is higher. The disadvantages of being open is that you'll go on tangents very often and if you're not also at least average in conscientiousness you'll have a really hard time seeing any kind of work through. It's also hard to monetize openness, given that it's a high risk high reward trait.
Neuroticism: this is the negative emotion domain. People higher in neuroticism will be more likely to experience negative emotions such as anxiety and depression. The advantages of being higher in neuroticism is that things will bother you before they bother everyone else and often that's useful, as it will lead you to action on fixing those things first. The disadvantages is that you'll feel negative emotion more often than everyone else. People like this are often more touchy and it takes way less to set them off in social settings. I think in large part the Twitter crowd are mostly people who are extremely high in agreeableness and also extremely high in neuroticism, as it would explain a lot of their peculiar behaviors. Being low in neuroticism means you're stress tolerant and you're able to withstand adverse situations. This is good in lots of situations and jobs that require someone to remain calm and under control of themselves in extremely risky environments. The main disadvantage of this is that as you take pride in withstanding pain and suffering, you'll be less likely to be moved towards actions when things bother you. So people low in neuroticism are much less likely to go see a doctor when they feel some pain, for instance, which can be bad
>im ENTP
explain how you feel about ENTPs because i genuinely dont see this often enough
being an INTJ is such a fucking joke
Back when I was in my early teens my extroversion probably would've been 20% or so. I don't know how I became more extroverted, but I think it also had to do with me becoming much less agreeable.
Basically sociopathy.
did i do good Yea Forums
you think you're INTJs but with the power to manipulate people, in reality you're just another spergy fuck we all feel sorry for, and aren't even as smart as the actualy NTJ spergs
There's benefits, but yeah it sucks... Basically overcome everything with pure skill and intelligence or fuck right off back where you came from.
I want to fuck an INFP in the ass.
Literally a walking doormat. Life is suffering, bros.
Low neuroticism helps, you can easily ignore any assholes you meet in your day and still manage to smile and feel good.
if a draft ever starts you'll feel right at home
Being an ISFJ is suffering.
Looks I have the worst of the worst results huh
but i don't want to serve in the army
I guess you worry too much.
Based fuck those INTJ niggers
ISFP is the doormat
Also, at least you have low Neuroticism
This right?
The time of the year you were born is completely arbitrary and nothing to do with your personality, asking how you feel about different situations is not quite arbitrary in determining your personality.
Given how butthurt you are about astrology and how poorly you concoct an argument I would be inclined to think you are female, but something seems off.
cool thanks user
>but with the power to manipulate people
if there was an award for being right, you'd have earned it
im going to need to disagree on the sperg part however until you can provide an example/context
tell me about ENTJ/INFP gay relationships
if you were low in conscientiousness you'd have the perfect personality makeup of a sociopath. sociopaths are generally low in agreeableness, low in conscientiousness, meaning they dont like working hard and they dont like doing things other peoples way. when you add high extroversion to the mix it means they will manipulate other people to get what they want and think extremely highly of themselves, this coupled with high stress tolerance makes (low neuroticism) makes them even better.
those are average. you can work on disciplining yourself more and being more conscientious when the situation calls for it
Definitely, I suspect it also means one becomes a bit of an asshole, but hey-ho. Just being able to be generally calm is so nice.
No offence, but I imagine that's the 'nice but meek dunce' outcome. Buckle down and focus on self improvement, take that conscientiousness up, don't waste your own time, and at the same time know you're doing a good job and lose some of that neuroticism.
Conscientiousness can be a bore, but it also means you know yourself that you're doing well, you don't need some external validation.
You are agreeable? What a fag.
when i read the descriptions given of the two types (INFP/INTP) i tend to relate more to the INFP one but there are a few things off with it. like it says INFPs want to help everyone and champion social causes but i have never given to charity or helped homeless people except for entering charity prize raffles. most other things they say seem accurate though.
We say the nicest things because people loves to be complimented a lot. I do it because I work as a sales agent
So which are the fun ones?
we got the 'tism
I have no idea where this puts me.
Can confirm. I pep up whenever someone talks to me, but 90% of the time I'm just zoning out thinking about what game I'm playing, making up elaborate "what if" plotlines to stories that ended badly enough to upset me, or what I'd do if I had superpowers.
>I'd say being low in conscientiousness is probably objectively the worst result you could get but that's just me.
tfw rock-bottom conscientiousness, sky high neuroticism.
Anything FP
That conscientiousness comes from self-assurance, self-discipline, and achievement-striving. I have big visions and I make them happen. Regarding rules/laws/etc. I really couldn't care less unless they're enforceable.
It's like punishment as a child, a risk calculation and trade. If there's no risk you do what you want, and if the value pay-off is high enough you accept the punishment. I've never understood why people view rules as something fundamental.
is this good or bad?
Bad for you
bros... am I gonna make it?
ISTP here, big fan of megaman games and rpgs what other games de you like fellow ISTP'S?
The traits can be subdivided mainly into 2 subaspects (even though that site uses the 6 model), the 2 subaspects for conscientiousness are industriousness and orderliness. Industrious people sit down and do their work. They're disciplined, achievement-striving and so on. Orderly people on the other hand are concerned with things being in order, organized, scheduled, and so on. In your case you're probably high in industriousness but lower in orderliness.
someone please tell me what this means
ENTP god here ask me anything.
and good for whom?
I imagine these are the results an average female weeb would manage.
If some sales faggot started complimenting me when trying to sell me something I'd tell them to cut the shit or fuck off for trying to manipulate me.
Hello I am INTJ what now
INFJ here and it's accurate.
your a qtpi, that's what it means
i'm neither female nor weeb
>tfw no cute INJF girl to cuddle
ehhh it doesn't seem like sociopathy to me
probably how i'd feel, yeah
How'd I do?
But you're handsome and I bet you'd look way more handsome with this product I sell. I'm making this deal exclusively for you bro you gotta try this out
oh, well thank you
your high agreeableness means youre extremely conflict avoidant. you have a hard time saying no to people. when some kind of negotiation is necessary between you and someone else youre more likely to negotiate in their favor rather than yours. this means you can get taken advantage of easily. your high neuroticism amplifies this. your low conscientiousness means you have a hard time being disciplined and doing work, its the main thing you need to work on if you want to succeed at life. low extroversion means you like spending time by yourself, which is fine, as long as you make sure to not put yourself in situations where you constantly have to interact with other people (dont get a job in sales, but get one as a programmer).
youre basically an average citizen
>we're just sociopaths and do our own shit until we're needed
>impact on others is solely determined by how much they need whatever we can offer
Are you an unsocial, self conscious, pushover that just drifts along like a jellyfish?
Could be worse, I score high on consc. and I usually have to tell myself to go home when my shift ends. If my boss told me I had unlimited overtime, I'd probably live in the office.
Sounds like you're in trouble buddy...
An interesting distinction, but that makes sense, and is also representative.
I'm reasonably industrious, but I'm also dependent on having good organisers around me. In fact, without at least one person who can keep things organised for me, my life usually falls into disarray. Psychologically it's very hard for me to become interested in spending my limited time on the trivial meta exercises of organisation, scheduling, etc. - I want to spend the energy on the actual matters at hand.
suffering everywhere you go
Low conscientiousness means you're a lazy piece of shit. You didn't even read your results, that should already confirm it
It means I hope you're smart and talented because otherwise nobody will ever give a fuck about you, ever. You're the idiot who dumped his Charisma stat for more Intelligence points, at least you have the personality to do that kind of thing because you aren't promised the skills to make it up.
Is ISTP just autism?
How based am I?
Uh I understand. I am already doing it.
Same. It pisses me off. I don't understand how some of these techniques work on people, they're so obvious and hollow. I buy a hit from salesmen if it's the price I want, that's it.
but I did
so what does this mean
yeah pretty much summarizes me, I'll try and work harder to not be such a lazy piece of shit sorry
Nobody. It mainly affects you.
Only good ones
Lower than 90% consciousness and openness makes you an honorary nigger.
Also wtf is this neuroticism score? I consider myself straitjacket material and apparently 80% of people are worse. How much of a basket case of mental illnesses the average person is exactly?
Girls want to ride your dick
ISTJ reporting in.
I will do my best I guess.
You have the results of a nerdy chick but you're a dude, that doesn't look good to people.
No offense y'alls Big 5 numbers are boring and nobody cares. Stop posting them.
You're a grinder but you won't listen to your boss if he tells you to do something incorrectly.
You look at me wrong and I'm howling at the moon with a lighter in my hand.
Anxiety, depression, how prone you are to stress, etc.
I don't think so or I would have get an answer to my video-game related post already
>everyone that starts with an I is posting anime pictures
ive never understood what high conscientiousness and high openness people are like. do you have a job? what is your approach to your work like?
This, fucking boring system.
>Libra Sun
>Sagittarius Rising
>Leo Moon
>Life Path 7
really? I would expect a girl's agreeableness score to be much higher.
also I highly doubt anyone irl thinks I act like a girl. maybe this test is just retarded.
the same as what i said to , the only difference is that youre higher in conscientiousness which means this is something you have to worry about less. id say your primary concern should be speaking your mind more and not being as much of a pushover. understand that your feelings of self doubt come from your higher neuroticism, and your need to avoid conflict comes from your high agreeableness. when some situation shows itself and it requires you to standup for yourself maybe you should try doing it instead of just letting it pass by
INTJ-bros how did I do it?
>84% agreeableness
Can I fuck you in the ass?
>making up elaborate "what if" plotlines to stories that ended badly enough to upset me, or what I'd do if I had superpowers.
ive been fantasizing about winning millions of dollars and the things id spend it on. if i do it in bed my mind gets carried away and i dont sleep.
Thanks, I have been trying to work on those things a bit, but will try harder now.
ISTJ is spot on.
redpill me on my results
>Myers-Briggs thread on a video board
>Big 5 spam for some reason and armchair psychology from retards
Go to the actual page. There's a ton of negative. Don't read the blurbs.
You don't even know how I look.
You've got it wrong, ENTP is a fake sociopath. ENTP wants to be a sociopath but can't.
Why the fuck is everyone INFP now (including me) when about a few years ago when we did this everyone was INTJ (including me). Is it because the older we get, the more sympathetic we become?
The botch kind of girl, not the actual nice girls who were in your HS class. This is based off of your low agreeableness, low extraversion, and neuroticism.
Something tells me it doesn't matter to him
Why don't you tell me then?
What am I in for?
When you grow up you realize nothing matters that much and you stop being an edgelord in favor of maybe making your immediate environment a bit better.
>Why the fuck is everyone INFP now
Dude, you should totally post this at least forty more times and then it might be true! Also, not even ten people said they're INFP so what are you even talking about?
Bedthinking is so comfy, yet so dangerous. It's like your head keeps talking at you non stop and you've forgotten how to say "shut up"
As long as you don't let people take advantage of you, you'll live.
>went from infp to infj
A few do actually, but I'm a manlet (1.70m, whatever in burger units) so it's not like I'm Chad either.
>what is your approach to your work like?
Plan things weeks in advance, demand written specifications to the last detail before even considering starting working on something, end up writing these specs myself most of the time which give me creative control outside the supposed bounds of my hierarchical position. Throw a scandal every time the upper echelon of management starts bitching about an approach not being proven.
Dude I don't know man, geez. You're a 20% extroversion? Man I can think of tons of funny memes for this as opposed to a 30% score.
Seriously this Big Five shit is so boring, stop.
you work well in groups, you can actually work hard and can also think laterally. the only bad thing is too much agreeableness, but as long as you're aware of it and dont let people take advantage of it and stand up for yourself when necessary youll do well. if you like math/logic youll probably do well with programming, since its a low extroversion activity which benefits a lot from high conscientiousness and high openness
Got some more info
i said give me info you fuckers
Because you need to get off Yea Forums
Big Five is fucking boring.
Post your Enneagram.
I'm such a turboautist.
I've gotten ISTJ the few times I've done these. still not really sure what it even means
Every time I see this bullshit all I think of is of self-proclaimed special snowflakes. By the way this is not videogames.
>Big Five is fucking boring.
This, yes it's a better test than Myers-Briggs but come the fuck on they're percentages. Tribalism with personalities is way more fun, talk Big Five with your therapist not here. No one cares.
>and I usually have to tell myself to go home when my shift ends
im the opposite. at my last job i was always looking at the clock wanting to get away. feel like killing myself if i had to stay back late or go to a meeting.
Impressive. However
You have the temperament for an artist/entrepreneur because of your high openness and low conscientiousness. Because this is a high risk high reward make up, your low agreeableness might harm you more than do you good because you'll be more likely to want to do things your way, which is good for an artist/entrepreneur but also increases your risk. This coupled with your low neuroticism means you can get to some really undesirable places in your life and taking on a lot of unnecessary risk to pursue your creative endeavors. So you should watch out for that
fuck off I don't need to feel this right now
How do I report a thread, pls help
Am I just painfully average?
Stop taking the test, it's just for you insecure fucks who take the tests
You're already an insecure introvert once you took the test, and guess what, nothing about those results predetermine your future.
Fuck off and go back doing your thing
Yeah dude totally man, you got those numbers. They mean stuff when you think about it, maybe.
>100% introverted
>still makes a post
Yes, but understand that being average in these personality traits basically means you don't have preferences either way, it isn't bad. You're neither extroverted nor introverted, meaning you can both spend time by yourself but also with other people. It's an advantage in some ways.
Take a real test, motherfuckers.
I'm surprised you don't think even imageboards are too much like social media for you to use, jesus fuck mate.
You're definitely being taken advantage of in some form.
Surely in business, and you might be a cuck.
>one MB thread where people fuck around over quiz results on a board with 10 pages of threads, many of them repeats of bait topics such as Smash DLC, Tifa's tits, Etika, and Cd Project shit
>Enters thread and complains
Who called the faggot patrol?
fuck off faggot
What's Lillie's personality? I need to give a headcanon one to Moon.
was thinking i'm intp but now i wonder if im entp, considering most of my social interactions involve being useful to others
There's no fucking way you were being honest. That or you overstate yourself.
Yes, but average in those traits basically means you won't act like a retard due to outside stimulus, so you're good. It has little bearing on your humour, interests, etc.
Yeah I sometimes struggle, but I'm most comfortable here since it doesn't require me to identify myself. Still, this place feels like a party with mostly rude people but it's all good.
So, what does this mean?
Type 1 or 1w9.
Seems pretty accurate. Workaholic, uptight, perfectionist asshole who can barely relax and enjoy the finer things in life.
give me your credit card information
Sucker mine's like 80, when the cannibal indian cyborg aliens conquer us you're FUCKED because I'm eating you to adapt.
I don't see the point in doing it for the le meme haha xd. I wasn't going to post the screenshot until the other user posted his. I've been getting numbers close to that through the years. I think it's just that I'm getting more introverted.
you turned into hitler.
I think this is why half my guild in wow had my login info hehe
>Get a hilariously low score on conscientiousness on these tests every time.
>Literally got called conscientious on half my school reports, work reports and once on a fucking award.
Means you're financially fucked
>type 5w6
Being an ugly infp is playing on hardest mode
You're probably Lawful Evil
New age horoscope bullshit
You don't get out much, but when you do you tell everybody about that one time you were constipated and shit out a log the size of a duraflame.
If you're nervous enough that functionally replaces conscientiousness. I don't have a schedule and hate work but I'm also extremely scared of fucking up so I work anyway
the problem with conscientiousness is that its easy for conscientious people to underplay their conscientiousness, especially if theyre more self conscious and higher in neuroticism, so the result will come out as lower conscientiousness than what they actually have. thats the problem with self report style personality tests in general
Lv 1 Sociopaths where we at?
accurate indeed, I should leave this site and do something useful now.
Not him but I got INTP. What does this mean?
Uh oh.
>If you're an emotional wreck enough it can substitute as raw conscientiousness
I like how anime this is while being unable to accept it the moment I look around my fucking room.
>ISTP are the turbo autists
I mean it's true but you shouldn't say it
What the fuck why are my scores so low?
>page of time
i don't homestuck, what is this??
Here's mine. Don't know what else to say since they're fucking numbers but I will say I'm an INTJ and the one thing I hate about that description is that we "have a plan for everything". Not to sound like a pretentious dickhole but I'm normally smart enough to just handle things when they come.
low does not mean bad, except for conscientiousness, which youre high in
Yo. Feelings can wait a little bit, am I right guise?
You are a fucking weenie who sucks at rythmn games, planning ahead or following a schedule.
Your team needs to carry your ass until you become the fucking best at Time. Powers you will get is Time Stop, Groundhog Day, Erase Time etc.
>low openness isn't bad
what does it mean
low openness means youre less interested in abstraction, art, intellectual ideas and so on. this isnt bad or good, its just a matter of preference. lots of professions need diligent people who pay attention to detail (higher in conscientiousness) and not people who want to try to be creative all the time
I've never seen anyone else say they're ESFP
Basically a terrible person
If you were a taste, you'd be vanilla.
if you saw my porn folder you'd disagree
This test made me sound like a fucking sociopath
Apparently I'm some master manipulator who does not carer for others while being a lazy controversial Asshole.
At least the asshole bit is correct
What does it mean if I changed from INTP to INTJ?
will i be ok?
>26% conscientious
>really want to be more conscientious but have no fucking self-discipline
Haha, jokes on you, test
I got ENTP.
I aint surprised
You're trying to convince people you will never meet in real life you're not a sociopath in a quest to manipulate total strangers perception of you. Seems pretty accurate.
It means your heart has grown more cold, welcome to the INTJ club! We never meet, will never meet, and you have to hope people flock to you based on the sheer virtue of the persona you created for yourself in your head.
youre neither extroverted nor introverted, so you can take it or leave it when it comes to interactions with others. youre neither super conscientious or super unconscientious, which means you can discipline yourself enough to work hard when you need to, but you also know how to relax and have fun when you need to. youre neither super neurotic or super stress tolerant, which means youll generally respond appropriately to external threats. youre higher in openness which means you like being creative more than normal, and youre more agreeable which means you like getting along with people more and are more conflict avoidant, but on both of those youre almost average so its not like theyre defining traits either.
yea your personality make up is close to a sociopath's (literally, see ). there are many places where that personality make up is useful though, as long as you work on your conscientiousness more and watch out for feelings of superiority over other people
which one do i take? test 1 or 2?
I got intj
You started learning how to direct your thinking into controlling your life around you. Probably became more confident in yourself as well.
I've gotten ISTP and INTP the most when doing these tests, however they're completely meaningless and I don't know why people give a fuck about them
Y-you too.
I don't think I'm gonna make it bros...
Everyone got such high scores across the board, got 51% I 53% J Only T N both over 70%
Cam i be class representative for robots or what now?
fuck, that actually fits super well, i suck at rhythm games
HAHAHA Holy fuck unironically kill yourselves you actual pieces of human garbage.
>"tfw too inteligent" (@_@)
hey man thats not cool. apologize
>took this test 5-6 years ago, got ISFP
>did it again a couple years ago, got INTP
>now got INFJ
what does it mean
>went from INTP to ISTP-T
Oh, okay then
Jesus christ buddy go back to facebook
>All these anons who can't crack 50% on conscientiousness.
No wonder most of you fucks can't clear your backlog of games.
i get 4 different results, cycling, every time i take this. fucking retarded test
enfp infp entp intp
What's facenook
>Inspired Crusaders
Listen mates, as a fellow INFP it doesn't mean we have to be doormats. There's nobility in feeling compassion for our fellow man. There is pride in being of few words if the words we do speak are the right ones.
Means you're probably around the halfway point on the spectrum for the letters. That or you have a really inconsistent ego. You're a great example of why people criticize Myers-Briggs, it's great when you fit in the category neatly but people on the cusps don't get consistent results.
That's because your room isn't important. My room is also a mess. It's not important, the important things are in order though for me.
I did, barely anyway
You probably just have an anxiety disorder
stat me
You haven't experienced true pain yet
i honestly can't tell myself if i follow my gut or logic more or if i'm introverted or extroverted and i'm not some unsure 16 year old. almost like you can't delineate personality traits like that
>tfw ENTP
I'm not sociopathic though.
Type 4 or 4w5. Basically a loser depressive shit.
>Inspired Crusaders
>All of my 900 IQ schemes fall apart because I can't mash press buttons as fast as my opponents
Must be nice being an executionchad
t. NPC
So am I fucked or what?
if you were a true intj you'd manipulate your enemies into pressing the buttons for you and causing their own downfall
Uhhhhhh bottom text
no, just try to discipline yourself to achieve your goals and understand that your feelings of self doubt come from your high neuroticism, and that maybe youre overthinking things too much. your higher neuroticism is also often what drives you to action so its not all bad
I would crusade with my fellow INFP Yea Forums anons. It'd probably be a pleasant experience cause I would assume we're the least likely to be assholes to each other.
Damn dude, hope this (You) doesn't scare you
so are you like someone who really needs to spend time with other people?
I think I was INFP the last time I did this. But I still got your backs.
I got your results right here, buddy
I like travelling and going places with people, yeah. But what does it all mean?
It's really weird tho. I'm usually the first person to initiate a conversation with a stranger. Shit is busted
You're not even human anymore
how the fuck
Holy fuck, it's true. Just did the test
>Like to talk a lot and think that i know it all (but i don't force my ideas on others, and quickly adapt and compromise, giving advice, i love that shit)
>When visiting grandparents in rural region as a kid, i killed a geese once with a stone thrown to it's head, (wanted just to chase it away, missed the body, did a headshot, insta death), didn't feel much then
>now very empathetic towards animals
>tend to hate humans i don't know over the smallest things, see them as brainless NPC's that are rightfully slaves to the system
Also this is true tooI'm not a real sociopath, but i don't want to be one either. That would make things probably complicated and annoying for me.
ESFJs seem kind of boring for my taste, idk
Okay, sure I guess
go live in a forest or something lmao
My fellow morlock
Uprising against the eloi when?
dumb frogposter
Immersive sims and puzzle games.
ANy other fellow INFJs here?
Being INFJ is unbelievable suffering.
>tfw called me INTJ but I can't even be arsed to find out what the fuck that is
Pretty sure I'm not INTJ from what little I've read
>King Fuck of Shit Mountain
I hope none of my friends view me this way, but they all know I'm a competitive asshole who needs to be the best at everything and any loss is a crushing blow to my ego
guess my mbti
How the fuck are you still alive?
i get infp-t 9/10 times but this picture accurately describes me and it hurts
it means that you like spending time with people more than being by yourself. ideally you should be in a profession that capitalizes on this fact rather than one where you have to spend most of your time alone. your high openness means you like experiencing new things more often which would explain why you like travelling. it also means you likely enjoy art, abstraction and thinking about intellectual ideas, and that you need to be a creative type of person in some way, either being an artist or starting a business or something similar. lower conscientiousness means you have trouble disciplining yourself but its not low enough that you cant work on it, and high stress tolerance (low neuroticism) means you can withstand adverse situations a lot, which is good but can also be bad because often times you can find yourself in a dangerous position and think that its all ok when its not. i dont know many people like you, but id guess you also probably enjoy somewhat dangerous activities? mountain climbing? throwing yourself off a plane?
suck my dick, i dont wanna die anymore
As an ISTP, I'll tell you nerds, this whole MBTI thing is a huge meme and no one takes it seriously. It's basically horoscopes for people who think they're too smart for horoscopes.
not easily i can tell you that
Jesus dude do you burst into tear if someone sneezes around you?
Careful user don't become this guy
what a fucking gremlin. jesus christ, user.
>Knight of Light
What does it mean?
> this whole MBTI thing is a huge meme and no one takes it seriously. It's basically horoscopes for people who think they're too smart for horoscopes.
Learn what horoscopes are first, we aren't getting out fucking fortunes told by fairy magic.
it means you have the big gay
>had fun once, made a ppt about it
We ENTJs are the true chads, you fags are just jealous
I'm not sure what this means
It means you aren't autistic.
>family gathering
>yfw when you beat the kids and other adults in mario party mercilessly because gong slow feels like an insult
>someone comments how you can't physically act different than no fun tryharding everything you do
>this happens every time
>Page of Void
How bad is it?
This went as expected.
Yes I would like to skydive and bungee jump in the near future, but I'm a broke nigga in university. It's really being a poorfag that stops me from doing these nice things. When I'm stressed out I don't look stressed but I often say "it is what it is" and that I'll deal with the issues and keep going forward. I'm cool with most people and don't mind making new friends. I often meet so many different people I forget their names. I want to get into STEM, either as a chemical engineer or something like that.
>always pick the mage
Seems legit
Well yeah, no one should be taking these seriously. It's just for fun.
Am I going to die?
i see, thanks user
fucking losser faggot
>PS: did I trigger a panic attack in you when you read that?
>tfw the only ESTJ on Yea Forums
To be quite honest with that much extroversion, would anybody even notice if you offed yourself?
>0% extroversion
>0% consciousness
its just a big generalization, if you answer that you dont like crowds and prefer reading a book its gonna give you an introverted answer its obviously not 100% factual and mostly fun
wanna dom me?
>0% extroversion
>97% neuroticism
Jesus dude. Do you even go outside?
You are also a weenie who doesn't know what you want to become.
Your goal is to chill out, not getting overwhelmed at endless possibilites and focus on your current strenghts. Your powers are becoming invisible, untracable against omniscient assholes and turn into a blackhole.
A ton of people take these seriously
Faggots need to be purged
okay, a ton of people also think the earth is flat that doesnt mean the majority think so
INTJ who got these results
Am I a normie?
>tfw INTP and most of this doesn't apply to me
Yea Forums is HEAVILY biased towards INxx
I've been in these threads before, and it makes sense because this type of site attracts certain types of people.
I may be the only ISTJ here.
im curious, are you into subbing yourself to doms on something like kik or snap, whatre your interests
Horoscope for men
I think your average normie would have much lower conscientiousness and openness.
The chad personality, any other ENTJs out here?
IF they do take it too seriously, then they deserve to be laughed at because they are retards. Now let the rest of us have tribalist fun.
>INFPs are only about five percent of people.
The rare outcast type makes up most of Yea Forums? Who would have guessed.
it means you should watch rick and morty and browse reddit like the rest of intptards
Hows life as ISTJ?
step on me
Honestly I'm really glad I got into it. Reading about INTJ personality made me feel like less of an evil freak. I think this would have a lot less meaning if you had a more common personality or had fringe inconsistent results. It's also going to be more helpful to people who feel lost.
But yeah no shit jackass you can't put human behavior into 16 boxes and call it a day. This test exists to give your therapist a leg to stand on before they start telling you what to do.
Every goddamn time. I really don't like being associated with the thing killing modern WoW. Especially when I'm also a game designer.
Most of Yea Forums is INTP, but if you get a few INFP posts then that attracts more INFP posters to reply to the thread.
The results in terms of percentages compare to a reference database of people. So the ultimate normie is around 50% on all five.
Uh, this isn't good, is it?
I'm bored ISTP bros. When will we have another world war?
You'd sell your mother out for $5 so yeah.
I got INFP-T it explains a lot about my social standing with friends.
>once went one week without showering or going outside
No user, you don't understand.
This is totally different than the horoscope because it truly describes who I am as a person more than the fact that I'm a Leo so I am introverted but visionary
Yes, yes. The internet is serious business after all.
pff, check these numbers
if you're an intp watch this video. if it doesn't describe you, you're not an intp.
>Be libra
>Always choose the neutral route.
It works
Who ENFP here
Hey I found a picture of you
Nice, but you need to read more.
Already watched the full video like a month or so ago and I identified with a lot of that shit, especially the 'Demon' part, finally got a concrete answer this time on if I am an INTP or not.
Maybe you're not really INTP. Find your true self, user.
Pretty much. I very often go for mage classes.
INTP-A/8 balanced wing/Bard of Time/Aires master race reporting.
>0% extroversion
>on Yea Forums
This makes no sense. Message boards are all about the social element
Is INTP life on nightmare difficulty?
Why are IS/ES considered NPC's here?
INTJ/1w9/Heir of Space/Scorpio
datamine my shit up glowniggers
This whole thread is cringe but you're basically king cringe with that shoehorned conclusion.
close enough. i prefer a spellsword class.
Look at this jew-protector
its life on easy mode except you're too self-absorbed to realize
I wish I didn't crave peer pressure so much
Real fucking life wrecker
extroversion is related generally to groups of people in real life. introverts have no problem dealing with people 1 on 1 and also no problem dealing with people online. it has more to do with how much they enjoy being stimulated or not, and people low in extroversion are worn out by stimulation more. online has much lower stimulation and lower stakes than real life so its not a problem for introverts
Because most of these punks wouldn't say the things they say in real life.
Those are the /r9k/ retards
The moment you started talking about (((jews))) or other conspiracy levels shit it already showed your complete lack of critical, abstracting thought. You just eat up what /pol/ spoonfeeds you because it fits your gut feelings.
Same goes for you
The true test. Where are my fellow edgy magic eyeball boys?
INTP is ultimate risk/reward playthough
98% of them will end up in their parents basement contemplating suicide, while 2% of them will be effectively billionaire NEETS coasting off the money they made selling something that they made/got in early
>Took this as a shut-in teenager
>Took this as a socialized adult
Well, all right.
What the fuck man, are you literally a doormat?
Its interesting how your score can change over time, I used to be an ISTJ a few years ago, now I'm INTJ
Speaking as an ENTP this is how I'd introduce myself as well
>INT with literal perfect 50-50 balance between P and J every time
what does that mean
I always thought us INTJs are the sociopaths
No, INTP should be crying in the corner alone
That's also not how I act at all, meme horoscope :^)
Is it autism?
News flash: it's called introvertness.
>gets hit
Not since high school. Now, "functional" ""adults"" in higher titles need to invent reasons for firing me because I proved I'm smarter in an executive boardroom.
>cries when the dog dies
I laffed in the John Wick intro. You sound insecure about your feels, F-bro.
tfw 0% warmth
You have a good taste. Third best girl. Too bad she has two right legs.
Watching reaction videos in order to remember how regular humans react to things. Also not telling people about my guns
You need to look at the cognitive functions. INTJ and INTP has completely different functions.
infp bros
how do i leave the house?
what does this mean please?
my brother
0% Warmth and 83% cock sucker
Grow a spine faggot
This is me
infj/p depending on when I take it
What does my score mean?
Hey buddy. I'm right there with ya.
>tfw istj
>no bubbly esfp gf
INTP went to INTJ. Sure.
Will you suck a dick for a hundred million dollar?
ENFP should be with INFJ
Complete results
Are these decent results?
>extremely high orderliness
>takes the time to make this image
pure poetry
sounds about right
Sort of. Sure it's physically embarrassing, but it'd more along the line of "Get away from me you filthy causal."
depends. what do you feel about your life that is lacking in relation to your personality?
The tism is just too strong.
Fallout New Vegas Max Int, Max Repair, Max Meds, than some on stealth related stuff so you can avoid people.
4 eyes and thin frame perk.