When will the "remastered" meme die?
When will the "remastered" meme die?
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The real problem is they always hand them off to no-name studios who take a ton of retarded liberties.
Almost every single remaster is shit including Bluepoint remasters.
A polite way of not naming patel and baasedang.
Two words: Chinese Outsourcing.
But remaster looks better there
The only change is that they removed the lights and shadows. Literally fullbright = 1
>brighter is always better
kill yourself, and go play the silent hill HD collection
The real problem is that they exist at all.
Remasters are fucking bizarre. On one hand, they're outright admitting that modern games suck shit, and they're remaking an old game that was good.
But the very concept is absurd. Why would I pay 60 bucks for a remaster when I could buy the old console and the game together for less? Are normalfags really that terrified of RCA?
In this case brighter is better since there is obviously light coming from the side even in the original
Does the killer 7 pc count as a remaster?
>Why would I pay 60 bucks for a remaster when I could buy the old console and the game together for less?
You might find this SHOCKING but the remaster is not for you, its for people who never owned the older consoles
Because old consoles aren't in production, and the company can't get any money from the people that want to play the game.
>Original version of the game is only sold as a bundle with the remaster
Fuck THQ and Fuck WB
You have absolutely zero idea what you're talking about (and haven't even played the game) if you really think that light would amount to the right scene. Granted the left isn't close to perfect either, but it's the more ideal. Japs can't into technical details to save their lives.
t. Konami
>not having it on Steam
People of any decency do not scour craiglist for some cum covered old console
Have you tried changing the brightness in-game?
Modern games suck shit because people are spending money on shit as well as rehashes or remasters. It's your own fault.
If you actually pay attention you'll see that they aren't perfect. And therefore they are shit.
>can't even upscale a game properly
Remaster looks wayy better, are you delusional?
At least the original is backwards compatible
>Game you like is getting remastered.
>Development is being handled by a studio who has only developed mobile games.
As someone who played a lot of X and X-2 on PS2, it was nice to see what the fuck I was actually looking at for once. Especially with certain details of the rendered scenery and costumes that didn't have promotional art. Pic related is the best we had to work with.
The remaster is literally inferior to the PC port, the main difference is that lights are turned off. Since it's an Unreal game you could do this all in .ini files in the old version(that has better gameplay btw as well as mods).
why is there need for a remaster? the game was already HD, and was released on PC.
>he doesn't know
they want money you dumb ass it's not about improving the games
>The remaster is literally inferior to the PC port
Prove it
>its for people who never owned the older consoles
What, are they unable to buy things second-hand or something? I never owned a famicom as a kid, does that mean I have to wait for Nintendo to release a rom pack for me?
It's really sad that people as blind as you exist.
Not an argument
When it stops making money
i'd prefer remasters to just be direct ports of the game, maybe in 1080p
is there any way to fix this ffs, I'm still waiting just for fixed faces to actually play it again
The remaster is to fleece as many people as possible. They were so shady about it that they removed the original PC version from Steam despite it being better and obviously cheaper.
We aren't in an argument, you're a retard posting nonsense.
>here son bought you the ps4!
>cool thanks dad! Can i play that classic game on ps2!
>sure son they made a remaster of the game for ps4!
>no dad you must buy a original ps2 and the game with it!
No. The animations are fucked too.
>posts a image confirming remaster looks better after he was autistically crying that pc version looked better
Fuck Squeenix, I hate when publishers do this. Bamco did the same thing with Dark Souls
>brighter always good
>everything needs to be bright, bright BRIGHT
>pretty colors just like my fortnite!
That doesn't look better though. Not him btw.
The average gamer won't buy games unless they've top graphics. Also, the lose of source codes et al.
so it's either shit low res ui and choppy frames or fucked up disneys kingdom hearts faces
fuck this, I'm just never replaying it then
The biggest yikes of my life.
At least they replaced it in that case. Square also did this for that dog shit Sleeping Dogs remaster too.
Remasters are always trash. The only one I've bothered with is Shenmue, but that's because the DC version is overpriced or you need a fucking drive emulator to play it, because cutting the game down to fit on a CD turns the potato quality audio into garbage audio.
They could've at least revamped the fucking awful movement. And, you know, let people enable Japanese without hex editing the fucking exe, but not as many people care about that.
I'm still upset about DS1 remastered. They screwed the pooch so hard. Haven't really played since first month of release but you if you walked down to Ash Lake before Lord vessel and sat at the bonfire, you hardlocked your game. Due to the fact that physics were still tied to FPS, you couldn't get past a certain stump in the great hollow when trying to go back up.
Not to mention the fact that PVP was an even worse experience than it was in 1, with chain backstabs being doable by any retard, so every fight was either that or invading a 4-stack.
And the fact that the latter half of the game received literally nothing, everywhere was still a random scattering of enemies with no rhyme or reason.
An absolute disgrace
you can fix render resolution with pcsx2 m8
>less visible details = better!
>more blurry = soul!
Kill yourself champ
It's not just brighter, it's that the contrast was removed most of the time so they game will look pastel and cheap in motion, soulless to the core.
you need to get your eyes checked
The new UI looks worse even if it is higher resolution. Just emulate it, it plays well. There's even a 60fps patch that has the "downside" of speeding up cutscenes and gameplay. It's a win win in this case.
you're lying to yourself at this point
lol, they literally removed the lighting
When every game has mod support and first-party based support indefinitely.
Else, the best thing is fan created remasters/texture packs loaded via emulation.
>more blurry
The remaster adds more blur and you obviously can't even disable it since it's a console game.
I like how you say remasters are always trash yet you bought a Silent Hill HD-tier one
Yes, and?
>remaster of PS1/Early PS2 era game
Yeah go ahead, can't hurt at this point
>remaster from last generation
Full on retarded.
Hey, I didn't pay for that garbage. Playing the game on the DC is just unrealistic for me, maybe if the chinks take the GD-emu price down to 30 bucks I'll bite.
No point in arguing with the same braindead simpletons that probably make soul vs soulless posts and attack every remake like RE2R and defend blocky PS1 shit
Yep and the textures are usually worse. Some areas do look better in the updated engine but mostly it's an outright disaster compared to the last-gen PC version, and that's before mods.
Ugh like I hate colors, thank god for the grey original
>shit smear filters
aren't you doing that yourself but in the opposite? re2 remake was one of the best games this year, i'm not against remakes and remasters no matter what. but this game's remaster looks flat, don't know why you'd try convince yourself otherwise
What can you expect from an industry in creative bankrupcy? This is part of the trainwreck that gen 7 left. At least with these kind of games (very few) they have a second chance. Also, play/buy Resonance of fate remaster fags.
But essentially such thing as a remaster is worthless; too lazy to remake it, jew enough to copy paste it and upscale it.
>re2 remake was one of the best games this year
kys zoomer, its soulless. It cut content, it casualized and it changed the camera
man i bought so many jrpgs during the sale my head was spinning and somehow i didn't pick up this one.
>re2 remake was one of the best games this year
You mean RE4 2.0 with RE2 slapped on?
and you're no better, just on the opposite end. it was a good game, so was the original. get over it
I agree with this. The point of a remaster is to bring an old game with intrusive visuals and/or controls to a new generation.
Rarely will a game remain acceptable on N64 due how poor the N64 controller is, the resolution the machine runs which is usually not native to modern TVs and thus means input delay, and, probably most importantly, nobody's making or repairing such old hardware.
And thus emulation comes into play, which is the ultimate in video game preservation because companies refuse to support old titles or they die before they can hand permissions over, leading to dead titles.
>The point of a remaster
is to make money
stop pretending devs give a fuck anymore
You are an extreme G for posting that, user.
Honest to god, why the fuck don't consoles get more in-depth settings these days? They're basically shit computers anyway. So many modern games hit fps chugs anyway, why not give us the option to avoid that by removing some cosmetic physics or lower the textures? It's mental
RE4 was an action game. RE2 remake stayed true to the traditional survival horror formula. The camera is as far as the RE4 similarities go.
As opposed to RE2 which is just RE1 but with two characters?
The settings aren't even maxed compared to PC before .ini diving. After .ini diving TLR is like some elder god port of quality graphical options.
Can't even adjust fov on console and the FPS is shit.
Static BR Scaling Mod
At long last, the day has come for my ultimate mod to be released, The Last Remnant mod for making enemy BR levels static and evenly scaled across the entire game! Say goodbye to annoying enemy scaling with your BR and possibilities of permanently ruining your save game!
It should be noted that many of the versions of this mod are not designed to make the game easier, but challenging and fair. Having to resort to excessive grinding is a sign of improvable character setups, strategy and training methods.
New vanilla style friendly versions and mass normal monsters versions have been added. Also including all monsters BR static extras for those who like those. All the versions have been packaged into a single zip file in order to conserve thread space.
Added new vanilla style static versions and two easier vanilla style versions!
Still a TPS.
REmake 2 was fucking awful. RE2 was an alright action game, the REmake was absurdly bland, and utterly soulless.
The fact you have to play on the hardest difficulty just to enable fucking ink ribbons is bad enough. Combine that with the whole game being very clearly designed around auto-saves, however, and you're left with an experience that feels shoddy at best.
Zombies are bullet sponges because the game checks how much ammo you have saved to calculate your damage. Lickers die in one shot, because the game is poorly made.
The levels are hideous, they completely fucked up all of the original atmosphere, and when you enter the fucking later areas like the sewer and lab, you're already wishing for the game to end.
You're aware that both fat/original versions of PS3 and 360 are pieces of shit that are guaranteed to shit themselves at some point? One with YLOD, the other one with RROD.
Zoom-zoom, the original RE2 was a fucking action game with survival horror elements. They cut out, what, 95% of the text in the game in the REmake? I don't know how you could call it survival horror when you can't even examine the scenery.
My launch PS3 and 360 still both work. I imagine I'll have to open them up eventually to swap out the thermal paste or something, but these issues aren't unfixable.
barry is this you
Thats the palace in the desert. Outside it its pretty bright. In that scene the remaster actually got it right
>but these issues aren't unfixable.
It's literally cheaper to buy a preowned console.
not that guy, but youre deluding yourself. its cheaper to buy the remaster than the original console. I see xbox 360s for 100-120 secondhand all the time. and thats not even tracking down the game, and the added risk of something being wrong with it/it crapping out on you shortly after buying the console.
or you could get the definitive version on pc for free....
>not that guy, but youre deluding yourself. its cheaper to buy the remaster than the original console.
Where did I state so? I meant it's literally cheaper to just buy another preowned console than to fix YLOD'd PS3