reminder that this actually happened
Reminder that this actually happened
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Season 1 and 2 of the show were actually enjoyable. Season 3 was a complete mess as it was clear that they started letting fans into the writing room by how they wrote. Summer became this sassy super confident bitch, Morty's competency shot up past what it should have been. The only likable character was Jerry during his single dad arc, having him be forced to grow in a new environment.
No way...
how could this happen?
you could hear how bored they were
>started letting fans into the writing room by how they wrote
Women, the word you looking for is women.
fuck off incel
Why is Bethesda so shit now?
You don't know what this term means, hole
I remember laughing so hard I almost choked when Justin's mic started fucking up
They were always shit they just had successful enough IP's that it didn't matter
What kind of person are you? Are you being real when you type that?
>Characters changed and grew and that was baaaaaaad
Nigger, thats not even a problem, the real problem was that the jokes werent funny anymore
is Rick and Morty the quickest a show went from beloved mainstream sensation to hated joke?
What the fuck do you mean "now"?
Women can't into comedy. Deal with it.
t. sex-having person
What am I supposed to be upset about? This is very standard cross promotion
I blame atheist fags that quote Rick like a prophet
Nobody cares, lose weight and have sex already
b-but remember it happened?
Just because it's standard doesn't mean we can't make fun of it.
>dude wizards are real and grant me wishes when I ask them for things
Imagine being a fucking adult and unironically being this scientifically illiterate. Also nobody ever built Rick up as anything more than a funny joke, only incel loonies on Yea Forums obsessed with him hating god
>implying fats dont have sex
Yikes who hurt you
>capitalism bad
Kys pinko
Found one
I forgot this happened, wasn't it mostly them sitting in silence as they tried to find fun in this boring as shit game?
Reminder that Fallout was just the start.
Doesn't communism deal more in standards?
When will Richard&Mortimer make a joke that is on the level of
>Sneed's Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck's)
That is when I will consider it a video game.
Is Rick and Morty good? All my high IQ programmer friends watch it
I only watched "highlights" but found it hilarious to see how some cartoon voice actor knew how to be more entertaining on a twitch stream than a """professional""" who makes millions of dollars a year with his boring monotone gameplay commentary
They always were, the difference is: They once had people who put passion into their games and actually made them because they wanted to play it.
Bethesda haven't been able to code 3D games since before Morrowind. Morrowind itself was a buggy, unstable game that was prone to crashes and corruptions even without mods and even back when it was still considered a new game.
Oblivion will probably always be known as the most buggy game ever brought to market, and it wasn't really 'fixed' until a year after its release. Not to mention the tons of AI scripting bugs still remain and became so bad that the system had to be basically scrapped for Skyrim.
But we loved those games and played through them because the passion was still there, and the sense of adventure was as pure as it could be given the circumstances. The question is going to be: Will the next game have that passion that makes people struggle through the jank, or will it be just Skyrim II with different bugs?
They end up shitting on the game a bit.
Not him but the jokes weren't funny anymore because they focused on the "Characters changing and Growing and that's baaaaad"
It's a fucking show that started as a Back to the Future short where Doc raped Marty. No one asked it for intense character development when it has always been about rapid fire jokes. You may as well ask for deep character development from looney tunes.
And thus, the jokes sucked. The jokes because self-aware jabs at itself between shallow drama and poor writing, two things no one ever thought the show needed before then.
It's unironically pretty good. The episodes are mostly ok outside of couple bad ones in 3rd season, and there are some really good ones, I think my favorite is episode 6, that's when I really got into the show and started feeling like they are doing something not a lot of TV shows have done before. Though, there are not a lot of episode like this, those few that are as good are worth sticking out for. 7/10, check it out.
no, it lasted three years.
The record is still held by Bojack
People turned on bojack? I got into it late but kinda dropped it after 2 seasons
bojack was mainstream? it seemed not very well known to me
>Justin roiland tries to set up a joke or something to talk about Ninja totally fucks it up.
Really it should have been Justin by himself imagine all the money wasted on ninja.
shut up s()yboy. have children, if you still can
It's good. People shit all over it here because the fanbase is fucking awful, as it always is with anything popular. Since you are already correlating this show with high IQ, you're probably as bad as them though.
I'd say season 2 was okay at best.
It has just three seasons of 10 episodes each. Don’t look up for stuff on the internet because it will make you see the show under a negative light.
Aside from the cringe you see online, the show is good and worth watching
First two seasons are entertaining enough.
3 had issues with focusing on characters rather than jokes, and blatantly having no collaboration on different episodes, which results in shit like a deconstructive episode followed immediately by an unironic wacky character wank episode.
The fans are also obnoxious enough that nobody with any self awareness wants to admit it to people they don’t already know.
You’d think /pol/ would like it, given that the main character is a super genius that has no qualms about genocide, is literally autistic, and calls out liberal, da gubmint, and Israel by name.
All this showed was how painfully unfunny streamers like Ninja are
>Justin is trying to riff and take the piss out of the game
>They're too autistic to actually take part or understand when he's joking
I draw the line at child abuse.
Beth abusing Summer with the size-beam to get back at her daddy is where I thought to myself I can't watch this shit despite pirating it and knowing full well it's trash. May Dan Harmon suffocate on his own vomit.
Nobody watches him because he’s funny and interesting, they watch him because he jumped on Fortnite BR first and it exploded around him.
Shut the fuck up, faggot, child abuse is hilarious.
Both of you need to grow up.
>They spent money on this instead of canvas bags and texture artists
It's over guys. Bethesda will never recover.
You know, the thought of someone taking you seriously scares me more than the possibility of you saying this unironically.
this. you can pinpoint the moment the simpsons began to suck to the day Al Gore's daughter started writing for the show
The fuck is this?
I dropped bojak after the abortion episode, a bit too preachy for my liking. I don't even oppose abortion but they treated it like it was a visit to the dentist and gave it no emotional weight.
>Western cartoon starts to put more focus into character development and an overarching plot
>It goes to shit
Why does this keep happening
>tfw an april fools joke is better than your entire series
Dan harmon making short videos about fucking babies. The fact you see his horrendous distended gut is probably the worst part though
>pancake = blini
This is what Americans believe.
I still love Justin Roiland but Dan is a hack
>been watching since mid-season 1
>really liked it
>season 2 was pretty good
>season 3 was awful but people still praised it
Am I out of touch, or are the children wrong?
>tfw Walrus Guy was an animator on it
formerly chuck
Have you ever like something so much that when it goes to shit you make excuses for still liking it? Well yeah that.
It was so painful to watch how Justin tried his best to make it enjoyable and funny, while other two fucked up everything and only "bullied" Morty for no reason.
I loved how Justin later just started making jokes about those idiots and they didn't even noticed, that he was roasting them
binged all three seasons on a weekend and I thought the quality was pretty much the same throughout all of them.
it's probably more people outgrowing the show while watching it as it aired
Oh no, season 3 was HATED in Yea Forums. I think people mostly agree only the episode in Citadel is liked.
But pancake = блины or is it oлaдyшки?
Я зaпyтaлcя
Watching that was probably the most akward shit i have ever seen on the internet. Not even 2girls1cup or those isis beheading videos made me as uncomfortable as that stream did. I kept expecting roiland at some point to just ask for his paycheck and bail mid stream.
get married
The only awful part in it was three Mortys story
Not that guy, but nope.
I keep watching, determined to make it to the very end, hating every minute, and openly admitting I do. Only been able to walk away from one show, the Simpsons, the moment they revealed that new intro, that was the day I finally got up and walked away, felt so good, it was like the perfect sign telling me "it's dead, you can go now"
Season 11 episode 5 of the simpsons was the last good episode (probably the best) everything after it was downhill.
People like to pretend otherwise but that's exactly what happened, they said so themselves but seemed to think it was a positive for some crazy reason.
So right off the bat, right now that user looks like a complete idiot to you, but if he does what you say he'll look like an idiot to the rest of us.
Kinda a losing battle if you ask me.
I'm like that too. The last thing I dropped was Persona 5. I felt like a weight had been lifted. I think it's autism.
>Anything past Season 7 or MAYBE season 8
Fuck you...
Sadly I've never managed to do it with a game, achievements/trophies have an unholy hold on my soul, just finished RDR2, beautiful game, but I hated every minute of it.
>non american
>that reaction image
checks out
It’s what always happens when Harmon is involved
Roiland deserves a bonus for actively trying to salvage that fucking stream. I honestly thought would be the worst part before the stream went up. Yet he was the only one that tried to stay positive. The other two just didn't care not one bit and have no charisma at all and was better off not there.
they let women on the writing team
they always think they can recapture the futurama magic
they always have some new criteria to hit you with
first it's have sex, now it's get married. what's next, buy house? become CEO?
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
Don't forget how Rick became "super cool apathetic guy" when he only used to just be a dickass. The biggest sign fans were doing the writing.
>make fun of stoners
>on an Indonesian basket weaving site sub forum dedicated to vidya
I don't know man. Let them have their distracting bullshit in peace as we war about ours with other people across the globe.
Buy Skyrim.
If there was any doubt Fallout became Reddit: The Game after Fallout 2, here's the proof.
Normalfags don't notice when a show starts masturbating in their faces. They just see "WHOA RICK IS SUCH A COOL GUY BECAUSE THE SHOW SAYS HE'S A COOL GUY!" This is why the popularity didn't dip at season 3 when it really should have.
I watched it. There wasn't even any good cringe moments. It was just boring cringe the entire time and you could tell Justin wanted to leave. I think he broke character at one point too.
Bethesda has no love for Fallout. They view it as nothing more than a cash cow and care nothing for its history or internal consistency. It’s almost like they want to erase the first two games from existence by how much retconning they do.
Where are the Trover threads???
I have no idea why they picked fucking Ninja of all streamers. If you ever watch him he has basically no charisma. The only thing people watch him for is that he's pretty good at battle royals, and he chimps out when he wins or gets tilted.
Speaking of Rolland though
>Stream has been dragging on
>As they're fighting more enemies 'Morty' starts complaining more and more about the game
>Actively calling enemies bullet sponges and mocking textures on rocks
>Stream suddenly has to end and he says bye, almost as if he was told to end it right there
Todd was watching
not that user but burger pancakes are thicc and more like oлaдьи, idk if they have something like блины
there was this one time i tried to teach a uk-born guy in deep france how to make cыpники, it didn't go too well
More like Behind the Laughter was when the Simpsons ended.
As a normalfag I certify this. How can you tell when a show starts doing it?
The user is by far the sadder one in this image, no idea why he thought he was being clever enough to warrant capping his own post like this.
Usually a meme or something popular among fans will be acknowledged in the show.
One of the most obvious examples is Korra x Asami becoming canon in the last episode of avatar despite them barely having talked to each other before just because fans shipped them
there were barely as many jokes as in previous seasons, just a ton of sarcastic/ironic "depression" material
pickle rick felt like the only silly episode, but even that had to go into self masturbatory shit
I can smell how fat you are over the internet.