Will you be able to run Google Stadia, Yea Forums?


I'm not :(

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I can't even play online games half the time, so I'm not even going to bother looking.

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Nope not gonna be able to be a Stadia chad (just like 90% of Americans)

No and I don't give a fuck

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>Improve your internet connection
wow google stop being mean

Yeah I have 6.3 Mbit/s so not for me

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>only 91

Im supposed to be getting 110, but ok.

Not planning on fucking with Stadia anyway. Streaming games is a meme, and it's gonna flop.

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It'll be close

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woulda thought Yea Forums would have better internet

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>my connection in rural kentucky is the fastest in the thread so far

what the hell guys

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rip, strike that

Daily reminder that Stadia consumes 20gb of data PER HOUR.
If you have comcast, you have a 1TB data cap. That means you can play Stadia for 50 hours per month maximum.

well here's one from sacramento CA

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So what's the deal with Stadia?
I read on a Yea Forums thread that it's a scam. Not sure why though seems like a pretty good deal to me in the vid.

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No, my connection can't even play online games, unless it's something turn based. I live in the middle of no where.
>Improve your internet connection and then check it again.
Haha, yeah, just improve it.

I thought you just paid the premium 10 dollars a month for a whole load a games, but apparently you need to buy em to play em?

So 10 dollars, on top of the game, and you only can stream it or something? No idea

If it's 10 to stream, that's fine imo

Their servers are overloaded it seems. I'm only getting less than half of my speed to them.

Because the latency faced with cloud gaming is massive and can never compete with local gaming. Not to mention you spend 8 milliseconds or more of a frame that only has 16.667ms to render just in packet travel time. That 8ms could be spent on better graphics in many ways.

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It's a video game streaming service thats going to consume huge amounts of data per hour and you still have to buy the games individually instead of just paying a subscription and playing whatever you want. The Stadia "pro" subscription only occasionally gets you "free" games that THEY choose.

It's going to be a massive fucking failure.

My headcanon is that it's not so much a scam as a ploy to increase widespread adoption of their Fiber internet services.

I'm sure the execs are aware how shit internet is in most of the country, especially outside of cities

People thought it's gonna be a netflix for games kind of deal where you pay a set amount of money per month and get to stream whatever the hell you want.
Turns out you need to pay full price for games on top of whatever you want to pay Stadia as well.
It's dumb as fuck since you can just pay full price to play on your console/pc without worrying about input lag and whatever because of your internet connection speed. Especially if you live in America where you have data caps.

*as it is

>tfw australian

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Same. Or whatever "M-Lab" is just sucks in general.

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What would you like to bet that not only will you have to buy the games, but they'll cost the same 60 burgerbux to buy them retail or digital?

Its about on par with watching netflix at 1080 p so like 10-20 gigs a day if you stream like 6 hours.

>absolute state of the third world country of the USA

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Based Google cucking ISPs. Fucks won't even be able to do anything about me slurping up 5TB of legal content a month.

>improve your internet connection
They say that like it's an easy thing.

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Nämen tjena, sitteru på en 500/500 också?

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cyka blyat


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Not available in my country so no, even if the connection is "good". Not really interested in streaming either, I'd rather have the game running on my machine.

>having a high bandwidth automatically gets you into new beta versions

Get fucked nerds

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Well the corporations are better at this than the gubment right?!

cityslickers my man

Considering that people are moving to the cities en mass and those people in cities are making more money it's not a bad demographic to cater to.

What kike fake news is this?

Wait, I am only paying for 40, why would jews actually give me more?

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I don't give a shit about this google garbage

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Nah, the boomers are moving out to were the rents are cheaper, guess what surburbs. Only people in the cities are the people that can't afford to make the move.

500 upload would have been really nice though..

I don't give a shit, not going to stream games. I hope stadia gets killed as soon as many other failed Google products.

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Ausfag here how'd I do

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Burst(tm) speed specifically to make your speed test results look better and make you complacent despite sustained speed being dogshit

They will see how many people they can rope in it being bleeding edge sort of thing. Then what you will see is Google giving out free codes to Stadia.

I can watch streams on 1080p on twitch yet google says i have 0.5mbps, wut?

>Improve your internet

Ah yes I forgot about the simple switch that magically does that for me, that's for the reminder Google!

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Its called working and moving away from that podunk town you live in.

I heard somewhere that parts of America have data caps on their internet. Is this actually true? I'd imagine streaming a game with this thing would eat that shit up in a few hours.

>I heard somewhere that parts of America have data caps on their internet.
>parts of America
Basically everywhere since for the vast majority of the country Comcast has a monopoly over Internet service.

Land of the free (does not include internet bandwidth or healthcare)

That's fucked. How much is it? I know I pay the most out of any country, but at least my speed is great and anyone trying to cap or throttle it gets fined to oblivion.

My download speed is apparently 20mb/s according to this which is blatantly wrong since every download I do is around 3mb/s max

They already said they'll be the same price as anywhere else.

My service is $50 a month for like 100Mb/s and has a 1TB monthly cap, but I think you can pay extra to have the cap removed.

Mb is megabits, MB is megabytes; 8 megabits to a megabyte - you get 20 megabits per second, which works out to around 2.5 megabytes. It's tricky if you don't know since you see "mB" and assume megabytes, but that's not how it works.

If you reeeee about it enough over the phone they'll just remove the cap

I've got 60 down and 20 up, I'm good. I was merely pointing out that google is very passive aggressive in it's response message. Thank's for the worthless life advice I never ask for though!

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I've heard that, but I've yet to ever go over the cap so I haven't had the need.

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>Implying I'll use this service anyway
I fucking despise any sort of ping delay. Imagine every game playing like Halo Reach Firefight.

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>relying on speedtests based on web
>also speed != latency

Fucking Googlefaggots.

gtfo, facebook fag

you gotta be a dumb nigger to ever use this system. streamed games that you still have to buy full price? it's even worse than a regular online store

isn't distance to server more important?
If I ping a server in my city it's 5ms
If I ping a server 500 kilometers away it's 18ms
If I ping a server that's 1500 kilometers away it's 39ms

At least you can use proper English despite being Brazilian.

I mean yeah Americans still use outdated shit like the imperial system but they STILL have data caps? Wow holy shit.

1. Latency, latency, latency. (LATENCY != SPEED), see 2. Need to buy games seperately AND/OR need to pay for Google AND publisher (e.g. Ubi) for yet another Subsubscription.

Get on my level, fags.

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Will they address the input lag or is that gonna be the permanent elephant in the server room?

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>Paying for a subscription service so you can pay for games that play worse than on any other console and can disappear as soon as the Stadia fails and Google Abandons the project
Who though this was a good idea or that it’d be successful?

lol my speed is 1.5 Mbps

The Sillicon Valley intelligentsia, of course.

1080p streaming is free.
A console is several hundred $

it'll fail hard, at first it was a little hard to believe anyone thought it was a good idea but it seems to be pretty common for huge companies to be run by braindead retards

Why are there so many poor nigger below 200 Mbps in two thousand and fucking nineteen?

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Not everyone won the first world country bonus

It says your connection is good enough.

>implying you've got more than 56k dial-up

The human brain can't process less than 100ms of input lag.

I'm fairly sure brazailians have better speeds than americans.

I know you're pulling my leg, but if it was blatantly obvious during the stage demo, how obnoxious is it going to be as a live service?

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I know that feel, man. Hitting 700 ping on tf2 at best.

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Huehue here, can confirm.
The poor user above must be australian.

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>GTA 6 comes out
>100 million people want to play it
>Cost of playing it is $60 + $400 PS5 or Xbox Scarlett
>Alternative is $60 + streaming
>Streaming service is advertised after every single youtube video and google search related to GTA 6
Google is going to make gorillions

What browser is that?

for like $50 more you can get a no data cap limit with comcast

I still fucking hate their monopoly here in the Northwest.

Actually, Im in florida

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$50 is a lot of money for something that should cost $0.

In the next town over from me, they have 10,000/10,000 municipal fiber for $100/mo, or 1,000/1,000 for $40/mo. In my town, I get 150/10 for $90/mo, and that's without the $50 surcharge for unlimited data.

Id say firefox, with tons of shit

Just missing the roos, then.
I'm sorry, Floridaman.

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>Your download speed of 1.275 Mbps
Kill me

Getting 5 mbps on that Google speed test, I guess servers aren't close enough to me.

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Tough shit user, you better jew up and buy our Google Fiber™

>tfw I can't download anything no matter how small nor can I watch YouTube because my manchild older brother is always hogging away the Internet for himself so he can play some stupid third-world mobile game that was probably made in India
>he beats me and my sister up if we even think about downloading or streaming
>he only gives us like ten minutes of downloads
>tfw a 1GB download could take literal weeks because of his third-world stupidity and selfishness
>tfw I haven't been able to download a single new game for months now and the only way I've been able to watch new movies is through buying bootleg Blu-rays which were smuggled from China (funnily enough, I even got a bootleg of Disney's Christopher Robin, which is unexpected since that film is banned in China because Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989 Free Tibet Winnie the Pooh)
>he is so addicted to his Pajeet game that he quit his job and we are now on the verge of homelessness
He plays this idiotic game called Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (the title itself is stupid enough, for starters), and he brutally beat my sister once (to the point that she couldn't make it to work the following days) because she was watching K-Pop videos while he was playing Mobile Legends with some fellow idiots.

It's like poetry: Play Pajeet's game, you become a Pajeet.

Australians RISE UP

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He is shitposting. Its an excuse consoleplebs use to justify their bad spending and choke down 30fps

Speaking of demos, have they actually shown any stadia gameplay recently?

Have another internet line put in just for your room

Fucking gladly, if they had it here.

But we can't afford it.
The bills are already creeping up and my brother quit his job because of his Pajeet game.

If we don't pay this month's rent, we will be forced to move to the slums.

I'm still on 1080p anyway.

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Botnetchrome with a dark theme and a million extensions.

Feel for you bro
Hope you guys make it out okay ~__~

surprised at the results honestly considering im wireless

its probably because my whole family is asleep and no ones constantly streaming something

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Yeah...fuck Google

>actual dl speed is 10x what google tested it as

There's no such thing as a Stadia chad when relying on a remote server to function properly sending anything more than small online mulitplayer update data.

Not that i'm getting it.

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Just imagine thousands of retards shitting up all tech forums with questions like "i have 100mbs download speed, why is my stadia game so unresponsive??"
Thank you google!


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How can ya'll niggas have so poor Internet connections?

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I wish.
Thankfully, my mother has a business with my uncle which would probably be a huge success.
Me, my mother, and my siblings live together.

And I hope we get a faster Wi-Fi connection so I can download and stream without fear of my brother abusing me since he is one abusive asshole.

thats something i never thought about until now. should be funny.

Bullshit, my internet is awful.

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Sheeeeit, and here I thought I had decent interwebz

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I still won't ever use this shit service though since data caps are still a thing in my backwards ass country, and streaming games sounds like the easiest fucking way to chew through it completely.

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Perhaps the servers Google uses for the test are in your ISPs free bandwidth zone, which in addition to not counting towards your total usage may be uncapped and go at the highest speed your network hardware will allow. It can happen. Like how Steam content servers are often free and fast on otherwise artificially crippled connections.

Worth noting; the test server performance and free zone status says nothing about the final service. It'll be slower due to load, obviously, and probably capped like normal because that'd be jewtastic.

>move away
>lose job

what the fuck

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>internet has been shit for years
>speed has not once gone up since then
Yeah I doubt it.

Not that I'm gonna get this garbage

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o kurwa

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1 Mbps with browser
14 Mbps downloading with Steam
and now 45 Mbps with Stadia
This inconsistency is ridiculous. Thanks but no thanks Stadia. This 1TB datacap means you're untouchable. If google fiber was actually rolled out everywhere then it would've been a maybe but google execs fucked up.

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I sincerely hope this thing will die asap. If not i am afraid google will do same cancer shit like epic, using their money to pay off developers to not release their games normally and be "exclusive" to this shit.

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To run the test, you'll be connected to M-Lab and your IP address will be shared with them and processed by them in accordance with their privacy policy. M-Lab conducts the test and publicly publishes all test results to promote internet research. Published information includes your IP address and test results, but doesn't include any other information about you as an internet user. Learn more about how the test works

>Published information includes your IP address