How do we fix the horror genre?
How do we fix the horror genre?
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add more little girls
Focus more on atmosphere than jumpscares.
same with hollywood.
by not making this thread every night
More gore and sexual violence, less plots.
By touching each other's genitals and smelling each other.
because retards want to be startled by big scary monsters and autists want to be spooked by bumps in the night and both of them are insufferable when they walk about horror. 'scary' is just far too subjective and only dipshits ever feel like weighing in.
Should I buy Fatal Frame 1, 2 and 3? I beat SH1 somewhat recently. Thought it was great even though the puzzles frustrated me. Is Fatal Frame like that?
This is how you fix the horror genre.
by posting more spooky miku
by posting this thread just as often as you see this image every day
Only genre where horror works is visual novel. You can't deny that.
holy miku
That's very scary user.
Do you, uhh... have more?
>fixing modern horror by making the big-bad a qt and something I want to use as a body pillow
I mean its worth a shot. I certainly won't stop anyone from trying. At the very least, even if its not scary its cute so that's always a good thing.
neck yourself tranny
>mfw that doll thread got deleted
Avoid revealing the entire monster model to the player. Do not let the player interact with the monster model or view it from multiple angles. Never, ever let them see the entire thing in motion. Your model is much less scary than what they think your model is. The moment they see the real thing in good lighting as it shambles around the room at a speed that is designed for gameplay balance, they will think it is stupid. Because it is. Try to hide this from them as long as you can.
The suspense from horror comes from the unknown. Things like fleeing from an enemy you understand perfectly by kiting it around a room and abusing bad path finding are not horror, they are a chore. You should be constantly changing the rules on the player, and not allowing them to settle in enough to look for holes in the design.
Finally: do not allow the player to do things. Stop. One of the best horror games of the 3D age is king kong. This is not because the game is particularly scary. It is because the human campaign is terribly balanced with extremely limited and undercooked mechanics and barely enough resources to beat each level. The tension from being unable to do anything is terrifying, and the game is fantastic horror for it.
More gimmicks. I think horror has stagnated and gotten boring so there needs to be more games that experiment more and I don't mean visually. I mean basing the entire game around something that's rarely been done or done in an unconventional way.
I once saw a horror short that was part of a anthology series about a African murder doll with sharp teeth that screamed and relentlessly chased a woman around with a knife.
I think the terror of something that's hard to kill chasing you eternally isn't properly utilized, as that shit put the fear of dolls in me for a long time.
>took a trip down to Akiba last weekend
>traversing floors of a hobby store
>Step off escalator right into an entire store for these dolls
>Immediately feel like I'm being stared at from a million directions
>Back of my neck gets this wierd feeling; like pop-rock candy going off in your mouth
>Immediately U-Turn and proceed to the next floor
I don't even want to imagine buying one of these God-forsaken things, much less sleeping in the same room as one.
how did you get this gif of me???
>all these muh atmosphere le unknown posts
Embarrassing. Have cope and sexilate.
reminds me of this
lol so true
>atmosphere doesn't exist in video games
You're actually a fucking dipshit if you don't think atmosphere improves horror games
Sounds like Trilogy of Terror
uh yeah I can turboweeb
anime and horror don't mix. never has, never will
reminder that basedjak pictures are how dumb normals cope with being stupid and objectively wrong
Yup that's the one, fun times.
Bring back Dead Space and Alien Isolation, nothing else you can do
It's fun reading a horror manga where the best deaths happen in the first couple chapters.
this desu