Say something nice about them
These are future game designers/developers
Its always coony in Philadelphia
I legitimately don't understand this post. Did OP have a stoke? Did I have a stroke?
He is saying he dislikes African Americans and pretending it belongs on Yea Forums even though it's just an offtopic blogpost and has literally nothing to do with video games.
blacks have no long term thinking skills?
Brave african americans rescue shoes from flood
Why has no one made an edgy tower defense game where you play a Roof Korean defending his shop?
um i think you meant future astronauts
No, those are your doctors and teachers.
The new developers are from India and designers from California.
>African Americans
They are called niggers, don't misrepresent you bigot.
You see a looting nigger.
I see a game designer, a CEO, an astronaut, a movie star.
Bigots BFTO
That’s actually a hilarious idea.
What I see is doctors, engineers, physicists, etc...
Hey, where the video games at?
Dilate harder, fags.
But why a Walgreens
white fragility
Im Mexican.
i'm korean.
m-maw fukkin fruhjility crakka ass....
democrat voters baka baka
Says the nigger that comes in the thread to cry
Black fragiity
Why are black people so insecure about being compared with monkeys if other people in the world do it to each other as a joke every now and then?
it's not racist if koreans are doing it
Just niggers niggering .What actually is news here?
Fuck jannies, fuck trannies, fuck kikes, and fuck niggers.
Post video games dumbass
walgreens is a pharmacy store
so drugs and alcohol
You make a post like this and call others fragile lol
What other edgy racist game ideas can we come up with? What about a Tetris like puzzle game where African slaves drop in from the top and you're packing them into a slave galley?
Because they have that internalized image of themselves.
Ok normally I will defend shitty attempts to make /pol/ threads vidya related but you didn't even fucking try
>Quote Blazing Saddles, asking OP to not be a fag and post about video games
>Get indirectly called a racist
Regardless of your ethnicity, please kill yourself.
Look I replied to everyone daddy will be proud of me
...oh wait
I'm niggeran
I think the Disneyland fight still the best of 2019
I'm korean
does not compute
I'd make it a bit more accurate and have African governments selling them off for money.
I like how both sides of the tribalist retards got triggered by it