What are some fun Submarine videogames?
What are some fun Submarine videogames?
>inb4 poorfags and underages whine about the price
the fuck is going on in that webm?
cartel semi-submersible (can't fully dive, only stay at the submersion level you see in the webm) being boarded by the coast guard
had millions in coke on it being smuggled but the footage ends there
why didn't they just descend?
Whats the point of a sub if it can't actually go under water?
Subnautica does the underwater vehicle thing well, it's more focused on exploration and atmosphere if that's your thing
It's not a real submarine, more like a super low profile boat.
they can't fully dive like actual submarines
because it's still massively harder to detect than an actual boat seeing as they've heard about these for years and this is the first they've caught
They actually look pretty comfy.
I assume it's a lot cheaper than a real sub while still being more stealthy than a boat
considerably less complicated and with no need for air reserves
>no need for air reserves
Gotta make as much room as possible for the drugs I suppose
its less about that and more of it being one less system that can fail, not to mention how pricey those can be
>$29.99 for a Early Access 2d indie game
>scuttling valve
The coast guard normally detects smugglers with radar. Subs like this are flush with the water, so sonar or visual ID is all you can do
i fucking hate mexicans
Silent Hunter 3
those are mexicans? why are they black?
They don't have toilets.
I can be their human toilet
Just shit outside
They spend billions on nuclear submarines that can stay under water for months but some narcos can avoid detection by building a "sub" that can't even go underwater?
Used to play 688i Hunter/Killer alot on my dads computer way back in the day, he was in the navy on submarines
my man
Seems kind of dangerous to just open the hatch like that, dude could have been blown away by some beaner.
it's a single seater, and there were a lot more of those coast guards, with body armor, and they probably knew the mexican could sink that sub at any moment.
>try to play silent hunter 3
>too jank
>try to play silent hunter 4
>too casual
what do
Should have just sunk the thing from the get go. Although I'm sure those drugs will conveniently find their way into circulation.
>Tfw you'll never go all out warfare and just glass the shit out of these subs and the like
The only ones being glassed should be the fucking Coasties. Based Cartel supplying the public with the recreation it rightfully deserves.
If you can have natural born blacks in fucking Scandinavia, what would stop them from being in Mexico?
Subnautica gives you the best feeling about controlling a submarines that wasn't intended to be handled by one guy.
It's great.
mexico isn't a white country and thus is not obligated to take in all comers and provide their every need while apologizing for being monsters.
I would have lobbed a grenade into that hole, neutralize all of them in a flash, lmao