I don't understand why everyone always wet themselves talking about the VATS in the Fallout series. You press a button, the game offers you a bunch of options, you select the right one for you and the action is performed. How is this different from let's say the average QTE where the game offers you a bunch of options for you to select the right one and thus perform the action? Why is the former system praised and the latter demonized?
Please help me understand.
I don't understand why everyone always wet themselves talking about the VATS in the Fallout series. You press a button...
Its press X to awesome and normies eat that shit up
So the answer is "Fallout players are tards"?
People suck at shooting at would rather rely on chance and have the game do it for them rather than play quickly and reactively.
Because it's a mechanic that a player can activate at any time and gives full control inside of it
How are the two even comparable,?
>So the answer is "nuFallout players are tards"?
Here fixed
Fallout is a shit series with abysmal combat/gameplay
Same goes for the entire TES series.
I mean ist literally left clicking enemies.
Thats it, no depth, no evasion, jzs left clicking enemies + occasionaly opening the invetory to chug down potions
VATS was just a terrible attempt to recreate the aiming mechanic from a fucking turn based game into a real time game.
It's shit and should be abandoned
It's cinematic and looks cool.
VATS was the sole excuse nuFallout had for its abysmal shooting mechanics.
With Fallout 4 finally hitting the mark when it comes to its action-shooter aspect, VATS got exposed for the worthless gimmick that it is.
But my worries lie elsewhere:
How the FUCK do you technically justify RPG mechanics in the setting of Fallout when your game is a mostly FPS?????? The Division is flambeed constantly for badly shoving its RPG mechanics in a setting that doesn't fit.
If you really think about it, Fallout is now literally in the same situation. Any ideas, thoughts?
VATS is literally just the old fallout aiming mechanic left in for muh dice roll fags and old people who can’t aim.
It’s the same thing as smartguns in CP77, a mechanic put in so as not to scare away old rpgfags who are not comfortable having to aim.
>I don't understand why everyone always wet themselves talking about the VATS in the Fallout series
literally who, I've never seen anyone praising VATS, that shit is implemented like hot garbage, especially in fallout 4 where crippling is almost entirely pointless because you kill things so fast anyways
Because the shooting sucks.
The difference between VATS and a QTE is that the VATS attack is happening in real time in-engine, instead of a cut to a small animation of your character attacking.
Agreed, VATS suck. It's clunky and it takes away the fun of gunplay. Might just be me but it really kills the flow too. But that's pretty much Bethesda being Bethesda. If they didn't have it, there's a whole list of other shit that brings the game down.
I do love me that one fucking bullet time mod though that effectively replaces VATS. Just a short burst of slow down is perfect when shit gets out of hand, at least when you have more mods to make the game difficult and not just a matter of how much health bloat your enemies have.
VATs is good because the Bethesda engine sucks such fucking ass that people would rather rely on a system to shoot where they want to shoot.
Without it it's roughness becomes even more transparent.
You started with 3 didn't you?
>He uses VATS
I only ever used it for funny shit like teleporting behind dogs to wack them with a bat.
>VATS got exposed for the worthless gimmick that it is.
More like VATS got neutered to shit so it's nowhere near as good as it was in 3 or NV.
>Can't shoot weapons out of people's hands
>Can't destroy weapons
>Can't use grenades in VATS
>Critical hits were changed to an on command system instead of based on Luck
That's every game fool. The only game that has actual weight to guns is GTA 4 and you are -100% accurate in that game
Can you shoot live grenades in Fallout 4 VATS?
I just got a mod which made VATS bullet time instead.
Yeah, but it's nowhere near as good in 4 because time simply slows down where as in 3/NV it was frozen while you activated VATS. By the time you've switched to the grenade it's probably already at your feet.
But man, let's be real. Stuff like this just don't fit an atom-punk post apocalypse, it's a gameplay gimmick of a bygone era.
>always go for crit based builds in game skill
>fallout 4 mandates the use of vats if you want to get crits
Thanks Todd. Although the idea of building up to a crit and activating it was novel.
I don't know but I played a little F76 and it's VATS runs almost at normal game speed thus retarded
Vats was fine in 3/nv on higher difficulties were the enemies could survive long enough for it to be worth crippling their arms or legs, or breaking their gun.
I mean did you see how popular 76 was?
MGames that use QTEs have them happening real time in-engine since RE4
It used to be meaningful in the original games. You could blind enemies, shoot them in the arms so they drop or become unable to use their weapons, shoot them in the legs to cripple their movement and so on. Each body part also had a critical effect that could result in all sorts of violent hilarity.