Earth Defense Force 5

Earth Defense Force 5

It's time to make Yea Forums servers!

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I'm watching anime right now though

How the fuck do you do this drone mission? I failed it five times online and now I keep failing it by myself.

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Someone make a sever and i will join

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>tfw used up all my cash during summer sale
>mfw seeing all anons having fun playing the game in previous threads.
have fun guys

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What exactly makes the Ranger shotguns so amazing?

do you have strafe airstrikes of you are AR? They are surprisingly good against air targets.

Was never really able to get into EDF before, but I'm having a lot of fun playing this one online. Maybe once I sober up, I'll put some more time in.

They pierce, so you fire into a crowd and mulch everything in it instead of in previous games where the first line of enemies would eat all the pellets.

Ranger has diddly dick in terms of special powers, so all his weapons are a tad stronger than other classes on average.

So far I have only unlocked a gunship strike. Does that count?

I'll have to give that a try then. I've kinda been sticking to the one rifle, one rocket combo early on, since the more exotic weapons are terrible at the start.

those are not good for drones, they miss a lot. Only work when there is way too much of them
you should use turrets, defensive buffs like guard post and put it on Naeling vehicle, and limpet gun - will be faster than gunship strikes.

What class are you? Also play it on normal

how do I make the game run at 60 fps

Yeah I do not have those things yet. I'm not really playing AR until I get some cool stuff for it.

oh, for ranger is pretty straighforward
git gud

i hope someone will replace the singing with the original song

>game says I can customize weapons

How though? It seems like weapon pickups have some different stats even if its the same gun, and if the new one has a better stat, that stat replaces the one on your gun.

But I dont see any menus or anything to customize a gun.

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Playing on anything lower than hard is a waste of time and disgusting.

>Finally get a Ranger support item that increases sprint acceleration

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Normal is for total pussies, and Hard mode is always the "normal" mode for EDF games.

Hardest and INFERNO will bust your balls hard.

Probably a bad translation. You don't customize them yourself, you just get upgrades that are added automatically.

>red shotgun frogs start showing up and strip half your HP off in a single hit

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This is the original song

Are there any actual tips to git gud? I just started and it seems like your abilities are completely tied to the quality of your weapons. Not saying that's a bad thing, but just in case I'm acting like a shitter online, is there anything I should be aware of?

so how long does it take to 100%?

>be wing slut
>get around just fine lancing frogs and zipping away with hardly a scratch
>shotgun niggers one shot me if I try to get close
>takes ten years to kill anything with a ranged weapon

Running through normal is helpful for getting stats and some weapons to mitigate jumping into the grind that awaits at higher difficulties.

>bad translation

Could be. But the ingame manual reeaaally makes it seem like I can alter stats myself somehow.

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judging by my progression - 300~ hours for solo, additional 400 for online cause online limits will make you fail way more often than solo.

Sit your ass in between two buildings and blow the shit out of whatever approaches you

You can't.

That really brings back the good old EDF memories.

The new song is fine

>get to the motherfucking red drone level
>get fired at mid air as Wing Diver and die almost instantly

is there a strat to fight them besides only aggro-ing one at a time? I already beat it but that was stupid as hell.

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The stats only alter in one direction (upgrades) anyway.

Aggroing one at the time is the strat

do the white stars in item stats mean that it's at the highest level?

How do you use a tank as ranger after equipping it in your special slot?

Stop talking about this Twitch bait already holy fuck




I hope the next game lets you pick whatever sex you want to be. It would be cool to have a female air raider, or a mail wingdiver.

>QT fencer in power armor

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>spent 20 mins shooting at the Gozilla
>still not dead
Difficulty is Hard but still it shouldn't take that long

GET ARFF MOY LARND, alien scum!

This. Any general do's and don'ts for new players so I don't end up dragging down my team online?

not a huge fan but at least the wingdivers actually sing now

Jesus ranger blows every other class out of the water

>mfw I'm too self-conscious as a non-native english speaker to play with Yea Forums

Just get the pirated version, with a fix you can play online with other pirates.

Also why the fuck won't the game let me use the arrow keys for movement?!

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I have yet to see a single person using a mic in this game.

this ain't a MMO, you don't need a mic
I know that feel though

ranger is the worst class though

You mean Fencer.

>>mfw I'm too self-conscious as a non-native english speaker to play with Yea Forums
You can communicate using nothing but the in game chat commands.
Also pleaes only use the in game chat commands. I hate when I have a nice conversation using nothing but in game chat and then some other faggot types in all caps LOL DID U SEE THAT

I'll take someone with an accent and grammar problems over a native english speaker being a dick

Just go play Iron Rain instead

are you retarded or have you only played for a few hours

Use shotgun.

reminder that it's your fault if you die in my warpath

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In terms of basedness
Wing diver>fencer>air raider>ranger

>wing diver easy mode

pick one

I look at Iron Rain and all I can think about is how all the resources spent on making it could have gone to the next proper EDF game instead to make it that much better. Why the fuck is Iron Rain even a thing? Who double launches two products in the same franchise simultaneously to cannibalize each other like that?

>Calls literally the best class in the game who can do everything better than any other class the worst
Learn to fast faggot, they even made it easier since 4.1

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Fencer>Ranger>Air Raider>Wing Diver

>ranger that high

Isn't it 100% recycled assets? It looks like they spent almost zero resources on making it.

I admit the Sargent may have me a bit biased
Air Raider is fine as long as they don't play selfish
Wing Diver is absolute trash tier and pointless

grind weapons for an hour so I can beat shitty grim reapers field battle mission tomorrow
read a book for an hour

Mainline EDF games are still the priority and Sandlot will keep making them.
D3 just have a dreams to be mainstream as any other shooter on the western market and thought Iron Rain was a way to achieve it. As well as Insect Armageddon. Instead of playing on their streights.
As much I dislike Iron Rain - it is completely new by different developer on Unreal engine with zero old assets.
It's just as a game it's ass.

A few new enemies and maps. Small character changes but mostly the same like at least 90%

have you seen her pants?

neither have I, that is why she is based

>tfw my dumbass signed up for overtime this weekend almost immediately before EDF 5 got announced for PC

Only up to Mission 10 but Ranger feels a lot better now than in 4.1.
When does Sarge get me to the safe place?

What the fuck are you about? Iron Rain has nothing in common with mainline EDF games when it comes to assets.
It's a shit game but don't speak complete nonsense.


>Wing Diver is absolute trash tier and pointless
fucking brainlet
wing diver can kill most things faster than air raider

My bad I was thinking of Wing Diver the Shooter when I typed up because it is nearly morning and I should sleep. However, EDF is good too.

As a fencerbro, what are some powerful/fun weapon combinations?
Is it effective or a noob trap to run with 2x spear and 2x gun? Is the hammer or sword good later (because the first ones you obtain do fuckall damage)?

Over 300 confirmed kills

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I misread it, thought you were asking about 4.1 to 5 not iron rain.

Should I even attempt to play Air Raider before I get more shit as drops? Early game here.
I tried him on one mission and taking down the pylons with his popper gun was tedious as fuck. Bombs didn't want to climb either.
Was it just a bad matchup and it'd have gone better if the mission was about just killing shit?

Early on I had the most luck as Air Raider with ZE turrets and airship cannon strikes
Don't really know what to do past that, I switched to Fencer and never looked back

What makes EDF so good?

>strafing midair as wing diver affects projectile direction

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Wing Diver shmup is reused assets. Fun little game tho, good if you'll find it on sale
I'd say that ants, spiders, bees and maybe buildings are only old assets which are being reused.
that leaves gamma, frogs, tadpoles, aliens, ships, outpost, motherships, end boss, edf soldiers, vehicles, and probably weapons and so on - as new models
So no, there are not a lot of reused assets.

You save our mother earth from any alien attack, from vicious giant insects who have once again come back.

How do I dash cancel and go fast as fencer? Do I have to equip a special weapon (like that 300 ammo spike gun in 4.1)?

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And then they can't dodge for shit

EVERYTHING but not graphics

I imagine its pretty similar to why people like dynasty warriors. Sometimes you just want to destroy the shit out of something in a grandiose way

I did the first 30 missions as Air Raider

How is iron rain? Disaster mode anything like inferno?

Dash canceling is nearly removed and replaced with the ability to equip multiple dashes and jumps
It takes a while before you're allowed to go infinite fast
You can sort of do smaller cancels with spears though

Someone said something along the lines of "EDF is distilled gameplay/a game in its purest form" and I agree with that statement, I haven't had this much fun playing a game in a while even with some issues/questionable design decisions in 4.1/5

nigger dynasty warriors is pointless grind without effort
this game is more like serious sam where you have to fight a lot enemies and think what are you doing


Limpet guns are a noob trap. Get the artillery strikes with low cooldown for single target, and carpet bombs for aoes. Orbital lasers are also pretty good, vehicles besides mechs in 5 suck ass

Okay, so it's a different system altogether. So I can't really go fast at the beginning? What drops should I aim to get to make myself faster? I need more variety than playing ranger/wing diver all the time.

Is Ranger viable at late game or are you basically asking to get carried? I love being one of the grunts and their weapons do kick shit in

What makes Iron Rain so bad?

with better power core you have longer dashes
its the most easiest and best class to dogde
I bet you play on normal like total faggot you are

Graphics aren't good but are still enjoyable. Nothing quite like watching buildings crumble into geometry.

I like Limpet Sniper myself, oneshots small enemies, easy to hit faraway targets too. Dunno what's the deal with Limpet Splendor though, I feel like it doesn't do much.

It's a piece of shit.
You won't want to bother with it on any difficulty. Especially when every, single, enemy attack knocks you down.
Not to mention that you have to grind money in mundanest ways possible to get a weapon with enough dps to kill ridicilously spongey enemies.
Not to mention that enemies are ALWAYS aggroed at you. On every stage, aside of few rare exception but it lasts for a few minutes best.
Not to mention that AI soldiers are fucking USELESS. They don't even shoot enemies. And maps are small as fuck, you always be almost out of borders if you try to manuever.

So no, avoid that pile of fucking hot garbage for god sake.

it's peak game

Dash and Jump cores are what you want to be looking for to increase the amount of dashes you get
Generally I equip a shotgun or cannon and a spear so I can both jump and dash on one loadout, then something to either maximize damage or do long range on the other loadout for when I don't need to move

I like and enjoy them but we need more different places like europe in 5

Which Limpet sniper are you using, so far I have to two shot basic ants

Also the limpet splendor rounds bounce off walls when you detonate them , so its good for underground tunnels

>its the most easiest and best class to dogde
>From the desk of someone who has clearly never played Fencer

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Where is the fix to play online with the pirated version?

I'll try that then.

in 4.1 you got me
in 5 play the game

How about fucking EVERYTHING aside of flavour text for weapons and some weapons themselves.
Stages are ridicilously short, enemies are not fun to kill - physics engine hardly does it job, controls sucks ass, half of classes are pointless period, there are 4 types of currency and money is a pain to grind out of all of them, you'll get money deduction if you dare to use airstrike, vehicle or just healing item, slow ass loading times, AI soldier fucking useless, forced characters and drama are complete trash, enemies pop up literally from air, online coop is fucking miserable desync mess.

That's from on top of my head. Avoid it. For your own sanity.

A good combo is a shotgun and mister foster so you can dash boost all over the world. The second set is whatever the mission needs really. I usually roll with either hand guns or mortars. Mostly heavy mortars.

Don't remember the name but it's between lvl 10-20 and has three shots at the moment.
Playing online on Normal

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>for when I don't need to move
And when exactly is that?

>good luck I'm behind a million inferno enemies

I was so sad when I realized that Hand Cannon dash cancelling was no longer a thing
Skating all over the goddamn place and blasting things left and right felt so great in 4.1

*mister fister (jackhammer)

>I promise I'll take you to a safe place civilian

The foster with the moster.

So how is the port?

I feel it's definitely easier to get into than 5, 5's long ass tutorial really turned me off
and prowl rider was the most fun I've ever had, shame about punishing you for items though, that's the worst thing

The Jackhammer always felt awkward to me
The range is pitiful compared to Blastholes and the movement using one out of a dash feels off

>a shotgun and mister foster

I usually use them in tandem. I absolutely melt things up close since neither have recoil. The main benefit is using both at the same time to deal with a cluster fuck up close. I also have shit aim, so blast hole was a nono for me.

She has a good ass its that simple

>oh no, I have to play 5 minute tutorial in hundreds of hours long game
Wow, if that is so easy to turn you off the game, contunie to eat shit of Iron Rain then.
Even Insect Armageddon is better than that shit of a game. I never felt solo experience so fucking terrible.

>Flying accross the map and jousting a Drone with an auto-shotty the size of a truck

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fullscreen runs like shit, windowed runs fine.
some people have issues with mouse jittering
some other people have issues with holding down mouse button not working

God damn that loop.

It's rad. I've been streaming this shit since console release and ever since i switched to fencer, shit just got crazier. Air raider has it's moments but the blasting anything to the moon as Fencer never gets old.

>pick up EDF5
>about 10 missions in
>wondering why CPU fan speed picking up and getting the regular fps drop to 40ish
>game is utterly maxing out all 6 CPU cores, GPU sitting at 30% usage

That Japanese programming....

>some people have issues with mouse jittering
Mouse input gets real fucky anytime the game drops frames.

This might be the first EDF I main Wing Diver on. Shit feels better with the mix of weapons that consume energy to fire vs. energy to reload.

In multi-player do I need to wait for people to finish their mission before I can join? Or did I miss something?
My status is OK when other players are play.

This is what happens when you program your game to give every single one of the hundreds of enemies their own unique AI determining their actions and keep them all running constantly at every point on the map.

They don't even program the ant swarms to work as a group, each one is just constantly adjusting its pathing against every other one.

You can't join a mission mid-game
They either have to finish the mission or go back to lobby

Yes, you have to wait for them to return to the lobby

>Even Insect Armageddon is better than that shit of a game
God damn son, you must really despise IR to be making that statement.

If there are 60 frames that just means the game isn't rendering enough ants

I was playing Wing Diver and I was able to get inside a tank and drive it around. IIRC in 4.1 you couldn't be the driver as a WD, wonder what else I can drive.

I don't know why so many people are complaining about fullscreen. Works on my machine. :^)

EDF4.1 ran better though despite this game looking like it's running on the exact same engine.

The game is probably not culling anything either on the graphical end of things. Render everything all the time, make the graphics look two generations old to compensate.

>applying guard posts and power posts to the roof of my depth crawler
>every human on the level is forced to be near and benefit from my buffs for once
this is true power

mmmmm its time

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>Depth Crawler still destroyed in two hits

Don't forget the fix to play online with fellow Yea Forums pirates.

EDF3P > 4.1 > EDF2017 >>>> EDF2025 >>> 2IFPS >>>>>>> GDF >>> IA >>>> 2 >>>>>>>>>> IR >>>>>>>>> 2P

anyone have the video of the spider that jumps at the camera?

>you have been disconnected from the session

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>cracked my legit game so I could play with my friend who can't afford to buy it
>change username and SteamID in the crack config
>now my legit save file just werks
Neat, I can play with pirates and legit people and progress will carry over.
Game has animation culling like EDF 4.1, there's probably a lot of culling that you just didn't notice.

Look, I played IA way back and didn't like it. Gone back to 4.1 and others quickly.
Now after being hugely dissappointed in Iron Rain, I picked up IA again and tried it again.
And had most fun period for that evening than all my solo Iron Rain playthru.

You see, there is a difference between mediocre game which does what it supposed to do well, despite being hugely budget title with one map and hardly any content, and a bad game which had good intentions but failed to execute them properly.
Iron Rain has good ideas, it has some great ideas. But execution is fucking hoooorible.
Insect Armageddon doesn't really has any ideas beyond making cheap western copy of EDF. And it makes that. And it's solid.
It has good controls, enemies are satisfying to beat, decent variety between classes which are all valid and actual good AI bots (which are probably the best in whole EDF).
Of course IA is not ever close to mainline, but it's a solid game. It works. It does what it wanted to do well.

Iron Rain doesn't. It's as if they hardly playtested it. Who the hell thought it'll be fun to be in constant knockdown thanks to every enemy attack? Who the fuck thought it'll be fun to give Heavy Striker tiny bit of energy so he instantly loses it as soon he tries to use shield, and if you turn on overdrive - after it ends you start with whatever energy you had before turning it on, making you fucking useless beating boy for enemies.
It has variety of enemies, but who the hell thought poisoned state is fun? You have to stock up on healing to hell to survive scorpions which means wasting tons of money via deduction.
And money grind, oh money grind. Here are cool and completely useless weapons like usual, but here is a catch - you'll never waste your money on joke or unusual weapons cause you'll be grinding money and gems to buy B or A or AA weaponry, therefore you'll avoid majority of weapons for most of playing time, always using safe choice weapons.

do you guys have mission packs?
I have

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imagine being poor and not being able to pay for a $60 to support the devs

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>Insect Armageddon doesn't really has any ideas
Hey, it gave us Fencer.

>NEW BAD OLD GOOD: the thread

How the fuck do I enable raw input for mouse aim lads

I got this game on ps4 mate

The sad part of IR is a lot of its problems are easily fixed with an update. It's not like they need to rework the core mission structure or gameplay handling. It's just a series of small tweaks.

what are you even talking about, there's nothing of the sort here
t. the guy that liked IR

>Soldiers say the frogs look like people
>The aliens look even more like humans but they say nothing when they show up


brain damage

Wait what frogs?

OP pic

That's a human you blind fuck

I can't not hear Sulu on the radio in EDF5.

All I'm seeing is a humanoid looking thing.

they added test fire range and changing weapons inside, that's great, but how about then giving a try to weapons you want to buy before paying hours worth of money grind?
Oh getting back to the enemies, did you notice they always aggroed on you? No tactics needed, no ways to approach the stages needed, just horde once, horde two, 5 minutes mission complete.
What the point in various ants when you hardly ever notice they actually different? Making some enemies resistant to one weapons and not for others is only deepens the travesty of getting various weapons to begin with, and why do bother about that when you can just get B or A weapon and ignore that anyway.
What about online? Miserable fucking online? Only thing online syncronizes is you, other players, amount of enemies and their health.
Not location and movement of enemies. You might as well play solo, each person has it's own stage he is playing with little to no correlation to what happens on your screen.
You can kill enemy and it dies half of the map across for other guy who stands right near you cause they share pools. Makes completely impossible to coordinate literally anything. Or what if other guy shoots SN Apocalypse somewhere into the enemy spawn or something? But on your screen it shoots basically in enemy in front of you and kills you, while on his screen you just die out of nowhere.
It's fucking shit.
What about vs match? You don't fucking even earn money or gems there. It's just pure versus with no progress or grind helping in a main game. It's compeltely fucking useless no one ever plays it after playing it once. Mode for sake of a mode.

Iron Rain is fucking trash.
Fair point, I also guess manual lock on weapons, 4 classes period and first game with online. And it all fucking works without any problem or issue. I was meaning more grander ideas which Iron Rain tries to pull.

>Free Bike 1
>It's not free
False advertising 0/10

You mean the fix that doesn't work for quite a few anons? How can it work for some but not others, it's 3 damn files to copy over

I give IA less shit because it was also budget-priced. Meanwhile EDF2025/5/IR were all full-fucking priced releases for some reason, even though the later (still full price) 4.1 release made up for it with solid gameplay and memorable dialog.

Cope and rent free

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>And then they can't dodge for shit
are you talking about the Air Raider? Wing Diver dodge is god tier

>Kills twelve ants and dies to Drone

That’s a man

Attached: 5B27F70B-C570-4071-A3CB-3C21F73D054F.jpg (1258x1600, 281K), use the search there to find the EDF 5 thread and look on page 3 or 4.

I disabled DLC in the crack because I didn't buy them but yes, mission packs should be enabled.

I miss the voice overs in the menus.

For me it's

Fencer = Air Raider > Wing Diver > Ranger

>that perfect shot of the E.D.F. plate
just needed to use the shout and it'd be perfect

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It's a Free(style) Bike.

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IA is just solid for what it is.
I can't really hate anything about it aside of lack of content, but on the other hand they literally made all game go on one single city map and probably decided to not stretch it to ludicrous degrees. Hell they even didn't make new weapon models, majority of them look the same, just act differently.
They sqeezed just about what they could from their budget and it made a solid game. It controls well, it plays well, there is just nothing wrong with it. Which I can't say about Iron Rain.

I don't get your problem with prices of other games tho, maybe aside of 4.1. But I don't really want to go into that argument.

>I don't get your problem with prices of other games tho
Just general expectations that if I'm paying $60 for something, I expect it to look/run comparable to other titles of that price, which this series has always faltered at terribly. Only reason we suck it up with the recent releases is because we need our FPS Musou fix and no one else wants to deliver.

>caring about graphics
Grow up.
And only idiots compare EDF to Dynasty Warriors.

Maybe they just forgot to open Steam.
>mfw I got a refund because my poorfags friends wanted to pirate it

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>Just general expectations that if I'm paying $60 for something
My general expectation is to get a good product for good money. All full priced mainline EDF games were that. So I never thought of complaining.

I'm one of those anons. MY steam was wide open. With the crack applied the game just refuses to open. Swapping back to codex crack has it open just fine. I just don't know

Shit user, I feel bad for you.
Maybe just reinstall the game, and use the fix without copying the Codex files.
Also, are you sure you have the v2 fix?

new to edf
how does online work
can i play a few missions with friends then continue on my own or do i risk out leveling them or do i need to play missions in singleplayer to play that one in multiplayer? do you progress in both singleplayer and multiplayer at the same time? is playing with less than a full room early on too difficult?

Your mission progression is not saved between online and offline, but armor and weapon collections are
You can't use higher level weapons in earlier missions

Yeah I made sure of it. I guess this is my fate. I pirated 4.1 before I could afford it and bought it for all my friends. Wanted to do it again but I'm guessing I'm just not one of the chosen the crack works for

I'm sure it will be fixed soon.

I asked about that in the last thread.
I found out by accident that simply restarting Steam seemed to get it to work.
It deleted my Offline save progress, though, and even though I had a backup pasting it back in to the folder didn't help so now I have to start over.
So give that try, user. Apply the Online patch, those 3 files, then restart Steam. I'm 90% sure that's the only difference between it working now and the game not launching at all for me hours ago.
If that's all it was I really hate myself.

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>Get excited to go fast with Fencer again in 5
>See they got rid of dash canceling, at least with shields
>Instead found a core that lets me dash multiple times in a row

I mean, I guess it's kind of similar but I still feel slower than in 4.1

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>got the upgrade that lets my fencer boost jump 3 times in a row
>blasthole spear in one hand and autoshotgun in the other

This is pretty nice. I can boost all over the place and if you chain a forward boost into a boost jump the momentum increases and you go forwards super fast. Playing city levels with giant frogs running around as fencer feels like some Attack on Titan shit now. Zipping around buildings jabbing them in the asshole with my spear.

I just wish i could get a better spear and gun drop so i could keep this combo with better weapons.

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That's definitely my favorite Fencer weapon combo
I also usually rock dual Disruptors for if I need to delete something immediately

Asking this again for relevance.

If I have an I5 6400 and an nvidia geforce 730, can I play this? It could play EDF 4.1 just fine.

Nc100 cannons still animation cancel with dashes. They're just useful without the dash now with the increased rof. Probably the most op gun in the game with high dps, long range accuracy and penetration.

How can I play this online with other pirates?

Why the fuck do I still only have 20 fps

Not enough ants have spawned

Anyone open rooms?

Restarted steam and no love. Guess I'll just grab it with th mates in a few months

EDF2025 ran worse than your average EDF and it sucked the fun out of it for me until 4.1 later came to PS4.

>Play multiplayer
>Some chink cheating and instant pickup
>Getting carried
T-thanks for the free items

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Your 6400 is only ever so slightly weaker than my I5 2500K, and EDF5 only pushes my CPU to about 80%.
Don't know about the 730, my 1060 is literally ten times more powerful, but the game is not GPU intensive at all; it's almost all CPU. Just turn off Shadows and AA if necessary (the only options the game even has) and it would probably be fine.

Whereas my game is almost perfectrly smooth, you might get occasional frame skipping and drops, which in turn results in terrible, choppy mouse controls (but controller sticks would be unaffected).

How the fuck do I solo as Air Raider since all my friends went to sleep already

Cool. I can deal with frame skipping and drops. I mained as an air raider in 4.1, and my framerate went to zero whenever I called in LA BOMBA on a beach filled with ants.

Turrets and attack ship cannons

airstrikes all day everyday
and Nixes

I remember my smaller mechs being immediately ready in 4.1, why do they take longer now

How do I not be utter shit with Fencer?

make a sever and play with Yea Forums

Well shit. Sorry user.
The only other thing I can think is that prior to that I did a clean install, didn't automatically apply the crack with Codexes launcher that time, and put the DLC Unlocker in first before adding those v2 files. But after that it still wouldnt launch, until I restarted Steam as I said. I added it as a Non-Steam game as well but I can launch through the .exe directly so I don't think that matters. That's the extent of my experience with it. Maybe it just had to sit for 3 fucking hours for some reason. I really have no idea why that shit was so much trouble.
There's a Repack out now from Dodi that supposedly has the DLC, creamapi, crack and multiplayer patch included if you feel like trying that I guess. Not sure it's worth the headache to pursue any further though.

Get some sleep so you can all continue as soon as y'all wake up.

Air Raider had to get nerfed in some ways to make up for 3 weapon slots and reloading airstrikers

more like vehicles got buffed, that's why no freebie
they have actual armor now to withstand attacls

why do i look like a teamster they slapped into military service and not an elite commando mother fucker with a tank strapped to my back.

Why do i look like a mook that dies in the background of the invasion scene in Edge of Tomorrow?

Attached: helmet where.png (1920x1080, 1.5M)

Play pacific rim theme on repeat

you're a citizen just trying to get to a safe place right now user.

>reading and listening is hard

What's the earliest you can get a fencer shotgun? I'm at mission 16 and still nothing.


I literally just installed and started. Whoops.

It just started working user. Restarting Steam again kicked it into functioning. Fresh reinstall, applied the crack+fix, then applied steamworks fix

Game automatically archives loads of your old saves so you can revert if a cheater fucks you.

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE where is my safespace sarge WHERE


is it worth purchasing if you have no friends?

yeah just play with randos and scream EDF all the time
You may even find friends

I'm happy for you user, glad you found the magic combination.
Hope you didn't lose your progress like I did.

Attached: 1546825975432.jpg (420x300, 13K)

Does Air Raider get vehicles they can use at the start of a mission, either as standard or via upgrades, or are they forever fucked to being useless until the mission is 75% over?

so it has online matchmaking then?

I am having lots of fun without any friends.
I wish I had friends though

Attached: 1478527424442.png (536x546, 218K)

nah, but with majority of missions later on you'll be getting vehicle very quiclky, don't worry.
Also upgrading them decreases the cost.


give discord or steam and I'll become your friend

Don't do it anons, is an alien.

It crashing mid level

Attached: 1546532708528.jpg (480x424, 23K)

Tfw the only safe place is with the edf. Dammit that sergeant conned me!

turn off g-sync

Quick question
Do I play offline mode, or online more even If i'm playing solo?

Since you don't unlock the missions for both of em apparently

lobby system

I don't want to be friends with you

I am just like you


I use it exclusively for friends and not random servers


If you don't like it then make a mod to make the ass fat you lazy nigger.

>wing divers can now sing too
>but they removed the old songs
>new one is an unmemorable long piece of shit that a soldier wouldnt really sing too
This is a monkey paw in action

>New song is bad
Fuck off tourist

How's air raider in 5? Is the mech that replaced the Vegalta good/fun to pilot?

She's wearing hot pants. The devs are clearly ass guys

The new song is fine

ï¿¥500 has been deposited to your account

>doesnt end with an edf deploys in unison
Absolutely civillian

>old good new bad
Fuck off

i want to be a one man tank, but i want to be a giant one man tank too. . . why is this so hard

Attached: yesssss.png (1920x1080, 2.35M)

Cheers user! Let's play together sometimes!

>using shitty ass memes to argue
This one isnt half as memorable and you know it

right click the green gay tray icon in windows then do control panel, then go to nvida gsync options, then disable.

or right click on desktop and do the same

They are as good as eachother honestly.
The soldiers singing alone in 5 is just worse

>thinking the new EDF cheer is good

redub to change any mentions of monsters to giant insects when

What's the use case for points-cost bombers and mortars?

Because I've been using gunship beacons, gunship beacons and more gunship beacons all day long. Rapid 105 and canister with a dash of autocannon is just about enough for everything on fresh Hard.

I dunno, I still sometimes sing the old song to myself even though the last time I played it was like 2 years ago
It's pretty catchy, the new song not so much

don't see the option for it

control panel, not ge-force experience

Attached: gaysync.jpg (746x656, 112K)

How should I play this game Keyboard + Mouse or Controller?

Attached: mkbvc.png (793x596, 176K)

Oh good, it's not just me with the weird over-blooming of bright things near the top of the screen.

Im on a laptop

360 or PS3/4 controller

I just wish you could use them interchangeably in the middle of a mission, especially as Air Raider.

Different user that also has the game crashing frequently. I don't have that option available. My specs are i7-3770 and a 680. It works perfectly until it randomly decides to massively stutter, followed by a crash.

here's a quick funfact for both of you, you two essentially have forced gsync on due to how laptops get video feed from gpu.

You're having it be passed trough cpu to sync with the panel (screen).

tough luck, you can't turn that shit off on laptops with nvidia based chips.

That game sucks

>2P that low
Excuse me, what the fuck?

Attached: what_the_hell_are_you_talking_abt.png (251x330, 18K)

no Yea Forums pirate lobby?

Apparently you can turn it off by doing a custom driver install so im trying that

Aren't GDF and 2 the same thing?

>it's another I killed myself with explosives as wing diver episode

you cant and shouldn't do that on a laptop. It's functionally impossible due to how the gpu works with laptops.

it's not called g-sync, but someshit else.

EDF2 on the PSP was pretty stinky though

they how the fuck can I fix it?

You have to add your steamid and username into the .ini file that comes with the crack for your save files to work.

I mean, other than getting a ps4 and playing the game, i would suggest to play on a real computer maybe?

Ah hell, of course it was shit if you played the PSP version. Dude, go grab the Vita version of EDF 2. It's called "EDF 2: Invaders from Planet Space". Really damned good, definitely in my top 3 EDF games.

Attached: edf_2_vita.png (1208x1400, 2.15M)

I feel like EDF is too comfy to play with a keyboard.
You get used to turning fast and nearly every weapon has pretty large projectiles or good spread.
I haven't ever played Inferno, though. I'm sure that benefits greatly from the speed but it's not like people don't complete that on a controller or console releases anyway.
Just use whatever you feel comfortable with. No reason you can't just back out to the main screen and switch over if you feel like one method or the other would be useful for a specific mission.
I think I'd hate doing Ranger's diagonal rolls or Wingdiver's boosts on keyboard.

You can walk with a controller and I think someone said there's no keybind for it on keyboard. Helps with running along roof edges/positioning and most importantly you can walk with the soldiers during pre-battle banter.

Best class. No other class captures the greatness of humanity.

Is there any way to keep using the civilian outfits for the rest of the game? The civilian wing diver looks way better.

This was the one change I was hoping they would implement in 5 or at least give you the option to switch without having to restart the game. Alas, it was not meant to be.

When do i get to go fast as fencer?

Those alien bastards look very much like they're afraid of water...
But they aren't.

>Playing air rider
>get starfall
>Whatever lets this this weapon
>Those pillars of light in a huge area killing and destroying everything
>bombs dropping from the sky
>that laught from the crazy bitch after finishing raining them down
Excuse me but what the fuck is going on?

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If this is anything like 4.1 you should be the one afraid of water.

Already have my dude, its pretty sick! Was just replying to that anons rating because I was confused at first too, until I saw Invaders from Planet Space was higher up the list

You should have extra dashes and jumps before the 20th mission.

useless cunt

Oh fuck, i totally missed that IFPS.

It's fun but man 4.1 really had the best dialogue.

I filled them in and no luck, still not getting it back.

Yeah, that's why gaming on laptops is a meme. They're just useless cunts at the end of the day.

High damage in a wide area mostly. I usually only bring one with me per level. They're excellent for times when the enemies are extremely bunched up. Bombers are also a little easier to hit multiple targets with since explosions do AOE damage.

No, the codex crack. Steamemu's config is just creamapi.

I'm updating the driver.

If it doesn't work then I'll just deal with it.

it depends on how the panel gets the video feed, if it has an actual dedicated gpu connected to it, instead of it being hard-passed trough cpu to panel via board, then it can be decent


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Not at the start, but they're a lot better this game from what I've seen.

Not sure if I missed it last game or if its a new addition to this, but now there are air strikes which are tied to a reload timer rather than a point cost. So you can use them instead of the shitty limpet guns to kill stuff and get a vehicle.

>You're an extraordinary man air raider
>Ojou-sama laughter

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anyone starting coop? I hit mission UUUFOE and my light autocannons aren't killing stuff fast enough.


Tips depend on the class you're playing as. Its generally suggested to start off as Ranger, since its the easiest and most straight forward class to play.

The one thing that should carry over between them all is that you want to pick up Weapon and Ammo crates as they drop, since at the end of the mission anything you haven't collected isn't picked up for you. If you're at the end of a mission you can leave one target alive and run around to collect the rest of the shit.

Other things to keep in mind are friendly fire is a thing, and explosives can hurt you too. Oh, and don't stand on any red surfaces, cause thats usually where an air strike will land. Other then that, it depends on which class you play as.

Air Raider buffs in this game are incredible.

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I can't buy EDF 5 right now, does anybody have a YouTube link to showcase that Spritefall lady's laughter? I really wanna hear it.

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Still the chaddest class of them all.

Attached: edf_chad_virgin.png (1400x569, 249K)

How do they compare to other classes?

Fuck if I know. All I know is outside of a cave level, I'm raining death nonstop.

>as good at kill at killing insects as wing diver
Is this true or a meme

Yeah, I’m hoping the dialogue picks up a bit when Sarge gets me to safety

>Ranger's ARs can actually have decent range and accuracy now
>The first DMR you get has way more ammo than the first one you got in 4.1
>It fires about as fast as you can click

I'm retarded and can't find where besides the SteamEmu and CreamAPI file that ask for that information. They're the only ini's I seem to have.
I don't have a ton of progress to catch up on anyway. Thanks for trying though, I'm missing something obvious I'm sure.

okay guise
I'm bored of playing with pubs all the time. it's just not the same if nobody's chatting or you can't brag about your fav weapon. and i don't wanna join a faggot reddit group
add me up so we make the best EDF team and save mother earth
srsly tho, stop being busy or autistic or shy and just do it

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>chaining together multiple fencer boosts with that upgrade that lets you hop 3 times

Man this is so much better than that shitty shield canceling boosting you had to do in 4/4.1. Im like a heavy weapons guy wingdiver.

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at least you got the spoiler tag right this time

Are lightning bows as shit as I think they are?

endgame air raider gets two things. cheap vehciles with ungoldy amounts of HP and air strikes that you can spam because they cover gigantic portions of the map and pretty much one shot everything they touch, so they fully reload before the strike is even half finished. never even mind the DLC shit you get. There are very few missions the Ar can't crush with impunity.


>Air Raider gets shitloads of QOL improvements
>Fencer gets improved mobility and dash cancels are just like, an official part of the moveset now
>Wing Diver gets even hotter outfit and evasive moves
>Ranger gets vehicles for the first time
>qt air raider equipment grill apparently replaced by qt mad scientist woman who laughs manically at airstrikes
>giant frogs with dismemberment mechanics
>godzilla is back

I'm on vacation but I'm so goddamn hyped to kill bugs when I get home. Holy FUCK

question: apparently you don't unlock all of Fencer's movement stuff at once? and there are weapon upgrades? How does any of tht work


Its a little tougher than the other classes, since AR's weapons aren't really instant. They all have a bit of a delay, but you can really fuck stuff up once you get used to it. So overall its a tiny bit slower than other classes when it comes to killing singular targets, but when stuff bunches up, nothing is quite as effective as an air strike.

How do I flying power ranger woman?

The shotguns are even better. the d110 breecher can kill a spaceman in one hit and the buster shot can clear out any silver spider or gold ants you come across.

inferno btw

All of the classes now have extra slots that you can plug modifiers in. You unlock them the same was as weapon drops.

Fencer has some that add extra boost jumps. There some that buff shields. Ranger has some that let him walk and run faster. etc, etc.

and don't forget that ranger also can get a FREE BIKE

Any aussie buying the game from steam?
I'm currently in indonesia and the regional price is cheap as fuck compared back in australia.

Wing divers also have interchangeable cores. If you get a sky high core you and pretty much dash all the way across the map.

What the unholy fuck
I remember fencer being fast, but that was some SANIC tier flying around, incredible

Attached: spit take.jpg (320x240, 18K)

I bought it

Gib xbox release

Yeah I bought it for 67 dollarydoos. At first I was bitter but the fun soon washed that away.

big bangu core is so much fun too. Some weapons are disgusting when you just act as artillery from the backline. There's heaps of awesome variation this time around.


to be far, that's DLC kit in the base game, offline. The DLC weapons this time around are WAY stronger. That doesn't take away from that players movement which is amazing. You go so fast with fencer it can be hard to keep up with a controller sometimes. I expect PC players will be able to do even more rapid flicks and turns.

Attached: 1b9.jpg (640x539, 80K)

Then you're using some kinda different method than me. I'm using those in conjunction with the Codex crack and that's what I have configured with my steam data. Only other thing I can think of is that maybe you're not using the right kind of steamid (you want the number that you can see in the URL when you open your steam profile). Maybe the crack saves to a different location than where steam saves to (it doesn't in my case).
Just feels like it would be a waste if you own it legit but can't use your save files for both.

>>Wing Diver gets even hotter outfit and evasive moves
Pale Wing was the hottest.

Attached: Pale_Wing.jpg (715x960, 55K)

go fast. don't sleep on using her low level gear since it takes less energy and your cores very quickly increase you energy as the level up. the level 46 I think dragoon lance is good. her level 15 plasma nuke gun is GOAT.

Why'd they changed the name in the first place though?

Those thighs goddamn

when's she coming home bros
wing diver is nothing in comparison

>question: apparently you don't unlock all of Fencer's movement stuff at once? and there are weapon upgrades? How does any of tht work

Fencer boost types are still tied to weapons, but everyone gets extra slots for passive upgrades as well. For example, fencers can get equipment that lets you dash or boost jump more times before needing to land/stop.

Regarding weapon upgrades, basically if you get duplicates of a weapon, they'll increase the stats of said weapon.

Attached: edf5 fencer.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Reminder that the actual in-game events of EDF 2 happened in June 2019, i.e. last month. We are now living in a timeline where the events of EDF 2 does not come to fruition.

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaa.jpg (1080x1440, 169K)

Fuck the free bike is fun.

The way I understand it, Pale Wing was one person/unit with prototype gear, who eventually led to the development of Wing Divers as a class.

Of course they're there from the beginning in EDF5 so that bit of lore goes out the window.

Also I just double checked, it's in steam_emu.ini - it came with the Codex crack so that's how I got confused. Make sure you have the line for AccountId not commented out (remove the # in front of it) or it won't work.

Attached: 1562932188503.png (522x274, 16K)

>tfw tipping it and spinning while shooting

Attached: celD0k5.gif (294x246, 420K)

It's still Pale Wing in Japanese.

Start a lobby N O W

shame that after release that user who was saying that you need 10k armor to play on inferno doesn't seem to come back into threads.
Probably saw that video and hides in the corner crying to himself like little bitch

okay started a new lobby
password: rage

>tfw a ranger puts on the thing that sets drop rate to 100%

Good call correcting me about the ID being the numbers and to remove the #, but the save still isn't appearing.
Thanks for checking in to it anyway man. I'll live.

Don't worry too much about beating Inferno even during "late" game. After 70% completion, armor never leaves men behind. Ever.

It's all about armor.

A very long time. 100s of hours.

it's me dickhead and that was for 4.1, not 5. Also online. yes you can play 4.1, offline with 10k armour will boot you from lobbies even if you are actually some pro. You were herp derping like everyone always plays as an actual group of 4 people who know each other and now the mission meta and have all the right weapons unlocked.

Is that a thing?

Get better weapons. Know how to use homing ones and play with a team. Stop playing on harder difficulties if your armor is low, scrub. Get a Ranger and a Lancer to shotgun them in close range for maximum burst damage.

not in 5, nowhere near as much. some missions are much easier wiht a good armour buffer but with the health vehciles have and with how incredibly fast the calsses are you can actually finesse missions with low armour now, instead of just brute forcing them like in 4.1, or getting insanely lucky.

Still place for 2 new recruits.

I was in a room and this one guy said he put such a thing on, and sure enough every enemy was dropping something.

Well shit

Ah, so you are moving goalposts now after thinking and crying in a corner.
Nowhere in those threads was any talk about coop and carrying other playes.

You can get that utility mod that makes you invulnerable to explosive rag doll effect.

Get to 70% and you can start tossing billions of rockets everywhere. Ranger is the truest easy mode and he's based as fuck if you know how to use him.

just bought the game yester
so far i like all the changes

>played EDF4.1 with JP voices like a weeb
>tfw playing with the dub this time
I've been missing out on some grade A cheese.

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Did you move it to the location indicated in the .ini? Because I didn't have to do that, it just worked. Try with your save files in the vanilla location that the steam game saves to.

The context for the posts was me telling a new 4.1 user to clear the game on hard then just cheat all the weapons and 10k to enjoy online inferno. 10k is buffer to make mistakes but not OP, you''ll still get rekt on lots of missions. weapon cheats to just not grind. You can do low armour runs later, you can lower armour if you play with friends. 10k is a good number for solo inferno. Then another user, probably you, chimed in smugly about beating online inferno with their group of friends with

5 dub I didn't like at first but it winds up being even better than 4.1. actual feels.

>Don't use tactical nukes on the dropships! We won't be able to recover the wreckage!
>That's NOT the issue...

>Playing along
>Get to a mission that is literally just Crimson but it starts from the other side of the map
>There's even the red drone mission
Dunno how I feel about how unoriginal this feels, but at least the upgrades to everything make it more fun to play

Hard to tell if this is EDF or Armored Core For Answer.

Crimson is a great mission tho

>From this point on, Spriggan, you're Storm 4.
>Grim Reaper, you're Storm 3.
>Sergeant, you're Storm 2.
> And you, Civilian, Storm 1

I love the smell of burning monsters in the morning, smells like victory

Attached: 8012FD8B-DD74-4212-B58C-A186F10CF9CC.jpg (1024x512, 61K)

>commander of the EDF's final transmission

Attached: 1.jpg (910x500, 127K)

Finished a mission and still room for players if anyone wishes to join.

So Yea Forums, why did you join EDF?
I really ought to get round to making an EDF 5 version of this

Attached: EDF_NWF.png (1324x929, 1.94M)


>that legitimate passion and fury in his voice as the last remaining survivors are sacrificed to buy Storm team more time

user open a round and i will join


>Then another user, probably you, chimed in smugly about beating online inferno with their group of friends with

>I really ought to get round to making an EDF 5 version of this
Just put the same image there with the new ranger/diver aesthetic but then have them on the other side of that map facing the beach since the mission starts there instead

The pay's great! You'll be set for life!
But you'll be disappointed at the amount of the death gratuity.

I miss doing half the game with idunnD and the chainsaw. Also miss the largW3 and plasma m30. All my favorite wing diver weapons are dead.

But why are wing divers wearing booty shorts?

is dash canceling worse for fencer (compared to 4.1) or do i just need to wait for a better shield?

Yeah, no go with that either unfortunately. I'll try poking around tomorrow when maybe more people potentially run in to the problem, but I'm pretty much accepting that I'll just need to start a new one. It's not a whole lot to make up on, not like the game isn't fun. Got multi working now anyway to blow off some steam with if nothing else before I get to it.
Again, thanks for the effort though, really appreciate it.

EDF 5 is a separate timeline from the rest of the series.

It's worse but you get shit that lets you boost multiple times consecutively now.

You can't go full sanic this way but it's easier and less of a hassle to use in bursts.

Increases Brainwave levels.

Wing Divers are also portable morale boosters


>rangers can call in vehicles

Attached: 33.gif (235x240, 1.93M)


Weird. I'm trying to figure out myself why this would happen as I would like for more people to enjoy this game, pirated or otherwise. It's not about it not being fun enough, it's just that if you're going to sink 100+ hours into it, you might as well do it in a way that will ensure you can still have your progress on the legit game.

Starship Troopers-esque gold

Gives quicker access to her ass

>The fucking Kaiju

Attached: 1562878800639.jpg (559x514, 61K)

sarge and his boys are precious

Attached: 66794740_p11.jpg (465x635, 226K)

Nuke it.

Why did it take them so fucking long to think of "shoot into the hatch"?

I'm surprised he shows up so early this time around. 4.1 it felt like it took forever for him to be introduced.

"We put all our stock into the air force for 6 months. Now it's our turn!"

I'm assuming command was a bunch of fucking idiots and never thought to try since they were developing new aircraft and wanted to wave that dick.

Reminds me of 4.1 where the air force wouldn't stop bombing shield bearers even AFTER your guys figured out you need to get under their shields to kill them

Can you put Turrets on top of your Helicopter/vehicle the way you could in 4.1? That was the funniest shit and imo what made Air Raider fun to play.

Anons I downloaded the codex version, what shit do I apply to get the dlc and play with piratebros?

are the system requirements steep?

How are the devs so based but also this retarded

Attached: slap that dirty little jap.png (808x566, 166K)

you have to learn the edf song lyrics and plug in your mic and sing them perfectly on the title screen

The Japanese military branch of the EDF have no real combat acumen, they're absurdly incompetent. That's why you usually hear radio chatter giving reports of other nations dropping some alien ships even before you do it.
They only figure it out because you're playing the superhero MC with massive iron balls who charges in and hits the enemy weakpoints.

Yes. You can throw the damn things anywhere and they seem to stick now.

dlc: google edf 5 codex dlc
multiplayer: download this and put it in the game folder

I need a break from ranger but I have very little gear on the other classes and I don't want to be useless

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It IS nice that there are a couple of other competent units now. They all get rolled in under you as the new Storm Team.

Play Fencer, they are strong with vanilla kit.

Play solo and grind shit

>Storm 2 leader has an infinite fusion blaster
>Storm 3 is an entire unit of dash cancelling sanic fencers
>Storm 4 is full of actually competent wing divers

NPCs in general seem a lot better than they were before, too. NPC Nix units and tanks were always fun to see in a mission.

Tentatively speaking, EDF 6 when? I reckon there should be one for the PlayStation 5 gen. Perhaps 2022?

>Sarge sticking with you through the entire game
He is actually my favorite EDF character now because of how based he is.

Attached: 07d.jpg (427x300, 30K)

Wait till you get to mission 100

>replaying EDF 2: IFPS on Vita
>wanna play Inferno difficulty
>remember all that bullshit hitscan weapons the enemy walkers have
Literally impossible offline.

Attached: edf_uwaki.jpg (750x500, 203K)

He will bring us to a safe place

Put a side boost weapon in one spot and a jump boost in the other. Hit one right after the other

why is fencer so..ughh, so much work . does it actually become better over time? so far im liking ranger and wing diver much more.

It's only work if you don't like pressing a button to boost across the screen fast as fuck.

>decide to try fencer because people talks good things about it
>equip a hammer and shield in one pack, a gatling gun and missle launcher in another
>gatling gun does piss damage and has a 2 hour long windup time
>can't fire both weapons in each hand at the same time
>missle takes forever to lock on, made ever worse by the face you can't use both weapons at the same time, so no gatling support
>hammer is unbearably slow and doesn't even one-shot ants
>shield "bash" doesn't do fucking anything
>movement is ungodly slow and sluggish, feels like I'm slipping around on ice in slow motion
>can't even stomp around and get a solid grip on the floor to look like I'm a slow tank, just slipping and sliding

The fuck am i doing wrong? Are you not supposed to play this character at the start?

Attached: 1516612330952.png (349x254, 90K)

>dual weilding 30mm Canon
I am Death

Is Titan back?

>18 missions in
>haven't seen my FPS drop below 60 once

Attached: 1467578392301.gif (249x214, 594K)

Fencer doesn't even need to go sonic in order to be good.
Tank Fencer and artillery fencer are also valid playstyles. Especially in MP

2 gatling guns
shoot only with one, when you start running out of ammo, start spinning up the other one
this way you never run out of ammo

Equip dual spine drivers or the piledriver looking thing and get the equipment for extra boosts. Chain those short range attacks without the melee weapon problems. In the other slot go with two weapons that'll do ranged damaged or maybe a set for dash boosting.

Mine is at constant 16 fps
End my gay life

Attached: ea3g5enkti721.png (552x678, 324K)

True. I usually have movement on one weapon set and ultimate dakka on the other.

If you want to go full Itano Circus - try Ghost Chaser DA for Wing Diver

FUCK I'm at that one sandstorm level and somehow I'm stuck
Jesus christ everything was easy till now

>artillery fencer
I was genuinely impressed with how good the Blood Storm missiles are this time around. Carried me through most of normal and even a little bit of hard.

I vaguely recall 4.1 because that shit was hard. It's a hard game. I'm actually able to beat all sorts of stages and even carry fools in this one.

When you get decent high altitude missiles you can wreck so much shit. Go doubles or mix with melee for dash boosting stabbing missile launching mess.

>That mission when the e-cutie talks about social justice

Try Mortars or heavy cannons instead of missiles, spears/jackhammers/spine drivers instead of hammers, and light cannons or auto shotguns instead of gatling guns. All of the weapons you're complaining about are pretty shit without upgrades.

That's a really good mission with early and balanced weapons. It's hard as fuck. A complete cheese with DLC weapons.

>Playing mostly Air rider
>60fps always while nuking everything and destroying the buildings

Attached: 1560199776055.png (578x790, 263K)

>>shield "bash" doesn't do fucking anything
That's for reflecting projectiles. You can't directly attack with a shield.

>not playing in sub 10 fps due to overloading the level with airstrikes

Here's early game Fencer using weapons you get at the very beginning of the game, + an upgrade for double dash (dash jump dash works fine without it). It's plenty fast enough.

Attached: fencer.webm (480x270, 2.17M)

A friend gifted me EDF5 yesterday \o/

Question: I hate seeing Xbox controls, does this game have PS4 controller displays?
Currently can only get the game to pick up my DS4 controller using DS4Windows

Attached: please.jpg (342x298, 27K)

because I'd like the game to display the controls that are actually on my controller?
Or because a friend suddenly, WITHOUT WARNING, Gifted me something I actually wanted?

Attached: 1513586236310.jpg (356x536, 37K)

What's the earliest you can farm for Fencer's 6 dash item, including DLC missions? Does it need Inferno?