Steam friend ignoring my messages and game invites again

>steam friend ignoring my messages and game invites again
if i buy him a game will he speak to me

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Other urls found in this thread:


don't feel pressured to exchange financial goods for friendship

That sounds super unhealthy and puts you in a position to be taken advantage of

No, stop being a clingy bitch, bitch.

What are you, gay?

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i'll be your steam friend and never leave you on read if you buy me games

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>Watching cutscene in story heavy game
>Immersed in the story
>Some faggot comes and keep inviting me and sending messages

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Get another friend? How hard can this be?

Dilate and send him pics so he gets horny

>friend gifts me a game
>politely decline

I'll be your friend if you want to play duck game

I'd be your friend, but I don't use Steam after 2014 because I'm not a retard.

no, but i'd do just about anything for this guy so if he wanted me to be his buttpal i'd do it

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That's even worse than gay.

>40 of the 50 games on my Steam Library were acquired in this manor
I should feel bad, but it's free games.

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Give him space and let him respond to you on his own accord. If he doesn't, then that's that. Pestering him is just going to make your problem worse.

It's because you're a weeb with anime reaction images on your HDD faggot

Sending a dickpic should work.

>bisexual because of solitude
Holy fuck.

I swear i saw this thread 5 months ago.

Why are animeposters so lonely and horny?

stop having friends. it's a waste of time and emotional investment

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Anime gives them false expectations of the world, so they assume that posting cute anime girls in random Yea Forums threads will get people to like them.

>inviting someone without their explicit consent
I'd block anyone that did that. Same with people that voice call on Steam without asking, or even on my phone. Fuck people that don't understand politeness and boundaries.

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I can be your friend if you buy me games, OP

>bisexual because of solitude
Literally me

I would be your friend for free but I don't use launchers.

I remember getting random Skype calls from people who always messaged me asking about random shit. It's a hassle.

Works for me desu

I'll be your friend, clinglord. We are playing thirty consecutive hours of Dokapon Kingdom.

>anime girls in random Yea Forums threads will get people to like them
but that works?

Based non-consumerist user. People that use Steam are worse than normies that use Facebook. The latter are forced into it by work, the former are all attention-seeking whores.

It's almost like bisexuality it's just an extension from heterosexuality or homosexuality.

>30 (You)s in 10 minutes, anime sissy threads never lose baby

These are ironic weebs and trannies, decent manga readers/anime watchers have more decency than this

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I'll b ur new friend (:

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>tfw no friends

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stop being a fag Shinji and just go fuck Asuka already. She's dtf and you don't even know it.

I will be your friend if when playing games you are always nude and play with my balls.

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But I buy a lot of digital games, just not on Steam nor Epic nor et al.

Just set yourself to "do not disturb" when you're playing a game you want to get immersed in, you'll still get messages but won't be notified til you check on your own. I started doing this after the second time my spooky Darkwood nights got interrupted by some dude telling me about CBT

>tfw no trans anime posting e-gf to play steam games with

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take a break from him. if he's actually your friend, he will want to talk with you again. it also gives you a chance to not only find other friends, but to not be so reliant on one person.

if he still doesn't talk to you, screw him. he wasn't actually your friend to begin with.

Preach it.

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Honestly it's even more pathetic that you're this clingy and *not* gay


jesus will you fucking die already
holy fuck
you are worse than herpes and cancer combined

>social media video game launchers
wew fucking lad

What I do to deserve this?

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>steam friend ignores me
>unfriend immediately
take the nuclear option and go full endgame mode

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Cut him out, find yoself someone better.
He will only abuse u for games if u buy him one so don't even.

U will find someone better anyways

Me too. I guess I should've picked a better word than consumerist, although Steamfags are also the ones to buy 200 games they won't play because they were on "sale". I just buy what I want, when I want, and that's that, fuck sales and other marketing ploys. If a game isn't on GOG, or at the very least for PS4, I will just pirate it without any regrets. If you stop falling for sales and consider buying games at real prices, you quickly realize only like 2-3 a year are even worth playing, if that.

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How long have you had no friends? How are you even still alive?

>you'll never have a pathetic NEET bitch that buys you games and sends you nudes because you are the only thing preventing her from killing herself

Feels bad man

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Quit being a faggot. Don’t buy him anything bro. It’s not your responsibility to give him games.

post in every fucking steam thread. KYS.

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>want to play games with vidya friends but there are no multiplayer games I legitimately care about that they play
>the one game that one of them plays that I also play is Smash and he refuses to play with me because he thinks I'll wreck him too hard that it won't be fun for him
>other than that all my favourite multiplayer games are fighting games that aren't super hot right now (BlazBlue namely) and everything else I play is single player JRPGs and rhythm games

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I always like how anime it's the biggest creator of bisexual men and AGP transgenders.

>Been playing with steam friends for 3 years
>Only one person messaged me
>Stop going online on steam
>Act like i have a life
>Sleep all day and not even enough energy to play games

When did everything get boring

It's a Mister.

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you post your steam id everywhere asking for friends, but i don't get what your end goal is. the comments on your profile seem to indicate you don't care to have friends, so why even post?

>no friends
>65 friends added
People like you disgust me.

based Kaguyaposter

I have to put in all this work just for the honor of having someone be my friend. Have to start conversations with them but be "respectful" when they don't ever. Have to talk to them a certain amount OH BUT NOT TOO MUCH. If they are ignoring me for weeks at a time I'm supposed to be respectful of their need for alonetime but if I did that, it'd be like, "who do you think you are fucker". I don't have the fucking LUXURY of judging ANYBODY and I'm just supposed to accept that everyone will TOLERATE me at best. WHEN IS IT MY TURN? WHEN DO I GET SOMEONE WHO DESIRES ME? WHEN DO I GET TO REJECT SOMEBODY?

blazblue on the ps4? i suck major ass at it, but i do have it on there.

Nah, I can testify that I also had a bitch once that bought me games to play with her, shitty ones. One time we voice chatted and I got her horny enough to show her tits and cum on cam, and the next day she said I forced her into it and blocked me forever.

Something else, bi the way, if you need money to have friends, you need to deconstruct yourself (and not in the libtard way). It will hurt, but it's necessary to be a functional person.

>Have a vidya friend for 9 years and we talk nearly everyday
>Now he plays Dirt Rally when he comes from work and doesn't even talk to me
>When we talk he only thinks about racing

Playing racing games without a proper setup is boring

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ill be your bf user, relax.

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uhh maybe change your attitude bud

>have a gay friend that's antisocial as fuck so he'll play anything I ask him to
>he's so autistic and gets into anything that he'll often be playing said game 3 months after I stopped and owning scrubs online
The cycle never ends.

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>get immersed in a game
>friend keeps messaging me begging for headpats again

What a clingy fuck I miss him, Yea Forums. You don't know what you got 'till it's gone

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quit SSRIs

Stop being gay for starters.

Get in the slow lane, buddy.

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You overused the root of decency as a whole in that statement, consider rephrasing one of the two times you used the word in its root form as a synonym instead, as it would remove repetition and give more weight to your ideas.

shut the fuck up faggot

Unironically know how you feel and it sucks. Nobody ever tries talking to me.

>one of the best in my city at certain game
>get people that add me with sub 800 hours that beg to play with me/take them to tournaments at least once every few weeks

As an autist, I'll never understand shit like this. Social nuances are so irksome and arbitrary

>want vidya friends
>only play single player games

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The best time I ever had on Steam was right around when DotA was in closed beta. I think I made like 2-3 friends a week, and many of them I still talk to to this day. However, the game itself turned megashit, and almost all of them stopped playing, and everyone just migrated to Discord and now use cancerous servers to voice chat. I could never get into that. Moral of the lesson: Steam is cancer, Discord is worse.

>friend gifts some some 2D crap game called broforce
>it's full of le shitty whacky humour and gameplay
>get annoyed 10 seconds in
>too pussy beta to clearly say what's on my mind
>been stuck playing for several night sessions now


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>Don't have any gay, clingy online friends
Master race.

I play single player games with my vidya friend all the time.

get irl friends and stop crying over people you met online

much better. Removing repetition gives your thoughts more conciseness, as it shows you know what you are trying to say truly without using the same phrase or idea as a crutch.

I've had this exact experience with a real girl except me bought me some shitty 2D sidescrolling moba. I don't even remember the name, it was awful.

>talk to my friends all the time about games
>we talk about games that would be fun to play together
>everyone gives me this wishy washy bullshit whenever I bring up actually playing them
Well what the fuck guys

I think it can be fun to talk with another person who plays the same single player game, and just talk about your experiences with each other, or strategies, and stuff.

I need a bf.

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>He needs friends to play vidya
Embrace the path of loneliness bro

Irl friends are even worse, I know my college friends are going to stop caring about me the day we leave that place.

user you can't buy friendship, also he's probably afk because people do stuff outside of vidya, or too engrosed with the game he's currently playing to give a response..... Fag

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>be playing the same game as steam friend
>he blogs his playthrough at me
>not once have i ever responded or given any indication that i've ever read his messages
>too lazy to block him ever since i disabled notifications after MHW's launch

same for me. there was this (mentally handicapped) 18yo girl who wanted to play this game called Elsword with me. I didn't really progress this further as I was her substitute teacher for at least 2 more months until she graduated

You okay user? that don't sound to healthy.

dumb pig

Simple. Just don't make friends. No hope, no expectations, no disappointment, just solitude and peace.

Why are you idiots telling me about your friend problems? I'm not your fucking friend. Why aren't you being more honest with them, huh?

I hope you're just trolling. I mea, prison gay is a thing but you're not in prison bro.

okay so it's just some weird tomoko roleplay.


you need a fucking job and a life shitcunt.

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I have to take what I can fucking get. I'd love to have a thriving social life but if I all I can get is the occasional user then I will lap it up gratefully. Being able to pick and choose friends is a luxury I DON'T HAV E

>talk friends into playing Lost Planet 2
>talk them through the entire GFWL process
>play for a few hours and they try to show enthusiasm
>clearly hate it
Maybe it's not as good as I thought, but I remember having fun playing it with friends on 360.

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Is there a word for if you want to have steam friends to play games with casually but not to the extent like OP? Cause id like that if that were possible.

Dude, if it's a friendship sustained on money, it's not a friendship.

hey elsword is kinda fun. the balance is garbage, but it's playable and great with friends. the community is absolute cancer. bunch of fat sweaty nerds pretending to be cute little anime girls. you should see the fucking discord.

Not him but my bisexuality emerged when I was around 8 years old in a straight edge Mormon home.
Literally blushed and shit when guys or girls asked to hang out with me, it was weird.

>has gone through multiple friend groups
>barely get to talk to current friends or do anything with them
I'm the problem right?

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He's Probably dead

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That's the one.
How handicapped is handicapped?

itt idiots falling for a bitchboy roleplayer

I'm not the OP or anything, sorry, I don't bribe my friend, I just try to interact with them a lot

Im here bby

Male or female? If male, top or bottom?

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That's called "being a regular person"

>tfw friends barely talk to me anymore
>wanna delete them all
>I'm an emotional fag that has vented to them about stuff over the years
>kinda embarrassed looking back
>genuinely paranoid that if I just up and fuck off they're going to do something
what do I do?

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Most "friends" don't wanna hear shit, they want to be entertained, that's why it's the worst idea to suggest someone to bond over hobbies. They will only be le gaming friends.
And that's exactly why a lot of people have exiled themselves over the internet: they put effort into real life socialfagging only to realize they have 350 faceberg friends but no friends.

>being friends with someone from Yea Forums
why do people do this to themselves? Yea Forums, sure, but definitely not Yea Forums.

What's with all these faggot threads constantly reminding me how lonely I am as of late

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kill yourself tranny

what do you guys mean by this what's wrong

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i dunno about them but i want to fall for it
and op might even be legit anyway plenty of fags like him around

I'm convinced people would hate whatever game they'd be convinced to play because they hate feeling obligated to make plans and follow through with them and not necessarily because they actually hate the game.

if you arent this needy and our schedules aligned id probably be ur steam friend. are you a neet?

I've added some bros from here they're pretty cool except for one

Yea Forums is literally just reddit normies, fuck off. Yea Forums has plenty of oldfags still left around.

>that picture
me except 6 months ago

b my friend instead

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>steam friend was sending me messages and game invites earlier
>I didn't reply, but now he gifted me a game
What should I do? Do I send it back? Fake my own death?

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>not playing game for a few hours while doing some light reading on the net
>another hour of watching videos
>no one messages you during this entire time
>boot up a vidya once you're bored of all that
>suddenly everyone messages you at once

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Based newfag

I'm just here to bitch about my less-than-ideal social situations. Same as everyone else.

interesting. do “regular people” kind of want to be left alone sometimes for no particular reason too?

well i mean do you mean people you chat with every-ish day, but they're not clingy, or do you mean just someone on your friends list that you occasionally invite to a game? there's nothing wrong with either.

you could make a thread sometime looking for friends on here. you'll get a lot of shitposters, but there's a lot of people also looking for friends.

needy little fuckers aren't you.

I get at most maybe one message a week on steam that I didn't instigate and it's usually an invite to a game that I don't have anymore

I have this quote regarding my social life:
>I'd never befriend someone that would consider a person like me a possible friend.
I really hate myself, but I need to socialize.
I'm afraid of talking to people because I'm afraid I will fuck up everything.

Handicapped is maybe a bit too harsh. In Yea Forums terms I'd say she was autistic. I think she was just living a bit in her own world. We're talking about 10th grade here, she already just turned 18. So yeah. She was also drawing anime pictures all day long and was really clingy, always wanting to stick close during breaks or after the lesson. 2bh she was kinda cute, maybe I shouldn't have cut contact after she left my school

don't listen to them op
they are just jealous they don't have a friend like you


stop fucking lurking on these threads all day like a faggot and learn how to interact with people

well i think your problem arises from the fact that you want to always have someone to talk to, which there's nothing wrong with that. but a lot of the people you find on here are usually sharing their info out of kindness and aren't as needy.

Hit me up user i need friends... badly

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>wanting to be friends with people
just tell everyone to kill themselves so you don't have to deal with any of this, works every time.

Lmao, what a pathetic thread with pathetic people. It's easy getting friends online, and you can't even do that?

Yea Forums is practically /r9k/. Yea Forums however, is chad central. not being a loser != reddit.

Translation: "I want someone to mating press me!"

I'm gonna say this and I mean it without any malice: get the fuck over yourself.

Not him but I was previously on SNRIs and they made me moody, fucked with my sense of taste and smell. SSRIs just made me a little tired. I went and just quit them straight up one day and have been off them for like 9 months now. Been feeling like shit lately might have to go back on them.

but what if im from a third world country thats addicted to mobas and thats all they ever play?

I have job.
>and learn how to interact with people

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>tfw no clingy cute neet steam friend to spoil with gifts in exchange of lewds
whats the point

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Ill be on Yea Forums with you :3

most of the thread are roleplayers and not actually this pathetic or willing to do these things like spend money just to be noticed or get attention
they just like to act pathetic/cutepost with anime pictures

Why did you have to make it sexual? Now my post looks weird

sucking dick isnt a job

In the past 10 years the happiest moment I can remember was when I was chatting with three steam friends at the same time (not voice chat or anything, just three different chats going on). That was the peak of my social life. And I can't even hope to get back to that point again.
Of course I'm fucking needy I have needs that aren't fulfilled and I'm not getting any younger


get a new friend fag

stop being a big ol' pussy.

Yes. Sometimes they want to play a game by themselves to decompress and not have to interact with lonely clingy people.

>like spend money just to be noticed or get attention
how new r u?

I have a tendency to ignore people a lot. Not necessarily because they've done anything in particular, some people are just too high maintenance and I need a break. Unfortunately I am not good at vocalizing it to those people in a way that doesn't come off as mean so I just ignore them and usually come up with a half-assed excuse later on as to why I didn't respond.
There's also just days I don't want to deal with anyone at all. Even times when I tell my girlfriend I'd rather just stay home than hang out with her just because I'm not feeling it that day. It just be like that sometimes.

What did you talk about?

Did you remove him or what? What happened?

I think you're cute tomokoposter, don't let them get to you

I can't. I wish I had the courage to end myself.


dude surely you've realized everyone on here is annoyed with you and if you actually wanted to get a bf, you'd pretend to be someone else.

can you articulate your point

Has it ever occurred to you retards that he's fucking aware of how annoying he is and that if you just ignored him he wouldn't get the attention he's desperate for and he'd stop

I can't add people at random, sorry. I don't associate with zoomers, /pol/tards, or unironic weebs that have been "learning" Japanese for 10 years, and you could be any one of those.

God i hate you

Every fucking time. And it's always when i'm playing a single player game too.

>I wish I had the courage to quit
literally just start doing the opposite of what you're doing. go out and try new things. if your only hobbies are videos games, anime and masturbating you'll be uninteresting to potential friends and you should want to kill yourself because those are shit hobbies.

What makes Discord worse for you? Personally the accessibility of chat logs fucking irks me. When you talk to a friend irl and say some dumb shit and come to change your opinion, it's not as if what you said is going to come and bite you on the ass. It wasn't recorded. But when you say some dumb shit on discord and have no means to wipe those chat logs on both sides you wind up just sitting there paranoid out of your mind that it's gonna come and bite you on the ass. Seriously puts me off wanting to even talk to anyone anymore. DOTA has third party tools that actually track chatlogs too and I've said some things I regret. I was angry.

I'm not any of those but okay


I'm a blogger. Sorry, I'm just passionate about whatever game it is and don't mean to annoy you. I'd rather you just told me. I figure the lack of a response is just you being too busy to respond at the time.

I barely play video games and I don't watch anime.

i've seen bitchboys hand over money and had it handed over too me
not to mention all the give away threads are just these fags

Yes? Fucking weirdo. Stop being so insecure. Not everything people do is about you

I forgive u

I wish I had a friend to play games with and watch anime together, even if it were a disgusting mentally ill tranny like OP.

i know it's different for everyone but it was like night and day for me. i guess SSRI's helped me function to an extent but also took away most all of my interests and drive. when i quit them, i was suddenly able to play games all the way through, fully focused. shit made me a zombie. never again

I've been considering disappearing lately. Take a fucking break come back fresh.

you can delete discord messages and it deletes on both sides

I was told you should be yourself.

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Not sure if I'm ready for new friends at the moment. What do you play out of curiousity? What are your interests? I want to move on.
I'm not btw

only server messages. DMs only delete on your end

>nobody ever talks to me
>literally about 1 uninitiated conversation a year
>been considering doing yet another friends list purge
>at this point I'm down to 17 friends total
>almost all of them are people I know in person
>but if they haven't talked to me in 10 years despite seeing me online, are they really still my friends?

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Doesn't Tomoko have a boyfriend? I thought she got like a whole clique of friends, after the manga used up all the good loneliness material.

Just be my friend already

So gamers, what honestly drives you to continue living? Or do you consider feeble entertainment as enough stimulation to justify existence?

"be yourself" is only good advice if you aren't an abhorrent person. you should start by being someone else, then you can be yourself.

I deleted a shitzillion dm, people only get "10" notification at the bottom, and then ask
>what did you say?

No, they aren't. Get new friends.

Just delete them all. Why even keep them around if they haven't talked to you for that long

>I-Im not ready for new f-friends!
god you are worse than a fucking woman
what a fucking insecure faggot

I'm too much of a fuckup to successfully kill myself

Yeah I've got diagnosed depression and anxiety disorder. I can just about barely motivate myself to get out of bed. I need the support of others or else I just crumble.

>My hobbies were only games and anime
>Nobody cared
>Now it's games,anime and programming
>Nobody cares besides other autists like me

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i legitimately couldn't tell what their intent was. i thought it was something other than just attention, but i can see from their last post that they're just baiting for it.

Anything can happen if you just believe in yourself

fuck you

Most people live for feeble entertainments

>used to have a pretty large friend group to play MMO's and MC and a few other things with
>went on for years
>took it upon myself to tell people to fuck off when they started to get on everyone's nerves
>whole group gradually becomes more negative
>all drift apart
>all of the people you remember positively remember you negatively
being an asshole sucks

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same desu
found out taking my frustrations online eased things up a bit
and also not having an animu avatar to which I could tie my online personality and force myself to pretend being calm
fuck niggers

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Listen. Everything is more simple than you make it out to be. You are ignored for the same reason dogs who eat like shit are ignored for begging at the table. The humans know they eat better. The humans act nice in every other aspect of their lives when in reality? This is how it works. People pretend. People only desire something of value. You have to have the food.

The chance of winning the lottery and being too coward to kill myself.

This thread reminded me that I need to purge my friends.
I have about 60, but I pretty much just talk to 1 guy regular and with 2 occasionally.

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Get in the EVA, Shinji.

Okay, I think you're lacking context. I've dealt with years of abuse dealing with a particular group and have turned into a worse person for it. I'm considering not using the internet for a while. I don't feel alright mentally. Pretty much the only thing stopping me from killing myself is a sense of guilt knowing what it would put my family through.

video games is a plenty good hobby for making friends. i basically only play games and watch anime and i still have plenty of friends because those are two very common hobbies. the trick is just finding the right people to enjoy them with.

been playing mhw recently because of the steam sale, I like anime and old movies, tv shows and music I guess

I don't consider myself a gamer. In general, right now I am genuinely trying to recapture that innocence and indifference I had back when I was twelve. I was unhappy four years ago, but I keep meeting faggots that married and have kids 8+ hour workdays, and their misery is starting to make me happy.

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>going against human nature and voluntarily becoming a retard

no friends no happiness user.

you are actively downgrading

>tfw abhorrent
how fix

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posting anything with that wide of an appeal is sure to attract friends what are you a bottom feeder???

emulate normal people until it becomes a habit and eventually you'll be pseudo-normal


>fuck niggers
You know I was just compulsively saying shit like this for the past couple of years but recently I've been feeling some sense of guilt about it. What's the deal?

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I am so fucking horny and lonely, but I push my friends away all the time. I deserve this suffering.

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I'm already pretty normal though.

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How do you actually delete entire chatlogs on Discord?
I only ever managed to figure out how to delete messages one at a time.

how would your friends fix the first problem?

Are you bi?

Be someone others might want to talk to? You have fallen for the great listener meme. Fuck that, it's pure torture listening to retards and when you do it for long enough you realize it's all the same only from a different voice. Instead of being respectful, tell them to fuck off. Cuck.

Yeah it deletes for both of us but then you have hundreds if not thousands of messages where you didn't say anything magically. Good luck convincing anyone you aren't hiding something.

>Feel humiliated every time I have to make friends

Does anyone feels like this? I had to make friends for college because I didn't want to be alone and do group stuff alone but asking to join people in stuff felt so humiliating that I really wanted to kys.

Imagine having friends

Suicide stack of LINK.
And I want to play Cyberpunk 2077 before I die.

Im horny too

I don't have any particular reason to live, I just don't want to die. I feel like there should be more to life than shitposting and video games, but I'll take what I can get. If it's just a few more decades of this, and then dying alone? Sign me the fuck up. I'm not looking forward to that eternity of death.

can someone explain what kind of hobbies interesting people have?

you're clearly not, but go ahead and keep up the delusion and never fix your problems.

>Does anyone feels like this?

feels good knowing overly confrontational retards end up alone and bitter because nobody wants to walk on eggshells for you

OP buy me a game ill talk to you whenever!

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I know the feeling which is why stopped doing it

>And I want to play Cyberpunk 2077 before I die.
Hahahahaha. Oh my god. The Death Stranding/Cyberpunk fags must be the saddest people on this board. I can't wait for your precious games to bomb like trash.

You've become a grown man who holds a good sense of responsibility.
When I say it I'm just expecting to get b&.

I've purged my friends list plenty of times. Especially after waves of adding people on here when Steam Friends Threads were really active years back. I'd usually wind up keeping maybe one person out of a dozen. Most people just aren't fucking interesting. Or they show red flags REALLY early on like losing their shit at you because you took 5 minutes to respond.

>tfw friend who buys me stuff for attention

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I did this but I still don't feel like anything changed because I still like the same shit and I'll probably bump into the same group of people again

yeah i still haven't made any friends in college because idk how to find people like me without going through the weird "hey my name is ____" phase

nobody is interesting, user

>Suicide stack of LINK.
What do you mean by this

I removed him for NoFap. I couldn't stick with it but I feel compelled to not add him back for fear of being judged for my incompetence

Where are all these rich anons desperate for friends hiding, why haven't I had the fortune to meet them

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I haven't enjoyed entertainment ever since I turned 22ish. I quit gaming when I was 27 and I'm now 34.
I am alive because I've been alone for so long (the type that knows people, went out with people, isn't really shunned or ostracized but bonded to an intimate personal level with nobody and everybody eventually moved on naturally) longer than most people here have been alive.
I once went for a whole month (late Dec 15-Late Jan 16) without internet, I thought it'd crush me but it did absolutely nothing, because I realized I'm alone on the internet as well long ago, so nothing fazes me anymore.
I work from home, but I'm more of a zombie waiting to drop.

Find a better person to be your friend.

Have some self respect user. This person is ignoring you so you ignore right back and find other people to hang out with. I have a friend and I wouldn't ignore him or leave him hanging, he never leaves me hanging. When someone leaves you hanging then it's time for you to pull yourself out and find people who wouldn't leave you in a situation like that.

There's some scummy fat pigs out there user, ugly liars who will use you. Find others, that guy doesn't own you and probably got bored thinking he does.

I wish I had a cute friend like this i could easily take advantage of.

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Get through it if thats what you want
Just try it

I am though, I just can't find a bf.

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buy me game i'll be your friend

this, it creates codependence and opens you up to be manipulated

I thought it was all discord nowadays where faggots and insane trannies like you hang out?

I tec & cave dive

oh my bad you must not know what that is

you see when two people get along really well they like to hang out and spend time together with the things they enjoy.

its okay user, im sure somebody will talk to you, arent there like billions of monkeys on this planet??

Please stop responding to him so he can leave

Not him but I'm over confrontational. I was bullied in school and got into shit games like DOTA and I have a metric ton of stress built up inside as a result. I've put up with dodgy, abusive cunts online and straight up weirdos. I've had a bad run. I've gotten mad a lot because it was basically the only release for me. Recently I've been feeling more upset over it all than anything. Angers gone but it's been replaced with sadness. I'm not sure which is worse.

Video games
The difference between them and you is that they have the charisma, wit, intellect, etc. to pass them off as cool, funny, interesting, intriguing.

Damn, who hurt you?

building model kits isn't interesting, that's for sure.

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Fix the second, so I have less attention to the first.
I-is that really important? I'm too old and non-cute for this shit anyway.
I would watch or suggest some hentai to you, but I'm super paranoid about this.
Top shilled crypto on /biz/. It's unironically /ourcoin/. Too long to explain properly, sorry.

E-Excuseee me???

wait are u gayyyyyyyyy???

Reading this sort of shit make me happy I still live with my mom. I usually think she's annoying, but when she goes on vacation the loneliness is soulcrushing.

Not that user but I NEED someone to mating press me.

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What if you ditch all your friends and start over? Is that normal? I don't see a connection with some of my friends really. Unless I engage with them it could be weeks before I get anything sent my way. And without fail it's always some funni meme or video they happened to be watching. Unless I initiate I don't get jack shit from them. And they pretend to care and that hurts because it makes me feel like an asshole for wanting to ditch them. But it doesn't feel like they care because they never make it look like they give a shit.

on the bright side, he'll join the 40% soon enough.

>tfw unironically have a small group of friends who mean the world to me and who I always know I can turn to for support and who I can communicate with in ways I can't with anyone else

Feels good lads

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How much do you NEED it?

>b-buh m-muh abuse
>m-muh depression
get a fucking grip on yourself you fucking needy faggot
grow a pair already and be a man

same user, same...

>I-is that really important?
Yeah, because friends usually are from the same sex than you and you said you were horny.

>got interrupted by some dude telling me about CBT
Either we've got the same dude as a friend or this is a large stereotype and multiple of those types bring up that bullshit everytime.

I'm more of a full nelson guy myself desu

Stop being so heavy :p

sounds like you need a horny lewd weeb friend

bad friends are the worse than enemies. Bad friends ruin a good person like nothing else. Trust me. That's why trainspotting is such a good movie. Young people fall for bad friends too easily.

okay it doesn't sound healthy, but it may not be as bad as it sounds.
if you truly liked him and miss him and all that, you could try apologizing. you won't feel any different if he doesn't accept your apology, but you'll at least feel know an answer and feel better about yourself.

also send him to me if it doesn't work out /s

People like you are why this board is in the shit state it's in
I would take a thousand offtopic posters who play video games over fags like you

But this sense of responsibility has come suddenly in the past week. Could I just be going through some sort of depressive episode or does it really come that suddenly? I genuinely feel ashamed of my past behaviour and don't even want to associate with my identity.

>tfw was a bully my whole life, especially throughout middle-school
>tfw my favorite thing to do in dota is to throw games and pretend it was an accident, and get people to mad they end up reported and in low priority
I literally stole a guy's aegis once and he became so toxic that both teams mass-reported him, lmao. I also get so many Polacks and Russians banned for 7 days in CS:GO that it's not even funny. God, I love it.

Is he a tranny? I thought he was just looking for one

Be careful about your wish, or it might happen anytime!

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Mating pressing someone is fucking hard dude. My bf just gets to sit there and chill with his legs up while I have to jam my dick in from this bizarre angle and support my body the entire time.

It's even possible to have GENUINE conversations with friends you make after getting older?.


Cooking. The only god tier hobby there is. It also helps if you have a skill that can come in handy to others, like making PCs or fixing their software and shit. But really, it's cooking. With girls and any guy after 20, it helps if you read. I mean if I met a guy over 25 that doesn't read at least one nonfiction book a month I can't even take him seriously.

Railng someone unsuspectingly with my cock late at night!

>tfw walking down the street and a random user drags me into his van and repeatedly mating presses me till i look pregnant

Absolute state of fucking faggots

Maybe if you stopped being a fat fuck it would be easier



Opposite problem here, I keep running into fags that try to buy me games and I keep having to turn them down because my conscience wouldn't be able to take it.
Then they go off on me because they think that means I hate them. Giftfags are fucking autistic, I wish I could just take advantage of them.

I just assume all avatarfags are trannies due to their clear and pervasive mental illness.

Yes? I do that all the time.

when I was (a little)younger I sent an ex that I was being super clingy with probably a good thousand dollars in steam gifts trying to get her to talk to me and engage in some kind of activity with me again, after cutting her out of my life then making the mistake of letting her back in and flipping roles - don't degrade yourself or the object of your obsession like that


Dude if youre on steam your looking for a hot blowjob and a cup of coffee lets be men here

i once had a super threeway with two cat girls and an elf on fire mid game of rocket league

im so tired of you boy pussys not manning the fuck up and doing something your ancestors did subconsciously

How old are we talking here?

>I mean if I met a guy over 25 that doesn't read at least one nonfiction book a month I can't even take him seriously.

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No steam friends for me because I don't have to be reminded about CBT every 10 fucking minutes while I'm online.

that sounds pretty interesting to me

Yeah that's the thing I don't have anything in common with these people anymore. They either moved onto other games or stayed playing the same shit I got bored of. So I doubt I'd be running into them again. What makes me nervous is knowing they've seen me on cam. I've just lost interest in these people. They don't really talk so much as they just share shit with me. I'm basically getting the same sort of feeling as I would if I just loaded up r*ddit and took a gander at what sort of garbage people are posting.

Much to your dismay, I don't speak of videogames I don't play if that's what your point was, I usually happen to discuss the two or three games I play on a yearly basis, or threads about old shit, the random "wild arms" threads that could appear and 404 in 15 minutes. Rest is mostly lurking, same as movies.

Or maybe his bf is a fat fuck himself and user couldn't kneel past his hips

What about a dark alley?

Nothing wrong with that

Who would top a fat fuck?

20+, maybe it gets easier when you get older and you can find some other older guys like you

>I wish I could just take advantage of them.
it's easy once you realize they're all like op and deserve it


What, faggot? I don't like talking to dumbasses. One a month is SUPER lenient.

I feel the same way about the conscience thing user. I just don't feel like I really deserve gifts. It'd be a different story if it was my birthday and I'd known them awhile but it's not the case here.

I'm getting desperate. It's been a while.

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I can be discreet about it. If you don't want it, you will not hear anything sexually suggestive from me ever. I also don't send dick pics or nudes.

>That friend who won't stop talking about a game on his wishlist obviously wanting you to buy it for him
FUCK YOU you're not good at being subtle!

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I was a female night elf year one

haha yeah, who would do that?

anons please stop encouraging my wildest fantasies

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friends are just people who get you. that you dont feel uncomfortable being around you and that feeling is mutual.

you just need to come off as more chill

No it isnt
Its for self-centered spergs

I just want to be held down as some user kisses me and thrusts inside...

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So you come to this thread looking for a juicy cock to plow its way into you while you can do nothing but moan in pleasure. How lewd.

Genuinely thinking about not using discord anymore for this reason.

that works too i guess
a van is fun cause who knows if he will let me out afterwards or just drive me off to his dungeon

what do you do in your free time? i don't get any enjoyment from games anymore either.

Are you me
That's literally how I feel

he thinks he is too good for u or is bored/tired of u
trust me i know the feeling
never give people like that happiness, to them it's just a game
worst people on earth desu

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It's late at night, you should indulge into your desires.
You want to be pounded and pounded and pounded for hours on end until you feel a sticky, hot feeling rush inside you?

How old and non-cute?

I have a friend that gambles and buys me games full price and other friends of ours, but every 2-3 months when he hits rock bottom we have to put money together and get him started again.

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I've run into a couple that deserved it and I willingly robbed them, but they killed themselves shortly after so the gifts stopped coming in. Most of them aren't incredible degenerates though, they're usually teenagers who got a shitty job and don't understand the concept of saving so they blow what little money they have on false affection. I managed to convince some of these kids that that's no way to live, but most of them won't accept it.

Get over yourself user those guys probably don't even want to talk to you either I hate faggots like you that think simply interacting with them is a privilege

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fookin nonce

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Typing does nothing for me, so you're off.

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Do you ever get the feeling they might use what you've said against you? I have literally had someone on here take screenshots of my venting and post it on SFT to embarrass me before.

>friend talks you into buying a game and playing it with him
>he already has like 100h and carries your ass
>git gud
>finally hit the same level of play as your friend
>he drops the game
fuck you


Go find someone then, beats posting in this thread.

>and I willingly robbed them, but they killed themselves shortly after
absolutely based

Maybe try not to vent too much

so this is all it takes huh. ashamed of myself.

I don't think you understand that years of this shit takes its toll. You don't know me so you can't presume to know what I've been through.

I look like this dude, but I'm a bit skinnier.

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What're you reading hombre

y-yeah I guess I do

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Post dick

>I can be discreet about it.
What do you mean? It was just curiousity. I may have homosexual tendencies, but I don't go to Yea Forums actually expecting to actually know people.

Yeah, I don't get the people that are like
I fucking hate living alone. I'd even take some random nigger over living alone, so long as he's not in my room invading my privacy. I don't know what kind of autist wants to have a whole house to himself - and the weird thing is it's always those faggots that say they can't wait to go out with their friends that insist they LOVE living by themselves. I know this Asian chick that's a total whore in her 30s and says she loves to live alone, yet she's so desperate for affection she'll go fuck fat 50 yo guys she met on Tinder. Naturally, she's a cat person.

I just hope you understand that not everyone deserves that shit. For some people that game is all they've got. That's why a lot of people are so emotional over it. I've stopped playing it personally because I know there's people that abuse that fact. They take your passion and crush it.

It's 1AM and I'm an introvert, it's not happening.

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I've seen Steam profiles of people pretending to be My Little Pony furry characters which are obvious porn crops offering ERP to randoms or selling their ERP for games and in-game items. If you inspect anime tranny faggot profiles on Discord you will see that they also have Steam profiles where they keep acting like attention starved losers and even pretending to be girls like they do on Discord. It's all the same, social media is a tranny's only hope for validation and self worth.

>needing friends

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Indulge yourself~
I'm sure something will happen some day. Who knows?

Watch the news, documentaries and sport, read, either historical books or about the latest outrage drama here or whatever. I like to know what's going on even though I don't give a shit about it.

that is like the best time to find some horny fucker on grindr

Not him but I wouldn't even be talking to someone I don't trust, let alone call him my friend. A friend is someone you can tell literally anything to without worry.

okay i'm not really into guys, but i think he's pretty good looking.


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these obvious gay threads always end in me indulging and while its great id like to try the real thing someday already. curse my anxiety.

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Go to fucking sleep then, you horny faggot.

Shit like this makes me want to stop using anime avatars

Where did say it was a privilege? You're just defensive. But I have nothing to talk about with someone that doesn't know anything besides vidya, it's boring.
Let me put it another way, I have no interest in talking to someone that isn't at least passionate and knowledgeable about ONE topic. It could even be fucking web novels, I don't care, but I hate cardboard faggots that only repeat what they hear on Yea Forums and nothing else.

Oh, and ride my bike around whenever the weather allows it.

He'd just reply to himself over and over again.

lmao fuck off faggot, I don't like you

These gay threads used to make me extremely horny, now they just make me hungry

You on about that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? If so that sounds serious. If you don't care for him in that way then you weren't really friends anyway.

Better get searching then.

I'm not about casual sex.

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Do you live in california?

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just hook up with someone and get your face fucked, it cured my anxiety


based yelling anime poster

Virgins have anxiety

Right now, I just finished Imperial Twilight by Plat (super fun read), and I've got A New German Idealism: Hegel, Zizek, and Dialectical Materialism coming up. I alternate between fun history-related reads and philosophy shit. A lot of these commercial nonfiction history books are way better written than the usual fiction garbage published today.

>Gay guys can easily find someone to fuck their asses on grindr
>Finding some girl to fuck is extremely hard

Being gay sounds easier

Tell me more

i like seeing how many people there are out there who would love anyone. albeit of a different gender than i'd prefer, but it gives me hope.


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No and you've said you're too scared to try to date me anyway. You're also a weirdo so I wouldn't go for you.
Y-you too.

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>Mom asks me if I'll be alright
>Lie to her telling her she worries too much and that she should enjoy her vacations
Living alone can be quite lonely and sometimes scary.

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As long as you're closeted, being bisexual as male it's kino.

>finally play ASSFAGGOTS with a friend
>friend who begged me to play for years quits shortly after I get competent
>he was been playing obsessively for years and only chose then to quit
I tainted my soul with learning a shitty moba that I'll never play again for fucking nothing

Stop looking down on people and fuck off and keep to yourself no one is impressed
>I hate cardboard faggots that only repeat what they hear on Yea Forums and nothing else.
Stop talking to children

That's right, you cis males need to WORK for your STD if you want one.

not really that much to tell
ended up just jumping in and letting some guy use me like a fleshlight and the next day i felt amazing

>literally "have sex"

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Did a woman write this?

Cis is for gender, not for sexuality.

To be honest, if they're spamming pings and capslocking in chat before the game timer has even hit one second, they definitely deserve it. And Polacks and Russians just deserve it either way, nobody's forcing them to friendly fire or to be so stupid and do it until they're banned. But I agree, there's people that take it too far, like griefers in MMOs that will corpse camp you for hours. I once griefed a guy in Vanilla for so long he got so mad he deleted his character just to shittalk me. I was 13, and it felt really bad.

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I like it, but I still see my family every other week at least when I stop by for dinner.

If anybody asked me to buy them a game I'd immediately unfriend them
Am I in the wrong for doing this?

>s-stuttering anime poster calling others weirdos
Come on now.

No, not at all.

>you've said you're too scared to try to date me anyway
I did?
>You're also a weirdo
Looks who talking.

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depends on the context but generally no

Yeah I guess there's something wrong with me then. I've known some of these people years and still don't trust them. They've done nothing to make me think they'd fuck with me but the feeling is always there. I've had to bust through it in the past after an abusive friendship ended and tell myself to trust people again and that if I didn't I'd never make friends again. I think I went overboard on that sentiment and now I'm kinda just sitting here thinking like "did I trust them too much?"

Nice sissy white boy thread, faggots. The day of the rope can't come soon enough for you.

What if they offered a game of equal or greater worth in exchange?

they make me thirsty
i dont know where to begin
id be down for this, i just don't know anyone that would be willing...
can confirm

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The sexual tension here is strong.

it just compounds into an even more hurtful statement

tomokofag btfo'd lmao

If you don't have a dog, user, get one, it really helps. Get a small dog if you've never had one because those are easy to look after. I have a bichon and this lil' nigga never leaves my side.

Why do I doubt this?

>day of the rope
yeah, ropes of your cum all over my face ;)

Come now user, surely you're not such a newfriend that you think I mean y-you too seriously.
There's no sexual tension other than what you imagine.
Definitely soon, you gotta take my word for it.

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Choke me, daddy.

The worst thing about me is that I'm a fashy goy. And my possible bisexuality conflicts me constantly.

This thread reads like a very gay version of Taxi Driver. If any of you end up deciding to shoot a coke fiend please engrave faggot on your sliding arm holster.

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You sound very defensive and insecure, m8. It sounds like you think that anyone over 25 is immediately interesting, because you're a boring fag with no hobbies that doesn't read. Trust me, there are plenty of boring people that children and have a void for a personality.

I try not to but I've got diagnosed depression and anxiety. I just build stress very quickly and have trouble controlling my emotions. I'm coming to terms with this recently and I've identified it's a problem and not sustainable but I'm not sure what to do about it. I'm pretty ashamed and want to just disappear when I look back on logs.

It's important to realise the people venting/blogging or whatever are troubled people. They themselves will grow to regret pestering people so much. I have.

Actually get a cat because dogs are disgusting.

Attached: Cat.png (348x301, 75K)

wow get married already you two *blush* :3


read books
Did his nuts sag and slap against your face and nostrils admist the facefucking

>they make me thirsty
for semen I assume, faggot

>you gotta take my word for it.
Now I doubt it even more.

everything you just said was wrong
>>going against human nature
we're not living in the stone ages. the current social environment makes commitment and communication, especially in a workplace or uni, a minefield of unforeseeable negative consequences. there are several examples ITT.
>voluntarily becoming a retard
not engaging in pointless bullshit for the approval of people who don't realistically give a fuck about you won't make you a social retard. basic and necessary conversation can be found everywhere in the average person's daily life.
>no friends no happiness user.
when theres nothing left to lose, you win. take the edgepill

Attached: not weak.png (1200x1095, 644K)

Yeah that's not healthy at all. What makes you think they'd fuck with you if they haven't done anything?

Just meet up with someone on this site. They'd be more than willing.

get out of the house

>can't wait to go out with their friends that insist they LOVE living by themselves
You get the best of both with that system. Calm silence at home, friends and good times outside. I like sweets but I don't like throwing sugar on every piece of food I eat.

>get the pet that you can either let shit in the house or that gets run over by the car in a week if she's let out.
How about NO, faggot?

Why wouldn't he just buy the game himself if he can afford it it in the 1st place.

Kill everyone in this thread including me.

Shameless faggot

based. post more disgusted cat pictures.

I disagree, but I also don't like going out at all, unless it's for nice food.

t. straight falseflaggers

What a great idea.

yeah you just proved you were retarded what's your point. i dont need any pills because i have people that actively want to talk to me. im sorry your dad didnt teach you how to talk to anyone besides your bodypillow you fucking creepy ass keyboard armadillo


Have I ever lied to you user? I'm pretty sure I've only ever told you the truth.

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>resorts straight to violence
Cats are the niggers of animals.

not really but okay I would be more than happy on my knees infront of you, Mr. user

Because I'm a poorfag and got a gift copy of a game that I never ended up gifting to anybody

have sex

>Actually get a cat
Uh, no thanks. I'll hold on to my "toxic masculinity" instead.

It has nothing to do with insecurity, I have a hobby, read novels and I'm not over or close to 25 maybe you should stop projecting I see faggots like you around my uni all the time

>imagine not ascending to a higher plane where loneliness is no longer a factor
Give up hope of companionship, realize that friends are an illusion, and join me in glorious uncaring apathy.

the chances of someone being nearby are slim. i live in the middle of nowhere, usa

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Yeah, that doesn't sound normal.

I'm willing to be some of your friends here's my bio:

>25 years old
>Speaks Japanese (I translate doujins and games)
>I'm a Chad, I'm tall, athletic and have a feminine face. Always have had girlfriends throughout life, including right now due to how I look.
>I'm legitimately autistic (diagnosed) so even though I look great I have 0 actual real life friends besides women that try to hook up with me
>I'm not gay and not willing to be a boyfriend or any of that shit
>I know a LOT about women, their mentality and how they tick
>I have helped a lot of NEETs or "incels" turn their lives around and become successful
>I'm a physicist and have a LOT of hobbies. I know a lot about history, economics, politics and all kinds of science. I'm also an amateur hardware developer and I make my own custom shit. My long-term dream is to make my own AI toys such as interactive teddy bears and eventually sex dolls.

I have a couple of "downsides" though(at least according to you guys)

>I'm a legitimate cuckold I exclusively masturbate to cuckold and NTR porn and try to push my girlfriend to fuck other guys, have not been successful so far. All the doujins, VNs and games I translate are NTR.
>I'm a hardcore communist (but not the whiny type). Meaning I hate racism and sexism of all kinds. I don't believe in any of the /pol/ or redpill/incel ideology.
>I'm Ashkenazi Jewish

Omg go away fag

>Game invites
Which games user?


>Be friends with guy for a year
>He starts having a midlife crisis because he's a 30 year old virgin still being yelled at by his mother to go to bed every night
>Spend time with him everyday, then it ends out of nowhere
>Ask him what's wrong
>Lies to my face with a big fuck off "nothing"
>Turns out he found a new group to hang with and is spending his time with others
>Silence for 2-3 months
>Argue with him about it, he was a good friend
>Tells me off
>Ditch his ass forever
>Find new people and no issues several years later
Best decision of my life, take it OP.

>that one annoying steam friend that keeps sending me messages and game invites
why won't they just fuck off already

as opposed to animals that ask you to stop bothering them?

I'm a fat virgin loser who watches anime and has a tiny penis. No, you wouldn't. Also, I bet you get laid on the reg and have tons of hot girls who heed your call.

>Bad things we've done in MMOs
Ooh. I knew a 'girl' on a private wow TBC server easily more than a decade ago. It was one of the OG burning crusade private servers. We used to roleplay daily and just hang out. It was without a doubt the comfiest times I've had online. That could've been 'that girl you meet online and wind up marrying'. Instead, my big brother tuned into this interaction and convinced me this person was a pedophile grooming me. Maybe he was right. Maybe not. This person trusted me so much that for whatever reason they trusted me with their login details. Pushed on by what my brother had said, I opted to log in to their account and delete their character. It was an instant 70 server, so nothing really lost. But I've felt like such a piece of shit and I wish I could just say sorry to that person. I was an impressionable child.

>I'm pretty ashamed and want to just disappear when I look back on logs
I used to feel like this but then I just said fuck it and deleted old accounts and forgot about them

i'd want to meet someone from this site more than off tinder, but i'm afraid of actually meeting them. it's just so awkward.

Might as well get a pet rock.

Dogs can be trained to useful and they're also naturally loyal, cats are essentially vermin.

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Me too

I'm sorry...I used to live in the middle of nowhere, but I can't provide for you now.

Experiencing some serious Déjà-vu here.

oh joyous me a lover quarrel! absolutely breathtaking mmmmuhhh mmmmuhhh

Have you considered maybe he's busy/just has steam on but it's not on the computer?
I know incel neets are so excluded from reality they thing chatting online is the same as standing in front of a person, but it's not.

>im a chad
>im a cuck
im sorry man but thats conflicting with me

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how old are you?

what the fuck dude

Move to california.

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I'm an honest sort. You can trust me.

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I feel bad for not enjoying the company of some friends I've been friends with for 8+ years and I still keep them around even though I ignore them occasionally. I've been relatively happy precisely because I did everything I could to avoid drama in my life. You just don't click with some people man, It's okay to keep people around but you must find some people you click well with. Life really isn't fun when you're all alone.

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Yeah, this post was so sad I nearly drowned in my own tears.

>have friend for LITERALLY 13 years
>we did everything together daily, almost as if we're married
>he starts e-dating some retarded slut
>first he just plays league with her, whatever
>forces me to switch over from dota, gets mad when i say no and starts autistically ranting about how much better league is
>after a few days of not talking he comes back to me whining hysterically about how that girl is fucking with his head
>tells me he's going to block her forever
>next day she's playing with her again
>goes offline everywhere for 1 year without explanation
>comes back a year later saying how he doesn't think time changed anything and how we're still best friends, how he missed me, and how he's done with that girl
>talks about her nonstop for 3-4 days
>after that he's back with her and by the end of the week he's gone again
Yeah, I hope he burns in hell.

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>Polacks and Russians
I was growing this dangerous mindset in my head that these people were all subhuman animals and shit. Maybe most of them are dumb fucks. But you try not to say it unless you want to be branded a racist. DOTA in general is just full of retards. Same with CSGO. I'm done playing either of them. They were turning me into an awful person.

Anyone got an doujins with trap, stomach_bulge?

>day of the rope poster is a fat virgin loser

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You will NEVER have a sub steam friend who acts like an anime person to sit on your E dick all day

That's a friendly bite not an attack

this thread is really funny, but this isn't videogames


>he goes to uni
I see, m8, you're a big-brained boy, damn... Study hard.

Fuck off to your shithole /an/ petcucks.
Do you spam because it bothers you so much when you realize your worthless dog doesn't care about you and is incapable of feeling complex emotions and is no different than a pet rock?
Is it because you know in the back of your mind how much of a cuck you are feeding this dumb animal everyday getting nothing in return? Literally picking up it's shit?
Both dog (and cat) owners are idiots and are completely cucked by their respective animals. They waste time and money providing for an animal that has basically no benefit personally or on a societal level.
It's even more disgusting when you realize the scale of it in western countries and the US.
Dogs and cats in the vast vast majority of cases (sorry but you're a not a blind farmer), are pure luxuries and not needed. The push by the pet industry and pet evangelists to normalize pet fetishization and seeing the pet as family member is disgusting and needs to be stopped. We have people think of dog as family member and on level of human, why is this okay? It's like normal person version of waifus, except they have even more cognitive dissonance and it has much worse impacts on our lives. Waifus are mostly harmless. Compare to dogs which average has carbon footprint of two SUVs and there are about 80 million dogs in the US alone. Why should accept this? All this waste just so some sad fucks can delude themselves into thinking their brainless pet "loves" them?
How retarded is the idea of no kill shelters? We have an epidemic of stray dogs that are useless and a drain on system at best. So what do pet lovers do? They campaign so that they cannot be killed and instead we have to waste money and time caring for these dogs that do nothing and will simply die eventually. Strays should simply be killed on the spot and it should be legal for any one to kill one. Similar to population control for deer.

no but my nose went into his pubes
i made sure to smell it

I wasn't the poster of that, I just called out the straight guys falseflagging. Because I am gay and those kinds of posts piss me off

Ecelebs are video games and we're all ecelebs in the making so fuck off, if you delete this thread you're homophobic and the advertisers hate that

>t. has never cleaned a cat's litterbox

Oh come now, don't just sure me. That's no fun. But yeah, I'm me and you're you, we've had this discussion numerous times.

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Read the post, it's a fucking fanfiction.

everyone keeps telling me that, tomoko-poster. but i think that's because of all the DUDE.
my state will be recreational next year, giving me less reason to move there. i bet you're pretty cute though, thanks for the offer.

just add some gay retard from this thread user

Past friendships that turned abusive. I'm talking literally shit like baiting me into venting about personal shit and then spreading chat logs about it to embarrass me. That shit doesn't leave you. I just assume everyone is going to do it and have to adopt this "fuck it" attitude to deal with it. But yeah like I've said I'm now thinking I might've been rather too forthcoming with my emotions. I'm thinking I should change and don't feel able to associate with my current friends cause they know what sort of person I am and that embarrasses me. Even if they don't ultimately do anything malicious. I'm pretty ashamed of myself.

>Cats are the niggers of animals
Fucking kek

Out of curiosity, anyone here play KF2?

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cats shit in a box with very minimal training and are 400x cuter to have around.

95% of dogs are much too retarded to ever learn to actually be useful, and half of them never learn to stop shitting on the floor.

Uh... I can consider Yea Forums my friends, right? I mean, I've never had friends at all... but you were there when I needed to talk to someone, you know?

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zoomers so materialistic

I would if they would buy me games and not expect me to interact with them.
Europeans domesticated dogs and niggers worshiped them.

I was just agreeing with you, user.

I was asking for people to play with earlier haven't played in a while tho

>but then I just said fuck it and deleted old accounts and forgot about them
Good for you user. I'm considering doing this. Do you ever get questioned on why your account is so new? How are you holding up? Do you feel better having done this?

Dude, what? That is some Tyrion/Jaime shit. I'm just waiting for him to tell you he knew it was a girl all along but did it for your own good or some shit.
I actually have a few stories too
>meet some swedish girl that's 16, I'm 14
>she talks to me like we're in a romance
>disappears for a week at one point
>comes online on msn and starts telling me how she fucked this 40 yo and starts sending me pictures of her tied up
Jane was fucked up.
Another was this older woman I met through CS, who worked in an office with her husband but he wouldn't let her talk to guys her own age so she talked to me because I was 12 when we met and she was like 23, I think..
>talk to her daily
>she's super nice, introduces me to music
>first woman I ever felt good about, and I wasn't even in love with her or anything
>recommend she gets wow
>she buys wow and starts sharing an account with her husband
>starts to ignore me
>gets me to join some random guild (i hated guilds)
>becomes 'that girl'
>gets invited into the best guild on the server when she's like level 42 and barely knows how to play
>gets so condescending she won't reply to me anymore
>find out from others she ultimately divorced her husband over wow

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I hate this copypasta 0/10

Here's a (You) anyways.

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i'm willing to be your friend user, i need people to play with anyway

I don't think that's the right way to go about it. First of all that's unfair to your current friends if they haven't done anything to you. Second of all you NEED to open up to people to be friends with them, you can't create bonds by putting up a facade and making small talk. You need to get over your issues, not shoot yourself in the foot to hide them.

yeah I would be fine with that, user as long as I actually liked the game you had to offer.

You should just humor me a bit longer, the thread's probably not going to die just yet.

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>Tfw I have a dog that just eats his own shit
He's a rescue so I think it might've been some form of trauma that lead him to this habit. I try to keep the garden clean and he's well fed but sometimes he still gets at some. Pretty disgusting desu.

no I dont understand because Im not a thin skinned little bitch like you, faggot

Would non ironically be okay with that. We'd be at peace anons.

Any Yea Forumsirgin who doesn't post wojaks or frogs is a friend in my book.

I honestly don't understand why people think cats die instantly if they go outside, my family had 3 cats in total and none of them died of unnatural causes.

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I have the body of a chad but I'm a literal cuck not "a beta"

I wanted to buy it, but wouldn't have anyone to play with.

As gay as this thread was, it was rather comfortable. Thanks for the alright time, anons.

The thread better die soon because you need some sleep, young man.

I've been holding up okay, that was two years ago and I've improved alot since then and am longer severely depressed. Like I actually want to be alive. Sometimes it's just best to start over completely user and avoid making the mistakes you did previously it's never too late

I am Romanian and surrounded by their kind on a daily basis. I play these games because I've interacted with these kinds of retards and it gives me joy to make them rage. Not all Polacks and Russians are bad, but when you see a guy with PL or RUS in his name just stop playing. Same with people with cars as avatars or football teams, either just quit or get ready to make their life hell, because they surely will ruin yours.

This threads too good to die someone create another one. We need a Yea Forumsent every now and then.

are you looking for a friend user?

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I'm 27

>young man
Y-yeah, us youthful kids, right? Hahaha...

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I'm not OP but can I add you?

>tfw no gay Yea Forums friend
>not to ERP and be gay with, but just to have a clingy friend who would always play games with me

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I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety in the past so it's possible it might be something to do with that. It's just sudden onset shame and paranoia. Could I have developed some other form of illness?

why don't you just post the state and let people offer for you to consider? it's not like you need to say yes.

*kisses u*
same I'll miss u user

most of my outdoor cats got eaten by coyotes. depends a lot on where you live i guess.

This is the best I got.

Kinda low quality sadly.

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of course most of us are nice ( :

No, you don't.

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do you even need to ask user?

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*blush* Mmh...

If you're EU and not a firebug we could try it out. Actually looking for people to play with on HoE, because of all the randoms. If this thread dies, I'll see you on some HoE server tonight, my nick has to do with belgian waffles.

t. kissless cat "lady".

Dogs are at least useful, cats contribute nothing to the household.

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>I'm a Jew
>I translate NTR porn
Ah yes.

just make a thread about wanting some friends or similar earlier around this time and the lonely horny faggots will come to taunt us again.

Yes, even us young ones need to get some rest. I'm sure you've been jumping around all day with that youthful energy of yours.

How old are you?

what happened after that

This is why you never add people from these threads

How old are you?

what games?

Yeah I felt like a piece of shit not long after. And I've regretted it ever since. I wouldn't do it again.

I'm not a faggot.


What are some of your hobbies?

He's not Jewish. Trust me, I'd know.

>>comes online on msn and starts telling me how she fucked this 40 yo and starts sending me pictures of her tied up
hot desu

Get off Yea Forums grandpa

thread's dying, might as well drop all the others

Yeah, but most people here would probably fuck up really badly at taking good care of a dog.
A cat is a lot more self sufficient.

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I've just about used up my abundant, nearly limitless energy for the day, fellow kid. I'll be in bed soon for another day playing in the park and at the baseball field or whatever it is us children these days do.
I'm 26 now. I know I'm not super old or anything but I can feel it creeping in and everyone I meet from here these days is legitimately close to ten years younger than me and I cannot relate to them one bit.

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make me

Yeah, even though most may have the right feeling, some are just too autistic or straight fucked up

Don't bully your elders.

I just want a friend that speaks Chinese and goes to their boards, I want to have an in into Chinese internet culture.

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Thanks man I'm gonna do that. I've actually opened upto my friends about this shit and they're aware I've been contemplating starting over. They're kinda confused about it really but I don't want anyone thinking I went and offed myself. I just need a restart. Knowing it went well for you is reassuring. I'll try to be better. Coming up with a new name isn't my forte though. I'll have to think on that one.

I wouldn't mess with him, he may be a wizard

if being loud, annoying, and messy is useful, then yeah dogs sure are useful as fuck huh.

also i'm a straight white male who has had sex with THREE girls. and only 2 of them were fat.

Mostly looking for someone to play co-op games or multiplayer games to do fuckaround strats with

Yes I don't want to be unfriended when you realize I'm not some cute clingy twink

What games do you even play?
I'll post one more.

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Did you post your dick to shut him up?

If the food you feed your cat isn't absolute garbage it's not that bad.

Cat diarrhea is absolutely disgusting though.

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Good luck user I wish u the best

You will definitely meet a few people worth friending especially as you climb up difficulties. Just add them on steam without thinking too much into it, you can tell them you'd like to play with them again if they start asking questions.

That's wonderful! It sure is great to be so young and active, isn't it?

>Dude, what? That is some Tyrion/Jaime shit. I'm just waiting for him to tell you he knew it was a girl all along but did it for your own good or some shit.
It was like 2006 or 2007. Pedos and online predators were all the craze in the media. Especially then. He was acting off of a sense of fear and I followed.

You've known some crazy women by the way user. God bless.

The worst part about the litterbox is the piss, not the shit

Yeah, wow, that's so preferable to taking your dog for a walk.

Why do you have so many of those? Seven people is too many to just be a coincidence. You did something user.

just looking for people to talk to, if we end up not connecting then i will remove you, but if we actually enjoy playing then yeah, you don't have to ask

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Language learning (mandarin right now and want to learn Russian as well), reading, investing (non-crypto).

I'm actually Jewish user. Everything I've written was genuine.

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Today I beat Gears of War 1 and Halo 1 with my roommate and tried out Sunset Overdrive. That game felt like it was tailor made for people with ADHD. The gameplay was kinda fun but slow paced but there were colors and endorphin rushes everywhere and the NPCs would never shut up. I've been playing FFXIV a lot recently since the new expansion came out. My favorite games are MMBN3, MGS3 and Hollow Knight.
Absolutely, we have our whole lives ahead of us to enjoy this fountain of energy and youth.

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You still have to pick up your dog's shit, not leave it on the sidewalk you actual fucking nigger.

It's the same person.

i would much rather scoop some shit out of a box every once in a while than have to walk around with a dog and pick up its fat fucking dog shit with a little bag.

Checked. Agreed though keep looking for friends. I wouldn't personally keep people around if I grew distant. Just not my cup of tea. I like my friends to be close.

>You've known some crazy women by the way user. God bless.
I attracted crazies, for some reason. Every woman I've know, be it a friend or a girlfriend, has been mentally ill in some way. I still feel sorry for you, user, that kind of mystery would eat me up.

This is slowly but surely turning from funny into depressing.

Why do you have seven screenshots of the same guy? I would have left after the first. Do you secretly like being bothered by gays?

yikes, at least MGS3 and Hollow Knight are based. I'd play games with you but I doubt we would have any multiplayer games in common. I'm slightly older than you so don't feel bad about all these zoomers

My cats preferred to do the deed outside, so there wasn't that much to clean,

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>he doesn't have a forest near his house

Sounds like an idiot desu. Hope you're doing alright.

>lose a friend because of a meaningless internet movement

Jesus christ.

>inviting someone without their explicit consent
I wouldn't need the INVITE FEATURE then retard. By INVITING YOU I am asking your stupid cunt if you want to join the game.

Wait, is this meowie? If it is, nevermind. I would definitely not play games with you at all.
because he was buying me stuff and my friends thought it was funny, I ended up blocking the guy anyways.

Since the thread is dying, if I could wish for three things, it would be:
1. Stop being a paranoid fuck.
2. Stop being an anxious fuck.
3. Getting a bi gf, since I really like them. A bi bf too wouldn't hurt.

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hey meowie. how long you been in the thread?

I'm currently winning DOTA/CSGO by not playing either. I suggest you do the same Romabro.

I genuinely came to hate Romanians and a great deal of other nationalities because of my experiences on dota. They're not worth playing. They warp your sense of reality. Taking time away from the game has made me see that things aren't so bad and it wasn't romanians, russians or whatever that were the problem. It was the DOTA community. Fuck that game with a rake. Save yourself.

Hello, me.

I have a friend like this except the "retarded slut" is some insane tranny and he gets scammed by "her" all the time. He even legitimately believed the tranny killed himself after he sent like $1000 to "her" only for her to appear a couple of months later and he straight up goes back like a dog.

I've given up on the dude desu.


Source btw:

Don't worry user, I think Astolfo is a boring non-character and Fate anything belongs in the garbage bin. I just like some of the images. I tend to not buy too many multiplayer games since I don't play with too many people online other than my roommates for one reason or another.
Oh come now, I'm not THAT insufferable am I?
Sorry, sorry. I'm actually in better shape than ever and since my one roommate gets me out all the time, I feel more energetic than ever.
Since I made that first post of mine.

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I am, user, thanks. And yeah, he was, but I loved him and it feels bad. Nothing fucks you up like seeing people you respect go straight for the gutter without any semblance of self-respect. Everyone I knew since I was a kid that seemed super respectable, be it friends, parents, mentors, have lost their shit in some way or another. I was supposed to be the loser. Feels weird.

you're a very desperate dumb anime poster, but you're really not that old. maybe if you still insist on meeting people on here you could stipulate an age range or just tell people your age beforehand. i don't think Yea Forums is running out of lonely weebs anytime soon. there's also cons.

Very nice thread
Also there is literally nothing wrong with posting wojaks and pepes

well thread is dying soon, if anyone is looking for someone to play with you can add me

maybe some chill risk of rain or something

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Let it stay, Janny. You might just save some lives tonight.

>Oh come now, I'm not THAT insufferable am I?
I don't hate gays at all but you're just really annoying, like you're going out of your way to try to be annoying.

Well, I agree, of course. Mobas are cancerous in general, and proof of that is the fact that they ruin even the best of friendships. I can't tell you how many people I know irl that used to be best friends that even went to the army together and shit and stopped talking or even fought IRL over fucking DOTA. It's INSANE.

>I think Astolfo is a boring non-character and Fate anything belongs in the garbage bin
r u d e

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I give you a goodbye kiss and you moan
you absolute SLUT

This april fools and last were the best ejaculation I ever had with the help of sub anons. I always regret not trying to get their discords.

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fat bastard shut yo ass up FATTY

These people come across as rather apathetic. One engages with me but he doesn't really seem to give his thoughts. He just agrees with things and tries to be supportive a bit but it falls flat. I don't play games with these people and haven't for ages. We don't share things in common. Sure we're still associated but if I don't talk to them it could be weeks before I get a single message from them. And is it a hello? No. It's some fucking meme video or something. I can see where you're coming from that it wouldn't be fair to ditch friends but these people have just made me feel like they don't give a shit.

Good to know that you're actually being more active. And btw, you're EXTREMELY insufferable.

you're not cute

you're welcome. its fun getting dominated by anons

>tfw just want some chill erp friends
>every time i add people from /trash/ threads they constantly spam sexual shit nonstop
I am starting to understand why women want to kill all men.

meowie is pretty nice though and they actually talk to you unlike other Yea Forums fags

So, are we continuing in another thread, this one was fun.

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It's nice to know I'm not alone.

Good for you man.

Can you people help me set up a discord? I'm late 20s and I missed the boat. I have no idea how this works and in my experience no one uses steam anymore.

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i would but i don't see many games we have in common. i have a potato PC so most of my games are on console.

just goto the easter discord and bully some of them

>meet a really nice guy
>ask him for his name
>starts going on a 20 minute rant about how he doesn't give his name online and posting statistics
Are you people, ok? You realize you can just give a fake name, right? Holy shit.

I've never been to a con but I have tickets for PAX, it'll be interesting to see. I'm probably gonna crossplay as the new important Viera character at an upcoming Final Fantasy con as well. We'll see how it goes.
I'm sure you'd like me if you got to know me. Or we'd end up not talking much. One of the two.
I speak only my pure unfiltered opinions. Would you rather I lie to you?
So cruel user...
It's all a matter of opinion, plenty of people find me cute.

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>go to Yea Forums steam thread
>it's just gay ERPing

this is why you don't have friends, because you try to sexually provoke strangers and you just end up looking like you're literally a faceless fat bald dude preying on kids before anyone even knows who you are

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It's literally install and go, you have to do nothing.

Oh, it's you. I live 90 minutes away from you

these threads make me wonder if there are any actual women (female) who exist on Yea Forums

like what do you think the odds are that one of these days a "mating press me" post is made by someone without a penis


>set up a discord
just create an account
add your friends or join servers around your interests

shut up anime poster

Reality is often cruel.


1. Download program
2. Set up account
3. Find servers/add people
It's not hard user.

>Sorry, sorry. I'm actually in better shape than ever and since my one roommate gets me out all the time, I feel more energetic than ever.
nice. you fuck your roommate yet, shrimp?

>add your friends

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Idc desu, I just like cats but I don't feel any sadness when animals are killed.
Just explaining that's just a friendly bite and that cat is playing, not attacking.

Please don't pretend like anyone in their late 20s "missed the boat" on chat rooms, IRC, Skype, teamviewer, or any of that other shit. If you can figure those things out you can figure out discord because its as straightforward and intuitive as these things get.

>Would you rather I lie to you?
yes, now tell me my cock is xbox huge

Does anyone that's not Meowie want to play some games? Have PC, PS4, and Switch.

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9 more months
I understand how you feel, I too want erp and chill. I tried trash but quickly grew disinterested.

dont know what that is, cant help but feel its the same as /trash/

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I have to sleep. 4 AM here. I hope you guys can find the peace I'm afraid to reach.

what games do you like to play?

This. mIRC was infinitely more confusing than Discord. I'm 29 and I can manage Discord just fine.

Which games?

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That's respectable too of course.

Where at? I haven't been around much north or east of here.
That is none of your concern.
user's cock is tiny, tiny!!

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>tfw no gay fren to play EDF 5 with

That's a bit different from not giving you any reason to doubt them. If you feel that way, there's nothing wrong with drifting apart and looking for people you have things in common with.

What games do you play?

I've only used MSN in the very old days. Too young for IRC

Which easter discord?

gay Yea Forums is often more fun and interesting than /trash/ at least. we're all /trash/ sluts at heart though

Also, you better act quick cause this thread is dying.

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yes there are women on Yea Forums
yes they are fucking obnoxious in their own way
no they don't ERP the way fags do

if you actually want to play games you are better off adding meowie desu

I have Mario Maker, MHGU, Splatoon 2 and Smash on Switch, Bloodborne and Dark Souls on PS4, Rainbow Six Siege on PC. I don't really play many multiplayer games on my PC besides Siege since I hate current MMO's and ASSFAGGOTS.
No thanks.

>That is none of your concern.
i just want to see you succeed, pipsqueak. im rooting for you.

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meant for