What is Yea Forums's opinion on elves in vidya?

What is Yea Forums's opinion on elves in vidya?

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they make fine sorcerers and archers, however their true calling as human cocksleeves cannot be denied.

big fan of elves me

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They were exclusively for BBC.

Rarely do they have anything original going for them and they fit into one of many archetypes. Some are good for fapping and that's that.
ALSO INB4 THE FUCKING DUNMER POSTER APPEARS, He's always in threads like this

Imagine being a human/elf mutt

Elves are for breeding.


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Draenei are better.

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where are their gigantic horsecocks?

Many archetypes are like this though.
Dwarves are most of the time even more unoriginal.


Only Night Elves from wc3. Rest are trash.

horsecocks are overrated

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cute boy

elves are very mean and should really just leave orcs alone

some of us just want to live in peace

He's used goods.

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I want to fuck them and I want an elf gf, too bad they're not real


Studiocode please

Used to be my favourite fantasy race, but now I can't stand them. They're typecast even harder than dwarves and rarely get any cool shit associated with them, even as someone who loves to play archers.

>tfw no japanese titty monster spess goat gf

Why? Have I not suffered enough?

Let's be honest if elf girls were real, they wouldn't fuck you

>ywn settle down with a cute elf to claim as yours

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More like BOC

Night elf grils are best elf grils

>amazons who kill everyone who enters their woods while the men are all taking a nap underground
I agree

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Based nigga right here

for being well known they arent enough cute elves in games though.

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is that a BB™ drawing? looks like his

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Made for cuddling.

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I drive a 2012 camry

This comic speaks to me

What do night elf women smell like bros?

Smoke and grilled meat when they're off the stake
Fucking elves

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all elves need to be exterminated


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god I should go back and finish this game

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>Get in! There's no time to explain!

Do you trust the elf, Yea Forums?

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I have never met an unironic elf-fag that wasn't severely mental. Conversely, I've never met a dwarfbro that was anything less than a supreme gentleman.

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the legs ruins everything

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I've never met an unironic elf-hater who was anything but an insecure spic.

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I drive a 2003 tacoma with a double cab. Why are Toyotas so best?


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>legs ruin everything

Spess goat legs are cute.

>an insecure spic.
Fuck off, burger. And that pic is more bullshit, since everyone has ALWAYS hated elves, long before Yea Forums was even a thing, you're a fucking retard. And dwarves come closest to white aesthetics and culture, so even that is an incredibly retarded argument. What the fuck am I reading?

It makes sense that a spic would identify with dwarves, because you're all 5'2

It's just that instead of forging legendary swords and adamantium armor pulled from the core of the earth, your primary contribution to the world is drug exports

>dwarves come closest to white aesthetics and culture,
Yeah okay manlet

Take your stale elder scrolls memes and fuck off.

Elves exist to be used and abused, nothing else.

Only if she has heart pupils.

>hating nonhumans is an elder scrolls thing
t. mouth breathing retard

Fuck dwarves and all other manlet races. I play elves humans and undead.

They're my favourite fantasy race, and every night I cry because they're not real and tfw no elf gf

>still calling others spics when all the people roleplaying as white on this website are literal mutts
Hmmm, I wonder who is the one projecting up his ass. Definitely can't be the subhuman burger that thinks everyone is from his shithole 3rd world continent.
>huge beards
>expansive and aesthetically pleasing homes
>physically strong and resistant
>heavy on culture
>physically weak
>emotional to the point of stupidity
>shit aesthetics, but physically attractive which combined with the weakness makes them rape victims only
>rely on magic instead of technology and wit
Elves are, quite literally, the most Asian race there is.

made for Human cock

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only used for fucking, or converting into orcs. Left unchecked, they get a little weird

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People always post that stupid knight from TES TES is fucking awful and should be banned from fantasy threads.
Dwarves at fucking manlets. In half the settings they're not even stronger than elves. Tolkien elves shit all over dwarves in every way.

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>This desperate to escape his irl manlet self

I didn't even post the guy from TES???


kill them all

But I'm tall irl, that's why I refuse to play short races. I'm a based self inserter.

>3rd world

Why do retarded euros constantly misuse the first/second/third world terminology? Also,

>implying anyone but you wants to be a smelly alcoholic basement dwelling manlet

I like them when they're paladins or knights.
I like a good elf sorcerer or ranger, but when some full plated knight removes their helmet to reveal a gorgeous blonde, blue eyed elf (female) all covered in sweat is just delicious

Yessss. They are elves, just from another world.

>people actually defending elves
What has happened to 4channel bros?

it became 4channel and not part of Yea Forums. Fucking fags and goot

These things go through phases. Dwarf posters got too annoying. Elf hate is moderately new.

We grew up and realized elves are humanity perfected.

Deldar are cool lads.
Best part of Soulstorm desu.

How can elves compete with angels?

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My dick likes them but I much prefer them in a more serious and respectful form if given the choice. I'd rather play a game with Tamriel Elves or Tolkien Elves or Ishgard elves, but I'd rather masturbate to a night elf.

>Dwarves at fucking manlets.
Who cares? I'd rather be fit as fuck and a bearded manlet than tall and lanky in the way most elves are depicted.
>>>implying anyone but you wants to be a smelly alcoholic basement dwelling manlet
As opposed to a constant rape victim that only talks about trees and MUH TRADITION? Yes, I want to play a character that isn't a fancy depiction of a villager. And I don't like alcoholic dwaves, but I do like the idea of living in permadark mountain cities, yeah.

What games allow you to play as angels?
This is why I don't like RPGs. You always play as human or average races.
Where are the games that allow me to play a fucking angel? Or a demon? Or a gnoll? Or something fucking cool?

Strongfat is an ugly aesthetic. Lean muscle looks great.

Which job is the most /fa/?

It's weird how the American take on elves always involves then being debased. "dark elves", "night elves", elves getting raped, etc.

American culture really does have corruption of pure, higher races ingrained deeply into it

Pathfinder. Sacred, if I remember right.

Pathfinder and DnD often allows you to be at least part angel.

Played by trannies, faggots, thots and entitled moms.
Kill on sight.

>What games allow you to play as angels?

I actually can't think of any besides DnD.

>As opposed to a constant rape victim that only talks about trees and MUH TRADITION?

Stop playing D&D and D&D related media. Just because TSR imitated Tolkien poorly doesn't mean all elves are the same.

Except all of that comes straight from Tolkien, imbecile.
But dwarves aren't strongfat. They're chiseled as fuck.
>Lean muscle looks great.
On females. But also I am not a fag, so maybe if I were I'd feel the same way.

You only see night elves as fapbait because there's a ton of porn of them, and not so much of Tolkien or TES elves.
Pure lore male night elves are either shapeshifters that can turn into massive bears with rational intelligence. Female night elves are all centuries old 7 feet tall amazon warriors that go invisible at night and used to have a “kill on sight” policy for everything that didn't look night elfy.

>Stop playing D&D and D&D related media.
I don't.
>doesn't mean all elves are the same.
That's their depiction in most settings, either popular or homebrewed, please fuck off. Your one exception doesn't mean shit. You want to talk to me about how orcs in TES are technically elves or somethng?

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Aasimar are just pretty humans, they honestly fucking suck. Where are the wings, and the burning eyes, and the runes engraved on the skin and shit?
Tieflings are cool I guess.

I really, really, really tried to like Sacred but man, there were a lot of fucking goblins early game.

sorry cuck but blonde blue eyed elf females getting raped by big bla- I mean big orc cock is based and redpilled

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Elf rape is just something that's common in nip shit, the fuck are you talking about?

you two faggots need to hang

>>Except all of that comes straight from Tolkien, imbecile.
Please tell me where Tolkien wrote about dark elves, elves getting raped by your nigger stand-ins, etc.

Are you retarded? Serious question, are you RETARDED? What happened to the elves in Middle-Earth?

>Please tell me where Tolkien wrote about dark elves
What are orcs, faggot? Ignorant fucks like you should hang.

Well to be fair there was one dark elf in the Silmarillion and the whole Celebrían ordeal was rapey as fuck. Tolkien would never ever mention it because of his upbringing and culture but it's not a big leap to say rape was implied.

>They're chiseled as fuck.

Only in your mind, according to pop culture, they are all loud, obnoxious, drunks.

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Ahaha most dwarf depictions have guts dude. Gut + manlet = immediate no.

WoW happened where they were turned into cheerleaders lusting after humans.
The lore you are talking about is over since vanilla.

They were corrupted, same way Sauron was.

I love them in Total War Warhammer (dark elves mostly) and in Age of Wonders.

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Is your Burger mind so addled by pornography and Blacked that everything to you is interracial rape? Orcs were absolutely not conceived via mass rape of elves, or any rape of elves at all. They were made via torture and magic, twisted into orcs, not rape.

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Garbage posters like you stirring shit for thrills aren't even worth replying to.

no, but i get in anyway

good for one thing

>Where are the wings, and the burning eyes, and the runes engraved on the skin and shit?

Some of them have that, just like not all tieflings have horns and goat legs. One of your' party members in mask of The Betrayer, Kaelyn, is an aasimar, and she has wings.

>torturing someone until they devolve
>not rape
Oh, yeah, baby, that's rape.

I don't consider WoW canon personally. What a dogshit game.

Tolkien was a mid 1900s British Christian man. No way in fucking hell he meant rape.

Sure, there were the Moriquendi (who I don't think fit the label of dark elves as we see in other settings anyway aside from the name) and some other stuff, but here we're talking about user's fixation with interracial rape, which really wasn't a big thing in Tolkien's literature.


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Yea you right. Just telling you why so many people see them as fapbait. Because that's literally what they are in WoW.

>he thinks rape is just bbc shit
You're the obsessed retard here.

Kaelyn is half celestial, not aasimar.
And yeah some do but you never get it in game, or only do at like level 18 at which point the game is nearly over

This ends in rape, doesn't it.


Yeah and bolvar is the Lich King, who somehow accomplished nothing before dying. Just endless shitty plot points in that awful game.

Nice attempt at deflecting you porn-addled retard, you're the one who thinks elves being tortured and corrupted means orc rape. Like said, just because overexposure to porn has fucked with your perception doesn't mean Tolkien was the same as you.

I hope not
elves are for elves.

>orc cock

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>there were a lot of fucking goblins early game.
They shouldn't be hard to deal with. Just wait when you meet zombies in the desert.
Deldar are great, though I'm more of a WHFB druchii guy.

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>the guy that studied history and fought in a war war doesn't know about rape because he lived in the 1900s
Imagine believing this for real. Imagine being such a mouthdrooling cretin.
Also, what was done to the elves would definitely count a rape, you don't need a cock to be involved for something to be rape, RETARD.

made for rape

Elves are good fapbait, I used to quite enjoy raping them as a catform druid in WoW.

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Elven women prefer elven cock

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>doesn't know about rape
Where was that stated?
>what was done to the elves would definitely count a rape, you don't need a cock to be involved for something to be rape
You're fucking retarded, Jesus Christ. Do you know the difference between torture and rape, or are you too much of an illiterate mongoloid?

>orc cock
Don't be dumb, Azshara doesn't give a shit about orcs, it's N'Zoth's tentacle that she wants.

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They're just annoying. There was a point I wanted to run past them but the shamans immobilized me and the 800 goblins behind me all gangbanged me.
Played a Seraphim which was cool.

The guy who was brought up in the beginning of the 1900s as a devout Christian would never make a story about how his magical, fair race got corrupted through violent sexual assault by dirty evil races. Not directly nor through implications.

Dude you're just digging yourself deeper just stop

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>you will never be an elf maiden most fair and be courted by a chivalrous young elf man who loves you very much
why live lads

heroes... and friends....

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>They're just annoying. There was a point I wanted to run past them but the shamans immobilized me and the 800 goblins behind me all gangbanged me.
>Played a Seraphim which was cool.
You did it wrong then. You're supposed to fight them in small groups (they re-spawn anyway) and do quests in the region to level, once you level pas them (their health bar gets grey) you can move unless you have quests to finish.

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Divinity Original sin had the coolest elves desu

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good taste

But these were the quests between that city to th east and the starting towns in the west.
There's a big empty land in th middle filled with nothing but dozens of goblins and it got fucking old to kill them while traveling from one town to the other to fulfill a quest.
And don't even get me FUCKING started on the escort missions

On lower difficulty it's not that hard. Honestly, I just play with walktrough on hand and plan all my quests beforehand so that escort mission are the last. Timed missions are annoying tho.
This page helped.

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>however their true calling as human cocksleeves cannot be denied.

What games have gotten this right?

I might try it again when I'm done with Morrowind
Supreme Sorceress >= Dreadlady > Death Hag Hellebron (young) = Mommy > Witch Elves > Sorceress > Sisters of Slaughter > Hellebron (old)

Knife-ears need to be gassed.

What do elvish gasses smell like?


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Fuck that

Zyklon B. You should try some out. I hear its to die for.

Do you think some elves get fetishes for fucking mortal races, just for laughs?

You literally can't rape an elf. They always say yes to even the most painful and degrading carnal knowledge.

She could've read those files because she's working with him. It's custom for agents to do that

Nelves are mortals as well.
Shandris is genuinely in love with pic related.
The whole quest is about how she sees humans are their equals and how they have big potential.

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Feanor soloed more than a dozen balrogs(fallen angels) and Fingolfin humiliated Morgoth(Lucifer) so you tell me

You are not really clever user.

Tactics Ogre has angels as a special class that requires your character to die and resurrect under specific conditions. They are pretty good against evil enemies and have flying by default which is really nice, but aren't especially OP otherwise.

Elves are for marriage, and sweet yet passionate consensual sex for the purpose of procreation.

The saddest things in this cold world, other than death, is the chance we will never meet elven maidens.

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Dunno user, employers reading CVs don't constantly fall in love.
Still, this is World of Wishfulfillment, all elven girls want human dick.

Cultured and high class post.

Pretty much everything playable in Disgaea is some form of demon or angel.

Can you even make custom characters in it?

>why yes I'm an elf how could you tell

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The sentence makes that she's interested with humans. It's also part about a whole quest about how Shandris loves humans.
You really think that a 10000+ year elven general should give a fuck about some human footmen and make a REQUEST to get their CVs while her race is being raped harder than ever?


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>tfw no super vain, proud, aristocratic, self-centered blood elf gf that really loves you and tries hard to become a better person for you, even though it's difficult

Night elves are the only thing I care about in WoW anymore.

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wow is shit at large besides some characters you might personally like. Bring back those amazonian nelf killers instead.

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I'm honestly not interested enough in WoW lore to continue this discussion earnestly, but from what little I read it's about her seeing potential in humans as allies, and it makes sense since her race used to kill them on sight.

They drink from the same water they bathe in. They’re disgusting savages.

Highborne are cool.
I've found that the more regal, aristocratic, and nobility-centered an elf type is, the better they are.

I suppose you're right. But nelfs (well, maybe before WoW) fit into that classic forest spirit archetype that humans should be weary of. Though I like highborne/naga and Azshara more.

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No it doesn't stupid retard.

Is it wrong that I can't decide which Azshara I'd like to marry and love more, elf or naga?

Drows are the thinking man's choice.

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Drow are morons.
If you're gonna go for evil elves, go for the Druchii that are functional by themselves.
Drow got ghosted by Lolth once and they nearly wipe themselves out.

Kino taste

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>Can you even make custom characters in it?
Not only can you, but making a roster of custom characters is an important part of the game.

I think she can change forms, or N'Zoth can change it for her. Best of the both worlds.
For now she's taken tho and is N'Zoth's waifu queen. I mean she has sky high standards, first creaming her panties for Sargeras and now with N'Zoth. She would only marry someone more powerful than her.

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Well I guess I'll have to become insanely powerful and immortal then

Why did Blizzard make Nagas more sexy than elves?

>I think she can change forms
That would be the optimal thing for all tastes.

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They both are sexy.
You better.

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Dark, Wood, and High variations are over done and will likely continue to be overdone and driven into the ground because the autists that are elffags will screech incessantly that it is too far outside the confines of their favorite trope, and normalfags, who don't consume enough fantasy media to experience fatigue over playable elves always being the same thing across settings, will back them up blithely ensuring any unique take on elves are either strangled in the cradle(WC3 concept art Nelves) or ignored and claimed not to be a representation of elves.

This, where are my water or lava elves?

age of sigmar

*sniff* *sniff* *SNIIIIFFFFFF*

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Why would you ruin perfection though? Why does everything need to change?

I'm in for new variations of elves, but the originals (vanilla, brown skin and grey/drows) have stayed on top for so long for a reason. You go ahead and experiment all you like of course, just know that there is a reason for why they are constantly depicted like that.

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>tfw it was me who made that post
i still stand by everything i said. elves are fucking based.


The original, definitive elves are white. Making them purple, gray or some other fantasy color is just a mechanism to cower away from the racial allegory that is the whole reason for elves' cultural resonance in the first place.

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This. As a literal ancient history professional, what people don't understand about the ancient norse perception of "elves" is not really that they're a separate race. rather they represent purified/ascended ancestors in a way. pure souls. its why they're so fair and portrayed as literally white and "aryan" as they can be. its also why they were honored in such a way. the majority of elves being tricksters and such mostly came from post conversion scandinavia. the same thing happened with faeries in celtic regions, as they went from benevolent and honored to untrustworthy tricksters also.

>There will never be a proper sequel
End my existence

>christkikery makes you hate your own ancestors
i should have known not to trust those godamned israelites and their false god

Wait, wait. It's a common mistake to fall for this crap in elves:
First of, all Elves' facial features are caucasian/white. Some might look a bit like asians (ex. because of very almond shaped eyes), but all of them look like the idealized version of white/western people.
What I think we're talking about here, is skin color. So even if Drows, for example, are often depicted as more black than even actual african people, they still possess white features, hair, head structure and everything. It's just their skin and eye color that is very unusual.

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>kingdom under fire 2 is vaporware and its another generic korean MMO grindfest instead of a strategy game

ironically tolkien's elves are probably the best ones around, they've got that kind of perverted virtue angle going where their superiority loops around to being massively autistic and incredibly petty instead of something flattering.

why must you remind me.

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That's 40k eldar you're talking about. Who are ironically the best take on elves in any medium or setting. I love them.

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instead they're forging passports

kek I still remember elf tiddy physics, never played it tho since

I wonder if the people touting pro-dwarf stuff so much while talking about how white they are realize just how much Tolkien based their culture and language off ancient hebrew and other semitic cultures (because I'm sure as shit they ain't talking about dvergar).

Why does she get angry?

>projecting the concept of an aryan race or ubermensch onto a culture that existed centuries before nietzche and the nazis were even a twinkle in their fathers' nutsack
why are history "buffs" always obsessed with retrofitting norse and viking ideas with their silly twentieth century nonsense? do they just go DUDE AXES AND BEARDS ARE BADASS LMAO and try to scramble to take it? you dumb motherfuckers.


It's just muh memes.

>bringing /pol/ vs /pol/ in the war vs elves grudge
Into the fucking book

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The jew fears the elf.


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He's factually right though, you know the basic concept of an elf isn't a modern invention right?

Indeed, angels are so fuckable

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Tolkien even got the noses right. How did (((they))) let him all these decades?

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>dude viking religion is just barbaric lmao
what modern day retards dont understand is exactly the opposite, because mainstream culture has mostly turned paganism into pop culture nonsense.
what people like you dont understand is that it was RELIGION. religion, by its own nature, has racial and tribal connotations. always has. judaism itself is wholly based around the idea as jews being the chosen race and is the main undecurrent theme of the entire torah/old testament.
besides this, deities being portrayed with blue eyes was a global phenomenon. the "aryan" look is simply part and parcel to how ancient religion functioned when it came to ancient peoples portraying their divinities. im not talking about nazis, you fucking sperg.

why do all you retards assume elves or "pagan" shit in general is just comic book cartoon shit? people were literally using these systems as spirituality for thousands of fucking years. of course its godamn racially charged.

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I love them.

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Usually useless, they're either Tolkienesque and have too many drawbacks or are literally nigger slave tier like dragon age. The only time I've ever willingly used an elf is ADOM playing as a High Elven Archer

Eldar are perpetually pompous and sour. The ear wiggling was her losing her composure.

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>ancient religion in which people worship their ancestral line and claim their own ancestral line descends from gods has no racial connotations
most mutted post of the entire thread. taking the racial connotations out of ancient belief systems is the retrofitting, not the other way around.
i bet you think marvel's thor is an accurate depiction of norse paganism.

Spoken like someone who doesn't play games.





They have it coming.

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>Spoken like someone who doesn't play games.
Speak for yourself faggot. Name more than one game where you can pick between elves and humans and elves are superior. From RPGs to rts games, humans are always the superior pick

white hair though

you didn't see nothin', mon'keigh

Warhammer elves are pretty damn cool. Elves can be the better pick in dnd depending on what you want. I often pick human, but you oversimplified. Divinity 2 elves are quite unique.

This thread is in serious need of purging, and orbital bombardment, and more purging, and then a little promethium..... and then some more purging.

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>trying to drag Nietzsche into some racialism crap
It was a concept in moral fucking philosophy you pretentious asshat, not on race. Why don't you shut the fuck up about things you haven't read more than one word of.

I mean, I'm not saying I'd be proud of it, but yeah. I would.

>Be me
>Be human
>Decide Fuck it and go into the woods
>some dude asks me to kill wolves
>This is easy at first, But the requests get more absurd
>Now tasked with killing kobolds. Their screams still echo in my ears
>Jesus Christ what mistakes have I made
>Asked to kill a man. And take his fucking head.
>Go to where he is hiding, See 30 other people waiting around a tree
>The man then appears, out of Thin fucking air!
>what I see next will scar me to this day, 30 men dog pile on this one guy, ripping and tearing him to pieces, Then then take his head.
>ALL 30 of them. TAKE ONE MANS HEAD!
>I just wanted elf cunny.
>Put down sword
>Go to goldshire
>settle for degenerate trash.
>All I ever wanted was to fuck a goat.

Attached: Boss.png (1236x544, 713K)

Shame Azshara is a jobber, her boss fight is too easy & she barely looks like a mage

Gul'Dan felt like a Warlock on steroids, but Azshara barely does any magic, even her arcane bomb that you have to LOS is pretty piss weak

Worst part is that in 2013 there was a post on Yea Forums about a breakthrough of it finally coming out, and in 2017 I bought an old xbox for some old memories and played through KUF again and decided to look up if it got canceled, and found a 2 month old post that they made a beta run in russia. I wonder how they even have money to continue

*barely fights like a mage

How dare you! I'll have you know that I, Kleetus, will banish you Imperials from my lands forever. House Telvanni will rise again! My magically cloned self wives are laughing at you Imperial dogs. Are you really so jealous of my tower plantation? Are you really so tired of living in the waterfront district of the Imperial City with those filthy lizards you love so much, Imperial cretin, that you'd travel many moons to point your sharpened stick at me? Pathetic.

This is the only game I want an xbox emulator for.

Bums me out to see everyone whine about the Div:OS2 elves' armor. I like them, and their armor.


WoW is shit, what more can I say.

Post that armor.

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*Reduces your House into a pile of rubble and bones in a few days*

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Hist slurpers were driven out.

stupid potato elf

Why did you crop out other elf.

Keep telling yourself that Dumbmer.


Elves are the greatest thing to happen in fantasy media

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That's a dragon?


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No problem with waifuzshara.


Elves < Draenei

My opinion is that I need to go on a date with Tyrande!

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around elves, watch yourselves

And then divinity 2 made them look awful

Good decision

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Nanako Tsukishima aka my loving wife.

This elf just saved your life. How do you show her your gratitude?

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>From RPGs to rts games
Divinity Original Sin 2 has Elfs that are OP though nigger.

why did he stop drawing those delicious elves


This is only partially true

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By respecting her and not trying to rape her


Never understood the appeal of her. Is that some bimbo fetishism? Because she's a pain in the ass ingame.

Futa glyph above their vagina on the mound of Venus. If there's magic then there's sex magic, which is probably a combination of conjuration and alteration and some illusion magic as well.

>too bad they're not real

Wait until we get IRL Exotic type cyberware IRL. When will cyberware like that become possible? 70+ years. Too many conservative retards.

>those perverse garments in that sweaty environment

Imagine the smell.

>those lips
Only possible on non-white women.

they should have pierced ears

KuF2 is coming to the west now. It's a Korean semi-MMO though so don't get your hopes up. Devs have moved on so pray that the next game will be a proper KuF.

are you sure?

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You know the real reason for it is because the funding is going to welfare for 'minorities' and illegal immigrants
Shit gets expensive really fast, but that's the choice some people have made for everyone else

>go to war for 20 years and spend trillions of dollars
>"there's no money because minorities"
Okay retard

It's not new at all nigger

>KuF2 is coming to the west now. It's a Korean semi-MMO though so don't get your hopes up. Devs have moved on so pray that the next game will be a proper KuF.
last post I can find on the official site is from 2016. it isnt coming

>Implying the minorities aren't coming over because their countries are bombed to shit in addition to the free shit they're getting
Are you stupid or what? It's all sides of politics doing this, and blaming only one of them lets the others continue their bullshit

Not big enough. And not as pic as OP's pic.

get your eyes checked.

OP's pic has bigger lips.

Warcraft elves are garbage and if you like them you literally dont know shit about vidya games.

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Don't you know how to use Google or something?

Sexy bitches who never put out. Nothing but cock teases.

thats a mutt

Anna Popplewell,she's 100% British

Half elves are the worst thing to happen to fantasy settings since Wizards of the Coast.

i-is he crying?

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That's a tough pill to shallow for a human...but is correct.
You basically dispoil perfection and debase something higher than you and magical.

It hurts, but it's true.
That's why the ultimate immersion regarding elves is for you also to become one somehow.

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there is meaning in mortality

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thanks doc

>not having a corruption fetish

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>He doesn't know

>Not becoming something better than an elf and then making half-elves that are superior to their elf parent

i want to turn a mighty elf into a bitch/bimbo.
make her pump out halfbreeds

Allods hedonistic elves, best elves.

Attached: Allods.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

Depends, they can be done well when they have unique cultures in unique settings.

But they rarely do, warcraft is an example of how to make them interesting and uninteresting in the matter of a decade.

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orc and troll women > elf women

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Maybe if you're gay.

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Touch her ears

im angry. angry about elves.

>What is Yea Forums's opinion on elves in vidya?

Elves are a proud and noble race of warriors and scholars, and I feel nothing but jealousy towards their superior civilization.

We need more elf femboys.

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Wasn't that guy a dog?

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>*gets raped and impregnated by a powerful Orc while her leader abandoned the battlefield to save her cuck husband who got rekt by another powerful Orc*


Reminder that orcs can't win against anyone unless they gobble up a few gallons of demon cum.

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Oh, you mean Marty?
I guess there are some similarities.

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What is the cutest thing that an elf can wear on her head?

I used to hate elves but I'm gradually starting to like them.

I'm writing a story right now about an endless war between elves and demons, with us humans caught in the middle. Turns out that humanity is just a small, weak subset of demons, and that's why the elves hate us so much. And the point is that they're RIGHT: all humans are aligned towards evil by their very nature, and every single one has the potential to be corrupted and turned to evil. Even our most powerful and righteous demigods, Jesus, Shiva and Odin, are basically just demon lords with a conscience.

Problem is, the elven solution is to just kill every single human in existence, and while that would technically make the world a better place, most of the protagonists are human, and would prefer to not die. Except Jesus. He's the only being in the universe who is completely immortal, so he doesn't actually care if all of humanity dies. He basically allies with whatever side interests him at the time.

Cute head/face veils. Or a ninja mask.

Cute sun hats or cabbie caps. Or berets.

An elegant light summer hat with a knee long airy dress and delicate sandal shoes for a casual look.

Or a thin tiara with one gemstone in an accent color together with a silk dress with metal ornaments and high heels for a more formal setting.

Everybody should have one

Are Centaurs the best fantasy race?

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Only if we are talking about the males, horse cock is great.
Centaur girls are icky though.


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Hold up a minute, Galadriel told Frodo what she was going to do if she was given power over anything that wasn't an elf(or Gimli's dick lmao) I find it hard to believe that she didn't inform Odin about what a bitch she could be if given a chance, and judging by what the original ceiling mural depicted in Odin's throne room, I am sure that Odin was every bit a bastard to match what ever cuntiness Galadriel dished out. Also, Two Towers was a great action game.

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Always trust heart pupils.

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Pelinal get the fuck in here.

That picture is from The Witcher, you fucking plank

Elves are for white human dick only.

I thought we were talking a bit more serious now...
That's an oxymoron user. By definition and in general, elves are superior from humans in fiction. They are like a completely idealized version of us.

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Elves are for prone boning

Unpopular opinion, but I'd like to have intercourse with an elf in the missionary position for the sole reason of procreation

imagine having one tied up in your bedroom, knowing it's going to be bred by one of "lesser" races in just a few minutes, haha

Flammable pompous faggots

Don't worry guys

Elf girls will be real in 30 years when robot wives become a thing.

They'll be customizable for any fetish imagineable.

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Brown and genki with long, long ears!

long ears perfect for lots of piercings

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They need to get represented as mystical beings instead of immortal humand with pointy ears. I hope they get depicted as ethereal beings such as the ghosts of humans or as truly otherworldly beings that separate themselves from humans and other species.

Oh and I have an obligation to share this even though it is anime to show how elves need to become great again.

Lodoss War elves > Modern elves

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THICC elves are best elves

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nothing more than cocksleeves

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Pls who is this?


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that is some good stuff, got any more?

me on the ground

>physically weak or emotional

This isnt true or any elves, Tolkien or derivative

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If this is gay I will whistle and skip my way to blue oyster

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Based /tg/ guy.

Good taste. It's why people hate them and shit on them - they jealous.

good taste user
now i'm in the mood for gyaru thanks