Ever since then pc became nothing more than port machine playing games it isnt supposed to play. Steam have been just artificially extending its life with 3rd party console games, shitty indies and streamers playing them.
Pc gaming should have been gone since early 00s
I dont think this cycle will continue anymore, with the culture of pc gaming beinf diluted and next gen consoles being made for he hardcore majority of pc advantages will be gone. Aside from being a one game machine in asia, the slow natural death for it in the west is eventual just like japan.
I would be okay with that. I could finally stop wasting my time with gaming.
Sad thing is even devs forgot how to make pc games, they cant make games that demand more than 14 command keys anymore. Even former pc games like doom are coming back as console games.
stfu faggot
Not entirely true, there were and still are a lot of pc exclusives. Just because a console pleb like you wasn't told to like it by the ads doesn't mean they're bad.
>they cant make games that demand more than 14 command keys anymore
I would like to think that publishers don't allow them to do so.
and who's fault is this? console peasants
finally, we can all pay monthly fee's to play online, stick to 30fps, have no BC & no mods either
i love the console only world
How do you end up with opinions like OPs?
>than port machine playing games it isnt supposed to play.
yeah fucking playing dark souls at 60fps, it was meant to be played at 10 fps on PS3
Are you stupid. Consoles and PCs are are computers. If you open up a console you will find a cpu and a gpu in there. A console is just a computer with a locked down OS, so consolebabbies dont break the config, cos theyre stupid they need the config done for them
How sad is it, that you faggots are disintegrating as we speak? Steam epic, no games, your ips made into phone games. Just wait for ps5
Will be a computer with a CPU and a GPU and you will still be too stupid to configure it.
Yeah and it wil
Replace pc
To anyone who spent a significant amount of time on PC, consoles will never be more than background noise. A locked down toy that can't do anything that isn't explicitly allowed by Sonyntendo, it's suffocating and will always be secondary.
people said the same about the ps4
>it'll happen this time guise I swear
Alone the pirate website i browse my games at contains over 4k pc games, and it doesnt even have diablo 2. More than 3600 are actually exclusive to pc.
pc gaming is made for children since over 10 years. Early access, mobile, f2p, mobas, csgo, BR etc. suited for kids that dont have money to spend for good games and want to play the same game all year. They literally put the most cringe rbg lighting on all that pc "gaemer" gear to attract them. meanwhile consoles with their design are aimed for adults.
Bla bla i played pc and its nothing special as you fags make it out to be. Soon you will make religion out of this
Ps5 is different, ps5 is hardcore decixe that uses he latest tech.
Shovelware, games no one plays and i can tell how desperate you are by bringing up diablo 2 a 20 year old game.
Used every day.
Used for a while, then collects dust forever.
>Ps5 is different, ps5 is hardcore decixe that uses he latest tech.
>the latest tech
That sentence wasn't even true 5 years ago
>literal ESL faggot trying to make people stop using PCs
Just cause you can't afford one, Ching Chong Chinaman, doesn't mean the rest of the world is gonna stop using them.
I like how you didn’t even acknowledge any of the arguments you replied to.
Yeah, let’s wait for PS5 where the censorship will get worse and you still can’t play with the superior mouse and keyboard combo.
>my video game toy is better than yours because I have less options for customization
If you really want to go the whole “muh adults” angle then call me when your PS4 can make a spreadsheet.
This might be the dumbest thread Yea Forums has had in a while.
>the latest tech
Which will be rendered outdated when the PC gamer can choose to implement “the latest tech” a few months down the line that’s even better, while you consolefags are locked on the same hardware for at least over half a decade.
Cringe consumerist console buyer.
>Ps5 is different, ps5 is hardcore decixe that uses he latest tech.
Yes for this year, next year its already outdated compared to pc parts(its already outdated compared to the high end) and a console gen wil run about 7 maybe 9 years.So it will be all flashy and cool for the first few months but after that, pc will shit all over it.
If we count the number of true hardcore pc gamers we will see that the number is falling. Pc gaming is hobby for poor kids to play only one game. The only hardcore gamers console will be ps5 and it will destroy pc.
Oh wow pc gamers buying new part every month
This post just how ironic
>1999: t-t-this time PC gaming is dead for sure!
>2009: t-t-this time PC gaming is dead for sure!
>2019: t-t-this time PC gaming is dead for sure!
>waah why can PC players play okami and devil may cry nooo muh sekrit klub
Fuck off nigger
PC = cringe
Console = based.
Any question?
Are you okay, retard?
>nothing special
Take a look at my glorious library faggot
No im not playing with kb+m for console ports but still
Congrats on making the most retarded thread of the day.
Sniff** c c ccongrats on making the most r retarded sniff** thread of the day. Wheeeeeeeeee** biscuit faggot!!
Such a slow agonizing death it must be to slowly disintegrate for close to 40+ years.
Yes, user, this will be the gen that FINALLY kills PC gaming.
I play on PC because I like playing games on PC. Consoles have always been exclusives-only machines for close to 20 years now.
But I thought PC gaming was dead like it was in 2001 2003 2005 2008 2011 >2011
There was no PC gaming until the creation of Steam.
Those were based on nothing but this one is legit
I said pc gaming should of died at 00s. Pc gamers before that period are gone, pc gaming is a shell of its former self and extremely fragile, thats why pc gamers are so defensive and antagonizing to non pc gamers or serious competition.
To be honest, PC gaming DID go through a very, very rough patch between 2007 and 2014-ish. There really was a time when it looked like it is dying. Or more precisely, that it is being consciously murdered.
>should of
>antagonizing to non pc gamers or serious competition.
you made the thread retard. Nothing has ever seriously competed with PC. Not in terms of raw hardware specs, amount of exclusives (or amount of games in general), general features, versatility, backwards compatibility of non-vendor hardware, and moddability.
Full fucking stop consoles have ALWAYS been inferior to PC even disregarding hardware performance.
Hell, even saying that it's "dying" is fucking wrong in and of itself. More recently big name devs are putting more effort into PC ports and specifically marketing to PC gamers (Look at the Doom Eternal gameplay reveals). Nvidia, Intel and AMD are making huge leaps in hardware specific to desktop PC applications. Fuck, even the community for PC gaming in general has grown or has at least stayed consistent over the years.
It's the same fucking Apple-tier fallacy as calling something obsolete when nothing has superseded it. It's not the fact that it's misguided info, it's just fucking incorrect in every aspect.
I can 100% get if PC gaming isn't your cup of tea, but making fucktarded threads just spewing shit from your ass is no way to cope with your blatant inferiority.
Ever since early 00s consoles become a reason why AAA gaming with it shameless cashgrabs, bi-yearly releases of the same shit and zero creativity is still afloat.
That might blow your mind but consoles are just PCs with a different OS, one that only exists to limit what you can do, it's the only reason why a console can't play another console's games, the limitations are completely artificial in order to push consumerism and brand loyalty.
As a comparison, imagine if AMD, Nvidia and Intel paid publishers to have their games locked to their hardware.
Consoles are no different than the plastic laptops for kids you can buy from Toys R Us.
Do console peasants even have a sizable backlog? They have several big releases of worthwhile games between console generations and no mods to extend replayability. Furthermore, most games are focused on cinematic experience, when you play it once, grind collectibles in post-game and there is nothing more.
China and Asia except from Japan play mostly on PC. Good luck trying to kill it.
fuck pcheats and fuck pc
this is you
What does micosoft office add to the gaming experince? We want to play games not tinker with specs or just serf the internet ( we have phones ). What does pc do that consoles cant?
Why do the peasants feel so threatened by PC?
>What does pc do that consoles cant?
play games at a reasonable framerate
Coping with their tech ineptitude. Many young people these days can only push big buttons on their touchscreen and don't know the first thing about computers.
>playing games on a dedicated Excel platform
no you are the peasants
>backwards comp across literally any gen aside from the newest stuff, as well as previous "PC" stuff.
>better performance
>source ports (stuff like GZDoom and that one Diablo port)
>you can basically use any usb HID device to control games, with third party adapters for everything else
>easily back up your games
Those are the main ones I take advantage of. Also free online in most games helps too.
>Nothing has ever seriously competed with PC.
This is not entirely true. There was a time when PC gaming went through a serious slump, mostly due to Microsoft's explicity decision to actually remove gaming from Windows entirely. It took three major paradigm shifts to even get PC roughly to the same state it was ten years prior. Things are looking up now, but it has not been always true. Which isn't an anti-PC sentiment, PC has always been a better platform consumer-view-wise, but in terms of available games and general treatment by the industry, things were pretty grim for a good while.
In terms of features and overall games nothing has. PC gaming as a whole as literally only gotten better with cheaper parts, proper graphical settings to account for those parts, and even more and more games coming out. PC as a platform has too much of a head start to have any worthwhile competitors. Through every high and low PC has always been a 1000 steps ahead anything that consoles have done.
How old are you? Have you somehow not been around in the dark ages of 2007-2014?
Did you not read my post? Even with that dip PC still came out way, way ahead.
It's been pretty shit for a while but it seems more devs and publishers are beginning to eye the pc market. Sadly this means that subscription bullshit all over the place.
Imagine supporting a business practice that guarantees that a game won't be playable twenty years down the line.
Consoles had the best games and by far the best support from Jap developers in both the 90s, the 00s and even now. PC has only been the primary platform of fps tween cringe boys, RTA gooks and the occasional old school WRPG fan. The fact that you play console ports and emulate on your PC doesn't make that not true. There hasn't been a single AAA PC exclusive release since Crysis, and the closest you are to one today is Scam Citizen.
>lol what? Again listing 20 year old games
>we got that since what? Ps2?
>we got that
Why do you lie? If thats all it will get steamrolled by ps5. No wonder comapnies like ms are putting xbox """"exclusives"" on steam literally no console gamer will switch over. Whats the number of pc gamers that buy and play more than one game? 20mil tops?
Who cares? I can play 90% of those console games on my PC.
Brand loyalty faggots, not even fucking once.
>imagine being a poor minimum wage loser having to fight over platforms instead of having access to all of them
Depends on what you mean "came out way ahead". It was six or seven years of absolute garbage ports and entire, formerly main-stream genres dying out, some of which have not recovered to this day.
As a platform, it was always a better proposition than a console, but a gaming environment, shit sucked really badly. And we still have to deal with the fallout even today.
They had thankfully turned around a good four or five years ago. Thanks mainly to three massive shifts: Kickstarter/Early Access, Steam opening the floodgates, and advent of youtube/twitch focused gaming and gaming discourse. These three events together basically revived PC gaming and ended the dark ages ushered forward by Microsoft's plan to move gaming away from PC, the insanity of Wii and PS3's alien hardware.
Last gen was trully a fucking horrible time for gaming. And one of the biggest problems we have to contest with today is that there still is an entire generation raised on last-gen standards and that is making a massive quality-standard problem in the industry even today.
SEETHING console cuck
Yes exactly which makes you a console gamer in denial. In fact you love the console games so much you'd rather replicate it in software with more input lag than playing the real hardware because you're a massive faggot in denial that needs to keep up appearances with /r/PCMR. PeeCeeCucks are the biggest losers in all of gaming.
>only in Bethesda games
>only games on their systems, Nintendo, Sega, are off by default
>consoles have always performed worse than PC find me proof otherwise
>muh old games are bad!!!
>Not any USB device, literally only ones supported by the OS. Can't use an Xbone controller on a PS4 without an adapter IIRC
>no you dont, literally prove me otherwise
Why do you lie?
At every point in time, consoles have been the 'poverty' version of gaming.
You sound really agitated about the fact that I can play console games on my platform of choice with my input device of choice making savestates whenever I choose and using shaders.
Lol, PC has less input lag, and every other type of lag, than consoles.
Not really.
Consoles are the "bad fast food" version of gaming. Unreasonably expensive and still bad for you, but dumb people still go for it.
It's pretty fucking telling that poorer parts of the world generally tend to go for PC rather than consoles. If anything, consoles are completely unreasonable "luxury": the luxury of laziness.
>your ips made into phone games
not really an argument if you consider how much money phone gambling makes. any IP that had any sort of popularity at some point is being made into a whale squeezing cash cow.
IMO the reason why PC gaming was popular at least for me is because it was much cheaper than the consoles.
These days upgrading your PC means you have to pay 500 bucks minimum for some brand new GTX and boy they really don't last for long, at best 5 years after which you need another upgrade.
Most of the new games that come out are just as expensive as consoles.
Controls alone and "smooth framerate" are not good enough reasons for me to justify buying a gaming PC in 2019.
Typical PeeSeaCuck in denial github.com
Retro consoles on CRT>>>your shitty emulation
Man if your graphics card actually starts to completely fail after less than 5 years you must be doing something really wrong.
Casual as fuck, but wouldn't expect anything more from a PCheat
>Unreasonably expensive
They're sold at a loss. You can't get a PC that runs as well for $200.
Wtf you talking about I got a 5 year old i7 with a used 1080ti i got for $400 i play games at 120fps 1440p easy I dont need any upgrades much less for 1080p 60fps
You don't have to upgrade friend. I'm still rocking a 980 with an 8350 just fine. 1080p at high which was literally the entire point of the card.
You sound like a spic. Post dick.
I'm sorry your console overlords don't allow you access to such luxuries.
Savestates can be used on Everdrives, you dumb fuck. If you have any respect for yourself as a gamer you just shouldn't use them.
>he actually believes the "sold at a loss" line
you can't be this gullible
I play games however the fuck I want.
You make up for it by paying for online and overpriced games. Really doubt they're gonna sell the proposed 800 dollar hardware at a 500 dollar loss to stay competitive with PC though.
I bought my last PC in 2013 and it has gtx 760.
It's been 5-6 years and i can't run modern call of duty's anymore.
In fact i had issues in 2015 with black ops 3 already (texture streaming, low framerate and all that).
Ass greed odyssey can barely reach 30 fps (resolution is less than 1080p) but i had problems already in syndicate.
It's just upgrade after upgrade and each one gets more expensive with each year.
RTX price is $1300, no fucking way i'm spending this much money on a stupid graphics chip.
Not at a loss per se, but I fully believe Sony or MS rely on attach rate of 2 or 3 to break even. Subscriptions also factor into it. There's a reason Sony gaming division was losing money at times despite pushing millions of units.
Nintendo on the other hand always turns massive profits because they actually earn money on hardware alone.
You still end up spending more on consoles than on PC, that is the reason why there was such a massive push to destroy PC gaming half a decade ago. If they really were sold at a loss, the companies would not continue to make them. They are simply more profitable than PC.
Real gamers have standards they follow. Pcfaggots are the niggers of gaming so of course you don't have standards.
It's another console poor-fag being salty over some rich guy having a monstrous battlestation.
Look, last 2 console gens PC and console have been cooexisting. Console devs are doing more ports to PC (look at Sega, or even Rockstar) because porting has become easier over the years and now it's very profitable. PC is also the primary platform for indies, because of how open the platform is, so it's going to always act as a kickstarter platform for successful indie titles like Celeste or Hollow Knight. Not to mention PC exclusive titles like the Total War series.
So please, go play your "exclusive" PS4 titles now, while the emulator isn't ready yet.
>tfw I have a GTX 760 and can still play all the games I care about
Feels good having given up on the industry.
>dark ages
It's true. Crysis 1 was the final game that meaningully pushed PC hardware.
The 760 was a shit card to begin with honestly. The 680 and the next gen 960 seemed to be way better performing in my experience.
Okay have fun with your censored movie games. If you had standards you wouldn't have been playing games at 720p 30fps. But yeah lol next gen is totally gonna be 4k 60fps for realsies this time guys
No i mean i still play total wars, old games, cities skylines and all that.
I want to stay in the loop without spending money on gtx 1080 or rtx or whatnot. So buying a console seems like a logical choice.
it's consoles that should have been gone since early 00s
there's literally zero point to them besides hostageware with fps limits
They're profitable because of subscriptions and people actually paying for games. But it's not just performance that consoles have, they're also easily available from stores without having to do tons of research, small and well marketed. PCs need to to do all those things or they won't be as popular as consoles for a long time.
You literally have no idea how the PC market works. Nvidia and other hardware devs don't see a cent from software sales unlike consoles manufacturers. They are wholly independent in terms of profit margins. There's no way to "make up" for a loss on the hardware side aside from sponsorship and other marketing deals. Anything aside from this is antithetical to how the PC platform should run.
Game revenue on PC almost matches all consoles added together.
If you treat consoles separately, PC is much more profitable than each.
These are facts.
>he says when he brought the ps4 pro
bro most people use PS4 for fortnite & fifa, if you had friends you would know that
Love how most console sympathizers are most likely spics who unironically use "bro" and brag about specs like they know what any of it means aside from higher = gooder
PS5 will only have one good game if it's lucky
Maybe, but that would require consoles to widely accept mouse and keyboard controls, they are simply superior and more fun to use.
Wouldn't mind switching to a console if that would happen, it's cheaper to buy a console than to make a hi spec PC
Hows Enderal & MGS4 on PS4? since PS4 has mods & backwards compatibility
Consoles are holding us back with the supbar graphics and turbo casual games. Fuck you
Didn't read the thread but dropping a truth bomb to whoever cares enough to read it:
Gaming will die long before PC gaming itself does.
1) The distinction between consoles and PC gaming is merely a convenient one but in fact they're both the same thing (computers) and the only difference between the two mediums is essentially the 'openess' of each environment. The draw of PC is that it's a fully customizable machine and permits any amount of modding to games. In fact, some games that are near unplayable on console are brilliant on PCs because of modding (The Witcher 3 with load times, Alien Isolation and any other number of first person games with moddable FOVs, depth of field, able to turn off chromatic aberration etc).
2) Console gaming will never be 'hardcore' because it will always be chasing the new standard set by PCs, and will only have fixed graphics settings because of it. By the time consoles are doing 4K reliably with stable 60fps, PCs will be doing 8K or 16K.
3) And this is the biggest reason of all - gaming for PCs are a mere afterthought and not even their primary function (even though they do it the best). If no one buys playstation or nintendo games, those consoles will likely die, but if no one buys PC games, no one cares and the PC industry won't even feel it because at the end of the day you still need PCs to serve similarly overlapping functions like 3D rendering, video editing, etc. This essentially ensures the immortality of the PC. The PC industry may wane but it can never die.
>and next gen consoles being made for he hardcore majority
I've refrained from commenting all this time but seeing as how nobody has bothered correcting the 'hardcore' statement from Sony regarding playstation, I'll do it here.
When they say the next gen consoles will be for hardcore gamers, they're not saying the gaming experience will be better. It's business double-speak for their consoles will become more expensive and thus only people who really have to game will buy it at the elevated price. If you've been paying attention to the news the trade war is going to make gaming much more expensive (Sony and Nintendo even petitioned against sanctions), and the 'hardcore' statement is merely priming the audience for the price of the PS5.
Both of these are correct, actually. Consoles have (business-wise) several advantages.
A) they can optimize hardware production costs better than PC hardware production can. Generally speaking, the larger the production volumes of a single type of hardware is, the cheaper it is to make it per unit. Building 2 million pieces of the same one GPU costs less per unit than building five different version each in volumes of 200k. This helps the console production produce hardware of comparable strenght at a reduced price.
B) single-configuration hardware also helps a lot to push down costs of software optimization. You only need to test for one, or handful of hardware configurations, rather than for dozens. This saves production costs and allows relatively greater return per game copy sold.
C) Distribution platform and dev. kit royalties. Generally, in console market, the console manufacturer has control over who and when can develop and publish games on it, and takes a small cut from every step. Licencing, distribution, patches... all can be dipped in.
D) Narrowed pool of competition. People will have less games on console to chose from, meaning they pretty much have no choice but to buy your stuff - the stuff you have higher stake in. There was a reason why ESA was going after abandon-ware a decade ago.
E) subscriptions fees
F) easier marketability
G) much lower piracy rates
All of this makes consoles more profitable for large companies than PC market.
Little of it benefits the customer, however.
Listen bruh. Games will always sell more on consoles.
>Real gamers
based retardation
>3d rendering, video editing
The mainstream desktop segment of the market that uses those features are dwindling as all the normies buy laptops, ipads and phones. People who use it for work buy HEDT. When game streaming takes off in the next 5 to 10 years even less people will stay on the mainstream desktop PC platform.
>Retard consolepleb also pushes for streaming
I always believed that if consoletards had one thing over PC, its that they actually owned their games and could play them no problem in the event that drm and the internet went down permanently. Thanks for sabotaging yourselves on that regard, though
I wouldnt have enjoyed some games for 100s of hours. If it wasn't for mods. Meanwhile console forces u to keep buying new stuff to be entertained
Lets not forget emulated games.
Physicalfags and enthusiast gamers are like that, sure, but not the normalfags that make up the most of console buyers. Those people will push for streaming. I hate streaming as a physicalfag but sooner or later streaming will become big and you know it.
>sooner or later streaming will become big
Just like onlive did, yeah? Oh wait
Then again, your idiocy doesnt surprise me. You are a consoletard after all
>blatantly lies
>calls out others for lying
There are more exclusives on PC than on every consoles combined and they're not all 2D indie shit. Entire genres are almost absent from the consoles.
But yeah I understand it must be hard to see that there isn't any console exclusives anymore except weebshit.
>console gaming should have been gone since early 10s.
Ever since then console consoles became nothing more than physical DRM machines playing games at barely playable performance and graphical settings. Sony have been just artificially extending its life with 1-2 exclusive console games a year and shitty barely playable ports of PC games and marketing console brand names as a form of honor badge so console users acualy accept those bare minimum standards and even willingly paying extra just to play them online because mush brand name.
You are a delusional PCtard that will be rendered obsolete by normalfags buying shit hardware.
I own over 25 original systems. I have the superior retro setup to your emulation station. I'm superior to a PC only faggot like you. I have better taste in gamesand the Japanese import library to prove it. You can go ahead and suck my dick /r/PCMR.
>pc gaming is finished
>pc gaming should die
>pc gaming is trash
>pc gaming is pointless
>pc gaming is only console ports
>pc gaming has no exclusives
>pc gaming is just indie games
and it was here for over decades and still is
also faggots like you op are still mad about it, just get over it and go back playing on your console
>being this fucking obsessed with some shitty subreddit
Owning old hardware worth 20 bucks a piece is a point of pride for you?
Console peasants seething
>games it isnt supposed to play
what does that even mean?
>Being prod of hoarding.
Must be nice having 25 systems you never acualy play.
Because unless you are a literal jobless neet basement dveler no one has time to hook up an old system to a TV evry time they want to play a different game.
Despite preferring emulation and only old system i have a re a Genesis and Ps2 i dont even turn on anymore i think i can ironically claim iv acualy played more older games than you.
And playing games is always more important than just having them on your shelf.
The price isn't the point at all. It takes time and dedication to hook up tens of different consoles with the best possible output to a good CRT, and especially building a library of games. It's not hard but you need to dedicate a lot of time, effort and space to do it.
Its literally
it means consolefags are retarded elitists
How many retro games did you acualy manage to play in the end out of all those you collected?
And no playing the first stage of a game just to see if the cart works isn't considered actually having played the game.
>You need to dedicate a lot of time and space to do it
Or I could emulate them with better everything for free on my fucking laptop
Tell me again, how is your nostalgia infused gamer basement you never crawled out of better than my pc?
They're hooked up at the same time with switch boxes, retard. And no I'm no fucking shelf collector, I play my games actively, I don't collect for the sake of collecting. I don't mind using Everdrives and Freemacboot either, more than anything original console on CRT I care about.
>They're hooked up at the same time with switch boxes
>How to start an electric fire 101
A lot. I beat several games a week most weeks. Less if they're long RPGs or hard as hell shooters, more if they're straight forward and quick games.
Actually its mostly PC users who are elitists.
But they often have valid things to be elitist about like frame-rate resolution free online modding etc.
Console users usually get mutt mad about this and invent new convoluted reasons to be elitists about as a retaliation.
Stuff like it just feels right, muh exclusives and controllers are just better than kb and mouse(even thou i have 3 different controllers hooked on my PC).
I know, that's why I specified retarded elitists
You can get a used gtx 1070ti for that.
I only power on one at a time, and most of these consoles draw way less than a lightbulb. There's hardly any fire hazard, I'm pretty anal about security. I even unplug everything from the mains if I'm going away or if there's a thunderstorm coming. Never had a power related issue with any console, they all work to this day.
>next gen consoles being made for he hardcore
Here they go casuals again
>capable of more than just playing games
pc gaming is pretty cool. not a single regret swapping over to pc gaming 7 years ago.
700 series is one 9f the worst aging GPUs in the history. It has terrible async compute which has become industry standard. Cheaper AMD cards from the same period (hell, even older AMD cards) perform much better than Kepler. Bad architecture combined with Green Goblin's planned obsolence means we (I had 760 too) have been fucked. Just get something like RX 5700 and you'll be set for years.
>He says as he plays at 900p30fps in 2019.
emulators I guess.
Funny how all my NES, PC Engine, Genesis and SNES games run at 60 fps and have no lag on the CRT. Funny how I'm having a superior gaming experience than any PCfaggot emulating on his trash LCD
>it isnt supposed to play
are you the game police? fuck off cunt.
Console faggots need to hang
Thoseare old consoles. Now how about those PS3 and PS4 games? Enjoying 540p, 720p and 900p at 30 fps with drops?
How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?
Keep telling yourself that you dumb nigger
>Funny how I'm having a superior gaming experience than any PCfaggot emulating
>Saying such a blatant lie
Wow, the butthurt is palpable. Listen faggot, if you really have a nostalgiafag's wet dream that you value so much more than your time and money and then get pissed because your classmate can play all the games you have on his shitty laptop from 2010 at the same quality as you in class without the teacher noticing, that's on you. Fuck, androids can emulate your 80's crap at that quality
>old consoles
So what? They're still consoles and I play good games at 60 fps on them.
Hardly any exclusives worth bothering about anymore. I basically only play Demon's Souls and Drakengard 3 on it.
I mostly play exclusives on it
What is the 1 game people play on PC though?
Dota 2?
League of Legends?
I will not play on anything that doesn't use a keyboard, controllers can fuck off.
10 years and my shitty consoles still collecting dust as they should be
This bypasses the lag inherent in the game itself, but does not bypass emulation lag, display lag or lag inherent to v-sync. The run ahead feature is great but it only compensates the other types of lag by removing the game lag itself.
>let's all bow down to corporate daddy because mummy bought me a particular brand of gamebox for christmas'
>I am teh hardcorez gamer but literally have no concept of genres other than AAA tps cinematic action adventure even existing
Fuck off back to r/gaming, underageb&
We now have an amazing innovative method of eliminating vsync lag, it's called disabling vsync.
As far as display lag goes, modern LCDs go down to 10ms if you shop smart, which is less than 1/3rd of a frame.
The point that you can play classic games with little to no lag remains, faggot because like you said, the other forms of (negligible, because who runs vsync anyway?) lag gets compensated
But please, feel free to shift the goalpost even further
Why would I be butthurt about having the best way to play my games? I can play on emulators too, and I have quite extensively on both PC, Android, raspberry pi, you name it. The conclusion is simply that original hardware on a good CRT is best both for visuals (original res displayed correctly) and zero added lag. If anyone is butthurt it is the emulation faggots that gets btfo by retro gamers with the right setups.
Jesus Christ Yea Forums, you know this is just some cheap bait and some 13 year old is giggling infront of his PC, stroking his little child dick, because you retards felt the need to reply to this shit.
Enjoy your screen tearing out the ass faggot. I've emulated on an LCD without v-sync and it was a nightmare. And retards wonder why retrofags still use original hardware on a CRT.
Why, because you're a fucking idiot who keeps buying underpowered toys? It should be gone because it makes you feel buyer's remorse. That's some absolutely brilliant reasoning, you laughable fucking child.
>Demon's Souls and Drakengard 3
>I mostly play exclusives on it
And they're all 30fps except for GoW if you have PS4Pro. So where are those console standards of yours that PC players allegedly lack? If a game released with 30fps lock on PC it would be trashed to death and yet you consolefags will buy it happily without questioning it even once. Some standards you have.
whoa this nigga plays megaman and shit
yo that's real neat, congratulations
are you retarded? Nearly every game that gets ported to PC runs better on it because consoles can't handle them, even when they are designed for consoles. Back in the early days, roughly before the PS3 I'd say, games had trouble being ported because of the drastic difference in architecture of the machines, but nowadays consoles are literally just underpowered PCs.
The phoneposting AAA generic cinematic experience gobbling console shitter is the reason the industry is in such a state.
>console gaming should have been gone since early 00s
If only there was some modern replacement for vsync. Too bad we absolutely haven't heard of one or two things like that in recent years.
20 bucks says this person already had a ps4 too.
Drakengard 3 is well below 30 fps, even under 20 fps. The standards are having access to all the good games I want to play, including exclusives. The fact that a game is 30 fps doesn't bother me if it A: is consistent like GoW and B: has nice visuals and resolution to compensate for it (like GoW's checkerboard 4k).
>t. forty something basement dweller who refuses to believe it isnt the 80s anymore
Visual and emulation lag are nearly nonexistent and ten minutes on google will give you ideal settings what can work for all games you run. But please keep defending your gamer cave and bad life choices
G-sync/freesync won't help you with emulation without adding lag you cuck. Nice try.
>Its ok if it's shit, because exclusives!
See the reason why pcfags who can play literally anything under the sun on their machine laugh at you?
>low fps is fine
>enjoy your input lag while emulating
The death of PC gaming has been a topic before you were even born. Why would Steam make any difference? The only realistic advantage in console gaming are that you can play from couch without hassle, and even that is relatively easy to do with PC as well.
>gamer cave is a bad life choice
Why would it be for a gamer that actually cares about games? It's a hobby just like any other. Used old Jap games are mostly cheap, it hasn't cost me even a third as much as a 2080ti-tier rig every four years would.
>You only need a 2080 tier rig to emulate!
Nigger a walmart laptop for 150 could do all the shit mentioned in this thread and all it would take is a couple of hours of setup and configuration time. I made this point earlier as well, which you keep choosing to ignore for some reason
What's your excuse now?
Doesn't matter if they can steal and emulate games a decade later. I've played Bloodborne since it came out, and PC fags only recently was given the option to stream it if they pay for a subscription service. The ps4 has enough good games that it in hindsight was definitely worth it to get one. There are tons of non-PC exclutionists on this board that says the same.
I already have a rapidly aging 980ti rig so I don't need a craptop. The fact that I hate PC only faggots doesn't mean I don't use a computer or that I don't know how to emulate. I have Mednafen, retroarch, higan, pcsx2, Dolphin, CEMU and a bunch of home computer and 80's Japanese computers etc. set up and ready to go. I have tons of game backups on my hard-drive. That's not the problem at all. The point is simply that original hardware on a standard definition CRT is the superior way for playing retro console games.
Imagine playing singleplayer games.
he knows PC exclusives are still a thing, but he dismisses them with "lol shitty indie games", even though they are far beter than a lot of trash coming out on consoles
Imagine not having shit taste
>the playstation will kill pc gaming
>ps2 will kill pc gaming
>this time the ps3 will kill pc gaming i swear
>the ps4 will finally kill pc gaming
>at last, the death of pc gaming will come with the ps5
nigga if anything is going to 'kill' pc gaming its the mobile market that'll siphon off the casuals and what not.
Most good indie games that start on PC end up being ported to other platforms. Name a few that don't
There's a difference between input lag and low fps, not that you'd know. Games can be 30 fps and still feel snappy to control even if double the frames would make it look smoother.
>Doesn't matter if they can steal and emulate games a decade later
Yeah,most console games usually get upgraded PC ports within a year or two. Just look at EDF5, octopath traveller, etc
>The ps4 has enough good games that it in hindsight was definitely worth it to get one
Yeah, fifa, bloodborne and GoW. So totally worth blowing 399 on a ps4. And now you need an new console to play the latest AAA trash and you'll pay 799 for PS5 in addition to a subscription services for the exact same 720p30fps because you love the flavor of corporate cock so much
>There are tons of non-PC exclutionists on this board that says the same
>actually believing this
>no new ID
>Most good indie games that start on PC end up being ported to other platforms
Yes faggot, and this also works the other way-most of your beloved console games usually get ported to PC as well. Double dipping to get more money isnt a new phenomenon.
The point is that PC ports are always upgraded-you cant pass off quality acceptable to console trash on PC, while most PC games that do get ported are lucky if they can keep any of their quality features because consoles cant handle them.
So the argument boils down to this-why spend a shitton on a console just to ger first access to trash graphics when it has a fair chance of coming to PC with better quality, when you can just build a medium-high tier rig for the price of a console and play your backlog while waiting for superior ports?
There are many PC+PS4 fags and even more PC+Switch fags, I see them everywhere. This is a weeb website and we all know consoles and handhelds have gotten the best Jap support. Only recently we've been seeing more Jap support for PC and that doesn't extend to important devs like Atlus.
>Octopath Traveller
Who cares when I can play it in handheld mode on the Switch
>muh Fifa
Your conveniently forgetting about Gravity Rush remastered, Gravity Rush 2, the definitive version of Dragon Quest 11 on the Switch as well as Trials of Mana just to name a few.
>filthy consoletard
>important devs like Atlus
weebs sure are delusional
>pay a shitton
Consoles are cheap hardware, unlike good PCs which you'll want to get the most out of your ports.
>just wait for the ports lol
Truly the waiting master race
>play your backlog while waiting
I play my backlog of retro games on the original consoles and a CRT and I have the best experience
If you're not a weeb you should get off this board
If you believe Atlus is an important developer you need to get a reality check.
>he doesn't enjoy the SMT games on 3ds, upcoming SMTV on Switch and Persona games on the Vita and ps4
Truly plebeian PCtard we got here
Posts like these remind me about how much burgers are always so full of their shit, they dont know anything outside of their shitty country
hitman did it right. no commands overlap and theyre all customizable
Never head of them. If Atlus is so important their games should at least be well known shouldn't they?
>admits to not even having heard about them
Go back to Fortnite zoomer
>Consoles are cheap hardware
>599 for a dust collector that you cant move around that can do only one thing and not even do that properly
I too love paying out of my ass for monthly subscriptions and games for 60 bucks that I have to download using my snoy monitored account
>Why wait when you can play with shitty graphics like a pleb?
Yep, console peasants reaffirm their shit standards
>I play my backlog of retro games on the original consoles and a CRT and I have the best experience
Cool, I can play your backlog on my laptop in quality that's basically the same as yours. I can also do it anywhere I want, dont need a dedicated space for it and I can also play every single PC game released since 2000 as well.
But keep coping, consoletard. Run along now back to your man cave and play megaman 2 on your rig while whining about how much better it looks for you and how 30fps is all gamers really need, yada yada yada
Keep pretending your weebshit games matter faggot.
I played all SMT and persona, even spinoff like devil survivor on a PC tho
>he thinks his shitty laptop screen compares to a good CRT
Lmaoing at your life
Other consoles than the launch ps3, launch 3do and Neo Geo AES exist. Ps4 was 399 at launch and can be easily found for 250 now, the Switch 299.
>why play the game at all when you can wait
>Mega Man 2
An actually good game that actually plays very well on a CRT
Good, then you have good taste unlike that other faggot. Keep emulating good games that were made for dual screen handhelds that cost $150 and can be easily hacked.
>PC has the definitive version of Persona 3
>playing shit like Silent Hill 3 in 4k 60 fps
Imagine being a console pleb having to shill out tons of shekels to play old ass games.
>emulated ps2 game is the definitive version ever
That'll be a hard kek from me
emulation runs better than the original in most cases, only new cutting edge emulators for recent consoles struggle
>Durrr my thirty year old CRT is better than your shitty laptop! No lag and better graphics!
>Durrr who needs 60fps? I'll just pay 300 bucks for a console and 60 more to play my game on 720p 30fps and pay for online subscription as well BUT I GET TO PLAY IT BEFORE ANYONE ELSE SO ITS GOOD!!!!!!!
Cognitive dissonance of this level is really rare and hard to find. Congrats, faggot
>playing any Silent Hill 1-4 on anything than a 4:3 CRT
>implying muh up-resed 4k on 480i games is a good thing when a CRT displays it natively
PCkeks are truly plebeians
Since this is about to derail into an emulation flex on consoles, did anyone manage to get demon's souls running on a ps3 emulator?
Those old games DO look better in their native res on a CRT and CRTs are lag-free. This is true for PC monitors too which I use for old PC games. Seethe harder you delusional faggot
>Uuuuhhhh its ok to play it with bad graphics BECAUSE NATIVE! NOSTALGIA!
and you call others plebs
kek'd and smash is a fighting game
Yeah sure thing
>Those old games DO look better in their native res on a CRT
No, they don't.
works on my machine
Ask speedrunners who play games from the CRT era why they still play on a CRT. CRT are superior for low res games, best motion handling and no added lag. LCDs are a downgrade for anything besides higher resolutions
>ask autists why they're autistic
>talking to subhuman speedrunners
On a good CRT they do. The good Sony triniton CRT TVs and PC monitors, the PVMs and BVMs; the games look nicer, motion is handled better and there's zero added lag. You don't know because you're a zoomer faggot who never experienced the difference.
>'Seethe pcfags!'
>While seething about emulation and pc ports
Good one, consoletard. Enjoy laughing at me while playing bloodborne with 20fps and your 80s games with your prehistoric rig while I cry and seethe while playing all your beloved games on my retroarch emulator and EDF5 with better graphics and quality on steam while waiting for RDR2
I have a KX-14CP1 lmao.
It's collecting dust because I just emulate nowadays.
Stop projecting.
I already played RDR2 in true 4k on the Xbox One X last year. You keep waiting for a port that is sure to come, just like RDR1 which I also can play in 4k on my OLED now. I have the best of everything because I'm not a single platform faggot.
If you can't tell the difference for retro games on that then it's either in bad shape or you're blind
>openly admits owning an xbox
people have no shame these days
>I already played those games in 30fps unlike you and paid 60 dollars play them on my 399$ console!
>I'm not a single platform faggot! I love sucking multiple corporate cocks and paying for dust collectors everywhere just because i get to play them first!
Kek, keep beta testing for us delusional consoletard
>Just cause you can't afford one
pcs are more popular in 3rd world countries though
Of course I can tell the difference. I just prefer the look an emulator can give me. If I really wanted it to look like a CRT there's great shaders for that now too.
>Gaming as a whole has grown by leaps and bounds over the past 20 years
>PC gaming went from being 15% of the indusry in 2006 to being 20-30% of the industry in 2019
>Console gaming went from being 60% of the industry in 2006 to being 25-30% of the industry in 2019.
>Yet PC is somehow the platform that's dying
I do love when consolefags pretend that handhelds weren't consoles so they can still act like consoles aren't a dying market.
And just like phones killed handhelds, streaming will kill consoles, because the main audience for both is casuals.
I remember my dad was a relatively early adopter of an lcd hdtv. I was pretty excited test out some things it could. one of which was to take my ps2 out and connect it up with some brand new component cables, load up snake eater and...
>this looks like garbage
I immediately unplugged it and went back to the crt in my bedroom. No one will ever convince me old games don't deserve to be on crt.
>being ashamed of being an idort
The ones with no shame are PC only faggots that miss out because they're poorfags that can only afford their mid-range builds and nothing else
>PC only faggots miss out
>bu-but emulation cant give you the 20fps feel and 80s look that only my CRT can!
My sides
>4K+ resolution
>actual widescreen
>controllable party members
Finally another poster with common sense.
Shaders don't make up for higher input lag due to emulation, and they don't give you as good motion handling as a real CRT. You can't play the game at native res either without the shitty LCD upscaling making a mess of the picture.
Based retard
>miss out
On great games like God of Walking at 30 fps. Or 30 fps horse gta.
the fuck you on, retard
What the fuck would someone miss out on by not owning an Xbone?
And I say that as someone who owns an Xbone that I got for free.
Like seriously, it's not 2008 anymore, console exclusives are rare as fuck outside of Switch (which I also have).
I was browsing the PS Store the other day and the amount of worthwhile exclusives on the platform is fucking pathetic.
There has somehow been more PC exclusives released so far this year that people actually give a fuck about (Three Kingdoms, Risk of Rain 2, Mordhau) than PS4 exclusives.
That's fucking sad.
Riddle me this
If PC is so good, why are best games on Switch and PS4?
>real gamers
lmao, what a sorry fucking way to describe yourself
>hey check me out, I'm a gamer
I own a Switch, please tell me about 15 amazing games that are on Switch that I can't get on PC please.
>emulating 360, Xbox One and ps4
Even ps3 requires at least a high-end 8th gen Intel CPU to run well and still game support is shit. Ps2 still have lots of problems with GPU shaders and input lag. Cope harder you delusional faggot
>using widescreen in games designed for 4:3
This is why you emulating PCkeks are the laughing stock of retro gamers
>Shaders don't make up for higher input lag due to emulation
I've never had issues with this. Retroarch, my emulator package of choice now also has something built-in to reduce input lag. Haven't tried it though.
>motion handling
The fuck even is that?
>You can't play the game at native res either without the shitty LCD upscaling making a mess of the picture.
Looks fine and as I stated earlier I don't care about emulating the look of a CRT.
>Being this dumb
Nice deflection, but it is not gonna work on me
Motion handling is how things look in motion. All LCDs and OLEDs have problems, ranging from screen-induced motion blur (worst on VA panels), shitty glow and minor motion blur on IPS and shit colors and viewing angles on TN. OLEDs have excellent pixel response times that eliminates blur but the sample and hold nature of the displays makes fast moving objects jerky. On CRTs fast motion looks the best, hence they have the best motion handling. This isn't just a meme, ask anyone who know their shit about this.
>retro gamer
That's not deflection, you said all the good games are on Switch/PS4, name 15 of them.
I can only name like 10 between the 2 of them, and 2 of those are ports of WiiU games.
Best is best, does no matter if there are 3 of them or 7
As opposed to a shitty Fortnite kiddy like you. Retro gamers are the chads of gaming.
Was the last LCD you used a fucking Game Boy?
Wow, so in other words there are a handful of decent games on Switch/PS4 and everything else is a multiplat or PC game.
Gee user, thanks, you sure did open my mind with your empty baseless shitposting.
Except it's actual widescreen and not just 4:3 stretched you fucking retard
>using 'retro gamer' like it's a badge of honour
I have an Acer Xb270hu as my main PC monitor. The IPS glow is pretty bad, and IPS motion blur is also there but not as bad as some VA panels. I have an OLED C7 TV that is great except for jerky motion handling on fast moving objects. CRTs are better except for modern games that look best in 1440p or 4k and are designed for widescreen.
If games were made with 4:3 in mind it's retarded to force widescreen on them, stretched widescreen or not. I would unironically rather play them with black boxes on the sides on a modern display.
Define best?
Other than blood-borne i cant think of one game on consoles so much better than what you can already play on PC.
And arguably Sekiro is pretty much as good as blood-borne id even say they are almost equally as good.
And id argue if the game was a PS4 exclusive you would glorify it as the best game ever made.
>I would unironically rather play them in an objectively worse way
Yeah, you made that plenty clear.
Then play it in 4:3 you fucking mong, nobody's forcing you to. The entire reply chain was to do with the fact P3's definitive version is on PC
its another console retards feign superiority out of sheer desperation episode i see, how tiresome
The definitive version of P3 is P3 FEZ on the ps2, played in 4:3 on a CRT with either component cables or RGB output. This is what all patricians know to be irrefutable fact.
>This is what all patricians know to be irrefutable fact.
What about the people who actually have sex?
They don't play Persona.
>The original vision is worse than my shitty widescreen mod
Go eat a dick. Silent Hill 2 for example looks like shit both in widescreen and in 21:9 especially. You lose the claustrophobic feel that only 4:3 gives you by making too much of the screen viewable. Not everything is a fucking racing game or an fps you faggot.
>emulating 360, Xbox One and ps4
Dont need to, all their games are now on PC anyway
>Bu-but you dont have persona!
Yea, most of the time it's a publisher issue, they just hire retard devs for cheap and put them in charge of portings, look at Batman Arkham Knight.
>Not everything is a fucking racing game or an fps
a shame
>He literally admits shittier graphics due to shitty console restraints are the best just because
You're a gift that keeps giving, user
I've never seen somebody this autistic get this upset over aspect ratios, it's honestly astounding
>what did you find most unnerving about Silent Hill 2, bro? Was it the story, depressing atmosphere, background music or monster designs?
Consoles are dead too. Mobile gaming is the future.
You all should have sex.
>no Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, RDR1 and 2, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2, Nier, Bloodborne, Gravity Rush 1 and 2, Persona 4 Golden, Persona 5 Royal.
Miss me with that shit taste
Aspect ratios are important. I wouldn't play Forza Horizon 4 in 4:3 either. You need the right aspect ratio for the job.
This thread fucking sucks.
>You need the right aspect ratio for the job
Yeah, the aspect ratio of my screen if possible.
The only non-shit games there are Bloodborne and RDR1/2.
Nier is fucking trash, stop trying to push that meme game, same with GR1.
>An entire list of literal who weeb rpg games
>accuses others of shit taste
Oh, the irony
>RDR 1 and 2
RDR1 couldnt be ported because the code is absolute dogshit. 2 is suspected of a future port, there are leaks around it
>he unironically dismisses Panzer Dragoon Orta and Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2
I know pcfags usually have shit taste but god damn. Ninja Gaiden 1 alone is consistenly ranked among the best action games here on Yea Forums.
Nonsense. There are a lot of good games in development these days for PC. Steam especially has helped spread exposure for a lot of developers who otherwise wouldn't have made it far enough to actually release something.
Aspect ratios are important but you're overstating their importance to a near hyperbolic degree simply because you don't want to agree with or concede a point to the people you're arguing with in this thread, which makes you look like an even bigger retard. Especially when it comes to a game like Silent Hill 2 where 90% of your combat encounters are going to be coming at you from the front in a narrow corridor, something which a narrower or wider aspect ratio don't impact whatsoever
>Nier is fucking trash, stop trying to push that meme game, same with GR1
The thirsty fucks on this bard will push any shitty game as long as it has some anime girl in it.
Meant for
Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 are like 10-15 years old, who gives a fuck?
I played NG2 when I was 15, when it released.
If your entire argument is games from a decade ago and a handful of meme games then that's pretty pathetic.
Wrong Nier stupid, Automata at least has decent game
The wider aspect ratio destroys the claustrophobia. It's not just about how it impacts the combat practically but the feel and atmosphere of the game. This is true for all ps1 and ps2 Silent Hill games.
>Who needs gameplay and graphics when you can have FEEEEEEEEEELS
Your autism is hitting critical mass, dude. You should probably go outside or something
They're 10-15 years old and not on your shitty PC so who gives a fuck, right? But when and if it does become playable on PC guess who's gonna start gloating about it here.
When people say PC is dying they mean it has no worthwhile exclusives and that's mostly true. In this year what triple A did PC get besides Three Kingdoms?
I'm sitting outside in the yard right now enjoying the sun while shitposting. Try again.
I'm an idort and I'll still gloat about it just to piss faggots like you off.
Is a game only worthwhile if it's a recently released AAA exclusive?
I'm a PC fag and even I agree with this. Asides from multiplayer trash that appeals almpst entirely to asians there hasn't been shit for pc exclusives for the past decade
>The wider aspect ratio destroys the claustrophobia
It really doesn't
t. someone who played Silent Hill 2 at release on a shitty 4:3 TV and who replayed it years later in widescreen
>But when and if it does become playable on PC guess who's gonna start gloating about it here
Nobody, because the game is 10-15 years old and we have better alternatives like DMC and arent desperate consolefags clinging on to outdated shitty exclusives to justify their wasteful purchases
what the hell is a config u nigger? tell new niggers how to work pc
Who cares about AAAshit?
Just this year PC has had Mordhau, Three Kingdoms, and Risk of Rain 2, all of which sold over 1 million units.
>playing games it isnt supposed to play
Because it's sooo hard to buy a corresponding gamepad lmao
Well I gloat about the games not currently on PC and this pisses PC exlusionist faggots off even more.
Three Kingdoms is an AAA game, just saiyan.
>Nonono Im totally not butthurt guise!
Kek keep shitposting then. Its all good fun
Why are Sońyggers still so mad at PC?
There are good PC exclusives but you probably don't actually care for PC games.
>playing games it isnt supposed to play
How do you define what platform something is 'supposed' to play on?
And I'll continue to point out that they're decade-old games that I played a decade ago, or are shit (like the original Nier and GR1).
Sorry m8, I fell for the console meme this gen thinking that shit had changed, but shit just got worse, consoles lost more exclusives, became even shittier, and at this point just exist for me to play at work or on the shitter (with my Switch).
>Why are censorstationfags so butthurt that we dont pay a monthly fee to suck snoy's cock and play their games with garbage quality graphics like they do
Gee user, I have no idea
Posting proof of my comfy shitposting environment
Meant for
PC is pushing technology forward, without it you will still be stuck in the 16bit era.
Jesus shitposter. You should stop before your autism drives you to dox yourself or something
>PC gaming is nothing more than a port machine
Have you considered the possibility that you think this because all you play are shitty ports, user? PC has more exclusives than all the other platforms combined.
I think I'll be OK but thanks for the warning
>imagine being a 2 digit iq simp who buys all platforms, when for ps4 and xboz that extra investment afford you only a few more games
Based money wasting retard.
Games are now developed on PC and then downgraded to work on consoles.
Somehow PC is the ports machine.
I do agree thou that there are some Japanese developers still stuck in the past and cant do PC games.
And even end up making a worst version on PC.
But these are hardly a representation of current development trends.
And ironically they usual learn fast.
Hell Gurst games now run better on PC than Consoles and they even stooped using low res 2d assets.
Console kids stick to console games and getting banned for trying to use a mouse and keyboard. PC chad dads will stick with simulators none of you could even afford the peripherals for.
Because they know that by the time PS5 releases and get's a crippled 5700XT mid range PC's will still be shitting on them.
>By the time consoles are doing 4K reliably with stable 60fps, PCs will be doing 8K or 16K.
Hold up just gonna stop you here. The power required and, how do I put this, amount of data? goes up exponentially as you start coming up with these "16K"
Pixel density is a physically limiting factor with very limited benefits, and we're already rapidly approaching that with 3480x2160 resolutions unless screens themselves get significantly larger and larger, and yes I know how much everybody wants to play on their big 50 inch LCD TV.
The jump from "2k" or 1440p to "4k" is immense already. Supersampling beyond that isn't really feasible beyond really pretty screenshots that just get downscaled anyway. Technology isn't moving that direction anymore, it's moving towards alternative rendering modes. Raytracing is the hot new meme and selling point so expect that to be the market for the next few years minimum.
>early 00s
More like 2010s.
HEDT are literally still part of the same PC gaming ecosystem though. There is no distinction between a HEDT and a mainstream desktop.
Think of the entire youtube ecosystem, not just people streaming (as in broadcasting) their games, but EVERY SINGLE Youtube channel. Each one of those channels rely on at least one desktop computer for video editing. A laptop, ipad, and smartphone are not robust enough to edit high quality videos. To say nothing of 3D rendering, audio editing, etc.
The gaming PC is just a small but convenient fraction of the main uses of a PC.
Yea Forums is for shitposting
Half-Life modscene was dabes in the early 00's.
Go succ some more leddit cock.