Are we being invaded?
Are we being invaded?
yes. now bend over
it's pretty based when this happens
i dunno LoL! epic meme tho if they are!
>Impact font
>.ru page
Yes. Yea Forums is invading it's self
>bend over
you tranies dont have dicks, just a wound where your dick was.
Uhm, as soon as I come to Yea Forums a porn thread about licking girls assholes is deleted.
Fuck you pedos. I want in.
>Twitch loves using Pepe
>Twitter is 90% of the non-Pepe and Wojak memes we use nowadays
>/pol/, /r9k/, and Yea Forums represent Yea Forums's culture and all made it infinitely worse
>it's Resetera
its called nighttime, newfag
pffft if anything its the resetera fags that are desperately wagging their asses in the air for our dicks
meanwhile posts on Yea Forums about resetera are just making fun of them
licking girls assholes is gay you fucking faggot
Meh they are just a bunch of incel fags anyway. I wouldn’t worry.
Only by which has been invading Yea Forums for a long time now. You probably already know this though.
What’s the point of a raid?
Are they staying or is it just for the next hour?
Yea Forums is so chaotic there's no such thing as being invaded, maybe by shills.
NeoGaf/ResetEra have been invading since like 2013 or 2014, with Reddit having constant invasions since 2011
Dilate tranny.
Why are you faggots always whining about trannies? It's like validating the horseshoe theory is your pasttime.
no way fag
seething tranny detected
Until you gamers learn to respect women, including trans women, you're going to keep seeing us.
what is pissing into an ocean of piss going to accomplish? oh no theres slightly more offtopic shitposts on Yea Forums than normal whatever shall we do?
Can't troll the trolls, I wonder why they haven't figured it out
Go get the nearest bottle of bleach and chug that shit you faggot.
it's just niggerell
the 3 inches phoneposting nigger is so pussy that he waits until midnight to post his shit.
Leave pol bigots, Yea Forums and videogames aren't for you
I knew /m/ had it's share of faggots, but I didn't realize it was that compromised.
what the fuck are they even doing here?
>implying I’m not right
I swear these people come from an alternate dimension.
There isn't a single point in Yea Forums's history I can remember where people didn't call each other niggers and faggots.
Yes by a mineycrafta discord.
Not only have they been here from the start, the people who have been here for years were among the first to be on resetera as well
I know you fucks were on Neogaf
/pol/ was here from the start, you dumb faggot.
Today i will remind them
We make the content you like. Remember Bowsette? That was us, and don't pretend you didn't like her.
Dat ruga nyiiiggguuah?
I seen that niggar on /pol/ tha otha' day. Shieeeet.
They unironically think it was just being ironic/joking and everyone grew out of it.
Yea Forums is pretty much a resetera colony.
deleting /pol/ will just move them somewhere else. Whether it be on this site or another. It’s not like imprisoned them or anything. They still have an internet connection
fucking russian bots here to steal another election, no doubt
Reminder that ResetEra and /leftypol/ are the soldiers of the neoliberal ruling class.
Every time I see this picture I keep thinking it's Squidward with Rick's hair.
I read that as “leave pol, bigots” and got confused why anyone want them to leave that place and come here
Had to see how much cancer /leftypol/ is. Jesus fucking Christ those people are delusional.
i'm already following that :^)
Yeah, they think they're rebels of the system when they are actually their biggest lobbists.
They've been here for years.
This. They also make up most of the mods/jannies
Especially during euro hours.
No. Resetera is just the new Boogeyman after that last forum was shut down for being ran buy a pedophile, or something.
>literal screencaps of them saying they go here
>just a boogeyman
This is your brain on liberalism
what will we do
You can go to literally any website and get screencaps of people saying they go to 4chin.
thank you user