So, are raids open next week already, ffxiv bros?

So, are raids open next week already, ffxiv bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Just normal. Interested to see how the gear looks and the music sounds at least. Ready to replace the green ring, too.

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i want a hrothgar to fuck my tight catboy asshole

In wow it would be data mined already

thank god there is some kind of surprise left in FFXIV.
dont understand people who enjoy datamined spoilers.

>Blizzard puts a bunch of cool secrets in the world
>it get's datamined before it's even released

I don't get it

I love Lalafells.

they don't actually enjoy the content, they enjoy getting new thing as soon as possible and going back to idling in org

5.0 DRK is actually really enjoyable except for having Delirium being not-Inner Release. I hope they change it to literally anything else. Hell, I'd even take changing delirium to just multiply our next Bloodspiller/Quietus by 5x potency. It'd be the exact same but the big 3000 potency damage number would be cathartic to look at.

>tfw still haven't cleared innocence ex

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>Why does this game keep talking about Ala Mhigo like a should care about it
Because refugees from it are flooding Eorzea and are causing problems for nations dealing with the Garleans and Primals in the wake of the calamity. They're also getting upset and uppity that none of these nations are willing to go to war against a larger empire for their homeland

is POTD still the best way to level from 1 or what should I be doing

>if you ever end a pull with 3 sen you have to midare something the next pull instead of just converting it away
thanks yoshi

Until the super 2070 isn't back ordered I need to play in fullscreen for gsync to make 60 FPS look tolerable since I'm a 144hzfag and just upgraded from 1080 to 1440p

Practice parties 1 shot innocence ex lol. It's just "don't get hit", the fight.

Monk is so fun now. I love how I dont have to lose all my fuckin stacks everytime the boss jumps away. Melding speed materia for extra speed makes it even better to play.

midare is cool though

Already got 5 jobs at 80 to experience the raids with. But none properly geared because too busy leveling and fates.

The lack of Titania pics and fanarts is killing me.

I wanted to try it out in ShB, it's the job I currently know the least
is it still as big brain as TK monk used to be?

get dabbed on, not being able to freely eat sens forces you to keep track of higanbana

I realy have to wonder at the the newfound emet sympathizers, its like they completely forget how he is being written from start to finish. Throw them an awww sad scene with uematsu melancholic music in the background and their gayboners and ladyboners come out fierce like pitchforks, ready to defend the character to death. "Ascians did nothing wrong", "hydaelyn is a sketchy character".
Same damn thing happened to zenos

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But I've been in two practice parties for the entire timer
The first one never got past the 4 stars + line up stack part because people are actually and unequivocally braindead
the second only got past it like three times and always ended up getting fucked by people detonating the stars with the big orange markers
I really wish I could do it with trusts

Feels like a surprising amount of players went Hroth. Get them all the time in ques.

Your trances optimization is biggest SMN meme. If you want to delay them feel free to do this in ShB. Baha is filler. SMN is braidnead job and you fags like to pretend it was some kind of high IQ play. Throw dots into contagion window and call it a day. Your baha sequence is static. At worst you can lose 1 wyrmwave. Don't forget to post mroe insults. SMNs are really cancer like SCH and WAR

>Healing Shisui as a SCH

I never had problems with tanks pulling lots of enemies but holy shit these mobs hit like a truck and I can barely keep up even when using all of my cds.

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New Monk is pretty peanut-brained but it was that way before even with TK. TK was more MCH-autistic than big-brained

emet had to die but he was incredibly sympathetic
a really lonely, depressed guy obsessed with bringing back his loved ones, damn the consequences for everyone else

I am a little more than slightly miffed that the great tank rework that SE has been working on turned out to be turning DRK into SB WAR and turning WAR into hot garbage.
Why is DRK the only one with one combo and WHY is it souleater instead of power slash

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I get behind that, but to go so far as to say he was completely right and that the WoL should have joined him because "hydaelyn is evil" or some other bullshit? Yikes my dude

How do you work up the autism to camp the frog FATEs?
do you literally just AFK in kholusia / tempest the entire day?

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>pajeet poster

I like how every titania tank weapon has DET/CRIT on it

Lmfao. I stepped into Innocence EX for the first time last night. Almost cleared on my first practice attempt with a NIN doing 2k dps.

Went with FC mates later that night for clear and got Earrings. Jumped in today, first run Necklace and Mount dropped, won mount, lost necklace. Next run Ring and Bracelet, won both. Final run got Necklace and was done with Innocence haha.

Never in my life have I had luck that good. Titania took me until my 10th fucking run to get my weapon. Which is where I encountered most of the morons that play this game.

I haven't done either, but I never do the most difficult content while it is relevant because I can't deal with shitters without echo.

Because someone asks every thread not that it isn't reasonable

join a few linkshells and let the cucks camp for you

This better be the raid or crafted armor I want it so badly

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As an ARR DRG main and someone who enjoys MCH thematically this xpac has had my dick DIAMONDS

Emet's sympathetic because the plight of his people is very real regardless of his tempering, there's no reason he wouldn't see the sharded creatures of the new world as un-men and lesser. Especially in the light of his own civilization and what it was capable of, even if he's perfectly capable of rationalizing with, conversing, agreeing and disagreeing, and living amongst the new un-men. Like Emet himself says and even the Scions concede to, if you were in his shoes you would be doing exactly the same thing.

This doesn't make him right, it's not his place to decide the fate of infinitesimal amounts of people for his own wants and desires, but he's not wrong in wanting things to go back to how they used to be.

I'm not in any linkshell
do I look for hunt linkshells or are there special ones just for the FATEs? sorry for being retarded

>SAM, SMN, WAR not in the shed

Presumably DRG is a bit more than 1-2-3-1-2-4 now? Wanted to make one for a while as I love the aesthetic but it bored me to tears, didn't get very far with it admittedly.

SCH is boring but hardly shed material
I feel like I heal even more now, and easier

why would sam be in the shed, or are people still mad that it can't fluff other jobs' parses

Ala mighans are the shitsking refugees of the XIV world; ungrateful, violent and unproductive. Should be wiped from existence.

hunts ls usually link the special fates as well, just go to a ShB hunt and shout asking for an invite

Why is Titania's add phase so incomprehensible to the average PF player holy fuck

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Where's this?

holy fuck i was wondering where she went what happened to her?

SAM and WAR yes, SMN is alright as I hear. I'm considering both performance and how well the job plays
That one job satisfaction survey chart has them straddling the bottom

Did they finally get rid of the stench aura on DRK?

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DRG has always been one of the worst to level. It was my first class back in the day but, it was MIND NUMBING.

I will say it's not the most intense rotation of all time but, a lot of the changes to existing skills and the new aoe skills make us really solid.

The sword is badass. Not sure if it is in the game already or not.

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>dismiss asylum heal bonus assuming it's just a +10% bonus like largesse weirdly written koji style
>still think it's weird it says "via healing actions" rather than "via healing magic" like convalescence said so put it to test
>it actually boosts healing abilities like tetra, indom, assize, earthly star etc

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Not hitting your positionals as DRG became more punishing because the first hit of your 1-2-3 gets buffed if you don't fuck it up. High Jump near-removed the animation lock on your basic Jump, and you get a new Jump skill tied to Geirskogul/Nastrond.

The changes are almost entirely relegated to Shadowbringers, how DRG plays at 60 is still roughly how it plays at 70 and at 80. It's more of a flat improvement of what was already there in the vein of Black Mage. Lancer is also one of the most notoriously boring jobs to level, I don't blame you for not getting far.

>heal in Dun Scaith
>second healer immediately dies to void doom
>then dies to the first atmos
>also keeps getting hit by scathach's wing attack
>start rescuing them into safe positions because at this point I'm already anticipating them standing in danger zones
>REEEing internally
>finally done
>before I leave they thank me for the rescues
No stop that. I want to be mad.

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Datamined? There would be video guides out already because people beat it on ptr

So you'd recommend it now? Looking for an alt after my MCH and BLM are 80

Nice textures

She is from the 13th shard and worked with the ascians to go to the first and form up the WoL group. Then betrays them.

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>le big dick selfish dps meme
>cucked by blm
>deals basically the same dmg as mnk
>no hagakure
>never gets a slot in a serious comp
>meme level 80 skill
shed it is

I saw people on the forums today bitching that High Jump is nice but, still bitched about the animation lock...

What animation lock? It's almost non-existent. Forum people are dumb as hell.

This, is our story. Yes, yes!

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I would have recommended it before but I sorely recommend it because of how GOOOOOD the Shadowbringers traits and skills make it, along with its stat-spread changing now. It seems like they want DRG to be a pseudo-selfish DPS as it usually is in the turnbased games so its numbers are competitive with Monk.

It's basically their Huton now, a temp buff from using an ocd, that you keep up at all times in combat

>trash aoe pulls
>keep track of higanbana

>bawww black mage exists there can only be one selfish dps
stopped reading on your second line

fuck me why is it always the cute ones

In Wow there would have been an in game journal detailing everything the boss does and everything you need to do three weeks ago

Should i be spamming PotD til level 15 with my side class and then dungeons? Only got one daily roulette


Leveling it wont be any more fun but, I think the payoff is worth it. It's not as APM heavy as MCH but, it is still fun to play and stylish af.

>we will never live in a shard where DRK has both Power Slash and Scourge as combo enders
why even fight

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well, its definitly smarter than the other melee dps since you have more than one positional.

I still cant get over how positionals are on monk

>Forum people are dumb as hell

It's saying something where there's an entire twitter dedicated to posting the dumb shit they say.

>Ready to replace the green ring, too.
You can already get two blue rings.

Wait what? Really? Where is the news on the new raid?

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When the fuck would you get 3 sens on AoE trash pulls? You'd have to be opening with Yukikaze on an enemy for some cosmic reason.

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>the attention span of a monkey
as expected from a sam main honestly

Alright thanks, regarding leveling I'll do what I did on other jobs until they get fun; get high as spam PotD. At what point do they get "fun", though?

It's from the quest you get after clearing all the role quests

it's not my fault your hogshit isn't compelling enough to keep even a peanut-brain's attention

How do dps rank in terms of APM?

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>get high as spam PotD.
AND spam*

Shitposting aside this is unavoidable behavior of refugees since stone age because people lost everything. If suddenly someone purge your hometown A and force you to migrate into city B, for B citizens your kind will be refugees. Shitty, ungrateful, violent and unproductive. You don't want people from other neighborhood in your.

DRG usually starts to get fun around lv. 40 to 45, when you get more than one Jump to weave between skills. I want to say you learn Disembowel more quickly than you did before but I can't recall what level it was learned at in Stormblood; Heavy Thrust got pruned and Disembowel now serves its purpose of a self-buff damage up, in place of Stormblood's piercing-resistance down.

Fuck. Just when I thought I could go back to DRK. At least PLD and GNB don't have retarded auras like DRK and WAR do.

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Just cleared Titania Ex, much easier than Susanoo, too bad we didn’t have anything as crazy as Rules of Nature. Except that part on Hades.

I was gonna buy it this weekend, but I can't even create a character on any of the worlds on there server.

To be fair, jump does have a small animation lock compared to dragonfire dive and spineshatter dive due to the whole bullshit of returning you to the same spot.

What level is your LNC/DRG?

>"A pull"
>Aka trash mobs

Who fucking cares

Best is getting a friend of yours to kill higher level mobs and hunt mobs you tag in 1 shot until you hit 15 then you do dungeons.

40-45 isn't that bad for PotD spam. Anyway thanks again

top 3 are machinist, ninja and summoner I think

>Level 80 WAR
>Like playing SCH
>physically cannot play SMN
Is MNK any fun/good, or do I play DRG?

It's small but, honestly I think Spineshatter "holds" you in place longer after the jump than HJ does to do it's entire animation lock.

Spineshatter feels waaaaaaaay slower by comparison which makes sense since it's a dash basically but, still.

Like 16, the other problem is in PotD since I'm still a LNC they won't give me DRG abilities

>Meme level 80 skill

Only actual point on there

this user nailed it imo. I haven't played DNC so I don't know how it stacks out.

when there's that singular nigger with 300 times the hp of everything else

When does the first 24man drop, 5.1? I need a Toobie or A2 outfit pretty please.

MCH I'd the highest at like 45ish CPM where everything else is 30ish.

PSA that DRG is going to get a nerf. Or SAM will get a buff. Or both will happen. Enjoy the Bandwagoner's Remorse, retards.

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Susano fight is pretty fun

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fast DRG has potential

Lmao imagine thinking this is a comeback and not an obvious self-burn, what a fucking idiot. And you lost to a fucking BLMtard, the easiest fucking class in the game, holy shit dude.

Yeah, I haven't leveled that low since ARR. A lot has changed since then so it's hard to say but, I think another user said around 40ish which is more or less true.

It's not satisfying because its healing tools are too strong.

First raid will probably drop those Killzone looking yorha suits, the good stuff is probably in like 5.5

Is there some kind of 5.0 SMN guide out there yet?

Big number combo finishers are for SAM and BLM though. I'd make it so it buffs your next blood gauge skill hit to summon a shade like Myste. The shade will be doing the 5 (or 4) bloodspiller/quietous for you depending on which one you cast to summon it. You get healed and mp regen'd (sole survivor) if you souleater the shade before it runs out. This way you can choose if you want more damage or healing and we get the pair with Fray and Myste.


the balance
akh morning

Isn't SAM a bandwagon class though?

I knew DRG would probably get a nerf but, I've been a DRG main since ARR and I'll continue to do so. It'll be nice to see all the FoTM DRGs dip.

Why do you need a guide for a job that simple? Open with ruin III into ruin II hit tri-disaster into your big dick button and do your rotation from there.

Red flag.

I've been using DRG and NIN since forever, a nerf or a buff won't make me change.

What's the SAM and DRG openers. Not sure which I should level next.

Meh, keep people off the bandwagon. We're probably getting nerfed.

>never leveled a healer and never going to
wew looks like i'll never get that quest

Is there any way to split crossbars down the middle with different bars? Trying to make my main bar only ABXY, half of them being the normal ones, half being L+R/R+L

t. that BLMtard that came in the SMN Lounge to shit talk and got dabbed on by an entire channel

BLM here, I'm praying we get a lovetap so bandwagoners go somewhere else

Last dungeon question
Why was the final boss not a "Terminus"? Were aliens involved?

>See armor set Id like to glamour.
>Its only available as drops in an 8 man ARR raid. DF cant find a full party.
>No one is selling it it on the market board.

What do I do?

Nonmeta classes are never bandwagon

I spent 26 hours straight beating up Elmer and I didn't get Bahamut. Are there other cards this rare, or is this the only one?

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Watch a video of it then, the final part is really important for the story. It tells you a little about the friendly ascian from HW among other things

>Highlander women in the DNC AF gear

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Unsync it?

Nice try, Nemekh.

Can’t believe I need to level my Pugilist and Marauder if I want an Amaro.

>Not leveling AST in preperation for the overbuffs in 5.1
It's gunna be heavensward all over again boys, i can smell it.

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I hope you do NOT play a male dnc Yea Forums

Buffs are coming when savage releases not in 5.1

Almost all cards have a horrid drop rate, enjoy grinding for hours

Possibly a planetary self-defense mechanism due to them overusing mana, which would explain why they had to re-write the very laws of the planet, as that'd be the only way to prevent this shit from happening every time

>8 man ARR raid
If you mean the coils of bahamut, there are craftable replicas of the armors, you can buy them on the marketboard.

For me I'll usually do.

>Lance charge, LIT, TT, DL, Tether, CT, Jump, Mirage, Wheeling, Dragonfire , FaC, Geir, TT, Spineshatter, VT, Life Surge, FT, positionals. Rinse repeat weaving in your jumps and mirage to get Stardiver up.

is yukikaze better than the other two yet

Most 5 star cards are like 1-2% drop rate.

I was very tempted to Fantasia into a girl but I don’t want to turn Alisaie in a dyke or make Alphinaud straight.

It's acceptable if you wear amon's set.

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How over leveled do you have to be to solo a level 50 raid solo?

>no cape
>no mask with the hat


How have they still not fixed this? There's barely any variance and when there is it's due to retarded "chaos" rules which just make the whole thing RNG. Who the fuck can endure grinding that garbage for literally months to get all the cards

this game died when the cross-class skills were removed, prove me wrong

i do this except with all tanks

Not this time, they're balancing healers. They've already mentioned they can't balance healers for jack shit so they'll keep an eye on the 3.

Right, forgot 5.1 was the other raid, not savage


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No I agree that was some bullshit, and it's only been getting worse with simplifying and pruning.

Same shit that killed WoW, now killing FFXIV, pretty sad.

How do I unlock the warring triad?
I've gone to Torsefers, the NPC indicated in the wiki, but he doesn't have quests for me to do the EX HW primals or the warring triad
what am I missing? the wiki only states having completed the quest "Heavensward" as a requirement

I liked how my male DNC looks like with the Lost Thief set.

Yeah I feel that. I think MCH has gotten it the worst. MCH suffered for two entire xpacs to be great and now all the bandwagon smoothbrains come flocking to it.

Nobody misses protect, fuck you.

t. goadnigger/break rdm

Have you completed the quest Heavensward?

because of a shitty bug yet unfixed you need to clear A8S at minimum iLvl to unlock the warring triad

MCH is justifiable since it got a rework making it play a lot better, BLM is more or less the same with some extra toys

You need all jobs to level 80

What Final Fantasy 16 could have been

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this doesn't sound like the truth

I haven’t put much time into DoL/DoH classes. I checked the replicas. Those were missing too.

lol nice.

That's a valid point.

look for Replica Dreadwyrm X of X on the market board
some of them are quite expensive though

NIN hit 50

I know there would be a whole new truckload of other problems but man I really wish this game had a dual class system like FFXI (never got around to playing it so correct me if I'm wrong).

>You've done so much to restore Isghard. You deserve a reward, warrior of light
Wat do?

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My DNC is majestic as the morning sun, brother

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Honestly if they removed some of the filler and just released FFXIV as a single player game, it would be up there with FFVI and FFIX as one of the best games of the series.

MB replica is very expensive. You can grind gear unsynch. This is best way.

Tell me why you don't play a male character.

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Go to /xivg/ to be an underage horny faggot, these threads are for actually talking about the game

Blizzard is going to unprune stuff next expansion, I doubt SE is going to prune and simplify more stuff after blizzard nearly killing their game with t his.

Have you achieved peak performance?

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coils armors is on the market

Because I wanna fuck my female character

I'd care more if a majority of them weren't useless

I'm not a FtM like you

I play an old man in games whenever possible

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>no robo frog weapon

but I play a male lala so that big girls can step on me?

male armor looks atrocious

>these threads are for actually talking about the game

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>Didn't glam that horrific staff away

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Done 5 pulls yesterday and got him to 1%. Way easier than Titania Ex.

>the 100 on fflogs tranny glamour

Have you noticed it's not full of circlejerking and waifu faggotry like /xivg/ is?

HW and ShB are great for single player. HW with little rework but ShB already has anything. Look at first cutscene where you arrive into First. This is already RPG kino level. Just add graphics with animation. And ShB side quests are full of lore.

just googled it and it seems you also need all crafters at 80 as well.

But I do, imagine ruining a dramatic moment like when you talk with Ardbert’s vicie by playing some FotM bunny or worse a potato, catgirl or lizard girl.

explain this?

Giraffe necks and awkward animation, would play something similar to Aymeric if they could improve some stuff
Elezens with skin cancer
I don't play humans in fantasy games
I don't play bara humans in fantasy games
I played one but got tired of their idle stance and weird hand thingy, they're ok.

SMN armor looks weird is males too

Attached: casterarmor.png (356x586, 243K)

>Just cleared Titania Ex, much easier than Susanoo,
Its not
Susano fight was about perso Al responsibility with only clouds exception
Titania has tether
Innocence is far more comparable with Susano

>DRK has received nothing but negative feedback since Stormblood, and even less positive reception at the """rework""" that just turned it into WAR but even more braindead
>oh well they don't listen to the english community, only JP matters
>Japanese reception to the job has been pure unmitigated disgust since Stormblood
Well the only conclusion is that they're doing it on purpose to make DRK players the angriest people in the game

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>Start paying attention to MSQ for once
>Keep accidentally skipping cutscenes out of habit

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>need all crafters at 80
This is hell.

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>Blizzard is going to unprune stuff next expansion,
And Blizzard would never lie about upcoming expansion content to try and keep people around! :^)
>I doubt SE is going to prune and simplify more stuff after blizzard nearly killing their game with t his.
Cata happened a long time ago user, and ShB is less than a month old and they literally removed dozens of skills from the game completely while not replacing them with anything.

Wait, is Myste for (YOU)?

Is there a fucking frog weapon?

If you weren't retarded you'd actually check in game. You only need all combat jobs at lvl 80.

that hairstyle reminds me of the Yea Forums shooter

Literally same I keep seeing so many Hrothgar healers too.


mainline FF games are always ALWAYS going to be about "pushing the boundaries" and shit, trying to fix something that isn't fucking broken
this story only exists because it lives in a bubble, away from the bullshit that is modern FF games
so it's an MMO so fucking what, doesn't make it any less good

>Midlander talking in midlander voice
user, why are you this retarded?

the 78 whites are dwarven (frog) weapons

Is your melee dps job ready?

Attached: melee dps armor.png (1920x1280, 1.01M)

>Healers all get a new upgrade on potencies for their attacks again instead of getting a gcd attack

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playing the story with THAT minfilia mod pushes ShB from a 9/10 to a 15/10

>source:my ass

Monk has been the most poorly handled class by far since heavensward


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>Y does my bara man look gay?!?!?

When I first heard that the same person that wrote the DRK quest was also doing the ShB mainquest, I was worried that they try to further push the idea that the WoL is a little whiny bitch on the inside, like in the DRK quest. thank god none of those terrible elements of the DRK quest made into the main story.
and also I laugh at the DRK faggots who thought that a shitty character like fray would appear in the MSQ.

Freeze, thunder4, fire3,2 flares, freeze, repeat is the optimal AoE rotation, right?

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I love those weapons, couldn't bring myself to get rid of the pizza cutters.

Literally a Genji cosplay

No, because I don't go to /xivg/

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dont know where to check it ingame.

forgot img

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>Laughs in SCH
It's literally less than half the fucking class it was three expansions ago.

Well fuck, I wouldn’t mind leveling the combat classes I don’t play but I only have 2 crafters at 70 and the rest are on their 20s.


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I laugh at the people who thought we were suddenly going to become evil and kick puppies and shit like that

I've said since about halfway through ShB, that the xpac so far is better than a large chunk of main FF games.

fill it with foul and sharpcast + triple flare when you have manafont (or quadruple flare with the potion)

God this looks almost exactly like me when I was 16-17 and thought straightening my hair was a good idea


MCH is fucking crazy.

I want an SNES style FF game telling the complete story of Ardbert and his crew.

Attached: ff5-battle-_scale_800_700.gif (256x224, 17K)

If i stack all crit on whm will i be a misery chad

I don’t believe you, post pictures.

I kinda like new DRK. It could use a second combo ender and to make Abyssal Drain part of the AoE combo instead of a cooldown, and make Delirium something that's not just a WAR ripoff, but besides that I think it's good.

sch has been poorly handled for one patch of ShB (arguably the first patch of SB too)

Mnk has been extremely poorly handled since heavensward

Hello brother.

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What do you mean "if"? What else would you stack?

Gear's got me most curious. I wonder how much Nomura is in charge of it.

It might be some pathology of the modern fandom and a temptation to irrationally fanfiction/headcanon in order to satisfy or cater to your preferences. This is mercifully not the demented retardation of slash shippers but it's honestly no less demented when you have utterly delusional fanfiction like the idea that Emet-Selch wanted to lose and to give up to you. I don't say delusional as a pejorative, it is quite literally belief in something without foundation in the face of explicit evidence and reality to the contrary. I've seen it consistently in these topics too. You had someone saying Zodiark isn't a primal and that he doesn't temper after Emet-Selch said "Zodiark is a primal and he tempered us". That takes conviction to tell Emet he's wrong.

That being said I completely understand trepidation about Hydaelyn, because of the classic JRPG business of the god of light being sinister or flawed and the fact that she's a primal and any primal is bad business - the best primal is one who wants to stay the fuck away and not be summoned (Ramuh and Louisoix). The thing is everything we've seen of Hydaelyn is good so far. I don't trust her though, I expect she might snap and decide humanity is so violent and cruel she needs to intervene, but the people who try and make Zodiark out to be a good dude (not neutral, but good) though what the fuck.

"Give me worshippers and crystals"
"Give me shinies and JOLLY REVELRY"


Zodiark was dealing with real shit to be fair but motherfucker is like if the Aztecs were made into a primal.

>fray would appear in the MSQ
But user, you do appear in the MSQ.

i just did this two nights ago and just need to tell you, git good ya fookin scrub, had my wife pulling double and triple packs, she barely knows how to paladin, and i still had time to dps, also dissipation is good now, use it when your fairy shit is on cooldown.

Can't wait to embrace my autism when i spam mgsr quotes when im playing as a samurai

>PLD in dungeon content
>always cast Clemency on themselves if they dip below 80% HP
Are PLD just pussies or is this some ancient tech I don't know about?

Can you learn this emote?


Pics or link

Vanu vanu beast tribe quest.

Well, Zodiark doesn't need to feed on people, it's just how he does his shit that really requires some oompf.

The haka dance? Yeah just do the HW beast tribe quests

Is the Crystal Exarch really that much better? He rewrote history and potentially wiped out the lives of millions for the sake of his heroboner with the WoL.

Isn't that the same thing as Emet? Denying people the chance to live on their own terms and doing everything they can to save people who are already dead?


SCH was shit in Heavensward too, only one skill actually made it onto your hotbar the entire expansion, the fact that the numbers where big doesn't change that the playstyle was already not merely stagnant but regressive.

Then they remove a major fucking mechanic with cleric stance, making even more cookie cutter basic shit and have another set of extremely boring new skills.

And now, what they've done can only be described as a bad joke, even in concept the whole job is just ridiculous now, you can't even really spend all of your fucking aetherflow in bossfights anymore, your level 80 skill is basically just a reworked rouse for fucks sake.

because highlander women are hot as fuck

Fray is the whiny bitch persona of DRK mains.
My WoL is a chad though.

>run Dohn Mheg with NPCs
>boss summons that pit with a narrow path above it
>NPCs actually react to it differently
that's pretty neat-o
>Minfillia has to walk across really really slowly

typical DRK players.

No ogcd self heal makes them pussies.

You know what's even cuter?
If you get Urianger, he throws a balance at her.

What if Hydaelyn needs WAR and primal sacrifices?

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I start using Clemency in trash pulls when i'm out of cooldowns, which is pretty often when you pull everything but the samurai insists on doing his single target rotation and a black mage who somehow struggles with freeze > flare > flare.

Would you prefer i just fucking die?

That's awesome. I should totally start doing Trust more.

Isn’t the bad future already fucked so bad that Biggs (or was it Wedge?) Jr tells you the planet is doomed and it will only last a few more days.

should I ask her?

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>I challenge you, Emet-Selch
>It ends this day. One way or another, it ends.
Is this the most kino moment in video game history?

So you play just as bad as your dps counterpart? Just trust your healer for that and spam your AoE attacks.

No. Black rose is what kills millions, Exarch is literally preventing that.

At the very least it is the most kino moment in an MMO

Stop talking out of your ass user, he's actually playing properly there.

did they discover the formidable fate timer yet


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yeah, kinda, you still don't want to use it for meikyu though

all healers are equally cucked, remember that you're literally playing the slave role

>Being a boring class is fine as long as you have BIG NUMBERS
Imagine being this retarded unironically though?

No, this is.
No random adventurers who just happen to be passing by here. All seven of them are legendary heroes, sure some of them might be naked or dressed as pigs or frogs but they are still legendary heroes nonetheless.

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If i die but I could've survived by using clemency, whose fault is it? If you say it's mine then that means I should've used clemency and if you say it's the healers for being bad then THAT MEANS I SHOULD'VE USED CLEMENCY YOU APE

I don't use clemency if i'm not in danger of fucking dying

That's the DPS user. You literally just follow behind the tanks like good little puppies, begging the healer to compensate for your mistakes and keeping you alive because you're literally helpless on your own.

Not that I recall. It's an era of massive warfare and strife for sure and the 8th umbral calamity has fucked things up hard but it's clear that there was also a streak of hope, considering across multiple groups of cids they were able to figure out how to time travel.

No, Black Rose had already killed millions and ushered in the next calamity by the time he awoke. By rewriting time he's preventing black rose yes, but he's also effectively erasing everyone that was alive at that time and trying to survive or make their lot better.

He even mentioned this because he fully expected to be erased due to his time shenanigans, something brought up during the last few cutscenes. He was fully willing to erase that entire branch of history for the sake of the WoL.

I could see Hydaelyn in a sense needing suffering - because suffering begets prayer and hope of salvation which is what nourishes her. I am not sure what would, prayer wise, nourish Zodiark. The lorebook states it's both spiritual aether (usually prayer, not always - see that little kobold whose anguish and pain causes a retarded Titan to spawn) and material aether that is needed to summon a primal, while belief/worship is what nourishes them (but I don't think it's always enough).

This isn't my character (I'm a mhigger) but I had to look up Cylva in the previous topic since she didn't show up in my Role-quest (I had the cat archer). was what someone posted for that whole dialogue with Cylva from one of the role quests.

>To forge you into heroes worthy of her blessing, that she might choose you as her champions.
Each of the WoD were people suffering a great tragedy/drama and "by [his/her] sacrifice, a warrior [of light] born".
Ysale was suffering naked and broken in the snow when the Blessing of Light came to her. I don't know how the other WoL blessings were given.

That'd be a very easy and realistic way of making Hydaelyn into a less benevolent figure. That Hydaelyn split the worlds both for a good reason but also that she profits from it because these divided lives suffer more than if they were whole. Just like Zodiark saved the world but also profited from it.

If you use clemency on trash pulls, you miss doing damage on those mobs. What do you think the healer is for?

>canon incel
>canon virgin
>canon jobber
>canon cuckold


I thought that was just a funny circumstance on my run. CUTE

Heh watch this

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>but he's also effectively erasing everyone that was alive at that time and trying to survive or make their lot better.
user... that's the dumbest thing I've read all week.

But same applies to healers and tanks. Otherwise why do you need DPS in party?

>four fire ivs guaranteed, five if i'm cheeky or don't care because the boss is about to phase-change
>five to six fire ivs while in ley lines guaranteed
>freeze lets me pump out flares like a fucking madman

Attached: 1543980694367.jpg (1307x1108, 143K)

>indom changed to a 500 potency ogcd on a 30s cooldown
>SCHs : ....

>excog changed to a 800 potency ogcd on a 45s cooldown that will always heal even if they botch it off completely
>SCHs : ....

>lose 1 dot

Attached: 1555931633563.png (141x154, 56K)

As a healer, if I see you use Clemency I immediately call you out being a shitter. That's my job. You will not die only because you slightly dipped below 50%.

Whos the slave now


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Again, user, stop pretending to be retarded. Nobody is as dumb as you're pretending to be, it won't work.

They'd rather have 3 dots that do the same overall potency as one dot just because dot management somehow tickles their brain and makes them feel skilled.

>Best is getting a friend of yours to kill higher level mobs and hunt mobs you tag

It takes barely an hour to hit level 15 just doing hunting logs and fates, why bother with all that?

When WoL gonna get his fucking dick wet

2 DoTs. There was also that AoE field.

Only the insane willingly become heroes.

>oh no people love pitiable but charismatic bad guys

That's life when you have what's called a personality

I don't want to look at a male ass for 2000 hours because I'm not gay.

imagine not letting yourself go below 50% so that the value of dignity/tetragrammation/benediction/lustrate increases enabling your healer to do more dps

And what if i'm playing with a mediocre/bad healer, which is most of them?

If I'm playing with a competent healer then I'll never be in danger of dying and ergo will never use clemency are you being deliberately argumentative on purpose

When you stop trying to cram fanservice into everything

>tanks are there to heal xD

Literally how it's the easiest ex primal since ARR

Alisaie is almost 100% going to die in our arms.

t. nerfed into oblivion tuesday
enjoy the ride while it lasts

canonically already did when they got 3 lines

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>Why do you need DPS??
That's the thing. You don't. I've literally done every EX dungeon without dps with my FC because the healers and tanks all got to 80 first, it's not even much slower.

Meanwhile, you can't replace tanks, you can't replace healers. You're the bitches of the game user, and you always have been, you always will be.

Hell, back in ARR there were meme runs of the entire CT raid with just 24 SCH or 24 WAR, great shit and good fun, never a run with 24 of a DPS class though, because you're not needed, you're fluff.

Are you ilvl 444 Yea Forums?

Have you tried not being a raging closeted homo that can't stop looking at man ass for a few minutes?

requesting larger version of this picture

imagine thinking that i think i'm going to die when my health is getting low and not because I know the healer and myself are both out of cooldowns

If i know the healer has big cooldowns like Benediction then I won't even start healing myself even if i'm

Fuck off cram fanservice the fucking npcs fuck each other when the fuck WoL gonna fuck a woman ffs

As a healer, if I see you use clemency it's sign for me to dps more. I don't really care since PLDs tend to have worse aoe than healers in general.

Shadowflare barely required a brain to operate, it was almost drop on cooldown.

>Smallbrain can still only talk about BIG NUMBERS
You're not actually pretending, are you? You're legitimately this retarded?

>the one legendary hero who died mid Hades and is lying on the floor mid cut-scene whilst everyone else is doing the ATE


Stop right there with your "it could happen!" bullshit.
When you die as a tank in a fucking dungeon then call out your healer for being retarded.
But by you using Clemency I assume you have the same mindset as that bad healer.

>using high ilvl stuff just to pad instead of using optimal sub stats from ilvl 430/440 gear

Is that true

The fuck

It's just shitty writing to cater to the lowest common denominator

Why do people have such trouble with the Big Add phase of Titania EX? It seems super straightforward. Seeing people launch themselves off the platform during the tether/knockback portion gives me a fucking fit I tell you what.

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of course I am, I got to 444 more than a week ago


Honestly, this is what worries me the most. They would never kill Alphinaud or Yshtola and nobody cares about Urianger, Thancred somehow survived all his death flags probably because we needed a tank for Trusts. That just leaves Alisaie as the only party member they can kill if they want to kill someone.

Fuck you faggot you want to play a fucking virgin you fucking virgin if the WoL don't fuck women he a fucking pathetic cuckold bitch

>a black mage who somehow struggles with freeze > flare > flare.

>expecting me to spam my trump card on trash mobs
Know your place, dog

there's an 11 point difference in STR from the innocence rings to tome rings

>Why no I don't look at my screen, I actually struggle to look anywhere but the middle of my screen so I don't see a dudes ass WHAT ARE YOU GAY?!?!
Your excuses are pathetic user. Only homos and children play male characters in vidya when given the choice.

I am fucking fabulous

You realize you have to be 18 to post on Yea Forums, right

Dragoon or Sam?

Any class that is like a warrior, but deals big dick crits?

>that one DPS that's on the wrong side before the knockback

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>Still trying this hard to make himself look like a total retard
Now you're just being silly.

Are you a weeb or a faggot?

>Alpha.F minion reward
>had 3/8 chance of getting 2 lines for her
>its a dud
I hate this slut.

Warrior but with a higher item level.

big buff bitch or big personal damage respectively

In what instance would a healer have problems keeping the tank alive if you aren't playing AST?

I think PLD aoe is well above any healers due to Requiescat/Holy Circle/Confiteor

Your mentality is so fucking stupid and does not function when paired with sub optimal players. In a perfect world I would pull as much trash as possible as tank, all the time. However some healers (or dps) play so poorly that doing so will result in wiping.

If you're a tank and pull big (as you should) and the party wipes because they're doing garbage dps/the healer is retarded then do you just keep pulling big or do you cut the pulls back a bit so you don't fucking waste your own time for no reason?

DPS clump way too much on the first Big add, the AoE markers will fuck up most of them if they don't realise you need to put 2 on the top/bottom corner and have a range opposite where puck is.

Do you enjoy spears or katanas more? Also note that dragoons get recolors of tank sets, typically, so technically they get to wear heavy armor.

I'm not gonna say "Emet-Selch was right" or any shit like that but I think it's dismissive to just say "oh he's tempered so everything he says is just a lie/exaggeration for the sake of restoring his god and he has no will of his own and Zodiark is just another aether vampire that's destroying the world."

For starters not all primals work the same way. There's normal primals like Ifrit, there's primals that are summoned onto a person like Shiva and Thordan, and there's oddballs like Odin and Eureka which don't seem to work like any other primal. It's too hasty to just say "Emet said Zodiark is a primal and so therefore he works like this", especially since Zodiark/Hydaelyn are primals like no other, both in magnitude and in their nature, since they are not so much distinct entities as a will imbued into the very land. There's not currently anything to suggest that Hydaelyn and Zodiark need constant aether sacrifices to sustain themselves, and each sacrifice given to or planned for Zodiark was for a specific purpose; to stop the calamity, or to restore life to the world, or to restore the lives of the Amaurotines.

And while it's true that Emet-Selch says they were tempered by Zodiark, it's also true that the Ascians are said to have the echo and that the echo prevents tempering. So clearly something has to give there. Do they not actually have the echo? Does Zodiark overpower the echo? Is the nature of the echo different with relation to Hydaelyn/Zodiark? It is too early to just be making blanket statements about the nature of Hydaelyn/Zodiark and automatically equating them with all other primals when even "normal" primals aren't always the same. It's like saying "I know how gravity works on earth so therefore I know what black holes are like". Everyone has their pet theories but that's all they are at this point.

I'm a weeb that likes spears and Jumping.

Dragoons do buffs?

Soon. Worshipers of Hydaelyn will appear 100%. If 3 most loyal Zodiark summoners avoided sundering this should happens to Hydaelyn summoners too.

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>all healers heal fine in any content
Raidtrannies are ruining this game.

They didn't even dare to kill Nanamo or Raubahn. Yshtola and Alisae both survived clear deathblows before. Nobody's going to die. The nip fans would riot

You realize you're a fucking pathetic virgin saying the WoL should be fucking virgin loser like you

based lorian

>Giraffe necks and awkward animation, would play something similar to Aymeric
It's all about picking the right gear. Just like Aymeric, you don't look malformed if you wear the right type of armor.
The animatios are kino.

A tank's number one job is to not die but people will give you shit for not continuing to do your shit dps for a moment to make sure you dont die

>nip fans would riot
They're fucking taking it up the ass getting cucked with Yshtola by Runar

Dragoons have 2 party buffs out of which one got nerfed recently

The point is that you're bitching about losing dps skills and how much more boring your job became after that, and yet you're forgetting that constant buffs also make your job easier to play. Why didn't you bitch about indom being made one of the strongest aoe heal skills in the game? ogcd on top of all?
It made the game a lot easier for SCHs, why werent you complaining that the job became super easy "just press a indom button and damage goes away"?

That's my dilemma, I love spears but katanas are also pretty cool.

I'm glad I found an amazing group that one shot cleared then farmed 10 runs in just over 2 hours. All dps were above 9.5k. Not touching this shit again until mount rates get increased

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if anything the deficiencies of AST are only exacerbated by dungeon content.

First wall pull in Akadaemia (3 packs), also the pulls before second boss in Twinning depending on how good/bad your dps is you can either be at the second double pack before your cooldowns are up or take so long your cooldowns run out before the pack is dead.

Guess what? I always pull wall to wall and never died once because playing healer in a dungeon is not rocket science.
And yes my HP dipped below 20% several times and yet the healer was always in control.
This game is already simple as it is.

Japs don't do shit they fucking take it all like fucking cucks they don't complain about Yshtola or pajeet they're fucking microdick cucks

kek never thought about how nip fans would take that

>getting cucked
your fault for picking the worst waifu

Never had a problem with that because Nascent Flash :^)

AOE markers are biggest problem. Kinda chaotic

I Like, Freeze->sharpcast->thunder4->Fire 3-> triplecast->Flare->Flare->Manafront->Flare->Ether->Swiftcast->Flare->Thunder4->Foul. shit is fucking awesome. my drk friend keeps losing aggro to it.

They taking it up the ass that how they taking it fucking Japan lost it samurai spirit replace with cuck poltergeist

Say that again when Alisaie get npc boy friend next expansion

The world pretty much was doomed. There were no heroes left, everyone was busy killing each other, and the people who worked to send the Exarch back WANTED their future (or present rather) to be altered so it didn't suck so bad. The Exarch even says that it's possible that future is still there cut off from time due to his meddling.

Not sure, haven't been parsing dungeons lately.

FFlogs show similar numbers for both WHM and PLD
I'd say it depends on the player in this composition.

>You're bitching about this clearly bad thing
>But you're forgetting about this also bad thing!
user are you seriously going to keep pretending to be more and more retarded as you go? WHY THE FUCK WOULD I WANT THE GAME TO BECOME EASIER THE MORE I PLAY IT YOU FUCKING INBRED SHITSTAIN, HOLY FUCK HOW DUMB CAN YOU BE?!
>Why weren't you complaining about indom?!?"

Are you the Pa'jeet guy

>Oh no I was caught out being a complete and total retard
>Better deflect! :^)))))
Fuck off retard.

alisaie is our girlfriend user

DRG easily

we lost 3 dots, the ability to spread them, and fairy control is objectively worse then it's previous iteration, fuck you, you absolute cockgobbling swamp child.

Why not switch to WHM if you want to do big dick numbers?

formidable fate up on odin

You done with this tantrum yet?

if the intent of the shitposter is to drag down thread-quality and kill them that way it's starting to work

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Then bitch next time they buff you through the roof like they did on 4.05. Not just when it suits you.

I don't believe you. Just yesterday I pulled everything possible in the first pull of Academia and the dps took a long time to kill everything and I died after I ran out of defensive cooldowns and the healer used up Benediction/Tetra etc.

What you gonna do when you get cucked out of Alisaie this bitch Ishikawa no talent cunt writer making WoL a fucking cuckold bitch what you gonna do when Alisaie fucks some npc boy next expansion

user he's insane.

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>Second left on enochian
>F1/B3 about to refresh it
>Tank randomly pulls the mob I'm casting it on out of my LoS

I might have missed it in HW, but was it ever explained what, in details, caused the flood of light? What exactly did Ardbert and his companios do?

Why are healers such whiny bitches? Just shut up and heal, that's the only thing you're good for

Attached: healer.png (507x82, 77K)

They killed all of the Ascians populating the First, and threw the aspect of the shard so badly into light that it caused an overabundance of light-aspected aether which translated into the Flood. Theoretically without the Ascians to shake things up, light takes over due to the stagnation involved.

Also; Selene deleted completely, more brainless OGCD aoe buttons, rouse reworked into your "new" level 80 skill which is boring as hell, energy drain is gone so resource management is completely out the window. The most interesting skill we get is a 90 second cooldown crit guarantee that has a chance equal to your crit chance to do fucking nothing other than being one free spell every time you use it.

What the fuck is even happening in this thread

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t. blm thinking heals extend all the way to fucking africa

yesterday I ran 10 dungeons to level up my NIN and I can tell you that about half of the tanks out there don't know what the fuck doton does and keep moving the mobs out of it while staggering every pull

It's gets better explained after you do all 4 of the ShB not-job quests

Jesus christ
>*types passive aggressive comments during the ten second gaps between healing instead of helping with DPS*
>*whines about DPS' parse being too low*
Healers should be banned en masse


Maybe you should switch to a more efficient tank for big dungeon pulls. People shit on WAR but on dungeon pulls I just love to spam Nascent Flash, Equib and Thrill of Battle.

Lmao dilate retard

Here (You) go, since (You)'re so thirsty, I'll even give (You) a couple extra (You)'s.

The BLM needs to stop standing in the corner of the map so they can actually get healed, or I'm about to rescue them out of their ley lines

My fucking intent for fucking Jap microdick cuck writers to stop writing WoL a virgin cuckold WoL should fuck some women get his dick wet

just use Transition bro

I fucking hate niggers and yet I also hate niggamages who always have to stand in the farthest corner.

WAR is boring

According to them they won too much. Pushed out all the darkness in the world, killed all the ascians and broke the scale in favor of light. With nothing to keep light in check in overran the world. The role quests probably explain it more but I haven't done all of those.

Why is that last one different from the rest?

>Hurrr durrr even though it's painfully obvious you absolutely would have bitched about this exact thing in the past I'm going to pretend you didn't and tell you that you should have hurrrr durrrrr
Jesus fuck user any dumber and you'll create a singularity.

You lost miasma II which wasn't even used for the dot. You got miasma II back through the new ruin II since it serves the exact same purpose and even costs less mp.
You also got miasma II back again as art of war as a better aoe with higher potency and lower mp cost than miasma II
Shadowflare barely impacted your gameplay since it wasn't just ogcd it was also on a minute timer. It's dishonest saying your gameplay was hugely impacted because you lost it.

You do have a point with fairy control, that's something SCHs should be bitching about but nobody does.


That's another thing, melee in general is annoying since you need to move every time the tank does
If you mean transpose, not enough time by the time I realized my enochian refresher isn't going to land

But how

>fucking fucking microdick cuck virgin cuckold fuck

All these butthurt healers blaming BLM when that faggot is whining about a MCH

Then switch to DRK since they're the beefiest tanks and shit out good damage

Is umbral soul just a big boy transpose replacement or am I retarded

It having one combo is also gay. Bring back power slash and give it an effect that generates extra MP whenever you syphon strike the target you power slashed.

So I've leveled all my melee dps. Have a pretty good idea in which ones are going to be used in raids or EX.

>Raid worthy
>Usable but not needed

NIN is not that needed especially that DNC is available. SAM has no raid utility and barely does more damage than DRG and MNK.

I honestly won't be surprised if DRG is nerfed. But if rather they buff the others instead. SAM needs a big buff. Especially how fucking useless Shoha is.

And they also got played by Elidibus

Maybe stop being vague when you throw shade then

I've seen way more BLMs huddle up right at the edge of the arena than any other ranged class

>before AOE section begins, 6/8 players are all stationed in the same area

they bring it on thenselves and it will always fuck them over for the push. Ranged have it super easy during the add phase

Adjust you fucking slut

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Stop being dishonest user, just say it straight out. You're only bitching about the changes because it's a nerf. If they gave you a 1 miracle button that did a fuckton of dps and healed at the same time you'd be fellating yoship right now.

After all that's what you did back on 4.05.

you still need to use transpose to get into ice if you ended in fire

WAR the cuck job you forced prep Curios Gorge to fuck your girl it's fucking bullshit fucking cuckold jap writers

>Seriously unironically implying nobody has been bitching about fairies even though there has been nothing short of a chorus of complaints about how they've been gutted
Why the fuck are WHMposters this retarded even allowed here?

The fact that none of these SCH even remember Shadowflare's secondary effect shows that they just wanted to play green dps instead of heal

You're about to get adjusted to the fucking floor if you don't get closer, you fire-spamming mongoloid

>your girl

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Alright, I have some other questions but I might as well just igure it out myself when I'm 76

I'm not fucking pajeet I hate pajeet we fucking jobbed to that bitch then Thancred beat pajeet it's fucking bullshit

nin is getting a pDPS buff that is going to make it meta for another 2 years

Don't worry I get you.

>Some elezen randomly messages me as I'm sitting and calls me their queen

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>start of Dohn Mheg
>aggro first pack
>SCH drops Sacred soil on the pack
>Ninja drops doton on the pack
Absolutely infuriating why the FUCK would I or anyone be single pulling? I can understand some being wary of triple+ pulls but double pulls are almost as much of a joke as singles.

Attached: 1562650383996.png (338x338, 230K)

Go back to the cuckshed pajeet, y'shtola is busy.

>no "chain to the floor" skill yet

Leveling them all but WAR

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She fucking wet for WoL then cuck japs force WoL to prep her for Curious Gorge it's the same shit with Alisaie retard you fucking retards say Alisaie for us because make her wet but these fucking tiny dick japs will force WoL to prep Alisaie for some npc shitter

>Its a whiny healer who blames everyone else and sabotages the group
>its a dps who types '...' instead of just saying
their problem or dealing. Bonus if they start pulling on their own
>Its a tank who treats everyone else as a problem since they're so used to being coddled by everyone

I play a Male roe and I like to imagine him stretching out every female character with his massive gorilla dong

tell them then, why whine here.

I wouldn't be surprised if they did forget. After a while, enemies were immune to the slow effect.

BLMs have reason to stay far away sometimes. Because everyone wants BLM friend in their aoe markers. Especially melee. They don't want to move.

if you want to pull everything do it instantly, no need to waist 3 or 4 seconds on the first pack and then rush to next one

>healers adjust

Attached: Ultimate BLM.webm (1000x546, 2.95M)

>N-no you must be lying to me, clearly I'm such an important and valuable individual that people would take the trouble of lying to me! Otherwise my entire retarded narrative falls apart and I'd' have to accept the fact that I've been a fucking retard this entire time
You've been a fucking retard this entire time. I've been saying the entire time, even this entire thread, that SCH has been fucked for three expansions now. What the fuck did you think that meant you absolute moron.

And every time, you fucking come up with "b-but what about x big number thing!?!?" and you get told it's not about the numbers, it's never about the fucking numbers, and still you go back to it. You're literally dumber than a dog, incapable of learning even from repetition. What the fuck do you have to say for yourself you demented little bitch?

I leveled WAR because I know it's just going to get buffed beyond belief. DRK will be next just to fit in with all the cool kids.

I'm leveling BLM since I have it at 70 anyway. Is it still the king of aoe?

Retards I'm not the fucking writer made WoL job to pajeet

>the scion NPCs in the rising stones where the archer's sister is appalled and disgusted that she made it with hoary boulder and ocher boulder

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nigga, if a bomb blows up in your fucking face, you lose your arms, your legs, both testes and your nose do you really think a motherfucker would be pissed about losing his toenail.

Shadowflare didn't create immunity on the mobs because it was a ground effect.

the issue with healers is that there are times when damage isnt dealt and ranged dont need a heal

>Not just rescuing the BLM out of his leylines when he drops them
You gotta show those chucklefucks who's in charge user.

you have to be a pajeet because only a pajeet would misunderstand people calling him a fucking retard this many times

>gap close to pack
>total eclipse
>start running to next pack
guess i'll just provoke a single enemy and ignore the others aggro if you want me to somehow go faster

Gorillas have micro penis it's scientific fact same as japs

Bro pajeet cucked us bro what the fuck bro?
Bro I can't believe thancred cucked Runar from us bro?

i don't care about how strong they are I don't like WARs animations or how boring it is (currently). I didn't play it in SB either when it was top dog.

I'd there a point in getting Goetia gear now when the raid is gonna drop better shit or is augmented gonna be better

>only one bard in our team
>she's slut
I want to ride my bicycle i want to ride my bike

>level 90 blm skill is so powerful you need to use your magical ground snare skill beforehand to not get blown 100 ilm backwards

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well, yeah? that's how you do it
if you keep getting people dropping aoe on the first pack maybe it's your playstyle that's misleading

>SCH has been fucked for three expansions now
Broken as fuck you mean, literally present in 90% of the savage parties.

If you don't care about big numbers why didn't you go to the OF and asked for a nerf to the job?

It's fucking bullshit fucking microdick jap cucks made WoL a virgin bitch

i macroed between the lines to ley lines, healer does that shit and i just woosh on back.

She's a bicycle, but only for roegadyn. Go get 'em tiger

It's the king of sustained aoe but if you don't have Polyglot stacked up going into a pull your burst aoe is pretty mediocre.

Might sound weird but DRG seems to shit out burst aoe


>For starters not all primals work the same way.
You need proof to claim that the way a primal is summoned or defined (summoned abstractly, summoned into a prison, ect) changes how they behave towards aether or the way their tempering works. Because the evidence we are given in lore book and text explicitly spells out that

1) Primals drain aether by existing. How much varies.
2) Primals temper, even without wanting to temper. How much they temper varies but tempering happens against their will.

We are never given an ingame deviation from this. The only thing is that a primal can decide if they want to be rapacious or respectful with aetherial drain - Ramuh drains as little as possible, but he still drains (and tempers) by existing. Another primal is more rapacious, but they all consume aether. This is innate to a primal. Therefore, Zodiark and Hydaelyn, as primals, drain aether by existing as all primals do. If you can find evidence that demonstrates some primals do not drain aether, post it. If there is no evidence, then this is your theory. And no, this is not a pet theory. This is fact as stated by the game. There is the stated canon of the game as it stands and then there are theories. It is stated canon as it stands in the game the above 2 points. Find proof to the contrary, or it's a fan theory.

Then on the topic of tempering and the echo:

...that's actually a good idea. Spiting healers aside I could use my BTL spot open

I bro know bro what the bro fuck bro?

I play both male and female but saying you're constantly staring at your character's ass like you can't stop either means you're a closet gay or a permavirgin. Stop it.

Fuck you seething why the fuck WoL the only fucking virgin cuck in the fucking game

DRG's AoE got a hell of a lot better, they might end up king for that this expac. I know Life Surge affects all hits in their AoE weaponskill string now instead of just the first hit, so Coerthan Torment will crit and self-heal for every enemy hit.

>"Hurrr why didn't you do this thing you clearly did mayb if I ask it again i'll be rite dis time"
>"I u no complain about duh numahs its all about da numbaahs!?!?!?"
How many times are you going to slam your head against this wall, dog?


it's solid as fuck, while you're at it, macro Aetherial manipulation to party member 2, which will go to the tank any time you need to dodge shit, it's fucking tight.

>don't get healed
Was that part of your master plan?

Haha ebin glam eksdee, funny frog suit man funny! Hope your friends wear the same and post on reddit!

>drop Asylum
>DPS ignores it
>rescue them
>they literally walk out of it

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I agree with DRG since I leveled one. It's retarded.

I just plan to use BLM on dungeons anyway.

Does anyone have the song or the name of the song that plays when you enter the area where you find the device to take you to the First?

healers adjust

what kind of dps doesn't attack the pack while it's being pulled am i being rused?

Casters/Ranged/Melee(if they can stay in range) should be aoeing the whole time the pack(s) are being moved instead of doing literally nothing while they're being moved.

Every fucking time. Are dps players mentally retarded?

>Pretending to be retarded or autistic and taking "staring" literally
Holy shit dude, seek help.

I pull the first three groups all the way down the stairs in Akedemia all the time. TBN makes it easy.

>Tank aggo first pack
>I sleep
>he's still here
>I sleep
>still here
>I drop doton/tridisaster+bane +DWT
>he moves
That's why. It is minigame.


Jesus fuck this is shit I wish I thought of a while ago, sincere thanks user

All of NA die or just Crystal?

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don't get hit in the first place, also manaward, if you needed healing that bad you fucking suck. potions for raidwides, healers are for scrubs and tanks.


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You do realize bigger numbers make your job easier right?

A 200 potency indom would need a succor precast into a indom ogcd. A 60s indom would need more planning than a 30s one. But of course that kind of "easier" doesn't matter, it's a buff not a nerf after all.

I think it was all of NA. I'm on Aether and it just died too.

it's a measure against the whiny tanks that are afraid of losing aggro on the first pack while running to the second

Primal got hit too.

Playing Sam for the first time. Why would I ever use a Hissatsu except Hiassatsu:Kaiten? I feel like the bonus damage to Iaijutsu is enough to overcome any bonuses from using Kenki directly through the other Hissatsus.

DNC is high APM every 2 minutes in the Devilment+Tactical Finish buff window but inbetween you'll rarely throw any oGCDs. On my last Titania EX pull I had 36CPM

Based opinion, Highlander females are top tier

he already did nigger

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the WoL is an incel
like you


What are some good FFXIV content creators a la

WoW used to have a massive music/machinima community. Still has one though it's gone the way of the game in the last couple of years.

Any time fellow explosion master.

Finally a character I can relate to!

Kaiten's potency-buff to the next action used by it is only worthwhile on iaijutsu and you can't actually use Midare Setsugekka frequently enough to warrant the amount of kenki you generate. You spam Shinten in between GCDs to blow off the extra kenki.

Mr. Happy, MTQ, Tate

You can't make WoL fuck her I tried this is bullshit WoL better fuck some pussy fucking retarded jap micro dick cucks fucking focus on eb tranny marriage not WoL fucking npcs fucking retard thimble dick bitches

>"B-but da numbaaahs bruuuuh dey make your jerb more braindead and boring like you complained about, why didn't you complain about da numbaaaahs bruuuuhuhuhuhuhuh?!?!?!?"
Seriously lad, seek help immediately.


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Whenever I cast Clemency after blowing all my cooldowns on a trashpull, that's pretty much a sign that the healer sucks

Wall to wall pull in Akademia is quick work for DPS who know their AOE rotation, the dungeon itself can be cleared in 15mins. Also if you have a Bard, they can decrease damage taken by the party and increase healing by the party alongside the tank using Arm's Length.

I'm not fucking incel you dumb bitch but you fucking incel you fucking cuck bastard you want WoL to be virgin loser like you bitch ass

In JP we do this. The tank sprints up and just attacks one then fucking zooms to the next packs. No one attacks until the tank stops and gets the whole horde. Then automatically everyone aoes.

imagine being 2 retards arguing for an entire thread about fucking SCH

I'm gonna say the C word!


You keep going over the bigger numbers and still don't understand the fucking point huh Guess that book and school uniform is just for show.

Stay mad pajeet.

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>Only actual point on there

False, mnk completely removes the reason to ever bring a sam with how close they are looking at both the current EX trials.

Seems like the servers are shitting the bed right now.

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Seriously is this faggot obsessed with WoL being a virgin a bot or schizophrenic

Ffs I finish the msq and think it's safe to come here and I still manage to get spoiled.

>Zenos: I speak of the Echo, of course. Does it merely render you immune to eikonic influence? Or is it rather that your influence is far greater than theirs? I saw how it could be instrumental in binding an eikon to one’s will.

Zenos notes the echo is a multiplier of will, and because tempering is a primal applying its internal aether (soul?) into a weaker willed being, tempering appears to be a battle of wills. As Emet says, "It was only natural. There is no resisting such power". Emet admits he was defeated and it was only natural to in that battle of wills.

According to Zenos, the echo can harmonize with being tempered - if your willpower multiplied by the echo is greater. And Emet-Selch says his was not greater. "There is no resisting such power". An ascian told us we have no idea of the true power/depths of the echo, but you raise the valid concern about the echo's co-existing with tempering. So what do we know about echos and tempering?
>We know Emet and the ascians were tempered. "There is no resisting such power"
>We know tempering causes one to act in the interest/will of the primal. Not necessarily mindlessly.
>We know the Ascians have the echo
>We know the echo allows you to overcome tempering and in fact reverse it, in effect tempering the primal yourself and controlling it - this is what Zenos did to Shinryu.

Based on this evidence we can see that the echo is a resistance, not an immunity. If the ascians possessed the echo before Zodiark, it did not stop them from being tempered. Scale the tempering? Sure, but not stop it. They are tempered. They exist to carry out Zodiark's will. So sayeth Emet himself.

When we see more evidence, then the reality changes. A fan theory without evidence is speculation, not fact.

Ah. I'm only level 60 so I don't generate nearly enough Kenki to have "too much". I guess that changes with the extra passives. Good to know. I've just been combining it with Midare Setsugekka for MASIVE DAMAGE at the moment.

100% just a schizo.

>Y-you just d-dont get t-the p-point even t-though y-you specifically d-dismantled it and I g-got BTFO
Sad. Seek help, dog.

>tfw got the frog mount before servers going to shit

Why the fuck you want WoL be a virgin loser I'm the fucking hero here you cuckhappy virgin

>2) Primals temper, even without wanting to temper.
What? Bullshit. The entire party of scions hangs out right in front of Ramuh and he doesn't do dick to them, you don't need to shield them like you did with Lakshmi. This is 100% some shit you've just invented in your own head and are now spouting as incontrovertible truth.

Shadowbringers has made discussing the lore of this game fucking unbearable.

Autism is a helluva thing

more like Scholent

where is the mount from? I saw a hunt that looks like that

Fuck you you want WoL be a virgin why you want WoL be a virgin you want him like you virgin loser

>Connection dips for half a second
>Booted off
>Now I get to wait 20 minutes because of faggots who AFK in cities all day for attention

I'm also JP and everyone i've seen attacks enemies while they move and i do it too because it's more efficient

Yeah you gain a trait later on that generates kenki with every single weaponskill used and gain double the kenki from correctly hitting your positionals. You'll only use kaiten on your iaijutsu skills, Higanbana (it does boost the damage of every single tick of the DoT, Kaiten Higanbana is the single most powerful DoT in the game), Tenki Goken for AoE, and Midare. Ikishoten generates 50 kenki for free.

Special fate in Kholusia.

is the trick of talking to the summoning bell to not get kicked still legit?

user, the whole thing with the sylphs is that Ramuh unintentionally tempered them, the fact that you bring up Ramuh and ignore this all important aspect of him is just absurdly retarded.

I understand why you'd think discussing lore is unbearable when you're this dumb.

Random question, do I need to be on a German server to play with the German client? Been learning the language for a while and I feel like playing in it will help a lot


Oh also got removed from a queue I was in for 20 minutes

your IP and irl address need to be german

All primals temper those in the immediate vicinity after they're summoned but any tempering from then on is done on purpose.

Dodging an argument doesn't dismantle it user.

How does Tsubame Gaeshi work? Do I just use it for every Madare its up for, can I kaiten it?

No, you can change the game language from the launcher.


That is something purely of your own imaginings. All we know for sure is that tempering occurs regardless of a primal's will.

how can i launch a psyop against someone to make the leader of my dying fc more depressed so they give up and gives the fc and it's mansion to me like they said they would if they decided to throw in the towel

What argument? "y-you dun git it" is not an argument and "but the big numbers make it easier" has been thoroughly demolished.

So what did you have left, dog?

That's what I meant but I worded it really badly, anyway thanks to people who replied. Other MMOs throw a shitfit if you try to just change the language and nothing else

>Mr Happy
I don't have any images of puking anime girls saved but I want you to know that's what I would have attached here.

I'm on aether and half my party D/Ced other half and I were fine though

Tsubame-gaeshi used on Higanbana is a waste, use it on Tenka Goken for AoE and use for Midare on single-target. You can kaiten the initial Midare Setsugekka but not the Tsubame-gaeshi mirror of it. The Tsubame mirror of Midare is roughly equal in potency to a kaiten Midare anyways.

I don't know why, but I have an easier time getting into a game when female. I guess it's because they're cuter and nicer to look at than generic stubble man?

Tsubame the iajustu that you just used. You cannot kaiten it. Only useful right now on midare. Or on goken on trash pulls.

>MTQ videos
>no breaks between explanations of mechanics
jarring as fuck

Makes sense. Thanks.


just pause the video?

>repeats the same over and over without touching the main point
>lol i demolished you

Are you retarded user? Is english not your first language?


>Get asked a question
>Sperg out instead of answering
>Effectively having an entire spiel that results in little more than "nuh-uh, I'm right and you're dumb"
user, feel free to admit defeat already, it's getting embarrassing now.

Ill show you american

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Tell me when Shoha becomes fucking useful. Because in my eyes it's the worst skill in the game right now.


I would be utterly shocked if it didn't get a buff. It should do well over 1k potency at 5 stacks, minimum. Would be nice if you got stacks of meditation off certain skills too.

Fluid Aura

This I understand. Firaga

Fuck this fucking cuck game fuck the microdick jap cuck writers

as useful as having a sam in your party desu

I would totally play a "Final Fantasy XIV offline"

Go read

I fucking play it if you can fuck the npc women it's fucking bullshit the tiny cock japs focus on eb tranny marriage gimmick

I feel like they assume the Kenki you can burn+shoha is supposed to be a big loadsadamage, but its really not worthwhile in any way.

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>go to pause
>already talking about the next set of mechanics