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hey hey people
Play TLC faggot.
Anniversary sucks
>new BAD
>old GOOD
nah, I prefer HD graphics
The original TLC is HD graphics. Anniversary is a stark downgrade.
you're objectively wrong kiddo
fuck off with your SOUL meme underage faggots
>caring about graphics
>calling others underage
>taking the soul meme seriously
is this what it means to be reddit?
No I'm not, I've tried both and to my dismay Anniversary is awful. I really just wanted to play with a gamepad with these old hands of mine but it's unbearably bad on the eyes. The Hero as well as literally every NPC looks absolutely terrible and the atmosphere, lighting, and textures are all inferior to TLC.
UMMM but sseth said play Anniversary so you're wrong!?!
Sword of Aeon glitch still work in TLC and Anniversary anyway.
Also lady grey looks gorgeous in anniversary.
>old shit graphics
>boring gameplay
>terrible morality system for decisions
>stupid story
There's really nothing good about the game unless you played it as a child and want some nostalgia
I will never fully enjoy Anniversary edition because it's rebuilt in UE3. That means all the little quirks, bugs, and general feel of the game is not the same. It's a poor imitation of the real thing. I played the game so much I can easily notice all those little things.
Same goes for Halo:CE remake, where the grenades behave differently. It just ruins it for me.
The original is dated to be sure but it's still a good looking game at 1080p and you can spice up the shaders using Reshade or ENB. The anniversary doesn't update in any notable way though, the animations are the same but the models are outright ugly instead of just looking old. And the atmosphere really took a hit with the nonsensical lighting and color adjustments.
Uhmmm.... But Sseth play TLC in entire footage
Instead of a highish budget 2004 game it looks like a low budget 2012 phone game.
>ha ha I also watch a zoomer youtuber
Anniversary went out of it's way to make sure that absolutely every glitch in TLC still works.
Yea Forums ran an email campaign to try to convince Lionhead to bring it to PC at the time. I took part. Even got a nice reply. They were bros, it's just a shame about the fucking grey art direction and the lack of design direction for the sequels.
But anyway OP it's a fun game, hope you enjoy it. Recommend playing TLC though.
the infinite money selling apples trick doesn't work though and the game on 360 was infinitely more buggy than the originals
Why the fuck do you think there is a thread about a game that is literally never talked about all of a sudden? Fucking retard. And don't speak bad of Sseth, he is /ourguy/
There you go, they weren't that successful at making sure they all worked, then.
I ended up not even buying it, once screenshots started coming out my interest died.
consumer loser
He made epc video and you are jeallyous.
>Yea Forums never talked about fable before some faggot on youtube did
there are more and more of you cancerous little fucks every year
in awe at the size of this lad
The game looks pretty good with AO added.
Fable 1 is just max comfy.
I see why this idiot is under the impression Anniversary isn't a pile of shit, he watches garbage like this.
>No Fable thread in years outside a few for e3 because of Fable reboot rumors
>zoomers favorite memeing epib eceleb makes a video
>Suddenly Fable threads everywhere
Really makes you hink.
Anniversary looks terrible
Fable 2 port when
What makes you think Fable 2 Anniversary will look better?
shame fable threads these days will be filled with faggy youtubers but guess that's the way of it on Yea Forums these days
a shitty babby game.
>Fable 2 Anniversary
He said port.
Fable 2 Anniversary can't happen for obvious reasons. Biggest of all being that Lionhead has been dead for a couple of years now.
They said they couldn't port it when they were alive.
Dream is dead, just pray for emulation someday.
Fable 2 sucks and fuck everyone who defends it.
Fuck off zoomer
>muh in-game cutscene being unskippable
>muh no armor
>muh guns being a meme
>muh dog being a gimmick
>muh super clever anti-climactic finale due to...
>...faggot aide characters
>muh lame characters in general
I was so disappointed in 2. TLC is still better.
It's still a good game because the world is still fun to explore and get rich off.
Stick nostalgia goggles homo
No argument, I see. We're on the same page.