>Last online: More than a year ago
Who are they, Yea Forums?
>Last online: More than a year ago
Who are they, Yea Forums?
a legitimate pedophile
Sounds like there's a story there, pal.
>brb there's someone at the door
>last online 3 years ago
Me. Non-meme depression is a hell of a ride.
None because gamers are a bunch of faggots, and the only game I play is TheHunter CoTW sonI dont need friends.
>Friend killed herself.
>Must have been less of a "get my affairs in order thing" and more of an impulse.
>PC was left on.
>Log in every day to see "Friend is Online" on Steam.
>Send a message on occasion, just in case I woke up from the nightmare this time since I clearly didn't the last.
>Someone finally shuts down her PC about a month and a half later.
It took seeing that Offline status for me to finally get my cry out. Up until that point I just kinda ran with it.
That's fucked up. Did she live alone?