Fuck Women who play video games, they are invaders

Fuck Women who play video games, they are invaders.

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Kill yourself

You wont reproduce anyway and your genetic line is a failure.


does this line up with the "have sex" meme too?

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What about trannies?

are you ok ?

get raped and killed in a dark ally trannies

>Fuck Women
I do, can you say the same?

Trannies are subhuman

even worse, gaming is for men, throw these thots and trannies off of helicopters

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ok but first im coming to kill you, that way ill do some good before I die

what's your favorite video game?

>facebook frog
go back

Violated Heroine

Whys she wearing that

>resetera boogeyman thread gets deleted
>"let's try women this time!"
Can't you just play some gaymes?

>fuck women
that's the plan

I do, 14 different one in 25 years
how about you vros?

>Fuck women who play video games
God, I wish.

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where did you get this picture of me.

Your president is getting impeached for being a kiddy diddler lmao

can you expect anything else from thots ?

lies, if the House dares try to impeach him Trump Supporters will rise up, Pelosi and her ilk will be put to death after a quick war.



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you pass

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>Fuck Women who play video games
actually i been fucking women more since they started to play videogames.
i tripled my number of sexual encounters since then!
im almost about to not being able to count them with a single hand! hahaha

Stop making shit up you fucking gay tranny. All you do is shave one leg and pretend it's a woman's leg, while using your shaved leg against your hairy leg and pretending it's a guy's.

I know that look

Kotaku will screenshot this and post it as "proof all of Yea Forums needs to be censored"

wow my wife had like almost that same dress when she was 20.
But yes, apart from a few that can act fucking normal, women playing games is absolute cancer. I hate them.
I am glad my wife has zero interest in games.

all women are whores

Dude's probably just salty that some chick did more DPS than him.

>shave one leg and pretend it's a woman's leg
no, i shave both because i'm a cyclist.

All women are queens

Cause they made the post

just invade her pussy bro

And an inshallah to you, my fellow kekistani

All women should be seeded by black man sperm and all non-black men should be turned into women.

Fuck all you other faggot races.

>Trump Supporters will rise up
ok gamer

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what's wrong with fucking kids as long as they consent?

You just don't know the plan OP. The plan is to get many women to be immersed in video games so they can be losers in life and have to depend on their "husbands" again. The patriarchy is coming back baby.

will do user

So you're saying that we're being invaded by members of the opposite sex who enjoy things we do, and the only way to win this war is to fuck the invaders and make possibly make them our wives?

Well, if you say so OP.


This is why white people are a minority now. Get laid and deal with it user.

*makes gamers rise up post*

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are you the trans girl from australia

>girls in prom dresses

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I see you too are a man of taste.

God I miss high school. Formal dances were the fucking best.

>Fuck Women
That is what they are made for. lol

God I love horse cocks.

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Ya seethe tranny

What is even going on in this pic?

>Says the mentally ill tranny that won't ever reproduce and guaranteeing their shitty genes won't ever be in the gene pool

Have sex

I'm sure any girlfriend would agree to the idea of getting to wear a nice dress you'll probably have to pay for it though

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I did but got an STD.

Have sex

than we will fight in the shade

I exclusively play vidya with women (not trans).
They aren’t very good but their simplistic opinions on games are refreshing compared to the washed out weeb nonsense and shit skin foreigners that plague modern gaming.

>Fuck Women who play video games
I'm trying.

Get raped

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I hate that color and design tb.h

Her date dumped her for another chick. She stayed home and played Soul Caliber IV.

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I don't see you posting alternatives

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As a woman, we're just as good at guys at video games pretty much

Oh I'm sure she would, but it's not the dress. It's the social structure that evolves out of a formal dance. This awkward tension between 400 horny teenagers crammed into a dance floor and also wanting to keep it somewhat classy so that fucking Becky doesn't write mad shit about you the morning after because she saw you grinding with Amanda so she goes and writes Amanda is pregnant on a wall or something.

Stakes as high as the libidos.


>as a woman
>we're just as good at guys at video games pretty much
all competitive gaming circuits would say you're wrong.

tits or gtfo

Women do not belong in traditionally male domains.

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have sex dilate cringe seething cope rent free yikes big oof tienanmen yikes reddit lovecraftian kill yourself incel yikes trannyera gaben saves gaming bravo epic this is the new v summer is here it's all yours yikes hi scooby

The funny part is, both computers AND in-home games were the domain of women for nearly a century

Women attempting to enter male domains should be treated like inferior men get treated. In other words they should get bullied until they either give up or prove they can take it. But no, they have all these special rights because they're women. They're treated with silk gloves because they're women. And everyone has to work around the fact that the women can't keep up because you're not allowed to say it out loud.

Fuck I hate 2019.

>gf likes vidya
>picks the Sony walking simulators with crafting mechanics and open world and always choose easiest mode
I don't know, she's sweet but holy fuck she's the textbook definition of a dumb casual

Why does she look so mad? Is it because she's a chestlet? Is she losing in a fighter?

fpbp. incels have no rights

what an overtly stupid post

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They were.
Old ladies played Bridge at the turn of the century. A woman invented more than half the Parker Brothers board games they stock at Walmart.

A woman also invented and wrote the first example of computer programming language, and during the punch-card days, computer programming was considered clerical/secretarial work, which was strictly in the realm of women

When did Yea Forums get invaded by /r9k/?

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>what's wrong with fucking kids as long as they consent?
Yeah, nothing wrong when they consent.

When Brazil installed their dial up modems

>fat retards rising up to do anything
Lol ok chunky monkey

I just hate then in online games where they can ruin communities with their incessant drama and just the way they communicate, in this passive aggressive condescending way, makes me seethe. They have to let everyone know, even when it's completely irrelevant, how amazing they think they are. I assume this is the influence of social media and its breeding of narcissism as a trait.

The same reason drunk people can't consent, it's not real consent because they don't know what the fuck they're doing. Stupid autist.

I hate women.

Thanks for making the incel containment thread, OP! Now the rest of us can talk about video games in peace :)

older women also don't know what they're doing but when they consent it's ok. Where is the logic in that?
>kid can consent to riding a bike and getting hurt when falling off the bike
>can't consent to mutual love

this guy is based

>older women also don't know what they're doing but when they consent it's ok
That's false, old women with memory problems like dementia and alzheimer's can't consent

Nope, unironically incels and racists are the invaders. Back in the day people would just enjoy games, respect the creator's vision and move on after playing it. There never used to be shrieking over whatever minute of the detail of the game isn't to your liking, or that the tits aren't bouncy, or that some character is black, or that the creator holds different opinions than you. I'm really happy the industry pays no attention to what people here think.

True, we should strive to mate with women that like playing videogames.

Why is everyone on Yea Forums mentally ill? From obsessed virgins who can't stop thinking about trannies to faggots dressing up in skirts

Because we live in a society.


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This reads like pasta.

He's a big guy...

In the past video games were good though, politics was a sideshow and not the main event, and if you liked big tits, you could view them in some game. Times have changed, politics are everything, and anyone who makes a videogame the neoliberal elites don't like will be blacklisted. I wish the videogame industry was the way it was when I was a kid, but that isn't the case. Of course incels and racists are gonna be mad, let them have their videogames, if you don't like them, don't play them. Instead you try to take everything from them and of course they are gonna freak out.

Why is everyone on Yea Forums so obsessed with thinking people are mentally ill, if they're not calling people gay for anything they're not into, to calling all women they see "her", because they think any women they see these days is actually a trap or trans, to claiming everyone disagreeing with them are transexuals. Are they all secretly lusting for other men so hard that they need to talk about it while also concealing it by acting like they dislike it, when it's actually all they think about?

They were mine before they were theirs. And I hate people who just use games for escapism and don't actually enjoy them. They're trash.

>They were mine before they were theirs
>And I hate people who just use games for escapism
You sound like a child. Video games are entertainment, some people just want to put on some video game and zone out. I know you are a patrician who thoroughly enjoys video games and gets down to their very core unlike those plebeians who just use them to escape, but some people don't have a 300 IQ and 15 inch dick like you do.

go back to neofag, oh wait...

They should work on themselves though. And I don't mind if people want to zone out. I'm talking about people who dislike or even hate games but use them to hide from their shit lives. Yea Forums is full of them. Fuck off to another hobby. Yes you reading thing.

>Fuck Women who play video games
I've only ever fucked women who play video games. I want more women in the hobby.

There you go again, nobody is taking anything from you. Creators are just making games they want and you're mad that it isn't to your liking.
>Of course incels and racists are gonna be mad, let them have their videogames
It was never FOR them in the first place, in fact they probably don't even know how to make games. Games are for sane, normal people, and that is the majority of players but then you come along and tarnish the reputation.


the word you are looking for is gentrifiers

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Yeah it would read like a pasta to you, you've been conditioned by neckbeards on the internet.

>nobody is taking anything from you.
you're right, no one is taking anything from me, however they did take away funding from a gentleman who was making a game they didn't like. So don't pretend this isn't affecting anyones life. I know you don't care because you probably think he is a nazi or whatever, but developers are getting hurt by this, we should all be concerned by that.