I really want Ice Beast Uka Uka to be a playable character in CTR: Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled

I really want Ice Beast Uka Uka to be a playable character in CTR: Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled.

Attached: ice uka.jpg (480x360, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Please pray for Fake Crash, he doesn't have a family like the other bandicoots.

will literally never happen because the masks are powerups

I wouldn't mind keeping him as a pet
He would use the elementals

>get power up
>instead of the mask encircling the player the mask character just spins in his seat really fast

>Madam Amberly
>Rusty Walrus
>Farmer Ernest
>Evil Crash, Evil Coco and good Cortex skins
>Tenth Dimension track

Twinsanity Grand Prix when?

Attached: Crash_Twinsanity_Coverart.jpg (220x279, 18K)

youtube.com/watch?v=TsmvX7FJHho&t=1224s Soon I hope

Fuck Sewer Speedway. Every single time I play that track online I see like four people crashing into the fucking wall when attempting the shortcut, every single lap. Nobody makes it. The easiest way to win this track is to not use the shortcut at all because nobody else uses it either or they fail it and thus ruin their entire race. It only takes one failed attempt to prevent you from winning so it's not even worth the try. One of the 3 worst tracks in the game even though it was one of the best ones in the original. Truly the greatest tragedy of this remake.

>good Cortex

Attached: CortexAAAAAAA.png (912x714, 72K)

I would deflower her gently but firmly.
Then proceed to penetrate her deep and hard so i can make certain 100% i’ll impregnate her.
After that first time we would experiment and have naughty fun like all married couples do.

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Half of those characters actually suck.

Do you think it hurts when people call him "Fake"? He bleeds real blood and he cries real tears. His laughs are genuine and his smile is pure yet they dare to call him fake! HE'S REAL TO ME DAMN IT!

>DNFs you
Again? Well hey don't sweat it too much bro, I'm sure those items you got caught up in had something to do with it!

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this, where's Nina?

That's real sweet user but I have some bad news. Due to the mutation process Coco has been made sterile and is unable to procreate.

so do some of the CNK characters what's your point besides, if N. Brio cant get in before BABY CRASH. Just take the good and the bad.

I didn't list her cause she was already datamined. Otherwise she would be a shoe in.

Worst part is in the Fusion games he's found chained up in a hard to reach area where Crash steals his card and doesn't release him.

Ah, I can help you with that user. I did Invent the Evolvo-Ray after all.
If i evolve her and crash a tiny bit more with the lowest possible speed on the ray, then it might make it so they have there genitalia back.

Attached: N brio.jpg (210x240, 7K)

"I-I feel...N I C E "

Just popping in to remind y'all of how fucked over Balanced and Turning are. BUFFS WHEN?

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i wet my pants.

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Needs a Whoretex skin


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"Nina! I'm...So...PROUD OF YOU!"


Stats are a meme, skill, etc.

I was wondering if we would ever get Nitro Kart adventure mode in the future as an expansion along with unlockable big Velo in the future

14.99 dlc

You are driving in the 1st place online when suddenly something green hits you out of nowhere. Post your face when this happens.

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Are Crash and Coco actually related or did they just form a family unit with Aku Aku, like how Crunch became a brother figure to them?

I want to see him and Tiny Tiger wrestle haha
naked haha

Why do I lose my reserves everytime I hop into a drift to change direction? It also usually kills my sacred flame

Coco's retarded?

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Reminder that these stats don't actually tell the story and presenting them without context is dishonest.

The only reason Speed and Accel are broken is because of the universal u-turning and air braking mechanics. Those two systems make turning the same on every character meaning that speed and accel negate their worst stats and get to enjoy driving faster in a straight line whereas turn and balance have to snake drift in order to keep reserves only allowing them to drive in a straight line for half the distance speed and accel did.

People need to understand why things are actually broken, why things are good, and why things are bad before parroting shit otherwise you'll get Beenox to make the game worse.

fuck off falseflagger stop trying to paint Crunch as a furry idol

Crunch has literally always been the gay furry faggot character. They're the only reason that he survived past one game - because gay furries thought he was hot.


I'm sorry that you're a flaming homosexual furry user. Just accept it.

>Crash separates with Tawna (she wants to travel while Crash just wants to relax at home)
>Feeling lonely
>Suddenly this little girl shows up and starts calling Crash her brother
>He can't really refute it, considering he can't talk properly, so he just rolls with it because it's nice to have someone around aside from a sagely mask spirit
>It turns out Coco's real brother is Fake Crash

You're a flaming homosexual furry. Just accept it. You like the furry faggot character that's only continued to exist because gay furries supported him.

This isn't a case of missing context: Accel is actually genuinely faster, and Turning actually has better acceleration than Balanced:

That’s the big issue, but it’d also be nice if the stat screens weren’t intentionally misleading.

This tactic of yours is never ever going to work


Fake Crash just can't catch a break


Attached: 01 balance.png (1049x750, 57K)

Engine shouldn’t appear in races, it lets you USF without a USF pad so people will just hang back till the get one then USF all the way through a track not designed for it.

>get perfect boosts most of the time
>do at least 2 boosts for each powerslide
>boost very frequently
If you don't follow these rules you probably just run out of reserves.

i thought it only gave you SF?

Nah if you do a couple boosts or a jump it turns into USF too.

>Seeing a Motorsport Liz player online
I salute you for being the only person who uses her even if you finish 4th in every race like the shitter that you are.

>people unironically using a term coined by some autistic speedrunninf failure at life
Just call it super turbo, don’t be a faggot.

It runs out after some time, you can't keep usf infinitely even if you keep boosting.

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>Guys, stop using 20 year old terms cemented into the entire fanbase for things because I, a 10 year old who bought the new pretty remake, dont like them!!!

>20 year old term
Prove it.
Show me it was created 20 years ago, coward!

I know some of you faggots have ideas for legendary skins so let's hear them.
Wrestler Papu Papu

Well the original is 20 years old so I'd imagine the terms were coined relatively close to that period.

If it doesn't already change engine to not give USF during races, but instead SF

mouse cosplay Neo Cortex

>no proof
That’s what i thought.
Sit down bitch, and be humble.

Considering the changes to Orbs and less defensive options for top 3. Wouldn't that be okay in a way?

It's atleast 14 years old. Regardless my point stands, you're a cocksucker.

ami players eat my shit

>DNF a whole lobby of waifufaggots


Why is DNFing Motorsport Amis the best feeling in the world?

trophy girls were a mistake

I like game

Giving nitro for completing normal races was a mistake. If you only got nitro from the challenges, people wouldn't fill every single online lobby with trophy girls.


seriously, fuck online multiplayer.

weapons are fucking retarded. winning is 90% luck and 10% skill, you can have such a huge lead just by outperforming the entire lobby but all it takes is one fuckhead with a clock to hit you as soon as you're on a jump to wind you all the way back to 8th with zero chance of catching up because every other tryhard fuck is light years ahead

Tawna and crash is basically Jessica and roger rabbit

or your mom and me lmao

Why yes, I would love to have yet another online race at Twilight Tour against four Ami players. How did you know Beenox?

Attached: CTRNF average online lobby.png (1600x576, 2.06M)

Anyone got that cute image of Crash giving his trophy to Tawna

Ugly people rarely get Justice

Woah! Thanks user, I werent boosting often enough.

All the online I did tonight were filled with a mix of Racer Crunch and Megumi, had one Ami but it was all fucking Twilight Tour

serious i quit if i get hit by a weapon by the first lineup of weapon crates

if you fall behind even slightly it's game over because every single dickhead is going to whale on you once you hit the crowd, if you don't get a shield or a mask as your first powerup then kiss 1st place goodbye

Online races get me so fucking mad. One day I'm going to throw the controller at th

based biker tiny

>twilight tour isn't voted
>host leaves
>host dnf on twilight tour
>host leaves
I wish I could race the same people for more than two races.

Why do people call others "tryhard".
Isn't the basic rule of competition that you try your hardest to win you fucking retards? Incredible.

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I'm guilty of this. Everyone is trying to complete the win as Tawna challenge.

For me it's still Ami central. Luckily they're not very good players.

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Anyone worse than me is a shitter or a casual
Anyone better than me is a tryhard or an autist

At what point do you get the champion kart? I'm already in the top 5%

Fuck off samefag, online is fine. Git gud if you're not doing well.

At the end of the grand prix

You'll get the kart if you're within the top 5% at the end of the GP.

But I don't want to keep playing I want to go outside

Nice, been playing a lot of Big Norm recently and just got his kabuki skin, its good shit

You have autism


Invis is redundant since things like missiles don't target you anyway

So you're saying you are ugly?

Lets be fait not everyone playing the babes is doing so because it makes their pickle tickle. Some folks are farming nitro

Taking a dump on waifushitters with CNK bros? I can respect that

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what the hell is the secret to nailing the final ramp/bend in twilight tour? everyone seems to be speeding up it except me

it can't be usf because i can't see it on anyone

Your mom hot?

I want Tikimon to be a racer

I want Rilla Roo, Nina, Brio, lab assisstant, Yaya Panda, Koala kong, twinsanity skunk, farmer Ernest Crash guy and Pasadena.

I want the evil twins. I don't care what class they are, I will shit all over waifufags, babyfags, and fotmfags alone with them.

We need Lab assistant since he's the most iconic non-boss enemy and has so many costume possibilities.

>All the amifags leave
>A new guy appears and reveals his power level
So that's how it's going to be

Attached: The game is on.png (1596x594, 2.06M)





>tfw keeping ahead ami players for the entire race
>tfw DNFing ami players
>tfw ami players can't steer for shit and can only race in straight tracks
>tfw ami players falling every time in papu's pyramid trying to get the shortcuts

lifes good

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I’m afraid we wont get him because he’s in some of the start/finish lines.

>pick Dragon Mines
>everyone leaves

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Juiced up version gives you blue flames

You mean this part? If I jump at the top I usually lose USF, instead I start a powerslide before and boost while falling.

Sometimes you don't see other players' fire online because of lag but they do have it.

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Is Dragon Mines the most despised level?

The fucking turn is ridiculous because the original game had you bounce off the wall to keep you in the race, this game has you slam into the wall and dead stop unless you have muscle memorized the perfect turn

damn they added deathclaw as a racer?

u-turn / air brake / whatever makes it a breeze

thanks senpai


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post yfw this happens.

yes im playing a turn character, it feels right on this stage

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Why is online so bad?
>Get good RNG with shield early to ride out the initial shit flinging
>Win the race

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>got a lobby yesterday where the votes were between Dragon Mines, Dingo Canyon and Retro Stadium
Leaving was the best option.

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So a non-juiced Engine only gives you SF. Gotcha.
I guess a fix for that is that the Juiced version only makes the boost last longer.

You do have the platinum relic paint job, right user?

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I do. Beating Oxide's times were a cake walk compared to them.

I like the cut of his jib

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i do but sapphire relic looks much better

I'm working on it
I just got gold last night
Some of these tracks I just don't understand how to go fast enough to get the platinum

Been busy AF and also did the shit from the main menu and not adventure mode so I'm sure I'm at 0%

I mean, you just told us what the strategy is. Why not use it?

>with the Coco sticker on his kart no less
Fucking christ

Relic races are a chore so no. I'll probably get round to unlocking it some day but I'm in no rush.

wait what?

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>Just get good RNG bro

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Why didn't I think of that

Is there a comfier feeling than being in first with a blue shield?

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N.Tranced is pretty wild story wise.

Being first with a double blue shield or a blue shield + mask.

Post your Battle Ships and R8 others.

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Keeping 1st and actually winning

>received an orb at second place
>skipped the guy in first place, went all the way around hitting everyone
>hits him a lap later making him fall before a jump

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Megumi manages to bea qt even in that horendous motorcross skin.

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>I'm just farming for nitro: the setup
How about you post your ACTUAL setup, the one you really want to use.

Suomi pingviini perkele

Attached: CTRNF current setups.png (1594x744, 1.56M)


zero 56% kids, double the fun

local arcade
>absolutely unstoppable
>chaining perfect boosts ad infinitum
>sustain boosts indefinitely
>perfect laps every time
>sickest setup you've ever seen
>fucking dominator

>can't even get a starting boost
>failing boost timings over and over
>crashing into walls
>choke on tight turns
>run into items like a blind boi
>insecure over character choice and setup, feel judged by others
>lucky if i get 3rd

alright what gives

It is your nerves. You have performance anxiety.

You're nervous

but i'm the frontman of a fairly well known band that tours and performs regularly how am i getting stage fright over a goddamn video game

Based eggman.

You aren't accustomed to the game yet. I still get nervous, but I am just a mediocre player and person.

Fake Crash is my go to for Oxide Station at the very least. Always come in 1st using Fake Crash on that level online.

Never pick a turning character. RIPpa Roo

this grand tour stuff is getting old lasting all month

Tough luck

Nobody is forcing you to do it.
Just do regular races.

but then I don't get champion kart


I can understand if you blow out the harder challenges and are already maxed out, but I just passed into gold after a 3 day break from the game. Not top 5, but moving up and liking it.

Tough luck, princess.

I wish there was less shitty battle missions and more missions that encourage me to do more time trials or progress in story. There's only been a couple of ones that were actually worth doing in Adventure Mode.

Bubble gum or Lemonade?

yeah the battle ones are the worst

Ive just been playing in wumpa time everyday and I'm like top 3% of nitro and top 6% (getting close to top 5%, not farther) for championship.

>How about you post your ACTUAL setup
user, my actual setup won't include that skin.

Also i have a plan for when Ripto comes out.

>but then I don't get champion kart
If you've already played the game enough, it's probably going to be hard for you to exit the 5% Nitro collection. I'm like in the 3.9% for playing an hour or so a day.

I want to fuck a coco without a condom

You guys could try online battle

Summertime Ami in a green bandibuggy with black stripes. Don't care about stickers waiting on the israeli flag

r8 h8

Attached: Tropy.png (1090x801, 1.07M)

Ripto isn’t coming out.
It’s Spyro, Hunter, Bianca, Ember, moneybags and egg thief.

>if crunch was voiced by Patrick Warburton

Who? Also, leaks have already confirmed Spyro, Hunter, Gnasty, Ripto and Sorceress.


not good enough to get tropy, looks ok to me though. Maybe red wheels to match the flames.

We’ll see who has the last laugh soon...

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its a good thing for you that i cant identify you because you look like every other fucking drone i see in my games

Still dont have those so just going with purple atm as its my favorite colour
I am trying to find a set that works with digital tropy but have shit all unlocked

cringe larp

for my pot

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Why are people bitching at dingo canyon when shit like baby’s park, jungle boredom, inferno shit and Crash snore exist?
At least DC has hazards and a jump.

This is good. I hope Beenox caves in and rebalances the items.

>Fast forward in time, Spyro characters' stats revealed
>Spyro: balanced
>Hunter: speed
>Gnasty: speed
>Ripto: handling
>Sorceress: acceleration
>mfw Ripto fags on suicide watch

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I have absolutely no idea what costumes could Krunk get.

someone post that "gif" of Pura's face.

I change setups a lot, but these are recent ones I used.

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>blode ami
>mfw short hair blondes are my type

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The main problem I have is the ridiculous lag,
There should be regional servers like MK to mitigate this

Why is it so hard to find pet tsuchinokos? They look cute.

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I'd play Gnasty, Speed AND based? Sign me the fuck up.

I don't remember there being a massive furry following with Crunch when he got introduced back in 2001 since nobody gave a shit of Wrath of Cortex

Nasty motherfucker

Attached: pura-crp.gif (286x301, 171K)

Hunter will be Accel
Don't believe me if you dont want to

gonna need sauce

Fat snek haha

Krunk wearing normal human clothes would be perfect.

No, he was in Twinsanity because of fans
that's why his texture is just slaped onto Crashes model

Fuck off with your censored game, shill.

I forgot about my Gentlemen Ripper Roo setup, but I rarely use him anyways.

Honestly my favorite is that Team Bandicoot with the fade, using the Team Oxide colors because it looks like a wumpa fruit.

Get in

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Put him in a cheap suit. Call it monkey suit krunk

Don't you have anything better to do?

Dingo canyon has literally no shortcuts at all and is usually just a rng hell of item spam, much like inferno island. Jungle Boogie is great though, 2 notable shortcuts, tons of good boost turns and strategically placed boost pads

>100% uptime in top 5% for both nitro and trophies just from casual online and dailies without relying on any of the new dogshit characters/cars/skins
eat my fucking nuts furfags

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Hunter is a cheetah, anything but speed would be ridiculous. Also, accel is stereotypically the skill set for "smart" characters and Sorceress is definitely the smartest out of the bunch.

Pirate Komodo Joe
Hawaiian Shirt Pinstripe
Sundial N. Tropy
Land Shark (from CTR 2010) Nash
Robot Engineer Real Velo
Feathery Raptor Baby T.
Rad Skateboarder Spyro

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Hunter will be speed and accel.

In the car or you?
thanks, im here all night.

Cheetahs are great at acceleration as well though

DC has a shortcut at the beggining when you cut the desert part and behind the cactus.


I don't get into cars with strangers

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>Game bad two characters have pants now :(

Give up bitch. You have been trying to change it since before release. Name is fine and you are autistic for keeping this shitty campaign going


It’s over, crashbros...

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Don't shame the tsuchinoko, he brings good luck!

>Incels being THIS insecure
please don't come here again

cheers senpai

So he was in a 3 second throaway gag because of fans.
Can you stop trying to rewrite history, you make Stalin look earnest in comparison

I went from fighting the top three spots to getting in last place to getting first earlier today. Yes items fucking sucks. And fix turn characters by giving them more boost reserves per boost.

Dude calm down, it's not that big of a deal.

I never have had one pop. My friend did and said it was a laggy mess anyway

We need to fix the game by having equipable engines with different stats so you can play turning Crunch or accel Tiny.

Would you rather get a new controller?

This, plus buff Balanced characters by giving them more speed.

Does anyone know which paint job is on Tawna's kart in this pic? I'm having trouble IDing it and I'm wondering if it's even in the game

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>mfw I'll never be able to keep blue fire in Cortex Castle

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Why are all crunch players really fucking good at this game.

"Its ok big boy, but how about i show you a little 'Shortcut' to improve your time?"

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Drift on the USF pad and boost mid air

Pink with red bars and bluish exhaust? Not sure. The only pink paint jobs I can recall are Pink and Roadster

it's Tawna pink and right now it's unavailble

why is this a CTR thread?


Sounds good but it's besides the point if everyone is just going to pick speed.

Also this

Beach Cortex
Inmate Pinstripe(orange jumpsuit)
Pirate Fake Crash
Racer anybody(we just need a victory animation where they splash champagne all over themselves and the audience)


Fake news, Megumi and Isabella didn't change.

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Ami and Liz got Burkad.

for battle mode

Is that not just retarded though?

I want the Crash of the Titans designs

*SIGH* rated M Alcohol references

>Release character
>Don't release their paint job with them
Big Brain Beenox

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don't give this guy a (You)

I'm able to hold onto it up until I reach the split after the first spider. I usually bump into something around there.

Clown Cortex
Armourless Tropy
Beatnik Big/Small Norm
Maid Geary

I already have two. I think the original post was meaning that he's just sick of all the boring battle challenges and would rather more racing ones.

Is it going to be in the pit stop?

You can fuck off zoomer

Fair enough

>let's fix imbalance by completely disregarding what makes them imbalanced
Great idea dipshit, you solved nothing

Hawaian bro Papu
Evil Coco
OG rapper Crash form warped promo pics
Gladiator Tiny

Isn't it the colour on the champion kart?

welcome back

Yes! Finally beat Oxide on Dragon Mines. Just Tiny Temple left for the Platinum Trophy!

>playing online
>full server
>usually either me or two other guys always winning
>just me and two other guys, every else left
>win every game, which is like 19 matches all together
Its amazing how easy online is when you don't have a chaotic amount of weapons and RNG fucking everything up.

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No, that would be 'Champion Indigo'

No seriously. Fuck off with your garbage taste. Claim to be over 12 years old all you want. You have the taste of a shit kid

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>N. Tranced Crunch and Coco (their suits from N. Tranced), Polar, Pura, and Dingodile (their little hypnohats from CNK)
Bonus points if their masks change to the Velo Mask to match N. Trance

You've given first and second no shield possibility so every clock and orb is guaranteed to hit them. That seems unfair. Even if it's just a chance, they should have the possibility to not get hit.

>digital tropy destroying the lobby
>be the only person that can finish besides him
>the backrunners use 6 clocks and like 2 warp orbs
>beat the digital tropy by like 10 seconds
>game crashes at the finish line

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dude, no one likes the titan games

How many relics are there in single player?

Do you just have a thing for hypno or something?

Warp Orbs can be dodged even when juiced up
Clocks should always hit first and second, the only way you should have protection is from getting a shield or mask from 3rd or below


4 in each of the main hubs and then the 2 bonus levels in the gem hub

great idea for skins.

Yes but that's not why I brought it up. I just want more skins with Coco in a jumpsuit

Here's your Coco bro

Attached: coco-bandicoot-crash-of-the-titans.jpg (385x763, 76K)

Noted. Been getting a lot of feedback so I might do a version 2 of this or something.

That outfit would be cute on N. Sane Coco

you and me bothon both counts

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7/10 Not Six-Pipes or Deadonator

Doubt it. At best she'll be a recolor option for Spyro along with Flame and Cynder

That shortcut in particular is indeed awful.
I finally managed to get it consistently after having to do it 3 times in a row for Oxide's ghost.

I just did Slide Colosseum and I have 17, have I missed one on the way or is there an unlocked special race elsewhere?

We need to push Beenox to add Hovercraft glows, buying wheels are a waste if you main hovercraft

Turbo track should be the last one

Open the pause menu, you can check progress. It's probably turbo track which requires all of the gems which require all of the ctr tokens

Electron/Twilight tires should change the glow color and effect

Well fuck, the CTR things sare absolute garbage

No imagine Dingodile saying
in a really sarcastic voice

isn't the new kart for the next GP also a hovercar?
it does look more kart-like but I wonder if it'll have wheel options.
as for hovercar glows, the electron wheels or similar ought to have that effect.

I do have both but I think the rocket has the best decal/exhaust pipes out of the lot. I should try get the flames decal for the hovercraft I suppose.

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It has a normal body but the wheels themselves hover. Might cause jank clipping on other vehicle bodies so it might be 1 whole unit like the hoverkart but well have to wait and see.

Maybe if we get more people to push Beenox they will make it so

Miami PI Papu Papu
Greaser Pinstripe

Looks like it has sideways tires. Whether that's a feature of the kart or the tires is up in the air.

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time travel themed grand prix sounds based

>fake crash steals tropy's tools, travels back in time, then impregnates everything he finds (ie dinosaurs)
Chad as fuck


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but thats a one person vehicle

*Sweats internally

I wonder if the Probulot 2000 wheels will add sideways wheels to other karts

This game implied that he was born from a transporter accident like Thomas Riker.

She didn't mean her kart.


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but thats a one person anthropomorphic female bandicoot

Just sit between her futa testicles bro

Also, wasn't Fake Crash's original name was suppose to be "Trash Bandicoot"?


>constantly win games in same lobby, with the same guy always second 10+ seconds behind while everyone else DNF's
>"wow youre so lucky dude xd"
Is this how speedlets cope? Blame luck after losing 10 times in a row?


>top 2% for Championship
>top 3% for Nitro
It's safe to say I can retire until double exp and trophies rolls around, right?

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Both CTR and CNK had off-putting renders for some reason.

It's hurts


wtf is redline?

A movie.

>"thunder struck? now thats one of the most dogshit tracks anyway and it even has a gamebreaking bug too"

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Fake Crash needs a new skin asap

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Spyro's kart is going to be the trolley, isn't it?

Green pants

>beat everyone on Android Alley
>they all vote for it again the next round
>get wrecked, made a comeback and win again by .3 seconds

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It damn well better

If Fake Crash was an Accel character I would main him so bad

plz Beenox switch him

>beat N Oxide's time
>But I was racing N. Tropy so I have to do it again

Do you guys think they should adjust this? If your best time beats both, it just counts them rather than making you replay?

I'm sure he'll have trouble with it

They should just tweak balanced stats so they're actually balanced.
Accel is actually closer to what balanced should be which is crazy.

I would like them to
There's no way I can beat some of those times twice

>Get 1st place in race by 3 nano seconds
>I'm 1st on the leader board
>race time ends and people who didn't finish get placed
>I'm then moved to second

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I've not only had this happen, but had a race where I literally hit the dude that was first a few metres from finish line (far enough that the impact wasn't going to propel him past it), cross the line myself while looking back and seeing him recover, only for the game to tell me he had a better time

I don't mind doing them three times because I need the practice but I wish it worked like the original and you can just restart to race them back to back. I miss N. Tropy talking to you after the time trial.

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Ntropy and Noxide should have their times logged on the leaderboard so you can tell how consistently you've outraced them. The feeling of pushing their times off entirely is something that I want.

Not on my TIME

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Yeah, I just did all those fucking crystal challenges last night to get purple gem for Fake Crash, for the GP Dailies. Such an awful mode, at least Fake Crash is hilarious.

Battle Royale game mode where you race with only handful of items (TNTs/beakers/turbos, the non-bullshit ones) and you constantly have to reach the next checkpoint before the time runs out. Endurance race mode, basically.

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motorcycles when

Then you don't deserve to have truly beaten Oxide, do you? If you lucked into a win, you're not the most skilled.

what is your worst position you've finished online (not counting crash cove meme challenge)
i was 4th once

this first Polar Pass jump shortcut is going to be the end of me bros....

>no daily and weekend bonus for offline
>they nerfed the coins for 10 tracks
>and they fixed the exploit that made getting coins offline even slightly easier
Why do Beenox and Activision despise single player vidya so much? why are they going out of their way to make it impossible to play CTR without playing online? and give me a reason not to sell this game tomorrow because of this shit.

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i found it somewhat frustrating since my first attempt to unlock n. tropy beat the oxide oxide like 50% of times
good exercise for people who never played the original though

Caught with egg on your face.

they can only hear you transmit your cute moans when you're playing online.

I use the same for point farming but otherwise pic related are mine. I don't understand how so many people fail to grasp the simple concept of good aesthetics.

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What if they do something like Hyper Spaceway, but with portals connecting every track in the game. NOW that would be a Kart Racing Battle Royal. Either that or have like a 50-player battle mode.

The thing is you have to do an initial time trial run just to unlock N.Tropy's ghost too

Kart presets when?

And we're here. Where we have faggots actually wanting CTR to be Fortnite.

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Use a speed character.

Schoolgirl Coco.

Can we have Crash Team Fortress instead?

Can you fuck off?

Explain to a brainlet what sacred fire is and what I'm supposed to do with it please.

But I play Accel user

There must be an easy way to do this jump. There's got to be some sort of technique that's not just "use the turbo pad and jump off the edge" So often I miss this shit, fail the jump or just mistime it completely. It's such a short window, there's no way you can do this consistently online, at least, not the way I'm doing it
There's got to be a trick to this shortcut.

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Get a blue tongued skink, they're basically what you're looking for but with stubby legs.

I can not make that jump without a speed character

Someone post that Zem Skin.


Take that back or else

Fucking this. Gives us Load outs Beenox

Who would you main a Crash fighting game? I feel like Ripper Roo would have a moveset similar to both Wolverine and Rocket Raccoon, setting down explosives while also clawing at opponents.

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sacred fire means you're boosting as if you came off a turbo pad
ultra sacred fire is the same thing but boosting even faster (all tracks in the 4th hub have a pad which give you USF somewhere, and also turbo track).
miniturbos will cancel USF so don't do that
reserves measure how much turbo time you have. You get a fraction of a second of boost time for doing a drifting mini turbo, but if you chain them correctly you can build up more and more boost time than you're actually using. if you do it right, you can build up enough that you can simply drive in a straight line for several seconds and still be boosted.
When you hit a boost pad whatever reserves you have won't just extend miniturbos, they'll extend SF and USF as well. all your leftover boost time just got upgraded.

>at least things can't get any worse

I don't know what to tell you except jump right there at this angle. It's supposed to be a difficult jump.

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Why are Megumi players consistently the most autistic

>bacon's raider still stuck in daily challenges

if you sell your game, they would win

At this point that might be acceptable. I'm thinking of selling it then putting the money aside towards the PC version in a year so then I can just cheat a stack of coins in and not give a fuck about their cash shop anymore.


Are you powersliding there?
How is your kart basically facing right? I'm generally facing top right

Huutista lillerihillerille :-DDDDD

>potion throws and slime summon specials
>hulkamania normals
>"fuck you, cortex" laser super

Not them but thank you for the first actual explanation I've seen for these mechanics in these threads.

>booby trap a shortcut
>realize next lap that nobody uses it except for me as i fall into the abyss
This is how shitters can get you

Is it me or are the players on Switch much more consistently good. Must be the Mario Kart 'tism.

Not him but I think there's been some, the thing is it's best explained through a video really

They're better than motorsport Ami and don't you say otherwise.

If it was Mario kart causing it, youd be seeing consistently bad players.
Also if you're in my region I'll dnf you with a plaintext realname instead of an internet handle just to rub it in.

>miniturbos will cancel USF so don't do that
In the original yes. You're supposed to do mini-turbos in Nitro Fueled to keep USF.

No, powersliding would completely mess with my angle. I just turn at the last moment.

Attached: polarpass.webm (1080x608, 1.25M)

Can't comment on Switch but it seems like everyone on Bone has N. Troopy. I very rarely come across shitters which unfortuently results in many races being done with people so fast that even second place can't reach the finish before the timer ends, or a bunch of assholes that only want to see eachother suffer. I get plenty of pain from Beenox gimping rewards and making the game about grinding thanks without randoms contributing towards it as well.

Hmm, thanks for the webm. I've been jumping off the top right edge and then air braking
I'll try it this way in a bit, I play Acceleration characters though

I did it bros

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>Recognise a name of a really good player in the lobby
>"Oh boy, now we have a match"
>He gets rekt by items
>He quits
Why are they like this?

As for PS4, everyone either uses Ami or Megumi. Occasionally you'll get a motorsport Crunch. I still haven't seen an N. Tropy.

go wreck faggots Online

Is it true that there are people on Yea Forums right now who aren't in the top 5%? Explain yourselves.

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I'm on PS4 and I've seen multiple, some that have him and don't even bother using him
A fair few digital N Tropy's too

There's no fun to be had getting completely buttfucked by items and coming in last place.

>Be first on the last lap
>Be miles and miles ahead of all the other players
>Decide to wait for them at the finish line so I don't DNF them
>Somehow 2nd place turns on turbo autism mode, catch ups to where I am in mere seconds and before I can react he throws an item at me and steals first place
>This has happened at least 4 times this week
Should I just stop waiting for people? I don't want them to finish the race feeling like shit for being DNF but I also noticed that they don't give a shit in the end, they will fuck you up for doing it and take a free 1st place.

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>3 N Tropies in a lobby, 2 of them with the Digital skin
>Lobby votes for Oxide Station

It was fun knowing you guys, I'll see you on the other side

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I've been busy with work and real life stuff so I don't play nearly as much as I would like to. I'm still like 10% though.

I've fucked myself over so many times like this.
Related: When you boobytrap a common turbo pad but everyone else avoids it and does the same, until there's just a wall of nitros and beakers

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if you watch the mini map you shouldn't have trouble going over the finish line when 2nd gets near?

Give people an inch and they'll take a mile.
If you feel you must give others a chance to finish, then wait like ten seconds maximum.
Remember, it's Survival of the Fastest.

Why would you wait? They still get placed and still get coins so you are doing them a favor by not needlessly prolonging the match.

Works fine with accel characters too.
I think you absolutely need sacred fire to make it, the boosts from the boost pads alone aren't enough.

So getting 1st every time is fun, but get some resistance in one game and you quit? Fucking rise up to the challenge

The only time I see Digitals other than me is when the bot is using him

>tfw been using acceleration characters the whole time
>the fucking drag on speed characters
I really have to get use to him.

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It's the shittiest map on the entire game although it becomes less shit if you learn how to u-turn your way on the bridge

People are going to get shitter-shattered no matter what you do, so there's no point in ever giving them an inch. Besides, you're actively wasting everyone's time, including yours, if you wait for people.


There's a difference between duking it out with a player of similar skill level and going head to head, and getting absolutely fucking ruined by items to the point where recovery is literally impossible. 2nd and 3rd place constantly fight, when they should be focusing their efforts on catching up to 1st. There's no skill involved in using a Blue Orb or a Clock, and getting stopped dead in your tracks because of getting hit twice in a row by a Homing Missile is the definition of unfun.

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>Play as Boomer Oxide
>See Digitial Tropy in the lobby
>Random motorsport Ami wins

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>!.8 gig update
W-Whats this, bros?

picking only missiles in capture the flag wasn't a great iea

Baby T looks hideous.

Based Ami flexing on yalls

damn right

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What does the tatoo say?

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"Mom" I think. I'm away from my console so i cant check.


>hair clipping thru ears
>in 2019
Trash game confirmed.

What did version 1.07 do?

Not sure why this made me laugh but
basedKingCrimson poster


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I'm not great at maintaining SF, you don't need it to do the jump, but it does make it far easier
I just went into time trial and each time I maintained SF I made the jump with ease. The problem is this is in time trial and in a real game maintaining it won't be so easy with all the items and shit, so it's hard to say if I could pull it off the same.

I wish there was a way to just practice this little bit over and over, bit tiresome to restart the whole race each time. I tried it your way a few times and have managed to get it sometimes, it's better because I keep my boost but I do find it harder because you have to jump, then turn and make sure your kart is on the top edge, then jump off

Nuraptor looks like shit.

HOW THE FUCK TO I COMPLETE KEEP NAGGING? No matter how many clocks and warp orbs I throw I never complete this challenge, what the fuck?

Hello Yea Forums! Have you read my latest novel? I call it the Bible, it's an autobiography of my life's achievements, please check a look at your leisure!

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who is mass producing it?

you can't use those

Can I beat every other Ntropy time if I beat him first in dragon mines? is there a harder map to beat?

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What's the Rainbow Road of this game? Hot Air Skyway, Oxide Station, Electron Avenue?

>Comparing to Mario Kart

>100+ hours in the game
>still haven't won a single online race
>can't beat the platinum relic times

Who else /eternal shitter/ here?

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Dragon Mines isn't that difficult, especially if you know how to U-turn. Far from the hardest.

Not you, you will get better
I advise looking up best times in a lap online and trying to emulate what you can. Learn about reserves and SF

just be in a race with one other guy, bro

Me, but I have fun trying to get better. Beat tropys time on a few tracks, but I don't think I will get him as a racer anytime soon.

anyone else unable to get on ps4 servers rn?

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Oxide Station, obviously

Last one there is a gay nigga!

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Oxide Station is the hardest Tropy ghost I think.

I thought Cortex wrote The Bible though...

why me of course, I tend to be the one behind everything

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>USFing through Twilight Tour near the end
>The guy that was in 1st (who I then passed) apparently arced a perfect projected shield at me, letting him pass me and claim 1st again
>That was the same race that some bitch-nigger mad as fuck Ami player in last place butt-fucked me against a wall with a Mask and kept hitting me with items, giving the guy in 2nd place ample amount of time to catch up and pass me

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i would be okay with Sorceress if i knew she wasn't going to have that godawful redesign

Sumo Papu Papu
Samurai Komodo Bros, like their original design

>le soulless xddd

She was always a bad villain. She doesn't even interact with spyro once

I love that kart design N.Tropy is using so much

So? Nor does Gnasty. Only Ripto does, and fuck Ripto

Stealing it.

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If it's a dude named Spritenq, he will leave as soon as he fucks up lmao. Very sad person

You sure? Because I've got my copy right here...

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If you can keep USF from the boost pad before the finish line, it's incredibly easy to make, so long as you air brake.

Think Sparx would be the "mask" for the Spyro characters?

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I like ALL of the new Spyro designs except the ones in Year of the Dragon Reignited, like fuck

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Nice filter, hoping to hide your hideous jaundiced skin?

While Ripto is a manlet, at least Gnasty and Spyro react and talk about eachother with Spyro insulting him as he dies and new articles. I don't even think Spyro mentions the sorceress.

I kind of miss the woah edits. Some of them were nice.

I wish you could register kart layouts. Like you have the premades you can pick, just let us save over them.

I don't have N Tropy yet but I'm close. What is the requirement for Digital?

source pls

I feel you. I like to have certain kart combos for certain characters and it sucks to have to pick out each part every time.

beat all the oxide ghosts

Beat all oxide ghosts

Oxide trials

Fug. Well I have some of those done. Guess I will keep on givin'er

>third place
>get a TNT box
>get triple missiled by the guy behind me

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It's Crunch time!

You probably wronged me earlier in the race or I mistook you for someone who had. Sorry friend, I am extremely vengeful

I actually didn't mean to reply to you mate, must have accidentally clicked your post, sorry bout that

Is time man absolutely safe now? I'm not risking my girls for some old fart.

man this is honestly pretty great, i love the british flag on the gentleman roo one

accel? more like incel lmao


No need to make Victor and Moritz separate characters. They look too similar and are small enough to fit in a single kart together.

>a tropical storm is on its way
better milk that weekend bonus while I can

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Doing time trials won't corrupt your save, but your game crashing during the auto save will. Anything related to the pit stop is stored on their servers so you won't lose your girls, just the skins you unlocked for them.
Just make a back up everyday if you're worried.

Nice try phony, you just marked over the real text with red marker!

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Last week it was a struggle to get Twilight Tour to appear at all, let alone be voted consistently. Made it tough to finish the “come in 1st” challenges for a) Tawna, b) online with a friend, and c) three times with anybody.
Now that the Grand Prix is approaching the halfway point, I guess it’s appearing more frequently to make it more easily available for everyone else who hasn’t gotten it yet.

Reminder to online scum for 30 minutes worth of racing when the daily wumpa coin bonus resets.

>needing to scum
Just go fast my dude.

Gonna play some Fake Crash today just because of these posts.
Mad respect to the best retarded boy.

That's all I've been doing for the past month. Play until the bonus runs out, complete daily challenges for Nitro, repeat the next day. To think when I bought this game I thought I would be racing for fun.

...la creatura

I like that you’re racing a Wildberry Poptart shark and kart, user. 90’s aesthetic as fuck.

Just switch to airplane mode and finish first until the bonus goes away, you'll be able to buy everything in the pit stop in no time.

>Just switch to airplane mode
Switch to what now?

Can the trophy girls get normal victory animations after the Grand Prix? I'm sick of seeing the Coco silhouettes after every race

literally just be good at the game
if you aren't getting coins you're just bad

>PS4 has Kart Sets
>All it is are the PS1 model Karts in different colors

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I finish from 3rd place to 1st place most of the time but I want to make as many coins as possible and make sure I get the most out of the daily bonus.

>online scum
What's that

>Too good to feel satisfaction from beating online shitters
>Too bad to fuck with the top dogs
It hurts bros

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Even coming first place all the time will still require some grind on your part unless you can convince someone to play Electron Avenue over and over while letting you have first place every time.

then get a friend and do the thunderstruck exploit in private lobby on a weekend during daily bonus

You don't get wumpa coins by doing that and I'm pretty sure this has been fixed anyway.

i love the game but when are they going to fix warp orbs? They seriously don't do anything to the first place player at all.

There isn't any getting around it anymore. I've seen people in these threads consistently act dishonest about it but its just completely unavoidable and we as a community, and beenox need to confront just how fucking useless this item is.

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>muh balance
Kart racers are party game tier

nice game

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>New Character, themed after Ghost Rider
>Evil scientist who drives flaming vehicles while sporting black leather and bright red hair
>Named N. Cage

Really? That's a shame if true becuse you used to get 10-12k from it