The next Pokémon game should take place in Africa

the next Pokémon game should take place in Africa

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cant wait for niggachu

>Buzzwole used Ebola
>It's super effective!

they won't do africa

It would be great for GF, they could just cut the roster a bit, add like 50 new Pokemon, and make the map just a big Savannah and desert with like the bare minimum amount of hut villages. Maybe each one would have two gym leaders to get that number really low.

No, African people don't play vidya.
They probably go with somewhere else in Europe again. I'm kinda hoping for Pokemon in pseudo-China though, seems like a lot of opportunities there, plus Nintendo just start selling/or will sell Switch in China if I recalled correctly.
And the tons of cute pokegirls in Chinese dress is also a plus as well.

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>pokemon game in not-arabia
>either all the ladies are black ghosts or super cute belly dancers


because the only thing africa, or specifically sub saharan africa, is known for is starving people and ebola. who the fuck would play a pokemon game in such an awful settting? meanwhile places like france, england, japan, etc all have rich histories with lots of potantial.

africa is more than that
watch a tarzan episode

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____ ___

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but instead of catching pokemon you catch diseases

Europe, Africa, what's the difference?

She's indian

top fuckin kek

but the only thing there to catch is aids

what about ebola and malaria? gotta catch em all

No no, make it not-Japan AGAIN

It's kino though

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>pokemon in pseudo-China
Would unironically be more interesting than yet another European country.

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This. England's history is great, like when they got cucked by franks, saxons, nords, turks, spaniards, dutch...

>nothing but shitposting
Not surprise

makes sense with your post

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