This is a Nintendo character in 2019

>this is a Nintendo character in 2019
How is this acceptable in any way shape or form?

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Why wouldn't it be?

Based Nintendo
Fuck Snoy

>dude sexualizing children to trigger le sonionbois is so epik XD

I don't sexualize them to make anybody mad. I sexualize them to harden my penis.

your problem is if you find this sexualised at all, cause it's really not.


it shapes and forms my pp into the PP

you have to go back

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you ever notice that the people who end up defining female and children characters by sexiness are almost always the ones who screech about how bad it is. It's always them who point out how sexy a character is before anyone else does.

OP isnt pedoish, this actually is. Go pedo up elsewhere.

why is it? there's even less visible than in the OP, user

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This isn't even sexualized unless you're a degenerate footfag.

Because the intent behind the pic in OP wasnt supposed to be sexual, that one obviously is and Im fairly certain it's a nsfw loli artist.



shes naked

There is nothing wrong with sexy lolibabaas

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ironic shitposting

This, I hope that guy doesn't follow up by posting more pics like that. God I would be so mad

Voiced by Kumiko.

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>please don't show those kids in revealing clothes or else I'll want to fuck them
the problem seems to be on your side

>If a man claims that he is a girl then it's okay
>If young looking girl claim that she is 50000 years old dragon than it's problematic
WTF is wrong with murrican

>How is this acceptable in any way shape or form?

How is it unacceptable? That which is not forbidden is permitted.

Like this?

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Daily reminder to help them dragons repopulate. The prime breeding age is at least 1000.

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She’s gonna be my wife, I fucking love lolibabas

I hope we can massage her feet and kiss her soles as an equivalent of tea time with the students.

I can speak for the other user, he's fuming right now. So mad.

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How do you know that?

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Breh i thought i've seen that stupid face somewhere and you know what... i did

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He's a good friend. Screams a lot. Says something about "cunny" every now and then. I dunno what he means.

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Jesus fuck this is hot

Because it's a nintendo character, not a sony one

That's one sexy babu

user you are supposed to make posts like this on Twitter to virtue signal and get likes/retweets from other people trying to do the same.


Nintendo knows what sells. Cute little girls that dont push any gay politics is what real gamer wants

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>disney, netflix and other jewmerica companies sexualize underage real girls
I sleep.


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Crap, I'm late for the cunny thread

I'm sure the FeMC will be thirsting for her cunny honey too.

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Since when have FE games ever had gay supports?

Since Fates.

Post more anzu


>the way her hair moves
>it's just a giant fucking chunk whenever she moves her head
Can some fucking dev please find a good, universally appliable solution to this shit soon.

I want to see anime girls with beautiful long hair and it actually look like it should. What the fuck is the point of her having all that gorgeous messy hair if it moves in a big fat fucking chunk like its superglued together.

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How is your almond milk diet treating you?

Fates wants to say hi. Even Awakening had Tharja lusting after fem!MC in the same manner as she does with male one. Difference is that you couldn't S rank her as a female in Awakening, wile you can S rank not!Tharja in Fates as a female.

what's wrong with almond milk other than it being expensive as fuck?

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Since triangle attack

Nice thread

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It is, you snoicuck

It's the new replacement because numales and vegans became insecure for being called out on consuming chink bean milk.

>Have gay sex
>can't have kids
Literally why did they shoehorn these two things in? It's on par with Shadow dragon "You have to kill your army to get these units".

Half assed attempt to appeal to fujos and yurifags.

Milk is fucking terrible anyway it spoil too fast and it tastes bad. I used to drinking that shit after thinking it makes your bones stronger but after learning the acid content negates any calcium intake it's just been a shitty drink. Yogurt has better calcium intake and it's supposed to be for girls.


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I mean, I understand WHY, but how did nobody see this and think "Hey, that's actually a pretty shitty game design." Not to mention all the gay units are fucking terrible people. Niles is a sexual deviant and an asshole, and Tharja 2.0 is bland as fuck compared to the original. Can't they at least make them good people instead?

Eyes too far apart.

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Unironically yes

The entire child mechanic in Fates was bad in general because they did not have a time travel plot like Awakening did so all the parents basically throw their kids into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and grab them once they are old enough to fight.

Exactly, now fuck off reddit

KYS tranny

Kids sent back from the future to stop an apocalypse, they're seasoned vets and a bit overly quirky do to how they were brought up but make great fighters.

you first pedo

wtf bros we can't let the nintenchads get away with this!

What's wrong, user?

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God imagine the smell

>tfw grew up with parents that used onions milk for breakfast
I don't know about onions, but I think it tastes pretty good. I always found almond milk meh tasting.

cope and dilate

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Jesus, that's hot.

Based Nintendo

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god little girls are the best

Tfw no lolibaba grandma gf

Well my sister has the same body and likes posing for me. I have no problem accepting that

Yeah I'll be honest this is actually disgusting. I'm ashamed of looking at this and thinking It was designed by nintendo. You can barely see any skin!

Welp, there goes my employment.

Relax user, there are more games for homosexuals than ever available for you

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You are right.

Towako is the gift from god.

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You degens like to tell yorselves you're above others, but look at it this way.
>Console Warriors.
You all seek validation in numbers, yet post on an anonymous board so you don't have to commit to anything.
You tell yourselves that "It's not pedophilia, they're just drawings!" Or "It's not stealing, they keep their supply!" And attack anyone who disagrees with you because that violates your narrative that you're cool and contrarian unlike any of the other sheep.
The truth is you do the same thing as any high strung leftie or edgy poltard. You just do it about things that are actually fucking gross.
So please, stop fapping to children, drawings of children, ideas of children, find some instagram bimbo to latch onto, start fapping to 3D women, and rejoin the human race.

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Go back to facebook

The coping in the this pasta looks bery good. Thank you user.

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this x10, c*nny pedos are 100x more annoying then lefty shills and /pol/tards screaming about jews

I'm glad this game actually looks interesting now so I don't have to justify buying it for Sothis

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>Posts his reports and than act all proud about it

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I don't know. Her official art looks creepy and the feet are off. i just hope she will be a playable character instead of living in your head rent free,

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She doesn't talk like a child. She doesn't sound like a child. She doesn't behave like a child. She is no child.

>And attack anyone who disagrees with your narrative.
And like clockwork, you fell right into his trap. Well played user.

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I wonder if the people actually stupid enough to think lolishit is illegal in the US understand that they're using a website that freely hosts what they equate to child porn on other boards, which would open them to criminal liability for accessing it

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>find some instagram bimbo to latch onto, start fapping to 3D women, and rejoin the human race.
No way fag

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Found the nigger.

I hope she gets at least one straight lolidom doujin. Lysithea needs the Typehatena treatment instead.

I pirate
I cunnypost
What are you going to do now


Normal milk has lots of estrogens, so substitutes are good for it. In baking though, normal milk is much better choice most of the time.

Is she actually confirmed as a romantic support?

>Her official art looks creepy
I like it, it makes her look actually inhuman, like a fairy or elf. Everyone else's eyes are too far apart for no good reason at all.

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can't get any more based than this lads

Well you're attacking OTHER for disagreeing with YOUR narrative, so...yeah! I think you're the pedo here too!

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The leak said she was and it has been spot on this far.

aren't most gamer journalists into that stuff anyway

>You all seek validation in numbers.

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They're only interested in the real thing

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Incels are boring. Nobody cares about you and you dont care about videogames. Just die already you smelly fat shit



Honey, stop bringing your pasta up, you are embarrassing everyone.

have cunny


Why are conservatives so desperate to project their mental illness onto everyone else? Just admit you're an ugly pedophile and get help before you hurt a child. Please.

resetera has actual discussion atleast though

Why are you fags so obsessed with child cartoon porn? Dont any of you have sex lives? And what does it have to do with videogames?

That doesn't even deserve the you, chief

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>bare legs is so raunchy I can't handle it

Are you Saudi-Arabian or something?

>resetera has actual discussion atleast though

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>resetera has actual discussion
Only about pronouns and how to ruin games for people.

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You will all remember this as the day you were impaled upon the words of one user. And when you're stroking your prick later to a child or a 1000 year old child anons, think of me.

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they discuss if cutting their own dick off is making them a girl mate

No it doesn't retard. You don't have discussion where opposite viewpoints are literally instantly banned. You can have more actual discussion on Yea Forums than on *era.

Someone please kill this thread

Well my sister has the same body and likes posing for me. I have no problem accepting that

what the fuck are you actually saying retard?
of course you post meme man too

did you lick your sisters feet while she was posing for you like that?

why did sony regress so much over the years? Did making Cali their base really fuck them up so much into thinking people want to play propaganda movies instead of video games on their console?

Lurk five years before posting again

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I jokingly tried once and it seemed like she would have let me but I felt bad and just kissed them once

no wonder ur an incel

>it's an user makes a thread sound like it was made by a faggot to get more replies episode
I wish things didn't have to be this way here

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>I pirate

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I don't think about other Anons on this board, you haven't left an impression on me that any other pedophilac virtue signlar has. Rot in animosity.

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Who says I am? :^y

Unironically yes. Because with the location switch all the important decisionmakers got switched too. Companies are made of people, and when you switch the people, it's like scooping out the brain of a human and putting a different brain inside.

A thread with a "PLEASE SOTHIS-SAMA STEP ON ME AND CALL ME A PATHETIC LOLICON PIG" OP would have been deleted pretty fast.

He is become based, the destroyer of weebs.

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>can perfectly emulate the PS3 version

Why the fuck would they do this? Who are they appealing to with their newer decisions? With the PS4 having dominance over the gen it just seems really retarded for them to shit all over their consumers to please journalists and twitterfags who won't even buy their games or system

>he has to go out of his way to use an emulator to play an inferior version because Piratecucks can't crack the best game of all time on PC
How the mighty have fallen

Yeah that's probably true too. I just think we've dipped a little too far into the "actual retards who think they're in good company" territory

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>Samefagging this hard

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Nintendo loli eroge when? You know like Tsuushinbo ~Mama ni mo Naisho no Jikanwari~ and Naisho no Naisho!

Oh no no no bro you are proving him right because he says so!

You have enough games on the NES, SNES, N64, PS1, PS2, GB/GBA, DOS, Saturn, DC, GC, Wii AND on PC that are worth playing if you aren't a normalfag that play AAA titles to last all your life
Pay for my games

I don't own photoshop.

Attached: whatnowfaggot.png (1373x875, 129K)

Pretty sad, isn't it?

>piratefags still coping this hard that they have to actually pay to play 2017's uncontested GOTY in its best version
Cope, seethe, dilate AND have sex.

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i'm a leg and thighfag and this makes me harder than titanium

So you went to phoneposting or changed your IP. S'not that hard.

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Does that work if your phone is on wifi, because if so I need to try that

literally 2 seconds in MS Paint or just using inspect element
if you want to prove you're not mad don't reply

the opposite end of the spectrum is DOA where the girls have hair with full physics that also occasionally goes batshit and flies everywhere and clips through everything

No, chan blocks unregistered IPs so you can't post on Wifi. At least it gave me that message when I tried posting at a restaurant one day.

thats such a hot dragon girl
based nintendo gona buy a switch lite

It's insane how much better the Fates and even Awakening CG cutscenes look compared to what we're getting now
Whoever convinced Japan that 10fps CGI was acceptable animation needs to be shot

>dragoncunnies are still effective repellents against reddit and retardnigger

i thought after how butthurt the west got about nowi nintendo wouldn't make another manakete like her again, glad i was wrong

And what is this game?

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>Why the fuck would they do this?
Tax reasons. Saving expenses. The switch had no deeper thought behind it than "let's save some money".

>Who are they appealing to with their newer decisions?
They're Californians. I don't think they're consciously trying to appeal to anybody, they just believe the whole world sees (or should see) things like they do. It doesn't occur to them that people might prefer the way Sony has handled this issue for the past 20 years instead.

Agreed. About 95% of threads on Yea Forums start with an ironic shitpost these days.

Very based indeed.

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Eliwood also killed a dragon. Twice

>all the blades damage is in the edge instead of the tip
Bitch can't even wield the sword correctly.

I only remember one time and she came back.

>Latina bodytype
>is bad now

Yuros are fucking idiots

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ugh....... uuugh..... uuuuUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHH

was it something you ate?

because fuck you

yeah you could say that

are a faget

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