Who’s your favorite league of legends champ? For me it’s this chuuni dork.
Who’s your favorite league of legends champ? For me it’s this chuuni dork
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The previous Morgana was better
>League of Legends
That Morg smelled like shit
I want paizuri from Morgana.[\spoiler]
What don’t you understand?
Rammus, he's the first champ I ever played. Haven't touched the game since 2015 tho
why does she have a tail
what did they do to morgana
still mad that they reworked him into generic WoW Troll # 2116
A retarded visual redesign, like every redesign. This particualr one is because muh background story.
Bard. Trolling games is too damn fun.
i don't care about shitty riot games and TFT is another proof that they can't balance a fuck in their games.
>Still no Nexus blitz
Do they make retarded choices on purpose?
Fuck off, Yea Forums loves LoL
go to /vg/
no we don't silly faggot
i like shaco back when he could stack fear wards. I don't actually know if he's still in the game anymore though since they seem to hate all the assassins as I was leaving.
I haven't played since 2012 and came back and fell in love with Kindred and Kai'sa.
Everyone thinks I'm memeing when I pick Fiddles though.
The most fun and versatile champion in the game, bursting people in 1v1 fights is so fun nobody expects him to do a shitload of damage
AP Singed and AD bruiser Poppy were really fun back in the day.
Shyvana's my favorite!
I played a little LoL around the time Kindred came out and they were an instant buy for me. Damn they were cool as fuck
I haven't played League since it was pretty new, but it will always be Singed.
Also Sona since I've blown a lot of loads to her porn.
>tfw I made that gif, and OPs filename shows that it's made it's way all of way off Yea Forums and back
This wonderful semen demon.
Vi because I enjoy blowing people the fuck up when they step out of position
rip kenchbro
>LoL thread on Yea Forums
I love how lol got weebified over the years
And I do it all in this stylish skin since Riot refuses to make good skins for Vi
Being honest it's a coinflip between Eve and Rengar right now. There's just something about her.
You mean how they made every female have sameface ala Kai'sa and Morgana? Riot may be incompetent but they sure as fuck know teens buy skins with their dick.
I actually do like the morg redesign. Kayle's can suck a dick though, pretty much Taric tier in terms of visual redesigns. Actually speaking of which, which of the visual redesigns do you guys even consider the best/worst?
Been a while since I played but I could've sworn that Vi had a shitton of good skins
Nice work user!
Ap tryn
I personally don't like any of them, Debonair is the only one I find tolerable.
I need a skin that emphasizes the Fist Meets Face blow you the fuck up aspect of Vi
More or less
is it bad that i automatically presume anyone playing a human female champion with a mastery level of 7 is probably a heaslut or another variety of a waste of skin
Best Sion
Worst Galio
Anons please it's late night Yea Forums.
We're actually allowed to discuss games at this hour. Shitposting threads are a daylight activity
It's good for me if I see a battle bunny riven in my top lane
I haven't played in ages anyway, he was just my favorite when I checked it out again
For me, it's Jinx.
There is only one answer.
It's the middle of the day, user....
Morg redesign was great.
Worst: Galio
Best: Morde/Sion/Morgana
Personal Vendetta: Fiora.
Only partially, they might just be abusing an OP champion
As long as you understand it comes with irony from the context.
Last I remember they invented a race of OC donut furshitters and then started retroactively changing half the cast to become furshitters. The best part was that the furshitters are written with a perfect society and integrated perfectly with everyone and there is literally no reason for any of them to be involved in the league anymore why are they even there
With the new nerfs coming, say goodbye to his 1v1 burst lol
League has some truly beautiful females.
Wrong, only most of the champions that were already furshits were put under the blanket race Vastaya. All non-furshits and Warwick are not Vastaya
>league past Season 2 on Yea Forums
That's the real joke
>*notices the bulge in your swimsuit*
kayn, he's getting too popular and i'm scared they're gonna nerf him into oblivion after people find out how good he is
Who wants a piece of the champ?
>Time: 1hr
Welp, I needed to clear space on my PC anyway, guess I'll just uninstall this trash now
Those were the days...
sylas is so fucking fun to play
Oh don't mind me, just being the best moba character ever designed.
Daily reminder that anyone that plays ranged or mages toplane are cancer who dont actually enjoy playing the game anymore
Is that dance a reference to something?
Sorry its the only way I could bring my nintendo switch to the pool
Last time I played LoL was before Evelyn's massive nerfs, because people at low levels were too braindead to understand stealth.
So they nerfed her below troll-pick tier and kept her there for what I imagine is years.
That was the red flag that got me out before it got so much worse.
But, I guess Garen. He's simple and tough. All you needed was good knowledge of when to go in and some map awareness and he was pretty busted.
they're nerfing kennen, neeko and jayce next patch.
A good jungler destroys top lane ranged and mages with ease
>A gamer boy huh, I can work that angle too.
That doesnt change the fact that being ranged still makes you better than being melee. It doesnt matter if youre squishy if most mages build zhonyas anyways, plus most toplane mages build protobelt for the extra mobility, which is so cheap for how much stats it gives
>a good jungler
Getting a good jungler thats willing to come to the fucking island is RNG because matchmaking
Project and Warring Kingdoms are bomb ass skins and the best ones for Vi. Debonair looks gay on her.
>my girl remains untouched since she was in
Feels good.
Game's pretty shit since mid-season3 tho.
Then again, was banned like 5 times for flaming subhumanish subhumans and other morons in ranked.
Oh well.
For full redesigns rather than updates, I like Sion, Warwick, Evelynn, and Urgot. Oh and while his kit is boring now, Mordekaiser's visual redesign is good.
Aatrox. Fun as fuck nothing better than fighting a riven as him.
>Wanting any skin for a girl that isn't fapbait for Asian bug people
You're talking about League of Legends.
You know that, right?
at least introduce yourself if you're gonna stare at me i dont even know who you are im just gonna go sit with my family
Post mastery
I used to play Shen and climbed to diamond with him when he was good, but they murdered him.
I had a lot of fun with lane Kayn, but they murdered him too
Kayle? Absolutely shat on her.
So yea, fuck riot, fuck esports turning their game into minmax-nofunallowed-land
>shaco stacking was pretty much 12 su fire capes instead of 6.
>Evelyn stacking
All they had to pick was to buy the Bloodrazor but they were too stupid to pick that up.
Haven't actually been able to play Morde since his rework but
She is getting buffed as a midlaner next patch. Support babs got btfo hard
Damage buffs or something else?
Nu evelynn 's back animation is the hottest animation of the game.
She got a lot more damage to her ult (from 75% AP scaling to 100% i think) and they removed that cooldown reset thing But the retards also lowered her base cd by 10 seconds so it's pretty much the same thing
Remember that LoL counted as a shit game back then and everyone called you out on it and now its completely acceptable?
Zoomer fucks.
Perfectly balanced.
...Yikes... Why don't you just play a f2p game? You obviously lack the small amount of skill to play LoL... I feel bad for you
Why is Nidalee a nigger now?
LoL is now a boomer game, it's turning 10 soon
Remember how lol continues to be massively successful no matter how hard faggots on Yea Forums rage about it?
But, user...LoL is f2p
She's not my wife cos she's ugly but she's pretty strong AND can do the big steppy
>lol continues to be massively successful
...Keep playing Yuumi you retarded pedophile... I hope one day you can actually be good at a game....
What the absolute fuck did they do to Morgana's hair and why did they give her a tail?
Original Mordekaiser. Now he is pretty generic Ebil warlord.
It's early morning, user....
wanted to get aatrox to m7 but they're removing his revive apparently
shaco, but he is shit right now because they keep nerfing him despite the fact that khazix exists and can one shot people with his Q with no items. I'm mad
Only reason why I'm tempted to return to league. Any heroes in dota or mobile legends like him?
>I don't like it therefore it's unsuccessful
>I don't care if it's the second most profitable free to play game in the world, I'm a raging Yea Forums faggot and facts mean nothing to me
Imagine being this angry for an entire straight decade.
That's not a filename from another website, that's a filename assigned by an iphone it was downloaded to through its browser at some point. It doesn't show that your gif made it off Yea Forums, it only shows that it was downloaded by a filthy phoneposter who doesn't even use Clover.
Shittiest game i've ever played.
The rework is amazing and I've played morde for years. Though I agree, his minute long edgy dialogue is atrocious.
Well at least it got saved and reposted by someone.
Because they've seen how much more popular Ahri is compared to the other girls, so they rework older female champions to have animal ears and tails
show me how shit your taste in champs is, Yea Forums
Gold 3/10
user Old Morde was as generic as you can get as far as Villains go. Not only in Lore but in Aesthetic too. Literally just a flanderized Sauron.
The fuck are you talking about? Every line of his is kino.
Nah morde used to be amusing in his edginess now he's THE WARLORD OF STEEL
same with Aatrox who used to be like a fallen good-guy type, then they decided fuck it he's evil because why not
>fallen good-guy type
He's literally never been that. Meanwhile nu-Aatrox is exactly that.
Yikes... why not try to get good to be able to climb?
I don't think you understood what old aatrox was going for.
Care to elaborate, user?
All three of them are overpowered, feels great.
why try to get good when you can play the irrelevant lane and also play a champ who can get shit on all game and just afk farm and become unkillable because of scaling true damage :^)
Always loved Kindred in my heart
>a horn
>that color pattern
Hmmm I've seen this before...
Yikes dude... Fiora is the easiest champion of all time if you play top lane... yikes...
nexus blitz was stealing a lot of players from ARAM and 5v5 so Riot removed it
Yet TFT did the same
Riot are beyond retarded, aren't they?
why do people still use this crap
as opposed to? webm?
wtf is Riot retarded? i bet they are going to release a new skin for lux thats why they are buffing her mid
but tft also brought a lot of new accounts who play only tft. also they had to release an autochess game to stay competitive since they basically made it in a month
So you stopped playing LoL during its first year?
of course
Kennen's my guy every day of the week. There's nothing like Zhonya's-ulting on some scrubs.
my sole care of LoL is jerking it to Ahri porn
thanks for reminding me to check for more
League of Legends was only fun before the first championship when there was no meta game
I have not played non-TFT League in like four seasons or something.
I knew that she's the one since the moment i first played her
>unmasked kindred
but why
For the love of god tell me that isn't her dance. The "Look at all the fucks I give" spin was so much better if it is.
Zilean. I know they're gonna butcher him in visual design and gameplay anytime now. They already ruined every other champ I like.
>tfw winning 1v5 fights as Mordekaiser
misery DOES love company
A man of culture. As fun to play as she is to fap to.
But I’ll never forgive riot for nerfing her charm mechanic.
>human face
please never post this shit again
>human lamb
Thats the real problem right there
Seething furfags
Don't play nearly as much as I used, Ezreal Swain and Malz were all pre-rework, stopped playing them then and thats mid brand just fyi
double based, im gonna go do that right now
forgot to link
lol has 1-3 million active players in NA/Europe and 110 million in china. What dog eating bugmen make successful is irrelevant.
I want to fuck lulu
>when there was no meta game
There were metas all the way back to the beta with the roaming meta. I also still remember the AoE deathball meta where everyone just played Morgana, Amumu, Galio and MF before the first championship.
>take sheep body
>slap creepy uncanny valley barbie head on it
>not furfag
Old Irelia. I even have a cup with her, literally the only vidya merchandise i own. I don't like her post-rework, so, i guess, Nautilus?
>ywn never go full lethality Jhin with sword of divine again
>5 stacked Sunfire Cape Evelyn
Also the Ashe meta where every mid lane was Ashe vs Ashe or the TF meta where every team had a TF and the entire match hinged on whoever was the best TF.
Unless you talk about her ult's name.
for me it was old gangplank/jewplank
>boots + 5 avarice blades
>ignore team/killsteal to farm mad money
>cash in at 10k+
>can deny seige creeps
was there ever a better hero?
how do you guys manage to get banned do you say something flagged by the filters or something, i have been calling people retarded monkeys since beta and never even gotten a chat restriction
Actually, they're giving it back to her im the next patch
I just started and how do I most efficiently get this blue essence shit? I don't get any for playing games and it feels like it's going to take forever to get all the characters.
what fucking streamed game was that i need to see it
kinda shocking to see all these responses with such low numbers
You have to spend real money to be free of the backbreaking grind
it takes faster to unlock characters now.
You mostly get blue essence from leveling up and opening capsules to get shards and then either using them or scrap them for BE
most of Yea Forums played years ago and cant let go
yeah kha and kayn do shaco's thing way better(jump in from odd angles and assrape you in unavoidable ganks)
Don’t make me re-install user
>used to be an angel
>then chose to become a hobbo barefoot slut
>literally takes the knot
>put his penis into the void to spawn shitty void spiders
no user u're the degenerate
Not true at all.
Play the game a little. You will get an assload of blue essence through early levels. Every time you get a champ capsule, if you don't like the character, turn that shit into $$$.
>Who’s your favorite league of legends champ?
My boy Rumble. Where does he fit in the meta today? I ain't played in years.
>Will never go back to before season 3
>Will never experience the funnest game of hide and go seek before the nerfs and mobility creep
>Will never one shot squishies as critplank
>Will never become an unkillable tank
You'll get a fair bit of blue essence as you level. Honestly don't even worry about buying all the champions. A lot of them you'll probably end up not caring for, at which point you've wasted essence that could've been better used for something you actually want to play. Make sure to make use of the weekly champ rotation.
why is this website so shit
i think malz is the only rework where they made a champ more point and click and removed any sort of skillcheck, atleast before you had to time your combos
I don't know, it's the only reliable website for this kind of stuff
Ahri is too hot for her own good.
Before his e and ult damage were enough to kill someone on their own, now he has to get his shitty minions up
I was always partial to Cassiopeia.
Fun kit, neat lore, sexy voice.
Haven't played since like 2012 though, but she had came out like a week after I started which was always neat to me.
Relatively new to the game and I really like Jinx's high attack speed, large burst damage potential, and insane scaling late game. Are there any other ADC's that play like her?
its because you linked the mobile version
1st answer best answer
Ahri is not all fun and games.
She's depressed and guilty of her actions
The real semen demon now is Evelynn
If I remember right they took all the damage off of nether grasp and just made null zone go under the unit and all i got was a goddamn voidling, i think its changed now but its too late for me
literally cant lose top
Gragas as a support or jungler before his rework
Not really
Although MF would be close enough I guess, she's relatively fast thanks to her passive so you can run around easily, she has an attack speed steroid and her ult can make or break teamfights
Tristana and Poppy
mostly because they do things to my penis
they combined nullzone with his ult(while reducing the dmg of both) and made the voidlings the w instead, then realised the voidlings cant actually be strong or people will just jungle him and press w and ult while the voids solokill so now the just do pretty much nothing. also they changed the activation of the call of the void so it didn't have that longish delay while nerfing the dmg somewhat. all in all he's an easier champ to play while doing less now
At low levels, sure. Basically useless against a competent player.
Ah goddamnit
For the waifu
lmao, pick sylas, mundo or malphite and your teemo can suck dick.
when he was originally reworked there was no flat damage on nether grasp just the % damage from null zone, they didnt bring back the flat damage until a whole year later, it was enough for me to stop playing the hero and cant be bothered to pick him back up since i've gotten replacements by now
Xayah, Twitch and Tristana are similar in that aspect. Tristana being the cheapest among them
>urgot rework happens
>no one plays him
>start playing him
>hes a fucking unstoppable killing machine
>doesnt get regularly played in high elo until a year later
Are there any other hidden gem champs that no one plays?
I just realized that that's supposed to be Morgana. Why the fuck are they ruining every champion one by one.
Eve and Morde are fantastic
75% winrate on probuilds
>urgot rework happens
>goes from sleeper to LOL BROKEN METAHOG WOAH SO EPIC generic bruiser kit and loses his thematic
current hidden op is conqueror mundo jungle
There were about 8 weeks where league of legends existed eithout kennen as a toplane pick. Chances are your main became competitive in a toplane meta where kennen was perfectly playable, because he never hasnt been, he just isnt always strong.
It really just depends on if someone reports you, i went 2 years calling people niggers then one game i got matched against a brony then got perm banned after, only got 2 chat restrictions prior to that
Cassiopeia is my snakefu
goat dad
i imagine its something like designer being like "eyy head dickhead can i do a slutty sad chick?" he's told no then assigned to the morgana rework so he forces it into her personality...
i dont mind how morg looks now its how they changed her from being angry af to a sad slut that i dislike
>urgot rework happens
>still no replacement swap ability in the game 2 years later
some day we'll get a new swap
I’m gonna try that when i get home
riots forgotten champ, he hasn't gotten a single skin since release
I held on through season 6, but then they gutted Rek'sai's ultimate and nerfed the fuck out of everything that made her unique and I couldn't handle it anymore.
>Rek'sai's not allowed to have an interesting ultimate because it's too hard for shitters to react to
>But Lee Sin, Zed, Leblanc, and Riven are allowed to exist unaltered for years on-end.
hes got a 50% winrate at play & higher
probuilds is at 49%
His highest winrate at a specific rank is 54% at GM, everything else is lower
after seeing kled illaoi and iverns first skins i'm not sure i want to see how they ruin ornns
That's every rework though. Poppy, sion, urgot, even gragas when they turned him into single target sej.
twitch master yi and annie all kept their thematic in both design and kit and only improved upon them
hes third best top at plat+ in current patch
Illaoi's was fan voted and they were all pretty stupid/bad designs
I miss regen tanks, bros. When is innervating locket coming back? Morello promised.
Illaoi was voted by the community remember
The game's fucking trash but damn I wanna breed and marry Poppy
jesus get a life
I want Vi to step on me, bros
yeah and the design we voted for didnt get in and she didnt have good options to begin with. we didnt get cool liquid metal hands we got BEEG RED TENTACL FUGG :DD
You don't need regen tanks, every champ in the top lane has fucking stupid amounts of built-in sustain.
>the last 13 champs were just tumors to play against and to balance around them
i have no hope for this garbage game anymore.
Bros I just want Kindred to get a passive that isn't fucking dog shit
Wasn't Illaoi supposed to be a fucking robot like the other battlecast skins?
The space skin on the right would have been good if it had similar clothing to the one on the left. I think that one only won because it showed off more skin, and plus people like black/red color scheme
I'm not talking about lane phase, faggot. Of course everyone sustains in lane phase; there are no mana costs anymore and everyone has seven shields.
I'm talking about champs like gragas and udyr that could regen 200+ ehp per tick in combat while flexing in the enemy ADC's face, inside their fountain.
I used to have a huge group of friends that played from work and college and shit. EVERYONE quit playing after Zoe.
Like we were getting sick of the game around S6 but that was just the breaking point.
I think out of everything Riot's ever released, Zoe was the biggest dumpster fire of them all. It completely changed how I looked at the game, there's absolutely no way she got out of testing with those fucking numbers without anyone raising concerns, they were just trying to sell shit and they didn't care at all about how it impacted the game. Anyone who thinks League is a "sport" or even remotely competitive is an absolute clown when Riot's releasing stupid shit like that.
No she's supposed to be part of the Ressistance skinline like Caitlyn against the battlecast
i voted solely because of the hand tentacles and i'm still mad
Good taste. Nunu is second worst for me
>t. gets his jungle mark stolen everytime
get good? her passive scaling is strong as it is,with enough stacks you can just kite out everyone from a safe distance
Everything after Zoe is even worse.
Look at Neeko's ult sometime. Just look at the fucking numbers. No, there hasn't been a massive overhaul for damage calculations. That ult exists in the same game with the same math where ults like like curse of the sad mummy and soul shackles needed massive nerfs.
>Getting marks when you're not duoed with your mid
I wish
My favourite thing about the morg rework was rosties complaining that riot oversexualized her and made her too sexy and skimpy now. but once someone actually showed them a pic of old morg they retract their statement
also MF best girl
For me, its twitch
I used to play Nidalee when you could scale spear damage by leaping away. Fun times. I used to have support build with eyes and magic book. Kept up map control with vision and just stacked up kill bonuses with the book.
Yeah, between that and the $60 "release" packages, I was just sick of everything.
>pay the price of a full AAA video game to play the new character with their horrible release skin, and a bunch of palette swaps we rigged up in Blender in half an hour
>incentivize buying this trash by making every new release a horribly overtuned, game-breaking monstrosity.
>shit's banned for the first few weeks it's out because if you don't ban her, someone picks her and auto-wins the game with purposefully-inflated numbers.
>don't nerf them until after the latest big tournament has passed so everyone who hasn't already bought them will get a chance to do so after seeing them to 12/0 on fucking pro players
Morg pre-redesign
>We'll bring them PAIN
Morg post re-design
>I walk so that I can feel every tremor of the earth
I voted for the spelunky looking one (middle). I think that one looked cool, spelunky is a dope game.
also those tits jesus christ
I don't play LoL but I just looked at his kit and I don't really get what part of it you like. All of his abilities have similar counter parts in Dota but I don't know which part of his kit you like.
I started playing because I liked Galio and Warwick. They are both unplayable now. Galio went from a serene and stoic Gargoyle to a brutish and churlish Linebacker with stone skin. Warwick went from a fun wolf stalker to an edgy werewolf that moves like a faggot, they ruined his dance too.
Good taste.
>Yea Forums has a LoL thread
>Go to /vg/ to see if you faggots died
>It's slowed down because half of you came to Yea Forums
user, you can't just take one part of his kit and treat it like it's the same. You need the full package.
Teitch also makes me burst out laughing
Yeah I was kind of trying to say that I don't see what the full package is. He just has an attack speed passive, an ult that functions much like a crit and and movement skill. I see how empower and the movement skill work in tandem and I see how his passive and his ult work in tandem but the kit in general seems extremely disjointed. Not to mention you can buy Blink dagger in Dota so the movement skill to me is less important but I also don't know if there is something I am missing about how he plays which is why I asked what you like about him.
>no pillowtalk after the snu snu
>not going to the gym with her and helping her benchpressing
i hope you're praying to nagakabouros at least
>tfw it's forever ded now
you made the mistake of playing it in this year anyway
>playing assfaggots in the current year
Umm, yikes sweatie...
Never played actual league but in TFT I'm a big fan of Asol
post the metagolem
Hes been changed recently. The ability where he hides in his shell is now a lot stronger, deals more damage, and makes him basically invincible, BUT halves his movement speed.
His taunt also gives him attack speed while hes taunted someone for some reason
Zed is the most fun champion in the game
But i like the design on RekSai more
That change to his taunt was to help with his clear speed.
>for some reason
I suppose it was to help him clear camps
The big guy, but i don't play lol anymore because is a shit game.
Anyone else miss old Poppy? It cant just be me right? Her ult was amazing. The new one is fun, and probably fits her theme better too, but itll never be as fun as jumping into 5 people with full AD poppy and ulting soraka. Watching people die in one shot while their support desperately tries to pull you off them
Ahh i see, i didnt think it made much sense thematically, especially since it lasts such a small time
it's brainless to play and effective at low elo, which I am
The duration of the attack speed is extended when other abilities are active. So what you're supposed to do it e a camp, then turn on w to get as much duration out of it as possible. Since you get more attack speed from leveling it as well as taunt duration you're supposed to max e, then w, then q
You ever tried AD/Armor pen/ Crit garen?
Not sure how effective it is, but if you feel like trolling, its hysterical watching an ezreal git hit with your Q and take ~1800 damage.
Predator rune essential
the kayle/morg update was the most botched garbage riot has ever done. i was so hype for it because it was so long coming and i they were two of the first champs i played. i felt personally insulted by this mess.
Oh, ive been maxing W then E. Havnt been facing any issues so far, but i guess it would be nice to have more gank power
How is new Kayle? Im guessing shes not very good since i havnt seen her once since the update, but is she fun at least?
Maxing w first isn't great because it relies on you having the armor/mr to back it up, which you don't have early. It scales better the more items you have, unlike e which has immediate, non-conditional benefit.
garbage early and gets abused by every matchup in the game. if you can get 4 items, level 16, and free swing in a teamfight you can do damage. exactly the same as before the rework except now her abilities feel awful to use and she's ugly and has a shitty voice.
I quit after the kayle update, 8 years down the toilet
I have yes, it's a pretty risky build, tho you are pretty tanky with Garen W and can literally instashot anything that's not a tank
What was wrong with Morgana being angry at the world for being kicked out of heaven again
sauce, shit
Because morgana was actually evil, now they coated everything in 4 layers of grey because writers are hacks now and think everything needs to be monochrome depression fuel
Morgana's popularity exploded after her update even if they barely touched her kit.
No, Morgana wasn't evil. She was Machiavellian, but not evil. Kayle was always the "evil" one.
Ive always played morg, but does anyone else think she could do with a better passive? Morgana might have the most boring and useless passive in the entire game, name one more boring than Soul Siphon
Can someone explain me new morgana lore? I got Kayle's "Oh shit, oh fuck, i fucked up and blame my humans feelings, must surpress them for fair justice" part. But i don't get Morgana's "justicie".
>Kayle was always the "evil" one.
She was unironically the only wholly good character in the game
Fuck off poppy fag
>even lorefags forget about amumu
Go back to your general
Is that the game with the mommy dragon? If so I pick mommy dragon.
>is she fun at least?
If you like getting ass raped every time you leave tower by every one before lvl 1, sure she's fun.
>Because morgana was actually evil
She was never evil. She just hated her heaven's view on justice, and was punished when she tried to leave and became bitter and spiteful. Numorg is self imposed exile Which she can freely break at anytime, good job riotthat's a pessimist. I will agree that numorg character sucks.
Shyvanna is a womanlet virgin
>morgana was never evil
"Hey, don't do Black Magic and sacrifice people, it's evil."
"Why tho."
"Morgana no!"
"I am evil now."
Lina is best girl
They're her wings tied back iirc
Imagine all those hours you could be playing actual games, instead you played 100s of games you don't remember anything about
I meant the feral one with ice powers.
That was way after her fall. Before that she was just like kayle
You're looking for Dota
Are you fucking retarded? The game doesn't take place in the past, you think a "twisted torturer" just becomes good overnight? Well Riot does at least. Maybe you should sign up with them.
Where my singedbros at? That fucking faggot hasn't gotten his slimey claws into him and ruined him have they?
>past season 2
>posts a season 3 image
The only thing they've changed on Singed is his passive.
I wish I encountered more of your kind. What a shit champion.
>ctrl+f Qiyana
>0 results
Fuck this gay earth
Garen works up to Challenger if you are good
Stopped playing for a while, that's a new champ I assume
How's she and what's her gimmick?
Maybe they shouldn't release shit champions
I guess that's okay
>running around lategame tanky as fuck literally throwing people out of their tower and literally running circles around them
Singed is the most fun to play. Swain was good too but I hear they took his dick
Got a 2 day ban like a week ago for playing support nasus. Still completely stomped the lane and forced Jhin to rush merc treads. Still got 4 man reported just because my team who flamed the shit out of me in champ select were even more butthurt about being wrong.
Was a silver game, not like we were playing against actually competent players, but this is pretty retarded when you have a system that randomly forces you into roles you don't play and also sells you the fucking characters for $5-$10 each. Don't say I never gave LoL a chance.
t. dotard
have sex
Newest. Got memed on how generic and forgettable she looked, though it makes sense with her lore (she's a bratty princess from a jungle kingdom who's pretty good with elements but has a way overinflated opinion of herself). She's an AD "assassin" with a bit of bruiser tossed in, she has some utility but higher TTK and less target access than most assassins. Her gimmick is that she uses elements, she can charge her Q (low-range AoE skillshot) with wall, brush or river to execute, stealth or root. Her ult is pretty fun to use, shoots a shockwave that pushes you back and if it hits wall, brush or river it explodes and stuns anything in contact with the element.
Said the person who doesn't know how obvious her weaknesses are. Instead of typing that, play the game and learn how to deal with her.
Just constantly spamming laughs with this guy is way fun
>change your playstyle because the devs introduced another lane bully that can't do anything late game
Nope, you're braindead
Zliean is the best laughspammer
Most of Swain mastery is pre-rework.
Sounds interesting enough, might check her.Starting to get my lol itch again.
For me, it's Nautilus.
Thank you for confirming how retarded you are.
>I play a time dependent auto win champ in a game that's increasingly restrictive
Kill yourself loser
Damn, this image is almost entirely outdated.
just dodge the skill shot like just walk out the ult LAMO
Her old ult was similar to the now new Mordekaiser's ult. New poppy's ult is better because you can basically split the enemy team during a fight, can also be used to disable single target for a short time in close range
>Play Shen top
>Can only lose lane to Darius and Urgot, maybe even beat them if they're braindead
>Get all four honors at the end of the match because I ult'd our braindead ADC in a big teamfight that didn't even decide the game
This champ is so much fun. Dash, Q, 8% of their max health gone. Walk out with almost no health lost because you build straight tank outside of Titanic. Rinse repeat until they're bullied out of lane.
I made it about seven years ago. wow what the fuck
anyone who hasn't played glacial ahri yet , play it
i'm not saying its some super hidden op strategy but you dont realise just how fucking busted it is until you try it
>twin shadows someone and slow them for ever by like 90%
>use your three dashes to scoot over
>full combo and hit them with your gun so they cant move for another 3 seconds
>full combo them again
shit is hilarious
>those old as fuck items
>Just dodge the skillshot against a lane bully with retarded waveclear for 10 minutes
I started with Olaf, then nu-warwick grew on me.
I loved killing shit with warwick, chasing and murdering and doing dragon at lvl 3
Shen makes me feel like a fucking retard. Like, I go in, take a trade, think I did everything right, then realize I'm chunked to half and he has 80% of his health.
>Banned for playing off meta picks
Lol how can you lose to shen
u're B A D
the only things that haven't changed here are doran ring, merc treads, jayce/voli icon, and nautilus ability icons. everything else doesn't even exist anymore.
>Lol you don't like playing a minigame for 15 minutes?!
Keep wasting you life on this bullshit game fatass
>deadlifting on your tiptoes
I'm so fucking triggered you ahve no idea
M A D & B A D
M A D & B A D
M A D & B A D
Space skin looks great but in reality we would get same shit as we get with the mecha one - instead of those dripping eldrich thingies we would get normal tentacles but with another color
fuck i srtill remmeber
Fix your life m9
Are you fucking retarded? She was never "completely evil" she was bitter that she was punished unjustly. Fucking go look at her old lore dumbass.
Darius or Kled
It’s hard to choose
Imagine playing a game where you're punished for not upholding the meta
>support nasus
fuck why didn't I think of that, that isn't a terrible idea. Wither is a free exhaust and spirit fire debuffs armor in a huge fucking area and his ults flat health % dmg gives him great peel. Your Q will be weak as fuck but you can farm it a bit with Shield and the Q will help you get them hits.
I'ma try that. I get bored playing the same Sups all the time
>go look at her lore
>cruel tormentor
>twisted soul
>not innocent
>black magic
>kill her sister
Sounds like a well balanced and totally not evil individual
>gets reworked due the old one being hard to balance and being "unhealthy" for the game
>post reworked version has been nerfed or reworked once again in almost every patch
Is nu-aatrox one of the biggest rework flops?
Illaoi was the first character in this game that I knew I absolutely wanted to play
2018 was just such a shit year of reworks.
>kill her sister
Because her sister stood by and did nothing.
>>cruel tormentor
Tormented no one
>>twisted soul
You do know what the word twisted means don't you?
>>not innocent
No one in the lol world is innocence. Guess every one is evil.
Not ahri, and you just pulling shit out your ass. Thanks for show you can't read.
>Yo what if we remove the only thing that makes this piece of shit even capable of doing anything
>But keep it absolute garbage anyways so it now has no reason to ever be picked at all
>And nobody will ever complain since nobody plays him anyways
She always was?
So your entire argument is semantics? That's literally it? You have nothing else?
Its the tits
>Who’s your favorite league of legends champ? For me it’s this garbage they replaced morgana with.
stockholm syndrom and/or zoomer taste
Jhin is such a goddamn great character, even if he wasn't in LoL.
Love the voice, love the lore, love his style, love how he plays.
That'd be Akali and Irelia.
>Not Warring Kingdoms Vi
Respectfully disagree with that taste user but i'm glad vi is good again so I can stomp people who willingly pick no escape adc
Friendly reminder Riot only reworks champions that NA plays as to not disrupt their Chinese playerbase. Also all balance and meta tweaks are in their favor
Fuck Riot for what they've done to my Grungy Nunu skin, now it's fucking baby costume diaper time.
How would shield relic work in this case? Can you Q the cannon minion, get your stacks AND give the gold to your carry?
Annie is the sexiest character
it's the bellybutton
>reporting players for off-meta picks
it's a melee attack so yes
Hello fellow rumble bro
Right now rumble mid is top tier. Feels goodman. Feels good to flex on all these yas fags
Old Morde was a mysterious force of nature that would appear in places of great sickness and feed off the agony of the blighted peoples. People thought he came from the shadow isles but we could only speculate. They then changed his lore nearly a half dozen times and made him less ambiguous each time. Now he even has a name, fuck that.
So you have no arguments, and just pulling shit out your ass? Nothing else?
Its the thighs
Any love for my girl Yuumi ?
Single handedly got me back into the game
yuumi is fucking cancer
>anime posters
>pointless posts that add no value to the discussion
ahh is it school holidays already?
he's just fun as fuck to play, I wish they would put the music that played during his ult before back in, why the fuck did they remove this?
I love his voice.
Back when this game had soul.
I suggest you git gud then
Can't believe how fucking stupid Kayle looks now. Was my first main back in season 2.
ur role is forever fucked get keked
play full AP Yuumi with veigar
I know they made his design more generic and looking like Lucius Malfoy, but post rework Swain is a hell of a time. Not often you get a mid lane mage who actively has to throw himself into the thick of it to blow everyone the fuck out. I like his aesthetic a lot too and his lines and lore are pretty cool.
He really is fucking amazing, he’s the one character I’d take out of this game and put into something else.
Fuck your bitches and your hoes, Zilean is the best bro. He'll blow you up and walk away, wishing you could turn back time to when you weren't so gay. The truth is, all the league sluts wanna suck his clock cock, but it's just so time consuming.
I just hate they got rid of his birb
Jhins voice is amazing
>I change the definitions of words to in arguments
Go back to your general
Did they keep Mordekaiser as a shitty botlaner you'd only ever use to do cheesy double relic shield strats?
Yes. He's the best champ riot has ever made.
>assassiniggers being mad of having their asses kited into oblivion
He's literally just a carbon copy of Jinx
Jinx is le quirky Harley Quinn bruh
Kindred, then old Nunu, then Ivern.
His kit is the exact same as jinx
Probably the best cinematic too
I haven't played league in years but my favorites were Nautilus, Sejuani, Nunu, Cho Gath and Riven even though I sucked with her but she was my waifu
Veigar since season 2. He single handedly still makes the game fun for me. People get infuriated by that fact I main "hard R press" champions.
I play him a bit on and off, and a lot less since after the client changes, so my mastery isn't there. Picked up Malz in season 8, played like 300 games of him in one run, got to Diamond, stopped giving a single fuck about ranked after that and just started playing for mastery unironically.
Still play Veigar on-and-off though. He's too free win to not abuse.
I've been maining him for 3 years straight and still having much more fun than with any other ADC.
Assassin update was a big flop for me.
But anyway, rework team is fucking shit, they deserve being fired.
>statcheck champion is """unhealthy"""
>million dashes esports ready champion is """healthy""" and fine
Fuck nu-Riot logic, dashes and skillshots killed this game.
Man that's like... 10,000 hours at least
Urgot has come in and out of the meta a lot since his rework actually
Have you actually played the reworked aatrox extensively? He's fun as fuck to play but currently he just doesn't really fit in the meta. Coming from someone that barely touched pre rework Aatrox so maybe i'm talking out my ass though. What's bad about him compared to his old form which from what I understand was basically just an auto attack champion?
ive been spamming alistair ever since i got bored with dota
im getting bored again because ive been playing only one hero and any other heroes are just not meeting my tastes
recently picked up nautilus but its still not feeling it and i think i shouldve picked up the orm blacksmith guy instead
also whats the deal with the meta on this game
im starting to notice people mostly run 4 carries and 1 support on this game
Legit, Urgot pre-rework was basically the only reason I played League.
Uh, when I quit he was meta for like 5 months, so what's "a lot" for you?
He really sells the whole "front-line general mastermind" schtick. Excellent VA and writing.
shen and sion chad master race
>He's fun as fuck to play
Play Riven.
>also whats the deal with the meta on this game
>im starting to notice people mostly run 4 carries and 1 support on this game
Support is always a support (though sometimes they're damage threats like Brand or Pyke). ADC is always a carry. Top and jungle can pick carry melee DPS, heavy bruisers, tanks or sometimes assassins (also Ivern the jungle support). Mid can take burst mages, assassins, control mages and sometimes more supportive picks like Karma. Thing is, everyone in solo queue likes to be the star so nobody plays tanks or shielding champions.
Niggers read the lore before spitting your ignorant shits let me guess both of you are dotards
Morgana tied down her wings to rot on earth for all eternity because she is a dum dum.
With how bad the recent VGUs have been, how hard are they going to ruin Pantheon?
Did you guys see my boy VOLIBEAR tearing it up in the gook leagues a few hours ago?
>caring about nu-lore
Soulless shit.
She's not edgy enough for me.
Swap is literally one of the the most busted ultimates the game had when it was removed
It can never go on a hero that's not absolutely terrible and Riot knows it
>like Shaco
>wards are problematic, here's nerfs
>like Twitch
>stealth is problematic, he's a generic ADC now
>like Fizz
>uhhh he's a bruiser now eat shit
>like Destruction Man
what is this fucking full sized pictures with ant text, dont link me this babbys first html webpage ever again
uh yeah old lore IS SOOO GOOD
youre the lee sin that goes mobi boots and rushed titanitc hydra in my games, kys
Swap by itself is fine.
The real "flaw" was an uninterruptible stun leading up to the swap, so you could effectively remove a team's strongest player from a teamfight for just long enough for your team to all but shred them or use it to annoy the shit out of a Jungler before turning around and ripping their ass open, since at that point, your Urgot is kitted out with Manasword, Cleaver, etc. and can out-DPS a Kha'Zix or Rengar.
I used to play this whit my friend all the time
now we dont speak anymore
Anything would be an improvement from that piece of shit, both in gameplay and aesthetically.
So, he cut himself in half so he would always have a friend.
So he would always have a friend.
The meta right now, in its current state, is probably one of the best meta's we've had since season 6. Nothing is grossly overpowered or even perma-ban tier (Even Kench and Karma top got nerfed to a decent position, Morde isn't as OP as people think) and every champ ranges from "decent pick" to "S tier".
Like, it's impressive that Riot managed to make a balanced version of Ryze to a point where he isnt 35% winrate and everyones winrate isn't skewed by that alone.
>git gud
>meanwhile playing afk sona 2.0
>Thing is, everyone in solo queue likes to be the star so nobody plays tanks or shielding champions.
no thats not it
ive been spamming ali on most of the games
it just surprised me that im noticing people would rather want me to play adc
pubs arent even mad that i play tank but theyd rather want an ADC
given that im just playing blind solo did people just start getting used to running a game without tanks
at most ive only seen malphite in one game as a tank in the past week but even the dude who played him ran an ap build with that meteor rune thing
nu-lore is objectively better than whatever 3 drunk smucks inside a smelly office wrote that was old lore with summoners and shit.
Its almost like comparing sonichu to something like The dark tower: The Gunslinger
So, let me see, newfaggot, your nu-lore have 0 connection with gameplay. There is no SR at all and no reasons to fight for champions/joining league.
Also try to read JoJ, shit was comfy.
>nu-lore is objectively better
Sure if you want to read sjw fanfiction tier always retconned(since each new narrative team try to push their own things) shit. Consume and don't ask questions.
give him tits
how the fuck do you figure that
tell me how I know you either don't play league and are just falseflagging, or you play league but don't read the lore at all.
In case you don't know, after the dudebros over at riot games employed real writers each character has only been retoconned a maximum amount of 1 fucking time, since they had to update shit ton of characters for the new setting of runeterra, but since these were mostly rushed, they decided to update some of these stories with the rework of the characters. Hell even some stories are already good with the future rework of their champions (pantheon)
just hang yourself nostalgia googles-wearing boomer.
>MtF Taliyah
>2 gays 1 darkin Varus
>good guys are bad, bad guys are more human-like philosophy(Jace/Viktor lore rework, Demacia/Noxus lore rework, Kayle/Moregana lore rework)
>Narrative lead is a female and reposts sjw things in twitter
Hm....let me see...
Based girl and fun to play. My new main.
Okay, that explains her wings. Not the tail.
>MtF Taliyah
Never happened. Yeah DZK was a legit SJW retard but he doesn't work there anymore and it was never more than his headcanon.
>2 gays 1 darkin Varus
Not a fan of them retconning his previous lore, but honestly I just found that shit funny.
>good guys are bad, bad guys are more human-like philosophy(Jace/Viktor lore rework, Demacia/Noxus lore rework, Kayle/Moregana lore rework)
You're right and I agree, that's a legit problem. Still not SJW.
>Narrative lead is a female and reposts sjw things in twitter
Who gives a shit
I'm just happy she appears relatively balanced and under the radar. I've played the shit out of several of the newer champions (like Pyke and Sylas) and seeing them on the patch notes every other week and banned constantly is a drag.
I feel like Vi, Vlad and Nasus are the unholy trio of awful game design.
If they're in your game, it's over already. There's no real counter for these three and what they love to do.
Tie between Gangplank and Shen
Gangplank’s lore event years ago was the most creative and passionate League ever got with lore and I wish they did stuff like that more often
I cant put my finger on it, but there is something extremely unappealing in every lol champion.
The design reeks of... soullessness
>I make things up and pull shit out of my ass.
Go figure the person that can't read also doesn't know what words mean.
I particularly like her Korean voice over.
This. I can usually just either play her mid or jungle. And a lot of people still dont know whats going on when you fight them.
>Gangplank’s lore event
Explain, never seen it.
>MtF Taliyah
not true, that's just a meme
>2 gays 1 darkin Varus
oh shit gay people are not real
>good guys are bad, bad guys are more human-like philosophy(Jace/Viktor lore rework, Demacia/Noxus lore rework, Kayle/Moregana lore rework)
what's wrong with not having pure evil and pure good people?
Yeah I want swain to be pure evil that wants to kill everry body hell yeah brotha, not this old fuck that understand why war is not a good option and assassinated the warhungry leader of noxus and now has to deal with all the shit he left behind
>>Narrative lead is a female and reposts sjw things in twitter
and luckily there are different writers
ok /pol/ lemme give you some points as to why league is also redpilled:
>Sylas is literally spewing commie propaganda and is shown as a bad guy in his lore, even showing how ends doesn't justify his means.
>Azir literally used slaves but Riot showed how slavery was actually good and could have avoided shit ton of deaths and shit, also showed how azir was actually caring for his slaves and how they benefited from being slaves
>Talks about pro-vastayah movements as something good since its an endangered race that has been mixed with human blood (which in the lore is pictured as this bad thing) and how preserving their race is a noble ideal.
your turn now falseflagger
>Never happened
>Mimic Taliyah
>"Hmm... Neeko not the only one who changes."
Also twitter.com
So fuck off, shill.
they killed the gangplank and disabled him from the game
then it turns out he is not dead and they released the rework+skins for bilgewater champs+ bilgewater map event
She’s the best girl.
user she doesn't have a tail. She's dragging her wings behind her.
The Bilgewater event with Captain MF and Illaoi.
>get a name that's perfect for a character
>absolute shit at the game and the character
>only get to mastery 7 through sheer persistence
>now I don't have fun playing anyone else
I only play the game so I don't lose my name
post name
I miss Old Xerath.
you know klein was kicked off riot right?
you know there is also sources saying how this was just an early stage idea that was shut down and never was implemented.
you know that that vage quote was just a reference to that idea, but it also a reference to how she grew fond of her powers while training with yasuo.
Jhin and Kindred are exceptionally well designed characters above and beyond even the game they’re in
post blue yordles
Falls off late and does nothing to those 3, also getting reworked to be even worse.
Rito pls stop gutting my champion
Give anti dash feature back to his ultimate already
>but it also a reference to how she grew fond of her powers while training with yasuo
Are you fucking retarded?
Wow. Hilarious.
>Demacia/Noxus lore rework
I have to catch up on this. I remember when Singed, Swain & Darius were basically hitler.
I hope that's still the case.
you are the retard that hasn't read the lore and is trying to think that everything is SJW propaganda like the /pol/ drone you are, faggot.
>Nasus has no counters
He loses to plenty of champions. He's outclassed in both laning and being a scaling carry by Gangplank. All he can do is split and he only becomes unstoppable if the enemy either picked one of the few champions he has an easy time against or somehow lost to him.
How the fuck is gay pirate more threatening than one shot siege dog? What?
Karthus Jungle one trick reporting in.
Y'all mad as hell dying to my Requiem. Every game I play enemy team always rages "Karthus broke as hell Requiem dealt 1349 damage to me."
I feed off the salt.
not canon, not in any of her lore. the deranged ramblings of an ex-employee on twitter are not lore.
imagine being so weak-minded that you think anyone who disagrees with you is a shill. calling out retards on 4channel dot org is something i do for free, i wish they paid me.
(because somehow now Demacia banned magic at all, and prison every single mage, dystopia)
(actually good guys, you just don't get it guys)
Wow. What? This is Halo 4 levels of shitting all over the lore.
We should have known what was going to happen to the game when they first reworked him. I feel for everyone whom's champs have been ruined.
That's... a really weird list when there's so much more cancerous shit in game. Vi is completely useless if behind. Nasus is a ticking time bomb but any team with CC fucks him even if he gets fed and many tops just run him over. Vlad is a fucking mistake, true enough.
>Countered by a single item
Losing against Karthus is sad
please don't bully me, I don't even have mord anymore since they reworked him
You literally don't get it. Cool generalizations.
>Falls off late and does nothing to those 3
That's why you end the game early with him. He's always been a staple pick for Chinese elo boosters because he has a kit that's nigh impossible to fuck up or be outplayed. He's never truly useless despite being a champion who "falls off". Statistically he wins more games later than champions who supposedly scale harder because of his amazing engage and pretty much putting the game into a 4v5 situation if he manages to steamroll his lane. Plenty of challenger pantheon 1 tricks for years now.
Scales into the mid and late game better and is useful in team fights and has a decent laning phase with grasp proccing off of Q. Also he takes towers pretty fast too if you know how to reset his passive and proc sheens on it in conjunction with demolish.
I'm trying to learn gnar and kayn now.
Ah okay, thanks for explaining, user. I came off as angry but I'm a shitter who wants to improve.
I've been winning nonstop on Nasus, even after going 0-4 in lane. That's why I feel so strongly.
>literally no escapes so I’ll shit on him with Vi or Lee
Nice name
The character of not wasting my time on earth playing dogshit
Singed is still an insane war criminal. Darius and Swain are a lot more nuanced. Noxus is basically the Roman empire now, they're warmongering expansionists but they also offer full citizenship to any conquered cultures and integrate it into their empire while being entirely meritocratic. Demacia on the other hand is now an extremely isolationist kingdom with little geopolitical influence that systematically oppresses mages for existing.
Wow, so new character voice quotes are also not canon? Cool.