Which faction should I play in Classic, Yea Forums?

Attached: alliance_horde1.png (594x292, 115K)

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Alliance is for faggots

Horde is for faggots

Scourge is p cool tho

wow is for faggots

Blue Lions

The Asmongold Layer faction LOL

FFXIV is for faggots

Alliance, as most new people will roll horde for the credibility, despite not earning it. As always.

how do i earn the right to play horde?

I was mainly focusing on the fact that new hordies will flex because of the faction, and not because they themselves are good. Just get good.

>MMOs in 2019

>fuk u mom i'm 14 i dont wanna go 2 school

>playing a 15 years old game

Attached: pp,550x550.u2.jpg (550x540, 35K)

settle down zoomie


Fortnite fag

Unironically the uninstall button. This game is so boring you'll feel like your brain is leaking out if your ears.

probably should just jump on the ESO train before it dies in the next 3 years

>posting twitchshit


>Playing 15 year old game with no content and cringey Hordelet streamers that think they're entitled

>caring about streamers
go back to plebbit

horde if you want to avoid fags, trannys and grillgamers

Attached: typicalgrrlgamer.webm (1120x700, 2.95M)