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The brainlet filter

tower of hanoi

Brainlet filter. But to be fair, I was 8 when I tried to do this, so I'm lucky my parents bought me the strategy guide when they bought me the game all those years ago.

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Very tall buildings pertaining to the capital of Vietnam

Pretty much just designed to keep people with room temperature IQ from playing the game, the most basic a puzzle can get and still be called a puzzle.

>Rent Game
>Get to this part
>cant beat it as a kid
>ask dad for help
>dad cant figure out how to do it
>gets mad at me for renting shitty game
I never figured it out as a kid and ended up returning it without beating that part.

The Kotor 2 version was a lot harder, jokes on them though I just blasted the door controls with my laser gun.

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>'Member when you could just slap omigel over everything?

>roll high INT character
>can't solve linear algebra and logic puzzles IRL

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you can finish it from here in four moves, if you can't figure this out just stop playing games, you actually aren't smart enough for basic problem solving.

I hate it when rpg's make you solve puzzles instead of taking an INT check. I remember fallout 1/2 and planescape did INT checks.

>Dad gets mad at you for him being retarded as well

>jokes on them though I just blasted the door controls with my laser gun.
they thought about the dumb people would get some kind of victory feeling with that option, and they were right.

>Was ten when I played this
>Felt like the smartest motherfucker in the world when I figured it out
At least it made children feel good

Wasn't that section optional? Like it lead to a room where you didn't even need to go? The starmap was behind a different door.

Yeah, but I never beat it and found out what was in the room.

It's Tower of Hanoi invented in 1883.

So you returned one of the greatest RPGs of all time on the basis that you couldn't get into an optional room in a game that was made during a time when internet and game guides were abundant?

Get. Out.

If I remember correctly, it led you to an overpowered poison vibroblade that would let you cheese the Terentatek in the other room.

it's not even the real towers of hanoi problem, since you can move any platform you want not just the topmost one

Yeah, but he would've had to return it anyways. He probably rented it from Hollywood Video/Blockbuster.

>So you returned one of the greatest RPGs

So I've been replaying ME trilogy recently. ME 1 is still the best, ME2 is ok, ME 3 is worse than I remember holy fucking shit. So, should I try Andromeda?


>ME 3 is worse than I remember holy fucking shit
really? I played it like 3 years ago and thinking it was much better than I remember
>should I try Andromeda
If you want to give yourself an aneurysm

Give it a shot, it's an interesting experience.

>it was much better than I remember
Gamplay wise? Yeah. The rest? Fuck no. They go with so many clishes, "memes" from other games, and retcons it's unbarable and cringe to play. They also change characters and Shepard, taking away choices from you.

Oh, ok.

You know you always have to return rented games. They will charge you if you keep them.

I haven't played Mass Effect since it came out and never played 3. I want to play what I remember Mass Effect as but I'm not sure if it will hold up.

this is an unironic iq test

Play 1 and 2. Then die at the end of 2's suicide mission and spare yourself 3.

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Idk wtf they the put the shutdown button in the middle of selecting the towers. There were times that I was one step away from solving when I accidentally pressed shutdown.

>gets mad at me for renting shitty game
At least yours didn't blame you for viruses and shit because a racing game glitched out and threw the car out of bounds.

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Andromeda is unironically worse than 3 in every way. Not even memeing here.

play all 3, while 3 is a trashpile it's still at least worth playing and has some pretty good moments. I still maintain that while the end of ME3 is utterly retarded, the end of ME2 with the fucking human reaper is just as stupid. Everything around the ending is better but why the fuck have that human reaper goddamn, just make it a normal one if you want the collectors making a reaper, not a 4 eyed giant terminator.

It's almost as if a competent writer left in the middle of making ME2. Oh wait.

>do it randomly
>Finish it in two minutes every time

Dude, you just have to follow the Edison 's way: brainlessly trying everything at random till you succeed

They put in a Medigel skip for retards like you. I'm an average brainlet and even I can breeze through this puzzle.

I replay the first two about every other year. They're still fun.

Tower of Hanoi puzzle
, it's ez pz you fucking mongoloid

You can't skip this with omnigel. You are thinking about hacking minigame.

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God damn right. Curing the one thing keeping warsexual nearly unstoppable space frogs at bay is a stupid idea. You can still change your mind.

>Shepard you are a friend to me and a brother.
Fuck off. Wrex will lead Krogans to glory.

That's just one krogan and how long until others are strong enough to challenge his rule and go back to old ways?


Slow social changes. In 2 Mordin said that Krogans would eventually grew past their tribal violent ways. Salarians speed leveling their tech was a mistake. Now they have a chance to actually start a civilization instead of warmongering because there is no point to life.

instead of making them sterile why not just kill their sexdrive

>In 2 Mordin said that Krogans would eventually grew past their tribal violent ways.
Except aggression is literally built into their DNA. He never talks about suppressing it or redirecting it.

The goal is to move the entire stack from one of three positions to another. The rules being that you can only move one disc at a time, you cannot move a disc that is below another, and you cannot stack a disc on top of a another that is smaller than itself.

They will either chill the fuck out or Turians will have to nuke them to hell. This or Krogans will steamroll the universe and space nazis Proteans were right that lesser races should be killed or assimilated.

Wait scratch that, I forgot Mass Relays don't exist anymore and mass effect is unusable. Whole universe will die.

>left clicks you to death

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