What are you going to do about it
Brazil. Home.
It's got more uses besides *Mind Expandin'*
>That feel when you don't live in a place that's like Baghdad with g-strings
Max took a .50 cal to the bicep and walked it off.
>Actually being Nostalgic for fucking MP3
Zoom Zoom
unironically what did he mean by this
Literally just needed some pills.
Welcome to the battle of Waterloo, part 2
>thinking this is looking at MP3 with nostalgia goggles
the excuse is always "it went through clean" or whatever and you just put a bandage on it and it's all good, completely ignoring that you would be bedridden for days due to pain and risk of infection.
Buttstabbing Bastard
I know a lot of powerful people
I'm sorry user, I'm just here to play the designated epic contrarian that shows up in every Max Payne thread and claims that only 1 was good
Let's not forget that it probably would've blown his arm off entirely, but I suppose Max has a reputation for sustaining fatal injuries without a hitch.
No shame in being a pain to the max
true patricians appreciate every game as a good game
The answering machine had a message
Is this the Payne residence?
I'm sorry user, I just can't get over the forced cutscenes and constant gameplay interruption
Based and Xavierpilled.
>tfw you come home to find your mutilated infant daughter's corpse amidst a drug-fueled home invasion.
He'd been shot more times than he could remember, but that time was different
Why not just make a new kid?
It's not like she'd developed much of a personality by that point, the loss of his wife must have hit him harder
To be honest I don't get people who are all broken up and sad about stillbirths or infant deaths, kids below the age of three don't even have any self awareness.
It's like if their car breaks and they cry themselfes to sleep because "All the memories they had with it/them", when it's just a fucking car
best moment in the game is Max avoiding a hail of bullets and getting saved by his wife and daughters gravestone
lmao fucking based
It's the pregnancy and labor as well. The kid is actually in the parents' minds long before birth.
But what do you know
So what Rockstar needs to do is take MP3, remove the loading times and re-release it on PC as a remaster, maybe with a couple new levels or something.
I need some stronger adhesive
>snorts tacks
2 is good too but 3 is dogshit, death to rockstar
Even an autist could understand the trauma that comes with finding your infant daughter laying on the floor with a bullet hole where her face used to be.
Why ascribe value or personality to something that has no personality and can be replaced within the year though?
>Even an autist could understand the trauma that comes with finding your car riddled with bulletholes where the engine used to be
That's what you sound like
Seeing the destroyed corpse of a loved one is traumatizing regardless of how one describes it. A child is not a vehicle. It is an extension on one's own being and, in the end, their legacy. We're naturally compelled to see the survival of our offspring. Shouldn't have to explain this.
Not that user but you're comparing a human life, and your own child to a car. Try not to slice your tiny wiener off with that edge homie
Oh btw, your "bro" who got you into this mess impregnated me
You're both ignoring my point that the child was easily replaceable by another child
Max was still very young (Mid 30s?) and could have made another couple of children if he felt like it.
Also his child was to young to even have a formed personality, which is why I compare it to a car. Most children don't even develop a sense of self-awareness until the age of two, why give a shit about them before that
Christ, I genuinely feel sorry for you.
Your parents must've have treated you like shit
Yeah fuck Passos and her. Literally drive into the sunset while Max is about to walk guns-blazing into a police station. Of course, it makes sense story-wise why Max would be understanding with Passos sort of fucking him over near the end.
You clearly aren't a parent.
Yeah they did
Yeah but his mind was irreversibly fucked up beyond repair. Entire life ruined and going on a one man crusade against the City-wide mafia. You forget that some humans are not ants.
Not surprised
Look at me!
I'm special
I ate something fancy
I'm sorry anons, you're right. I think I need to do some introspection
>Sao Paolo residents
This might be the most unrealistic thing about the game
Other than that, solid 8/10, on par with 2 and just below the 1
why was he so pissed off? He had personally killed about 300 of said "humans"
"The beauty of the forum board. You can spend years arguing with strangers, decades trying to crawl into some kind of position of respect. But just wrong move sends you tumbling back into being another online faggot. And here I was, at the bottom again."