This games easily the best of the new CRPGs. Hopefully someone at Larian is playing it so they have ideas for BG3

This games easily the best of the new CRPGs. Hopefully someone at Larian is playing it so they have ideas for BG3.

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>73 metacritic

Did they fix all the bugs yet? It was a mess when it first came out.

Yeah it's bug free. Some crashes and never-ending loading screens here and there but nothing too serious. They usually occur after a transition to a new zone so you will have an autosave up.

Too bad the art direction is MMO tier uninspiring dogshit. Then again


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Pathfinder is generic on top of generic.

My only gripe with it is that some reasonable things don't work like they do on the tabletop and some classes and prestiges are missing, Along with a massive host of spells for mages. But again that shit is understandable considering the broken nonsense you can already get away with in the game, barebones as it is.

Nothing wrong with generic. BG1 and IWD were generic as fuck and everyone likes those games.

Not saying there is, just explaining why the art style is uninspiring.

I wish it was generic in a sence of unity assets store level of generic, like Realms of Arkania for example
INSTEAD it has that disgusting cartoonish art style that most of shitty mobile games from have

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I've encountered a game breaking bug in new version but my game is pirated so maybe they fixed it with update. But yes it still has bugs

Also play Star Trail remake people
That broken shit needs some love

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Yeap, pretty good, having fun here.

>Real-time but pausable combat.

I'd rather watch paint dry.
Good thing they're making a Divinity game on the side, too.

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>deepest customization and build potential
>great rtwp combat
>some pretty good companions
>a storyline that starts off strong
Gets to the early part of the game where you start running the Kingdom
>Lol, you liked that shit? Enjoy psuedo sim city for the remainder of the game

Whoever thought the Kingmaker module was a good idea for the initial game rather than just a dlc was a fucking retard. I immediately lose all interest everytime I get to that section.

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>install turn-based mod
>suddenly having fun again

More like cringinity lmao


Turn based is unironically more tactical than rtwp

Have fun wasting time once you start fighting literal armies of enemies

Your initial party is dogshit. Play a good guy and you get saddled with a tower shield fighter, literally the worst class in the game, and a barbarian that took goddamn exotic weapon bastard sword for her first feat.

Oh, and a halfling bard that takes a long time to really get useful or if you go for the Spicy answer, you get an inquisitor with fuck all HP.

Harrim and Jaethal are top tiers. Valerie is simple but also the best tank in the game and taking her with you saves you from a ton of hassle.
Linzi is the best fucking support character in the game, she doesn't need a "long time to get useful", she is an excellent party buffer, dazzler and skill monkey since level one who can also serve as a healer on low levels.
Not to mention that you get an arcane trickster in first hour.

>yeah it's bug free except the bugs that it's not free of
I'm not commenting on the game here just your ability to English.

It's pretty good, but it's annoying as fuck when it does shit like spawn enemies out of nowhere or throw an undead giant faggot at you who attacks 5 times per second and never misses.

I bet you also think that D:OS2 is an rpg, let alone a good one.

Yet another generic crpg. Add very bland art and a sprinkle of strong wymyn trope and wallah its Pathfinder

Is this how burgers think you spell voilà?

I really hope no one thinks this, it's fun for messing about with builds, but locations, art, writing and enemies are all pretty shit

there is literally an option to disable it you baby

>Yeah it's bug free.

No, its not, its still ridden with numerous bugs

go back to fixing you game ivan instead shilling it on Yea Forums

It barely has any bugs now, but keep falseflagging.

I heard quite mixed things about this game when it launched, but now i'm seeing a lot of people praising it. Did they fix stuff in patches?

Yo I bought that Succ DLC can't wait to breed her.

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It's a tiefling, not a succubus, you weeb retard.

turn based mod makes it fun and playable, you have to be autistic to enjoy micromanaging 6 characters every 6 seconds

You know what else makes it fun and playable? Being above 18

rtwp is objectively the worst combat system for rpg games, especially adapted dnd games


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Nah turn based is the worst, it's slow as fuck and ruins the immersion by having every character move one by one and wait for each other to finish their turn.

chirurgeon ability Infused Curative doesn't even work as it should
that's only one example

You fuckin slavshit
Memory leak is second example

>games finally decides to stop holding your hand again
>Yea Forums starts crying non stop about it
Get good at games zoomers

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>tumblrtard calling others zoomers

if you cant play this, or haven't at least played or beat one of the following games
>Metal gear
>Metal gear 2
>Baldurs gate 1or2
>Fallout 1or2
>planesccape torment
>Deus Ex
>doom 1or2
You are a zoomer regardless of when you were born.

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Terrible writing, terrible gameplay. Why are the incels here obsessed with this trash?

>Include wips that has such a high dodge chance that it feels like I'm playing slots to find out if I win the fight or not, even after I take all precautions, make it spell immune to everything that can't miss.
Why, just why, would you ever, EVER, add an enemy that is this disgustingly hard to deal with? The bosses feel like a cake walk compared to them.

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Imagine thinking that any of these are hard lmao I've beaten all of these except MGS1/2, PS:T and Invisible War and played through about half of Pathfinder, doesn't mean that Pathfinder doesn't throw bullshit at you tho.

yep. I knew you might mistake MGS1 for Metal gear. Almost confirms you were born post y2k.
But you played those other games so honorary boomer. Pathfinder is still fun though.

>yep. I knew you might mistake MGS1 for Metal gear. Almost confirms you were born post y2k.
No, I just don't give a shit about Japshit games


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Rtwp and trun based are literally identical in terms of tactics. It simply dictates when you can change said tactics. If you think having set turns somehow changes what you can do you're a fucking idiot.

Most of them are shallow or soulless and I grew up without them, so I don't see the appeal

It really is. I've heard about issues when it was released, but I haven't had any issues with the enhanced edition. I really wish these devs got BG3, as I'm very worried Larian will inject their shitty humor into BG3.

Your post would be good if it didn't have the fucking shitgeki picture attached to it

imagine not liking the best manga/anime ever.
imagine missing out on all the fun shit posting when its getting so close the the end.

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Larian will make turn based garbage with no classes and their typical humour out of BG3. I would have preferred no game at all than one made by them.

Not that user, but... Japs are solidly stuck in 20+ year old game design. Not that it was bad 20 years ago, but when they still shit out games using trash design like unskippable cutscenes, useless random encounters, sacharine storylines only a 12 year old can enjoy, etc it's time to move on. If you still enjoy jap games in 2019 then you're a full blown autist.

>Original Roleplaying System is based on Turnbased Combat determined by Initiative rolls
>Decide to make game real-time

Why praise a game for implementing a worse system that the combat, itself, isn't really balanced or prepped for?

The entire reason why Witches can't be implemented as a class is because of the Realtime with Pause - There's nothing stopping a witch from Slumber Hexing every enemy while running in circles and then your party instantly wins every fight.

>imagine not liking the best manga/anime ever.
I do like Mizukami's manga and Votoms, thank you.
Go fuck yourself with a rake you inane shipperfaggot, your generals are the worst aids on Yea Forums and the typical poster there gravitates to room temp IQ.

That, and after casting 2 spells the entire fucking area is filled with smoke/poison/fire/explosions.

stay mad shit tasting faggot

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As i said, room temp IQ

I played one of the latest versions, there's still some bugs, the most egregious one I've encountered is the hunter companion's pet wolf somehow permanently derped out and whenever I enter a location it spawns somewhere seemingly randomly, is uncontrollable and does nothing. Reloading doesn't help.
I don't really use that character as part of my main party so it was more hillarious than annoying desu.

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I pirated the game and have the base game right now, are the dlc worth it?

If they put an emphasis on environmental shenanigans into BG3 I'll hang every last one them.
Screenshot this. As I'm fully willing to go to prison for life if they dare bastardize BG like that.

>repeating yourself

Only the wildcards one

It's already confirmed that the game is based on 5e so at the very least it's going to be better than pillars of shitternity which is an awful 4e knockoff.
Ruleset is literally Larian's biggest weakness, if they will be forced to actually adapt it faithfully the quality of their games will skyrocket

No. Only beneath the stolen lands is decent. The only good thing about Pathfinder on PC is the combat. Stolen lands emphasizing that is what they should have started with. Not the retarded "fight the clock to build a city and perform arbitrary tasks" bullshit they launched with.

>He doesn't play Witch
>Not instantly killing enemies one by one at the same speed as someone shooting an arrow

Real-Time is a great addition. I love having DC20+ save or dies that are only a standard action with no attacks of opportunity and [make two saves and use the worse of the two]. Enemies die at the speed at which you can click on them and if you spam pause in combat you can kill an enemy for every few steps that they take.

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I don't mind the diplomacy aspect much, and appreciate that you can seemingly spend a minimal amount of time doing it if you prefer solid dungeon crawling. I've been doing around 50/50 and am quite satisfied. I agree that DLC is great, but still wish they put more effort into the dungeon, though I guess that's what you get when it's randomized.

Anyone got any good build guides? I've been looking for something really overpowered that I can use to solo unfair.

>Hopefully someone at Larian is playing it so they have ideas for BG3.
Dateable homosexual mindflyers, cool.

>no charisma based archtypes

Have you ever played 4e? The devs even said Pillars of Eternity is nothing like 4e and was modeled after 3.5e with some features from 2e and new and improved 'features' such as HP vs Stamina and Injuries or whatever the fuck.

4e doesn't have Vancian Casting and has unlimited at-will abilities that you use instead of normal attacks and rather than using spells - even fighters choose abilities that they use which are one-time use restricted for every combat or every day. Healing is restricted by the number of times you can get healed dependant on your Con unless healed by a Cleric. Also, classes evolve into subclasses every 10 levels to unlock new abilities and ability routes and is meant to be played as a board game with planned out maps and heavy use of the cover system and mobility manipulation.

Fight the clock to build a city and perform abituary tasks is what the Pathfinder: Kingmaker module is though. The Module doesn't have a heavy focus on combat, it has a focus on kingdom building and downtime.

Is the RoA remake worth playing if I never played the old ones? I've seen people call them the best cRPGs of all time.

The real travesty is no Str based White Haired Witch with the ability to shut you down with hexes and beat you up with fists made of hair.

>best anime ever

/m/ bro, come on. Votoms is great, but it's hardly the best anime. Mizukami is fucking fantastic, though.

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I know that's what the module is about. Doesn't change the fact that launching Pathfinder with it was fucking retarded. So many great modules exist that don't have complete bullshit that nobody playing a crpg cares about that they could have used. It having such a heavy emphasis on irrelevant bullshit was a really bad idea. I've played tabletop RPGs for years, including many years playing Pathfinder. You know what absolutely nobody in my party ever gave a flying fuck about? Running a kingdom. You're an adventurer, not a fucking legislator.

The downtime rules are also broken, unfinished and make no sense in the tabletop game itself. Way too many ways to make infinite amounts of money and magical items.

Surprised they didn't start off with Rise of the Runelords as that was their big flagship that they used for Legends and the Adventure Card Game.

Not really. The writing is some of the blandest shit I've seen in the last few years.
The characters are either completely uninteresting or utterly insufferable.
Voice acting is cheesy like hell, although it isn't that much of a downside.
Many classes are boring shite, just straight-up auto-attack fodder. I had more fun playing Planescape Torment. As a fucking Fighter.
The kingdom management is fucking tedious. I know it's the point of "Kingmaker", but still.
Overall, a game with some good potential but the gameplay itself is too boring to carry the entire thing. If it had an actual good, engaging plot I would probably rate it way higher, but alas.

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>Published by deep silver

No thanks. I'm never giving Deep Silver another penny after all they've done to throw away their credibility.

it has HUGE FLAWS, like CRATERS in its design, including
>episodic story
>no large urban locations
>no impressive setpieces
>a card minigame that dominates the second half of the game
>main villain is meh, story is predictable

it's got charm because it's the first RPG in 15 years that plays it relatively straight and gives you swords, sorcery, an isometric view, RTwP and the ability to freeroam green meadows and glades - which is of course what every RPG should contain. It's not great, but it's not totally misguided.

That's really down to players being too focused on powergaming and DMs being too carefree. The beauty of tabletop is house rules. If at any time the game gets too broken you should be discussing it with the DM or finding a new DM altogether.

>no large urban locations
Big cities tend to be pretty shit in CRPGs, spending hours completing 15 quests that just require moving from one part of town to another is boring as fuck.

As much as it is incredibly and sometimes offensively generic, it's also generic done right.
By the time you get to wraiths you should be able to have a Ranger that can mow them down with their longbows.
Will O'Wisps though, those are almost as offensive as the writing in this game
>LMAO have a level 15 surprise Wisp fight in the first two hours of the game, hope you like reloading
>Here dude have some more overpowered wisps in the second act that also autocast Shield so they're pretty much invincible unless you've already planned ahead since hours
And don't make me talk about the massive level gating for zones or absurd dice rolls at higher difficulties, literally reload cancer.
>>no large urban locations
>Big cities in what is essentially a setting about exploring uncharted territory
Bugfinder's writing is shit, but your IQ is worse than that.

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>He can't appreciate the flavor that row after row of unimportant buildings adds to the world.

Faggot. You're exactly the reason Morrowind devolved into Skyrim. Hope you're happy. Enjoy your giant glowing icons telling you to "go here dumb fuck!"

I’m sure you’re an actual shill.

>Morrowind devolved into Skyrim
More like sidegraded from one type of shit into another lmao. And either way Niggerfall had far more pointless buildings than Morrowind.

>surprise Wisp fight in the first two hours of the game
You have no one to blame but yourself if you somehow fall for that "trap."

I'm tempted to give it a try, but the art direction makes me concerned about the writing. I can't fucking stand the whole self-ironic goofy style that newer RPGs have started to adopt but I'm also a huge dark fantasy fan. I barely stomached it in D:OSII but quit PoEII because of it. How bad is it in Pathfinder?

I never had any bugs since after the first few weeks but ymmv.

>self-ironic goofy style that newer RPGs have started to adopt
That's been a thing since the BG days, though.

>How bad is it in Pathfinder?
It's not in PFKM at all.

what kind of dog is that?

Why did no similar game after BG manage to get a big modding scene?

True. Lets hope they fix all the bugs, add a few more items/weapons/skills, get rid of the fucking time/schedule/kingdom stuff and add some more companions. Would be the perfect game.

I really hope they don't do the fucking turn-based trash or at least have an option for both.

>That's been a thing since the BG days, though.
It didn't feel quite the same to me. BG took itself more seriously with the occasional monty python-esque humor springled on top. PoEII/D:OSII was just constantly tongue-in-cheek. It's hard for me to get immersed in a fantasy world when the dialogue reads like a discount bin Terry Pratchett knock-off.

>It's not in PFKM at all.
Cool thanks, you got me curious.

>Tristian: These bandits are unforgiveable, they deserve no mercy and I won't stop you from killing them

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Sarenrae is the worst religion there is, don't even try to understand "people" who are part of that shit.

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>shit characters
>shit story
>fucking pathfinder of all the possible systems
>"This games easily the best of the new CRPGs"
The worst parts is that you aren't lying.

>the absolute state of crpgs

Biggest problem with Pathfinder is its D&D, that has to legally be not-D&D, just so they can keep pandering to 3.5 fags, even though 3.5 was pretty shitty, not 4E shitty, but still pretty shitty.

So yeah, it is generic on top of generic, but unlike D&D where everything is made to be generic so that DMs can easily apply their own spin on the monsters, pathfinder has to be aesthetically distinct as to not make WOTC go "HMMM"

the only Larian game I played was that weird strategy one where you had gay skeletons coming onto you like dragon commander or some shit and it was so fucking horrible I really will struggle to play another of their games again

I wish Pathfinder was generic.

Its not, D&D is generic, in a good way, it lets players adjust things to their setting and playstyle.

But Pathfinder, and Pathfinder fags are like "NOOO, THATS NOT HOW THINGS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE" probably because they're playing rules lawyers: the game.

They are pretty low effort, buy I myself simply can't tolerate the grid based nature of the original DOS games. Great adventure RPGs all in all, pirate them, but HOLY SHIT read a tldr or the game manual, the Dark Eye system does not fuck around

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Neverwinter Nights?
Neverwinter Nights 2?

Biggest issue I think is everyone in the early-mid 2000s moved onto playing and making MMORPGs so there were no good platforms for good open RPGs like Infinity Engine or NWN games

Honestly I am surpised no one hasn't come along and created a new generation of D&D esque dungeon crawlers that aren't just BG/NWN clones.

>Rtwp and trun based are literally identical in terms of tactics

How retarded can you be. It has a massive impact. A high initiative monk/rogue can rush a caster in the opponents' back line and stun/kill him, and the monk's party in staggered initiative can move in on their various turns, and prevent him from being swarmed. On rtwp the monk/rogue rushing in first would be swamped as he runs into a wall of opponents that can move out of turn. It's game changing shit like that everywhere.

>It's not great, but it's not totally misguided.

This is basically PF:KM, yeah. It's not on paper spectacular, it's just that we have a decade and a half or so of developers failing to follow even a basic formula and whwn one does, even without innovating much, it hits the spot.

The gameplay systems in place are pretty good, but the setting story and art style is pretty mediocre, but it is appropriate for the pathfinder style, which is a more cartoony version of D&D

I felt it was the best adaptation of pathfinder to a video game possible, pathfinder itself is an inherently flawed system and setting, but there is a reason why people moved onto 5th edition rather then sticking to Pathfinder.

so it means it's fun.
Face it user, CRPGs are fucking dead, the casualization of the genre is the only way to make it enjoyable.

That's the best example you can come up with? Initiative exists in Pathfinder as well

its the greatest CRPG ever made

>tieflings are humans with demon heritage
1/4 succ is still succ

I think Pathfinder does many things better than 5e despite also having lots of dumb shit 5e doesn't have, but it's still D&D at the end of the day, no matter how much you try to shake up things or hide behind a different name, the basic D&D systems are flawed and boring. still a better system than 3.5 or 4 though.
As for Kingmaker in particular, I don't know, there's some absurdly busted shit compared to the tabletop, mostly because of RTWP though, the turn based mod kind of vaguely equalizes some of the problems relatiive to RTWP, like the absurd sneak attacks or Rangers being spear shooting machineguns, but it's still busted
On the other hand, it makes some things worse, like AoO on wakeup being completely fucking ridiculous on turn based, I've been unironically steamrolling trolls without acid or fire just by having my high STR Druid Defender and her Smilodon park near downed trolls and fishing for crits to make them explode in bloody gibs, it's hilarious.

Ackchyually, that's "head".

divinity games are fucking awful