ITT: post dem LGBT characters

ITT: post dem LGBT characters

Attached: chameleon-1.gif (148x150, 11K)

Attached: horsecock.png (1184x1184, 8K)



Attached: lovebros.png (184x184, 9K)

Attached: 1562869608266.jpg (1456x1458, 149K)

Attached: file.png (1000x1000, 2.17M)

Attached: ilima-154817.jpg (350x490, 30K)

Attached: mk ninjas.gif (73x131, 127K)

Attached: doom_alt_boxart.0.0.jpg (1200x800, 193K)

Attached: kaiden.jpg (400x266, 28K)

Attached: 1562389314283.png (162x166, 71K)

pretty cool guy, have him in my deck

Attached: grn-195-ral-izzet-viceroy.jpg (672x936, 151K)

Attached: Emil.(NieR).full.1106930.jpg (550x640, 293K)

Attached: 1550099250596.png (960x444, 149K)

Wait, since when does he have that mega man arm cannon


Attached: reseteragay.png (1586x283, 68K)

your mom

Reminder to pray for the gays turning their back on Christ.

Attached: 47585390_473115546550256_6274883094670759671_n.jpg (480x480, 36K)

they're detachable

Attached: war-211-ral-storm-conduit.jpg (672x936, 162K)

these are literally the only two good ones ever