ITT things added to games that ruined them

ITT things added to games that ruined them

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the Chinese


Oh buddy. GTA online was over after Beach Bum. But I'd say hats killed TF2


Bikes in Mario Kart Wii because there is basically no reason not to use them. I think there was 1 course in the entire game that had the WR not done by using a bike.

I know, just tried to get back into it tonight and every asshat in the lobby was having a "who can lock on to each other first" contest. missiles ruined the game but this killed it and raped its corpse

I used to rape these things with my Stromberg with decent success rate

>the Chinese

Imagine Ark without Chinese people.

Lot's of bad decisions killed it. Like why did they make VIPs a thing when CEOs came next. Then why did they make CEOs irrelevant when the biker club update came around and let me run drugs. It sounds weird but theres to much to do in GTA online and not enough reason to do any of it. Everything is millions of dollars when heists barely pay much.


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nigga just get behind a building, wait for them and use chaff the moment they pass over you

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>Okay guys, we got two screens on this thing, we can't not use the second one for some retarded gimmick.

What the actual fuck were they thinking with that thing?

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Wrong. GTA Online was shit to begin with. There was nothing good to ruin.

Trading update is the one that spawned idlying servers, right?
F2P made the game unplayable for me, but the signs of losing interest to me began when they started adding proportionals that broke the setting, like earbuds and guns that could get if you bought a certain game.
No idea how that flied 9 years ago, people must have been mad, I might not have just paid attention.

This last week was double payout on most everything. Me and a couple friends made 20mil each. I can literally buy anything in the game and many things several times over. It's not that bad to get stuff once you have businesses going.

Regardless we're all saving up for whatever comes out with the casino update

A lot of us didn't give a shit because we were playing tf2 because it was fun and those obsessing over cosmetics instead of the game seemed like retarded losers

Glory kills in Doom.

Primal Armor
Fuck you from

They just hover in front of the overpasses I hide under and shoot flairs whenever i try to lock on. shooting them worked a bit but missiles have a 40ft kill radius in this retarded game

Okay guy, good for you.

neverwinter was bad out the gate, son

It was really fun up until halfway through its life cycle, then they gave all the new shit lock on missiles and killing people required a comatose level of focus to achieve

Do you have a Yacht? I had all that shit and I was always broke. I even had the 50k per gun engravings. 20 million would only last me like a week. My favorite point was when hackers gave people 2billion dollar bounties and we were nigger rich for a whole month

Nah fucks yachts they're a waste. Not saying I couldn't blow everything in like ten minutes but it'd all be shit I didn't really want or wouldn't really use. I could maybe blow five or ten million on things I'd be occasionally get usage out of but I've got the cars I want, the aircraft I want, and the armored vehicles and building I want. I'm not some guy that needs to buy every new supercar

Funny how after all this time the hydra is still one of the most cancerous vehicles in the game

I absolutely refuse to buy anything faggy like that and the opressor
all I have is the flying delorean with missiles I never use unless someone's charging me on the radar with the bike

wait, you're not even coming at them with your own air vehicle? shit, okay

yeah, the homing missile launcher isn't really good for anything but the helicopters and slow planes. what you want to do is whip out the minigun or the up n' atomizer (preferably the latter, since it has an aoe that's hard to mess up) and stick to that. a homing launcher just isn't going to cut it with the mk 2, unfortunately

if it helps, here's a few maneuverable yet tanky vehicles that will allow you to exhaust the mk2's cache if offense isn't your thing: insurgent, insurgent pick-up custom, nightshark, MOC, avenger, terrorbyte, fully loaded ruiner. my favorite thing to do with shitters is start up haulage, get the MOC cab and pick up the trailer which is immune to all damage. alternatively, you can start up fully loaded and kill anything that moves for ~20 minutes

This. Powercreep in GTA of all fucking things ruined it.

Who the fuck still plays GTA online? I thought all the subhuman zoomers that used mommy's credit card to buy the shark cards forever ruining the GTA franchise moved on to Fortnite.

Gmod 13
Steam workshop

A shocking amount of Chinese.

OP, you should buy the mk2 it's very important for selling an MC

What am I looking at?

>encounter shitter player with edgy character that does nothing but kill other people over and over
>check their gamer card
>its exclusively gta, cod and sports games
every fucking time

I use the flying car but it's too slow to dodge shit and all my vehicles get 1 shot, I dont know what the hell they were thinking when they let that thing get missiles and have top speed and air brakes. dont think I'm ever touching this game again

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I refuse to
I'm not that much of a degenerate
fuck anyone who uses them (for pvp)

Just use an jet those mk2 are scared of it

too poor, cant get money due to tards on these things taking 4 seconds to fly to my trucks and destroy them

honestly given up on this game after trying it again tonight, just waiting for RDO to get more content

wait, you have a deluxo? user that thing has ruiner missiles, there's no reason why you shouldn't be at least taking them down with you.

without relying on passive mode to get the jump on a player, the best i can advise you to do is be in los santos when a bike is approaching. again, tall buildings are your friend. get right up against one, make sure you're oriented away from the building and fire the moment you get the lock-on cue. since the deluxo doesn't have countermeasures, i advise you to either jump out or deactivate hover mode as soon you take the shot

the welfare launcher killed GTA Online

every time I see this thread I mention the update that added blood types to DayZ Mod, they basically tripled the number of loot objects by adding nothing but junk items, making it really hard to get what you need

Of course , I only use my mk2 to help sell only fags use it for PvP (and kill people who don't have one )

What you play on ?

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it was fucked the moment they kept the lazer in without nerfing it

EoC did it for me.
Why they would think to make a shitty copy of every other MMOs combat system is beyond me.

The beginning of the end

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Hunger in Minecraft

it was ruined long before that, with the addition of armored kurumas and insurgents

adding unlocks killed the game. TF2 in its original form was a well oiled machine, simple classes that you could understand in 5 seconds, and the maps were the star of the show. Making unlocks that change the way you play turned the class balance to mush, it ruined the way the game felt. I can't even put it in to words but the original release had a slickness to it that it completely lost with unlocks and then hats just made everything retarded.

It's so hilarious to see people screaming "muh fucking hacker" when they get raped by my Fully Loaded Ruiner.

t. Poorfag/country without Yacht building
Yach(ad)t here, get dabbed on by my security system

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Yachts are great with friends. Piracy prevention is fun as fuck when people come at you. Sometimes nobody comes but it's cool since it's good money.

Also doing back to back to back to back Piracy prevention because all 4 members have a yacht is great.

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>Piracy prevention is fun as fuck when people come at you.
not when they come at you with something like a jet or a savage and the specific intent to spawnkill

I get what you mean; a lot of classes started fulfilling roles they aren't supposed to have and nullifying the things that were supposed to be their counters. That's not even mentioning the horrendous powercreep unlocks introduced for already strong classes, with Medic being the most egregious example. Vanilla TF2 wasn't perfect, but at the very least you could see what they were going for when they tried to balance the classes, as opposed to the weird nonsensical clusterfuck it became.

Based bowser bike, the only way to beat the ai on time trials

When I try to shoot things as a jet the aiming is always so goddamn twitchy. If the minor left/right aiming didn't snap back immediately it'd make things so much easier. Are there settings to change to make flying and shooting less shit?

that's a meme helicopter
it moves to slow to be useful, just use a guided missle. e z p z

An operator thats now a meme with a cardboard shield.

anyone who has flown it more than once knows they can fly directly over it, user. that thing can be almost as bad as a jet when you're on foot and the pilot is experienced

just made a new character, any tips for making money as a low level solo?

so far I have a small cargo warehouse and grind VIP missions in invite only lobbies, but it seems like the only real way to start making money is in public lobbies, that of course are filled with kids and griefers

any tips for the cargo warehouse crate missions?

shut the fuck up

Uninstall that shit game.

Are you using KBM, or third person? Use a controller and nose camera and it becomes easier to aim.

did you say something?
I want to fuck around in the sandbox with all the military shit you can't get in single player though, that's fun to me

If you're on PC just mod single player.
If you're on console look and see if there is a car dupe glitch.

Those webms are KB/M and not controller fyi. People who fly with controller probably never flown in Battlefield on PC before, where you have to fly with KB/M.

I use a controller to fly on console and pc. Regardless the planes and choppers all seem to have a bounceback to their movements that makes fine aiming nearly impossible

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