Did MvC3 have soul?

Did MvC3 have soul?

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It carried the FGC's soul. It's dead now.

Help revive UMvC3. People are starting to play it over Parsec on PC.

More soul than infinite

It was shaded to look like a comic book and had patches just for fan service. It had legit soul.

Everything from graphics, to music, to voice acting. It's full of soul except its netcode.

Attached: Vergil kills entire team.gif (500x288, 1.47M)

>the actual hype that came out of this game
>and now we have SF5

It had soul, but unfortunately Capcom broke the game on purpose as a joke. Teleporters, Stupid hit detection and Projectile durability all make the game less enjoyable than Mvci, and this is coming from a Zero player.


Mite b cool

Gib Nero fer MvC4

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it did until people figured out all the infinite combos and every high level match just became "who gets 100-0'd first" or "can Zero ever hit you once?"

SOU-SOUL FIS- HIDDEN MISSILES was 1000x more watchable than that horseshit.

>Reddit: the fighting game

MvC2 was very soulful in spite of its reused assets

why? it's on steam, did i miss something

>reddit:the fighting game
>reddit spacing
Go back from whence ye came

You can play the Steam version over Parsec, which is a different (better) method of netplay.

It did, but nothing in the game can even come close to MvC2's artwork

Attached: mvc2 mm.jpg (500x900, 62K)

Tryhard redditor spotted. Piss off

Does parsec work with pirated versions?

I actually like the projectile durability that came from Vampire games. I wish more games have that.

You just need it running on your desktop.

Don't fall for this meme. There is a shit ton of delay for whoever the game is being streamed to.

That's just you Pablo. Works great here in freedom land.

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It actually did. The roster was very well thought out even though I hated the gameplay.

Hello no parsec is utter shit, fighting games are literally unplayable for anyone who is not the host on parsec

He better have his chance at something and roll out the red fucking carpet for him. His moveset is way too much just screaming and begging to be in a fighting game.

I miss the beef. I miss Yipes going ham on the mic. I miss watching Jwong lose to Flocker. I miss Jwong redeeming himself the next year. I miss people getting salty over MorriDoom. I miss RyanLV shaking up the scene. I miss seeing IHeartJustice fucking people up with Wright.
I fucking miss MvC3

This game had an amazing roster but the part about it was seeing all of the Megaman 'tards seethe and threaten to boycott the game over his exclusion.

MvC2 is the soulless amalgamation of all the soulful games that came before it.

You only remember the good stuff. Lets not forget chrisg

Xmen COTA: Soul
Marvel Super Heroes: Soul
Xmen vs Streetfighter: Soul
Marvel Super heroes vs streetfighter: Soulless
Marvel vs Capcom: Soul
Marvel vs Capcom 2: fun, but objectively soulless
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3: soul
Infinite: soulless

Everything about this man wright here should tell you that this game had soul; completely original moveset that perfectly adapted every aspect of his non-fighting game origins, two phenomenal remix themes and the entire notion of his gimmick and level 3. Ending in story mode is based as well.

Attached: PhoenixWright.png (400x630, 107K)

Oh and this as well.

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>Missile doesn't become Missile
What the fuck

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just play fighterz

it had too much soul

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>no mention of marlin pie
dude always made every match hype that set with combofiend is legendary. full schedule wasnt the same.

This. Literally cutting half of the frames is sad.

>rocket will never be a standalone anymore

Even MUA3 fell for the rocketgroot meme

Is this worth buying on PS4 for $10? Is online dead? Will I get fucked by the player base in every fight?

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That game’s about as far as possible from Marvel 3 in terms of gameplay style & fun, would honestly rather play Blazblue Cross Tag instead desu.

Mixed bag of no lifes and scrubs.

Vergil/Doom/Dante still rule the set

you bet your ass it did. way more soul than mvci

a true man of fgc mahvel 3 culture


No and neither did MvC2. MvC1 on the other hand was full of soul.


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Absolutely full of it. Visuals, writing, music, systems, meta (team building is incredibly open and every character except Iron Fist is viable of you build right), the competitive scene. UMvC3 is tip to bottom my favorite fighting game.

100% correct. Marvel 2 is an enjoyable game with some great new sprites sprinkled in there despite being incredibly rushed, but people forget that MSHvSF has zero new sprites and just wasn't fun. It was the most soulless Vs game until Infinite.

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Make a switch port and people will play it again

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Fighter Z is 10/10 for people who don't play fighting games, its visuals are fucking great and it has most cool DBZ characters. Too bad the game is fucking garbage.

MVC3 and Ultimate were oozing soul from every orifice.
>all those movesets based on the original games
>every character feels unique
>that 11/10 OST
>those awesome visuals only hindered by the shitty hardware (on PC now we can finally see it at full power though)

can't wait to try it out, I'd love to play some UMVC3 with low ping

while I don't really care for the game all that much yes it had soul. characters said different things to eachother based on who they were fighting, and all kinds of little fan service things like that. the only thing that would make it have more soul is having Jin and Cyclops.

i agree, it's more like a mugen

Darkstalkers = soul
SF Alpha = soul
Mvc2 = no soul.


Not to mention 5 FUCKING SHOTOS for Street fighter

vergil+doom was soulless

Fucking this, I've never seen a more apt description.
>the sprites seem kinda wonky
>those souless as fuck 3D backgrounds
>that garbage music, SPECIALLY when compared to the previous games'

Wait, WHAT? MVC2 runs at 30 fps?

but he did mention
>I miss people getting salty over MorriDoom.

Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end~

>Wait, WHAT? MVC2 runs at 30 fps?

>Great artstyle
>Amazing OST
>The characters moves and animation screams SOUL. The way they handled Phoenix Wright and Dante is breathtaking
>Hype competitive scene (although it fizzled out towards the end of it's life)
>Hype trailers

It was the last Capcom fighter that had soul.

Vergil + Ghost Rider + Captain America fite me faggots

they should have limited sword loop to only 1 time, it's too much damage, as well as removed the hidden missiles assist
and blocked Morrigan meter gain during Astral Vision
and limited Lightning Loops to 1
and some other tweaks
but they couldn't patch the game anymore, either because of Capcom or Marvel shenanigans, though they DID patch the game to remove the Magneto costume, fuck

wait, is that costume in the PC version of the game?

>he plays mahvel but exclusively picks Capcom characters

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>hurrr fite me
fucking retard monkey piece of shit

reminder that xfactor is easily the worst fighting game mechanic of all time

>tfw vanilla MVC3 Dante feels like I'm watching a DMC3 combo vid

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the game needed a million changes, but because of the licensing issue, it actually became just like mvc2 in a way
a broken mess people learned to love

Marvels are shit tier

>can be used in the beginning of a match to take out a point character
>can be used in the end to try to turn the tables
>can be used defensively to remove chip damage
no, X-Factor's problem was some characters being overtuned, like Vergil and Dark Phoenix

I don't think UMVC3 is as broken, specially after seeing Justin Wong win EVO with mid-low tiers
also, the only one who REALLY could make SORUSORUSORU work was Christiano Gonzales


Okay crapcom

So is Infinite any good?

it's got quite fun gameplay, the visuals are UMVC3's but somewhat uglier, the music is mostly crap, and while it's definetly a downgrade from the previous games, it gets shit on way way more than it deserves
it's unfortunate, but it's how things go, there are shit games that can be praised all over the place because they won the public like Fighter Z, there are games that are good that get shit on because of public reception and the flow of the tide

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The Top 5 characters were too strong but 49 out of 50 characters were viable outside of occasional awful matchups likes Haggar vs. Magneto. Even then, you could make Phoenix and Vergil fine if you nerfed just X Factor, leaving only Morrigan, Zero, Doom, and maybe Magneto to tone down.

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Wright (Pressing Pursuit)
Ghost Rider
Iron Fist
Captain America
Iron Man
Dr. Doom

Strider Hiryu
Wright (Objection!)

>Good Tier

>Ok Tier
Chun Li
Mei Ling
Hsien Ko
C. Viper
Rocket Raccoon

>Bad Tier
Frank West
Viewtiful Joe

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It's good to run sets in if you like a couple characters in it. That's it though. I think it's a travesty that the few fun newcomers are trapped in it.

>still no switch port
Give it to me capcom

>bad tier
you are not my nigger

Why are fighting games these days so underwhelming compare to the PS3/360 era?

I'd call the ps3/360 era a huge low if anything.

>streaming the game is better than peer2peer online
...was the game's net code really that bad?

>recycle a lot of UMVC3 stuff
>use a worse shader
>have a few ugly as sin 3D models
>completely ruin the voice acting (which was fucking A in UMVC3)
>no X-Men
>functions meme
>make sure everyone can see all this shit months before release
>shit on 90% of the music
WHAT were they THINKING? They killed MVCI as much as they could before release.

>SF5 was made to be somewhat easier so it tarnished the game's reputation with the tryhards, combos were too funneled, visuals weren't impressive or innovative, lacking single player modes hurt its reputation with the casual crowd
>MVCI see above
>I2 does what SF5 did with the gameplay, as well as going full retard on lootboxes shenanigans (though fortunately there's still competitive mode), and going half-onions
>MK11 goes full onions, tones down lootboxes schemes and is just as combo funneled if not a bit more
Can't really talk about Tekken and Soul Calibur or the anime fighters, I don't know them much. I think the only series that got an improvement this generation was Mortal Kombat with X(L) and the series that must not be named lest it bring in shitposters. Or fuck it, free bumps to the thread is always a good thing: Smash Ultimate. It's not as good as Melee, but it's good enough to replace it after all these years, and if you consider Brawl AND 4 to be of the PS360 era, then it's definetly an upgrade, as Brawl was sluggish and had tripping and completely shit balance, and 4 made you get people to 250% to kill them.

Don't underestimate big companies' incompetence. You'd think they'd at least use tech they currently have (SF5's online), but they don't.

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because you're a faggot 09er

this desu.
09ers are a fucking blight on the scene.

>no mvc4
>no tvc2
this aint right

only fucking shit players call good players "no-lifes"

You only think that because you haven’t played two of Capcom’s most slept-on fighting games. Hayato’s moveset is pure soul.
>every last attack is something he did in his original games, despite being from a 3D game they’re appropriated perfectly into 2D; normals, specials, and supers (except the level 3, which is still a callback)
>not only that but also has a mechanic that allows him to do the Tekken/SC-style strings and has nearly all of the ones that he had in his games, complete with the finishers from the first Star Gladiator
>is, as far as I know, the only character with a dash attack, true to his games (even including the dash attack follow up)
>his Plasma Field in its proper state may not have been viable to incorporate in a 2D game, but he does it as one of his supers that still carries the theme even if the effect his different
>motherfucking Black Hayato level 3
>various characters from his games show up in his victory with totally original sprites just for the hell of it
His whole presence is a love letter to two incredibly fun but overlooked (okay fine, one kind of novel Soul Blade rip-off and one incredibly fun) games, with enough soul to make up for whatever complaints you had.

>zero new sprites
Norimaro my dude

>best OST in the entire series
also why the fuck did they let Wolverine have like 6 themes throughout the series?

mvc2 is still a low quality game and you have plenty of characters that werent treated right at all, like Megaman who doesnt resemble game MM at all.

>people asking for MVC2 Jill back
>she charges at people while on fire
and did they really need to put in bone claws Wolverine?

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>implying Marvel 1 & 3 aren't the GOAT Vs OSTs

3 is right below it, 1 is lower because the samples they used were worse than the rest of the games

morrigan + felicia + x-23 tiddie team

Trish is bigger than X-23 and i think Morrigan as well.