But really what went wrong with steam fags ?

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>Not talking about them, talking about just one. BTW NO ONE WAS BITCHING ABOUT THE SPLIT UNTIL YOU!!!!! STARTED TALKING ABOUT IT! FKN NO ONE! Once again, gonna take that fake anger you push over the split to Nintendo? Sony? Google? Apple? Ubisoft? Rockstar? EA? MICROSOFT? CDPR?

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Have you taken the epicpill yet Yea Forums?

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They're both shit.

Sweeney thinks buying exclusives is the same as introducing competition, and it's not.

And Steam thinks a lazais faire marketplace under their banner is competition, and it's not, because if you're selling EVERYTHING, It doesn't fucking matter who's making what, because you're making money off everyone, so what the fuck is in it for you? Fucking nothing. You don't have to care. And it fucking shows.

They're both fucking retarded, and anyone who exclusively buys from one OR the other is a fucking retard.

Thats why I buy from GOG when given the opportunity.

Nevan get your fucking life straight

Steam fags are literally mentally ill.


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It literally is competition though.

How else do you expect to gain a foothold versus steam if not for something to entice people to your platform?

I don't have an account on Epic Games Stores and I mostly buy from GOG.com or Humble Store, despite both being more expensive than Steam in my country, specially the latter, only because they've DRM-free builds.

I hope pc gaming dies soon, it should have died back when pc games industry went under

It would be competition if both stores had the same game and Epic sells it for cheaper. What Epic does is just bringing consolewars to PC.

>tfw outright boycotting indies now
Thanks to Tim I'm buying less games than usual.

Unironically this, just take a look at Tim's timeline, filled with mentally ill steam subhumans (like nevan)

I still don't get why should I care about code monkeys "my daddy publisher don't make enough money on steam" crying.

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Your shop having basic fratures would be a start, but I guess wasting money on exclusives is just as good.

China IS bad you mo-ron

Offer what the other guy offers, but for a better price.

When McDonalds came onto the scene, they didn't buy out all the White Castles, they made better burgers for a better price.

Asian user here, have you SEEN the shit China does? I live in a fucking Chinese country and even the local Chinese here hate China.

A shopping cart.

You shouldn't, but company bootlickers don't get that.

The problem is they aren't directly selling their product in 99 percent of cases, its someone using their platform to market their own product. Price isnt entirely dictated by epic. Epic is already giving a larger cut to people who put the product on their store.

Shopping carts aren't vital for the future of gaming on all platforms, user

Reminder China > ((America))

I live in America and theres plenty of bad shit here too, arguably more. I see no reason why I should hate a company for being Chinese and like the American ones.

>Competion when it already exist
>Competion by having exclusives
you are a mentally challenged chink

>you can be given the death sentence for disagreeing with the government
>refuse to comply with any and all foreign laws
>all media is controlled by them and monitored 24/7, their equivalent of whatapp scans the contents of the phones constantly

EPIC = Yea Forums

Americans are cucks.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-12 Irenist🇻🇦🇺🇸🇮🇪 on Twitter.png (640x909, 213K)

>no one was bitching about the split until you
But the split was commonly brought up when people were talking about whether Steam was doing enough for indies. The whole indies on Steam argument has been going on for years now, with Valve themselves admitting the situation hasn't been the best for quite a while. That's part of the reason why the largest group taking deals from Epic is indie developers.
>are you going to take that fake anger to anyone else
But he actually has talked about how much people make on other storefronts, especially what CDPR has been able to do with GOG

>you shouldnt offer something unique to get people onto your platform

Everyone has some sort of exclusivity. Even if its their own games like dota and csgo.

Daily reminder ignore chink screaming steam cucks, Tim is literally the opposite of being a chink compared to jewben who sold his soul to china

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>I live in America and theres plenty of bad shit here too, arguably more
Does Trump send literal soldiers to kill people who trash talk him? Does your service provider report you to the government as a terrorist if you send your friend a picture that breaks the "social standard"?

>That's part of the reason why the largest group taking deals from Epic is indie developers.
Team Meat, Vblank and what else?

>all media is controlled by them and monitored 24/7, their equivalent of whatapp scans the contents of the phones constantly

At least they control their own media unlike here in the USA

fellow American here, just wanted to let you know that you're retarded and have absolutely no idea what you're talking about

By providing a better service than Steam.
If you genuinely believe that Steam is the perfect platform, and it's literally impossible to do something better than Valve has done, then what the fuck are you even trying to do?

>bad shit here too, arguably more
Jesus christ i hate you lazy fucks, who are so comfortable, that your brain literally rot

>be american
>dick mutilated at birth
>a-a-at least I dont live in China

I'd rather be born in china and I'm american. I dont have any idea how common the things you mention are but I bet not that common.

Either way I'm not saying theyre great. I'm saying theyre not alone in being shit.

>fellow American here, just wanted to let you know that you're retarded and have absolutely no idea what you're talking about

Ok retard

>At least they control their own media unlike here in the USA
Deport yourself.

>American corporations are a somewhat corrupt
>Chinese corporations have literal political and military power and even own the police
>nah, America still has it worse

He's trying his hardest to do those things, but not yet/

Except it doesnt work like that and never will. Get dota 2 on epic than.

There isnt some magical even playing field when it comes to content like games

And those people could give up a part of their larger cut to offer better prices and get more people to buy it in EGS where it's better for them. That way everyone wins, instead of consumers having to pay the same price as in Steam for less features and yet another launcher and login credentials you have to juggle around.

And you think buying exclusive rights to sell games Epic did not make or publish is competition? How much is Timmy paying you to advertise for him?

This is one of the reasons why I prefer GOG if the game is available there. That and no required use of client for most games although I do use it anyway to have backup saved files ready for download if needed.

>I dont have any idea how common the things you mention are but I bet not that common
My classmates phones cannot send messages and pictures to us directly, said messages are sent to China, scanned for political activism, and then sent to our phones. They couldn't even send us a picture of their hometown without it being first scanned back in China.

Chinks: not even once

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Circumcision is more of a religious belief, has nothing to do with "muh America", how fucking stupid are you?

And it's clear you don't know ANYTHING about China. Educate yourself

Can indies generate thousands of keys at a time to sell at no cost to themself while cutting out Epic's cut of the sales?

>I dont have any idea how common the things you mention are but I bet not that common
Do you not read the news or something? Hong Kong is rioting because the PRC government is pushing a new law that allows them to arrest you the second they think you are not loyal to the PRC government.

Americans seething about Chinks because China is the new world power

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>mutilating kids is a religious belief

First off, youre retarded because its been justified by the APA as "medical" and they have lied to promote it for decades. Americans arent jewish or muslim and do it as one of the only global outliers, second off its no ones right to mutilate someone and regardless of the reason it doesnt make it any better. Go watch Eric Cloppers presentation on circumcision its very enlightening.

I'd take being slightly oppressed if it meant having a whole body. How stupid are YOU? To defend such a disgusting act?

>steal form Steam by generating keys
>G2A steals from you
>play the victim
I love the karma. Key generation wasn't meant for commercial sales, it was meant for reviewers.

>do you not read the (((news)))
Oh.. Ayy lmao

>How stupid are YOU? To defend such a disgusting act?
Go to China then, they are the world's forefront of illegal organ farming, your foreskin will be the least of your problems when you end up without a kidney.

Not really just shitting on a retard who thing china has a better quality of life than America.

The chinks will take over and finally put a stop to the Jews and their western slaves. It will be glorious.

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>chinese people literally get spied on daily basis and are censored to fuck, can't speak about against their goverment, have pretty much no work protections, workers are treated like trash, osha is non existent, some religions are prohibited/restricted, there's a system growing that pretty much stratifies the people and makes them earn points for "good behaviour" etc.
>"yeah dude but my foreskin ;_;"
i just want you to know you're a literal fucking retard. you're the perfect personification of american stupidity. fucking hell.

I have two kidneys. If it meant being whole again I'd go live anywhere. Currently that isnt possible.

>its not a big deal you get mutilated

Imagine being this fucking brainwashed. Watch the video I referenced. Pretending like its not a big deal, the absolute delusion.

>chinese people literally get spied on daily basis and are censored to fuck, can't speak about against their goverment, have pretty much no work protections, workers are treated like trash, osha is non existent, some religions are prohibited/restricted, there's a system growing that pretty much stratifies the people and makes them earn points for "good behaviour" etc.
Sounds like the UK

where did i say it's not a big deal? i said you're a retard for saying americans have it worse than the chinese. you have no fucking idea how it is to live in a fucking regime that will outright kill you and sell your fucking organs if you say a bad thing about them. get a fucking grip on reality you dumb fuck

>Except it doesnt work like that and never will.
That's how Valve did it. Steam got so huge because it made it convenient to buy games. They're competing with literal piracy and winning, because it's just so easy to buy shit from them.
That's your market. You can literally get almost any game for free, and people still choose to use Steam because it's more convenient.
Meanwhile, Epic still doesn't even have a shopping cart.

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Are millions being killed and having their organs sold?

Valve got a foot hold because you had to get their client to do certain things. Like play the orange box for instance. Thats where their users flooded in from.

>dick mutilated at birth
That was your parents, not the state.

The states systems and groups made it possible. Also it being legal for boys and not girls. Look up the APA meddling for instance and their studies. Again the video I recommended earlier is good.

Doesnt excuse what they did but its not that simple.

I want to support game developers, not platforming companies.
Fuck Steam, and fuck greed. It's about time Steam had some competition, this is what makes capitalism great.

wait... are you equating you being circumsized to people literally getting killed? is that what you're saying?


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>Actually thinking this works
It's been debunked months ago you fucking moron.

I just asked a question. How many get killed? Is this some hyped up anecdote or is it a real issue?

For instance hundreds of millions suffer from what I referenced

I don't support any, I support being able to buy my fucking games.
If a gaming studio wants to sell their game exclusively on the Epic game store and not Steam, I'll just fucking get it there and play other exclusive games on Steam.

Fucking hate all this political "Waa china" bullshit, newsflash retards, half the shit in your house is from fucking china.

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Typically the building materials that go into making modern houses are sourced from China as well, they are literally living in a Chinese crib complaining about studios picking a publisher that pays better.

Do you think it might be because China spies on the shit you do through it's products?


where did i say milionss are being killed? but also, yes, people are literally being killed because the chinese goverment doesn't like them meditating or having a different set of moral values. thousands of falun gong got killed just because they wanted to meditate and shit. thousands of people got their organs harvested, but only like 50 sign up for organ donations every year.
meanwhile, you can shit on your goverment however you waant and nothing fucking happens, and you have the fucking audacity to say you have it worse?

American companies dont? The american government doesnt? What is prism alone?

Orange Box wasn't a Steam exclusive, if that's what you're trying to imply. You could buy it from stores, if you wanted to.
Because that was the main competition at the time. Brick-and-mortar shops, that you needed to physically visit to buy games. They were officially released at different times in different parts of the world, so you might have to wait several months before the shops in your country even got the game.
Steam got big by completely changing how games are sold.

Stanley Woo, you working for Epic now?

The majority of Epic games is fucking American

>half the shit in your house is from fucking china.
nah nigga, i make it my point to not buy anything from china unless i can't get it from anywhere else.

>How else do you expect to gain a foothold versus steam
Why the fuck do you need to "gain a foothold" vs. Steam? Digital storefronts are fucking FREE MONEY for a company like Epic. Offering a better developer cut should ALREADY be reason enough for devs to put their shit on your store. If the game's on your store, and you occasionally do decent sales on it, you're going to fucking get people buying it. If you truly wanted to open an online store and you truly wanted devs to get a better deal and you truly wanted players to have a better experience, that's literally all it'd fucking take. Make a good fucking store. Devs get a better deal, players get a better storefront, you get money, everyone wins.

But you're not fucking interested in any of that. It's just fucking greed. That's all it is. That's all it's EVER been. It's not about making things better for devs. It's not about providing a better experience for the player. Epic just wants to leverage their assets into making infinite free money like Steam is, and they're willing to do fucking whatever it takes in order to do that. They will absolutely throw the players, the developers, absolutely anyone under the bus if they think they can be "the next Steam".

And you know what? The fucking NANOSECOND they manage to "gain a foothold" vs. Steam, do you know what they're going to do? Say goodbye to that bothersome little 12% cut, and hello to the industry-standard 30%. And what'll Tim be tweeting about then?

>"Steam still hasn't decreased their cut to 12% as we asked, and we have no choice but to increase our cut to 30%. While we understand this disappoints everyone involved - most of all us - there's simply no way around it if we want to keep the store running."

Fuck Epic. Fuck them to hell and back. I have no particular love for Steam, but I am absolutely not going to sit around and let some greedy little piglets try and slime their way into the spotlight by taking away games that I wanted to play.

>food analogy

Okay so a thousand got their organs harvested. Thats pretty bad but is that figure even objective? I can see the event in 1999 you reference.

China's not perfect or even good maybe but this sounds sensationalist and exaggerated. Especially since your direct example was 20 years ago.

Then you have to fucking activate it on steam. They get users on their platform.

>steam os
>steam box
>steam controller
literally reinventing a bike, failed
>source 2 engine
used only in autochess and dota 2 HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH not to mention its worse than unreal engine 4
>dota autochess ripoff
MASSIVE failure
>valve VR
overpriced gabrage with no exclusives. sony VR is the highest selling VR kit right now with ACTUAL exclusives
>censors anime titties because some tranny dyke at valve got triggered
>hired firewatch devs - notorious sjws and cucks

So why doesn't steam just match the cut retard

Dont forget remove "rapist" game because sex bad killing good

>I live in America and theres plenty of bad shit here too, arguably more

I know Americans lacks knowledge outside of their country but this is probably just a shill.

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What kind of non-sequitur question is this? I don't give a fuck about what Steam does, I just don't like what Epic is doing. I don't even buy most of my fucking games on Steam.

>Orange Box wasn't a Steam exclusive, if that's what you're trying to imply. You could buy it from stores, if you wanted to.
With that line of logic, any Epic exclusive you can buy keys from are not Epic exclusives. You still need Steam to play it, and it's OK.

Okay? So then ignore both. The competition epic can bring is good for the market, the majority of whom do use steam.

Tim's an asshole, it's why no one other than Chink shills like him.

>your direct example was 20 years ago.
bro. what the fuck are you talking about. i didn't give you any dates. are you just pulling shit outta your ass and putting it in my mouth?
also, it's literally happening right now. if you talk shit about china, or flaunt your different beliefs or do some shit like that, sad men in suits come for you and get you locked up for "reeducation", i.e torture.
you're a fucking idiot if you think usa has it worse

>it'll be good for the market bro trust me
>meanwhile everything Epic have done to date has resulted in consumers getting mad at developers for last minute changes and suddenly forcing launchers on them

Because Valve has to pay for more things than Epic does. Forums, cloud saves, other shit that costs money. Games on EGS are more expensive for some countries since they don't even cover currency conversions or non-standard payment handling. Steam might make more money for a sale, but handling the conversion takes a big chunk out of what they would make
If Valve lowered the cut then they wouldn't make much money

>Falun gong

That example.

Reminder that indie dev shitters literally have no excuse now that steam has shown off that slider rec shit in steamlabs.

bro. it STARTED in 1999. it's still going on. what the fuck do you think they just did it for a year and called it a day?

This could be said about most big tech companies: the only good things Google ever made were search and maps (i.e., AJAX); Microsoft lives entirely off of Office; people outside server administration may not even know that IBM still exists...

>tfw steam completely btfo epic with some stupid little experiment they did

>So then ignore both
Why the fuck would I ignore what Epic is doing? I was perfectly happy doing what I was doing until they came along and started fucking everything up. And then they have the gall to act like it's for benevolent causes when it's all about fucking greed.

They are not making things better. They are not improving the market. They are just trying to muscle their way in and make as much money as possible. I just fucking said that they'd sell their collective grandmothers for a dime, why the fuck do you think "they'll improve the market" is a good argument? Especially when they've shown they're not above using fucking monopolistic tactics to get what they want, fuck that shit.

Asking me to sit around and do nothing while an obvious scumbag company tries to take over is fucking retarded. If they actually do fucking take over, we're going to have someone way worse than fucking Steam in charge.

So a thousand or so over 20 years and it isnt even specific with the figures? I'm not defending this shit but this is a lot different than you originally made it sound.

nice damage control steam cuck

If you dont use steam in the first place and dont use epic how the fuck does this effect you? You act like steam hasnt done anything bad, yet then say you avoid using it.

>So a thousand or so over 20 years
okay you're just trolling, i got caught, my bad

Oh, it's the other way around, I think tech is a mostly useless parasite and I only buy games from GOG. But your defensiveness, on the other hand...


Competition isn't always good you fucking retards.

It's absolutely loathesome but the exclusivity competition between xbox and the ps during its heyday actually drove game development forwards.
However, the entire clusterfuck of post-Netflix streaming was also brought about by competition. And the only thing that resulted from that was everbody getting annoyed to hell and back. Much like the garbage Epic is doing right now except it's even worse because they're being scummier than usual about it

>so youre trolling

Not at all. Just had to get a grasp on the scope of the claims you were making. Now I have.

because even that retard tim said it wasnt sustainable

>muh chink
>muh tiamenan sqare

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and when they did do sales people scream devaluation

Marketing 101 dumbfuck. Devaluation has always been a thing.

>Sweeney thinks buying exclusives is the same as introducing competition, and it's not.
I highly doubt he thinks that, no matter what he says publicly. He just wants to force his way into the market in any way possible and can afford to do so in one of the least competitive ways ever.

no you haven't in the slightest
>"Chinese officials estimated that over 13,000 transplants were performed in 2004,[4] and as many as 20,000 in 2006.[5] Some sources say the actual number of transplants is significantly higher, based on detailed analysis of hospital records.[6] As a matter of culture and custom, however, China has extremely low rates of voluntary organ donation. Between 2003 and 2009, for instance, only 130 people volunteered to be organ donors"
it's all there if you just google it, you just refuse to do so to stew in your own delusion

let me know when epic game store can do this

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Penis is an organ and hundreds of millions of infants have had a healthy normal part of theirs amputated without their consent. Seems like both are shit but I still would rather be born in China.

Of course youre going to act like this is ridiculous because you probably dont think genital integrity matters at all.

I said I didn't buy most of my games on Steam, retard, not that I never used it at all.

I don't give a shit about steam, the only reason i dislike epic store is because it sucks ass. It has fucking nothing on it. I'd rather pirate a game than having that shit open.

>Epic thread
>an unironic commie saying that the People's Republic isn't bad and enforced communism isn't bad
As expected.

>communists outside of name


I hope they pay you well for this user because if you do this for free it's definitely time to kys

why is he getting so much hate for taking a little piece of the steam monopoly?

Because st*am fag r*dditors can't stand "based" gaben not being worshipped by all

Nah , I'm om the pirate/pc game pass pill.
Pirate al the games I want to play, still have an ever expanding list of multiplayer games I can play with my friends.

Seems to me that he's attracting a lot of shitposting because he's being obnoxious on Twitter.

it most definitely isn't unless you abstract "competition" to a ridiculous extreme and create arbitrary boundaries for what is being competed upon
for your idea to hold true you'd need to consider the free launchers to be the crux of competition and not the games being bought

>no bro, getting a part of my foreskin cut off is way worse than people getting murdered
i have no face

>arguably more
dual citizen here, you are fucking retarded

Because his store is worse than Steams and because his business tactics fuck consumers over

that is all of twitter though. to be fair.

>Key generation wasn't meant for commercial sales
It was meant for retail releases.

>people still think eoic ia competing with steam
lmao lads

steam is competing with accesibility and piracy
nothing more; nothing less

Yes, and people love to post Twitter screenshots on Yea Forums. This has the advantage of appearing relevant.


You posted numbers on organ harvesting thats it. Could be people who had accidents and then they got their organs taken instead of wasted even if they werent on the register. Which is still wrong but not murder.

discord made steam useless.

>Yes, and people love to post Twitter screenshots on channel 4. This has the advantage of appearing relevant.


The literal fucking second they decided to start an internet crusade over a digital store opening up. Nobody in the real world gives one iota of a fuck.

Go back to israel.

Sometimes I can't tell if you people are trolling or genuinely tonedeaf. Both are equally tiring.

the fuck are you even bringing discord to the mix?

steam's MO has always been targetting emerging markets
a dude getting converted to epic will still use other storefronts
some pirate in SEA or a stubborn jap is a new customer entirely

>$tore defender$
Is there anything more pathetic?
based sensible user

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>steam's MO has always been targetting emerging markets

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everyone wants that chink dick never said otherwise

I'm honestly surprised hollywood doesn't pander to them more.

>food analogy

Still matters for those select mp games.

>They're both shit.
The only people pushing the narrative of this just being an Epic and Valve thing, are Epic shills trying to paint their heroic David versus Goliath scenario.
PC encompasses a lot more than just Valve and Epic.

>paying full price for mp
>not using cdkeys or g2a equivalent
Its like you want to be stupid or something

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bro, just stop. it's literally out there on the internet and you refuse to even google it. just stop posting

I never said pay full price retard. Where do you think you activate the keys at?

>noooooo China bad listen to me goyim!
Not even that guy but yikes

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>don't listen to that guy, china no 1!
fucking yikes indeed

Christ China is so shitty

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Based chinks

Rate my epic library.

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You can just smell the jewish fear in this thread.

Indeed "global" version of steam currently operates not quite legally in China. They will have to restrict access to it after launching chinese version.

Wait Jewben is here ?

Actually improved features.

T: retard who understands jack shit about law and economics

Jews ARE infinitely better than the chinksects, who display all the bad traits of jewishness and totalitarian dictatorship in same package.

>based child mutilating Jews

Kill yourself kike. time is coming. Tick tock.

Reminder that Epic Shills = MAGAtard summer tourists, just move along.

You have the freedom to demonize America so it literally isn't comparable to even the best parts off China. Hell, you can call Trump a nigger and not get vanned.
Wholeheartedly you need to stop being a commie faggot and be grateful the rights you are granted that would get you killed for practicing in some countries.

>arguably more

Attached: thiswontdoit.gif (342x192, 1.98M)

Only complete losers at life and permavirgins choose Epic over pirating

>Oh no, it's retarded :(

Why the fuck do steam agreed to joint venture with anyone?

I knew one limp dick faggot was going to say that

>cannot fathom that not everyone values the exact same thing the w*stoid does

Attached: epic rant.jpg (816x1356, 348K)

Can't imagine why anyone aside from bootlickers or tyrannical government leaders would be against freedom of speech and right to due process.

And I cannot imagine why americans want to trash their nation into the gutter and be controlled by foreign powers and media corporations.

Don't know what that has to do with what I'm saying but whatever. I'm just glad I can say what I want without fear of being jailed over it.
I like to see the good sides of things in life rather than the bad things, unlike seemingly every non-american.

Tim is a fucking dipshit, no one's gonna buy games off of Epic, at best you have people only using the launcher for free games
The store is shit even when compared to Origin/Uplay, the exclusives are worthless because they will end up on steam in a year/6 months and people can just pirate instead of buying if they don't want to wait
There's no future for EGS, it's a money sink that will not last long enough to have any kind of return

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Yeah, it is pretty incredible that Epic has a game platform which is somehow worse than origin and uplay.
Once the Fortnite money runs dry Epic is gonna be struggling to buy exclusive rights

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Attached: 1548858593418.png (1268x1257, 268K)

>a lazais faire