How the hell do we balance this game?
Other urls found in this thread:
Make Balanced just as fast as Accel
Give Turning class the same speed as current Balanced.
*fixes Hyper Spaceway*
Make the orb worth a damn by speeding it up, only spawn after 30 seconds and making it only hit first place who should be miles ahead by then. Make the wumpa boosted orb either go USF fast or hit everyone in top 3 instead of burning 2nd-8th place as 1st place laps everyone
I don't get it
>play crash constantly
>consistently get top 3
>see the true stats
>still get top 3 anyways
stats are a meme and skill goes a long way.
Is it impossible to have a thread now without balancedcucks and their victim complex?
>consistent top 3
that's easy, now for a consistent 1st place as a non-speed...
Wait did they really not fix the stats from the original?
Coco was faster than Crash in the original too
they don't, some user tested this with pinstripe and joe
Spoken like a true Accelcunt that got mad they were exposed!
Reminder to everyone that complained about waifuposting that it's literally board culture and better than the alternative tier faggotry
Through dick, unity
I'm literally tired playing as these girls
I use speed
then don't play as them. there's plenty of different characters to play as, Krunk or Zem for example
That doesn't fix anything.
An actual fix would be giving turn characters more reserves and less drain on reserves, and then altering speeds U-turning and airbraking since that's the only reason speed is even meta.
uhh... Nitro points?
i got all the rocket cart shit and i really don't care that much for tawna's skin so i feel like im just going to tap out
on that note is there any word if the prizes are going to be unobtainable after the event? i assume the shop shit will stay at a non-discounted rate but i've heard nothing on either the nitro point rewards or the 5% cart (which i assume will just become a microtransaction)
Clocks only affect those infront of you, so that way if you fall behind on purpose to get a clock and take first it is useless when you use it
Warp orbs need to be 1.5x faster then the fastest USF speed
First place should never get Masks or Shields. 2nd shouldnt either. Only third and and below should.
Somehow make it so missile lock on works for online so you tell how far it is behind you rather then get blown up out of nowhere.
Introduce the Super Speed Boost item from battle to racing, but only have it be gotten in 7th or 8th place, and on a timer so you can't get it two boxes in a row. Last place needs better ways of catching up that isnt attack weapons
They literally said before the event even started that all GP items would be put into the store at some point. It'll probably just disappear for a month, then enter regular rotation the following month. So when the Spyro GP is happening all the Twilight Tour stuff gets put into the regular store rotation.
some user asked Beenox last week and they said that the 5% kart will be available eventually
>First place should never get Masks
i nearly shat the first time i got it one on first, fucking tanked everything that could have stopped me and by the time it was over i was already too far ahead to lose unless i drove backwards
first place already has a massive advantage if they get far enough ahead i can't imagine why they thought they should allow that
>That doesn't fix anything
Rude, it at least addresses the problem of Balanced being the slowest in a line next to Turning characters
good so i can just be a lazy cunt in the next tour, because i don't really think im going to grind out for the fucking baby characters or anything that isn't a caveman fake crash skin
while 2nd and 3rd place should constantly get tnt and beakers
As another user said, make the orb only hit 1st place, clock only affects top 3-4. Drop triple missles altogether.
I just took a shit
>Drop triple missles altogether.
This. Holy fuck this does not work. It just lets one player be a dick to an objectively better player and block them from ever getting past.
nice blogpost balancefag
Make three orbs spawn instead of one.
Most of the problems aren't stat related - it's the fact that Accel and Speed are able to ignore their negative stats thanks to universal mechanics. Meanwhile turn and balanced suffer under those same universal mechanics because they have to snake more often to build reserves meaning they spend less time driving in a straight line and, thanks to U-turns and Air Brake, Accel and Speed can keep SF/USF on super sharp turns without sacrificing anything.
Why people still pushing mean stuff about Megumi?
gas all accelniggers
Dumb bitch
I feel like the Nitro Girls need more porn.
This. But still buff balanced Characters.
>be a week before Spyro GP
>Beenox confirms Firefighter Dingodile skin
>video comes out with the CTR race announcer chickens
>in it Dingodile gets interviewed about a dragon coming to race
>you then see him drive off in a firefighter kart with the skin on in anticipation of Spyro so he can put out the fires
Orb will only hit first place if it isnt juiced up, even then you dodge it in every place even in first
You'll have to catch me first
Maybe she shouldn't sleep with producers to get in Grand Prix?
Rebalance items in a major way. The only items not busted atm are the vials and crates. They serve their functions as obstacles well so you can strategize the placement while also being able to avoid them without much issue.
Orbs are too slow to catch front runners despite that being their gimmick and more often than not do more harm to everyone other than the person in first.
Clocks seem to hit all players for the same amount of time which again doesn't stop the front running. Clock should last depending on your place.
Mask have fucky hit boxes. I've been hit by mask while being absolutely no where near them in nearly every race online. Some times I'll be driving directly on someone with a mask and be just fine. This goes without saying but FIRST PLACE SHOULDN'T GET MASK!
Missiles need to take a page out of the red shell book and stop being worthless. If they aren't making hard right turns into walls they revolve around a guy like a small moon just to eventually miss. Thats if you happen to be close if you arent nose deep in the anus of the person in front of you those missles might as well be bombs.
Bombs are just bombs. Shit hit boxes and aiming that isn't worth the effort unless someone is directly in front of you so most people throw them behind themselves just to get rid of them.
That boost is actually a good item too but it's too rare and rarely impactful. Should implement that USF boost item from battle mode into the racing item pool or have the upgraded boost turn into that item.
That concludes my bitching and moaning
>drayguns are fiyah spitten cunts
>dry soomahs like this one, weeeeell thas a recipe fer a cunts adder in the mergency room aye?
>hol'yer britches cluck and cuck
>time ta git wet
>those faces
>fix the homing functionality on missiles so they ACTUALLY FUCKING WORK and don't just blindly shoot straight at the guy in front of you and blow up on walls
>remove triple bombs/missiles because they're more hassle to get rid of then they're worth
>double the speed of warp orbs and halve the chance of getting them
>halve the chance of clocks
>buff balanced and turning characters
that's it, the game would be perfect
egyptian cortex and grand prix crunch
bowling bombs used to have better Hitbox in the original, also, fuck invisible beakers
cucks you out from the 10% bonus apparently
How do you do the "25 perfect boosts at the start of a race" pro challenge?
I usually hit the gas right before the light turns green and I get a starting speed boost, but that doesn't appear to count.
Does it just mean make the first boost you do in a race a perfect one?
For the first time yesterday I managed to win 5 times in a row online.
I should be happy but I have the terrible feeling matchmaking put me in servers of absolute shitters.
The boost gauge need to be full.
Nigga, do you really need motorsport Tawna that much? You still have two weeks left
you gotta warm the engine up by mashing accelerate before the light goes green.
Perfect is when its in the last part of the meter just like a regular perfect boost.
Unless you're on a thin stretch of road, then you're fucked. I'm cool with the orb having an AOE effect like current Mario Kart's blue shell but the way it's set up now punishes other players not in 1st too much.
You have to accelerate at every red light.
>wroom - wroom - wroom - WROOOOM
tap x like a madman and make the bar full
i'd like to wrap things up quickly and keep my rank
brio no!
do you guys think they will change the driver stats to what they are actually shown as?
and im not asking if we NEED this only if you think they might do it
>There are people IN THIS THREAD that STILL dont know about the 2nd Out of Time shortcut.
Keep on tapping accelerate making sure you dont lose all revs at all
When the last red light has lit up hold accel and it should be in the perfect range of the perfect slide boost gauge
The NF gauge is great for this as it segments it for easier tells
Make Speed characters worse at turning. Make Accel characters slower. Make Balanced faster. Make Turning gods of turning or make their boost build quicker
Make items that heavily fuck over who ever is in first place, and nobody else.
Make them common.
The one where you jump over the fence?
user i think everyone knows that one
Unless you are referring to the third short
If youre counting the first one where you cut over the sand I dont even think that qualifies as a shortcut.
Im talking about the jump after you exit the clock chamber.
I got a better Idea, make orbs the only object available in multiplayer races.
So? I barely know any of these newfag tracks, the only thing it says about me is that I have more taste than you do.
How about not having your screen flash a blinding light when the orb hits someone or smacking into invisible walls randomly
That Will still not matter because Speed characters can just completely ignore their two shit stats, making them always the best choise.
Get gud and learn SF.
Oh, I see now. Thanks for the info.
I somehow played through the whole game without figuring that out.
i'm pretty sure everyone in the game has already done digital trophy at this point, you might've gotten a room of shitters
You do know what shortcut is right?
The first one right after the start line is by definition a shortcut, so the one after the clock tower is third
Because she's accel, cute and popular.
apparently it's a good idea to keep players in dark
Make me not get matched against retards who take children's games too seriously then.
It never explains it to you and even of you go by red lights, the gap is too large to hold the revs so you lose it
You basically just learn it from dicking around or others
>Meanwhile turn and balanced suffer under those same universal mechanics because they have to snake more often to build reserves meaning they spend less time driving in a straight line
I feel like I may have proposed something similar before, glad someone agrees. Turning characters specifically just can't build reserves as often under pretty much all the same circumstances. There would be no repercussions to just buffing their reserves.
I'd make every initial boost of a powerslide count double in terms of reserves, that way they can stop before hitting the wall after two powerslides, and still leave with the same reserves as the other classes who did 3.
but if it’s a baby game why are you playing it
Please stop calling everything culture.
It's still fun, just not when I have to play against tryhard assholes who are way above my skill level because they have been playing for literally 20 years and know every cheat on every track.
>board culture
Why'd she leave him?
That's damn cute
Most of what those 'tryhard assholes' know was learned in the their first 3 months playing the original game.
Using the 20 years excuse is just not a good idea.
Because Naughty Dog said she was too sexy. She's back with him though in the new canon.
user map memorization comes with any racing game and if you really cared about winning you'd just search on youtube sacred fire mechanics and realize the "tryhards" aren't even trying that hard to stomp you.
I'm an oldfag who never touched this game in it's heyday and I'm regularly within top 3 if not 1st place. Sure, you're gonna run into autists here and there but why not just shrug that off and either git gud or accept you'll never be the best there ever was?
Because Japs neither like nor understand the character so they made her a cheating cunt in a Crash 2 manual.
That's why it's non-canon.
Daily reminder that it’s okay when based nintendo does it.
>Only played CTR when it came out for like a year
>didnt touch it until Nitro Fueled came out
>finished adventure mode to get back into the grooves
>still smoking like 95% of the player base online but still fuck up stupidly due to pressure
There does need to be some sort of system in place. Most matching groups look the same
>the 3 people who always podium
>the 4 people who always DNF
>the one guy who will frontrun and dnf everybody or come in dead last
Poor Isabella just can't seem to get her picture taken
Guess what, autists, I don't even care how good you think you are at the game.
Just give me matchmaking or give me items to bully tryhards out of existance, that's a reasonable request and would improve the game for everybody.
what if instead of having drivers have the stats, you add another section of customization called "engine" and there you choose if you want your vehicle to be "balanced", fast, acceleration or handling
Nah cos you would still be shit garbage at the game so it wouldnt improve at all for you.
You'd replicate the problem with those classes having shit stats without actually fixing it.
Go play Mario Kart instead, that seems more your speed given your demands.
listen faggot. that idea is posted every thread. if you are a beenox employee please just fucking tell them we like that idea already and get it in the damn game.
Go play Mario kart, faggot.
Nobody wants you here.
I was trying to be nice and you went and started being a faggot. This is why you don't excel at anything.
you're very right, i was only thinking about for example a newer player still being able to pick what they feel comfortable with while a good player just taking fast every time but like i said you're right
I don't think everyone likes the idea
>Only 34,981 more Wumpa Coins until I have every character's pitstop costume
I might just grind the weekend bonus at this rate.
Can't be bothered to play this anymore. Every other game is a quit-out turning into vs AI or something like that.
I've been trying to do the solo champion quest atm where you play 10 races and come 1st with x y z kart.
Last night i was first and everything was going well then i crossed the finish line and got an error.
If it's not that it's the constant drops / ai replacing players thing.
It's just no fucking fun.
The one time i do get the run of the wins in a lobby it eventually detiorates into being just 3-4 other human players and for some reason the 4 spaces left are always filled by AI, never any new players.
well obviously they need to rebalance the classes as well before they impliment something like that.
IIRC in a pre-release interview one of the devs said they would be looking to see if a certain class is more dominant than others, especially online and look to balance around that.
Its great though, will actaully bring more diverse casts
I love me ripper roo and krunk but they are relegated to turncucks
What if you just played Mario Kart instead and stopped posting this asinine shit? That's clearly the game you want.
It's a fantastic idea, and will probably happen if people push enough. Only makes sense, but first, balance the classes, then do that.
yeah i have this "issue" with komodo joe (but i still pick him atm)
That's not how you make the cast more diverse. You make the cast more diverse by making Turning characters good.
Making them no longer play differently accomplishes the opposite.
>muh classes
>dnf entire lobbies with any character “class” and play whichever character i like
Literally, git gud.
muh goomy is so cute bros
>massive honkers
I like the penis
Why do people assume that people who want the engine idea in, don't want to balance Turning/Balance first? Of course balance those, then let us pick our characters/engine
>All the bitching about not being able to catch up to someone in a fucking RACING game, in the last thread
Have the children gone to bed yet? Like holy shit. I played CTR back in the day, and I never even knew about reserves. Never played Nitro Kart so I wasn't used to the tracks. STILL picked it all up, and place first a decent amount of time by taking my mandatory item rape, recovering, and going fast. If I can get good at this PS1 remake, then you fuckers can too.
Megumi is packing BIG BANDIBOOBS under her scientist outfit.
Cabin in the Wood
Is there an easy way to farm the event? I'm WAY too behind.
>bombshell beauty with a deep sultry voice being a sweet and doting girlfriend to the dopey but well meaning and lovable guy
Hope she isn't forgotten in new Crash game cause her and Crash are just too cute as a pair
It makes the entire game even more about picking the good classes and now mechanical differences between the characters are no longer enforced by the game at all. No reason to adapt.
She wears bandages to hide it
Because if the game were balanced better you wouldn't need the engine shit. Changing out engines only satisfies the autism of people that don't want to get good at the game and learn how to actual play. It's also pushed by people that have no understanding as to why speed and acceleration are broken right now.
user I just faced on switch a pink krunk who outsped our lobby N. Tropy by 20 seconds, stats are a fucking meme.
This is a ctr remake, not a new game.
If you want your shit idea in you’ll have to wait for the next game.
Sorry, not sorry!
As long as the classes are balanced and there's an easy way to tell which player is using what then I'm okay with this.
Idk but i hit gold tier yesterday and now it feels like gaining nitro points just slowed down to a snails pace.
>Why do people assume that people who want the engine idea in, don't want to balance Turning/Balance first?
Because clearly the priority is on making all the characters have access to Speed class, and that's not good game design.
>thread about game balance
>be new player
>suggest something
>joyless autists flip their shit
>"git gud"
see, that's the exact reason this game is dead.
I fucking did it guys and less than 4000 nitro points till I am done with the grand prix shit
>There's nothing like a little hard twerk
You have like 17 days, I'm on one bar left for gold finish and that was in less time than there is left.
>over million leaderboard players on ps4 alone
>get a full lobby instantly every time
I've made a stupid discovery by accident. I usually got the perfect start and immediately left all those fucks in the dust. But a few times my mom came in and I started late, even 5 seconds late, and I managed to not only catch up, but even made it to #1. Comparatively, the times I start off first and just rush for it, I get fucked over so badly by items that I end up so far behind that I can't break the top 3. Has anyone else had this experience?
Dont you have to keep playing to stay in the top 5%?
Based "dead game" poster.
Keep at it, you may be right in a number of months.
Nice of you to admit you're trolling. Have a pity (you).
Stop making the same thread every day jesus christ
would you help her?
I was a new player too, in fact I STARTED MY POST BY SAYING THAT. Watch what other players do and learn. I bet you're great at fighting games too you whiny little "man".
No, you just glue a coin to your A button and set it to turbo. Works for me I am currently #2800 in the leader boards without even having to play.
Seething smashposter
>tfw haven't masturbated in weeks
all I need
is speed
Why would you not want an entire roster of characters to not be used? You can keep all the mechanics, but simply let people use the character they want. What's the point in Beenox making all those characters if we can't use them/they're not viable?
I don't remember all those CNNK maps in CTR, and all those characters in CTR either. Seems like they're going for aesthetic in this "remake", user.
Based, makes perfect sense. Balance the classes, then make us put in a engine of some kind.
Nobody said that, at all. Why would people ask for balance to be balanced/handling, if they were intending to use speed? I think people want to play all of the great cast, with their own preference of play.
>timeline is set right and tawna is back with crash
>Now has to defend him against 4 other bandicoots
>Eventually from a really horny possum
>And potentially from an incredibly lethal goth Loli with an affinity for little furry creatures.
Being tawna is hard
aint you got a steve thread to shitpost in?
How did Beenox turn some of my most hated Crash characters to some of my favourites? I hated N.Trance but he seems like a bro in this game with his egg puns. I still hate Zem but for some reason Zam grew on me.
Only idiots race for number 1 online at the start.
Start slow, get a clock and hold it when you get to first place.
I hate the voice
Into a wedding dress so I can make an honest Bandicoot out of her?
The problem is that you cant always trust for the clock to appear
Yes, I've actually seen a guy use that as a strat to the extreme. I thought he sucked ass but in every match he would podium. I might consider doing it myself soon enough. Btw your mom hot?
I really hope that Vicarious Visions finds a way to bring Tawna and Crunch back. A little bandicoot family like that is nice.
You sound like someone that would complain about how not all fighting game characters are top tier then disguise you being shit at charge characters by saying it lets people play the entire cast.
>Why would you not want an entire roster of characters to not be used?
Nice strawman
>What's the point in Beenox making all those characters if we can't use them/they're not viable?
So they can buff them retard.
I'll play but not gonna focus on objectives, just gonna race online
Seething Tendie.
Fuck no. My wife would kill me!
Kill yourself.
She's also packing a fat bandiGUT! too
*coughs* All of these smash threads seems a little overwelming, doesn't it?
How do blowjobs work with furry babes? Snouts seem like it would be an issue.
like a dog and peanutbutter
You sneaky bastard.
>i see electric avenue being picked
>i quit the game
no thanks
papu's pyramid
n.gin labs
clockwork wumpa
cortex castle
electric avenue
dragon mines
roo's tubes
Why are you so against balancing the game, and also just letting people have there own characters they like to play? AFTER the balance. Surely that's what CTR was made for, and why they added so many characters?
Well, when they buff them, they can implement the engine system and let us play who we want. It hurts nobody, just allows for a more diverse cast and we can see what all kinds of people like in characters.
I dunno user, I think comparing fighting games with an entire array of different fighting moves with each character, to cute cartoon mascot characters is a different ball game. People wanna play what they wanna play, ya know? With there fixed balance first, then just let them play whatever
Not an argument
There's got to be a simpler solution...
>god tier
Not with that thunderstruck tier shortcut lmao
This as well as Nina and Trance
performance-based matchmaking.
>that 'taste'
Today's a good day to die isn't it?
Are you implying you wouldn't want her cute, cold nose poking your belly every time she manages to choke that bastard down? What an enormous faggot.
Why do you ignore legitimate arguments against making everyone play exactly the same?
Why would everybody pick the same? Why do people already pick accel/speed if people pick the same? Why are YOU asking for a balance in balanced/handlging characters, if your intention or worry is that everybody will pick speed? It hurts nobody, once handle/balance is balanced, to make it an engine, and let us play who we want.
>Well, when they buff them, they can implement the engine system and let us play who we want.
You can ALREADY play who you want fucktard. There's nothing stopping you from getting good with slower characters and nailing some good lines.
>It hurts nobody, just allows for a more diverse cast and we can see what all kinds of people like in characters.
It literally makes all the characters play the same. It hurts the variety between them immensely and even worse, doesn't require people to even learn the other classes.
Because he’s an ADD zoomer and he needs to win everytime.
Hardship and improving himself are alien concepts to someone like him.
>rough tongue
>itchy because of her fur if she goes for deepthroat
>her ears will twitch with every thrust
Never see Dragon Mines picked online. I like Electron Avenue but if feel people rush to pick it online because they think they are super good at it and can totally own the lamers. Like Rainbow Road its a fun track just get tired of playing on it all the time
Human Coco
Id rather her poke her nose against my balls while I eat her out but you do you buddy.
Those eyes...
That shortcut was satisfyingly kino you scrub
Why would fixing turning/balance and then letting aesthetic characters from Crunch, to Crash, to Tawna, and picking whatever your preference, make people play the same?
You can't already play who you want. You know that. Speed/Accel are objectively better and turning/balance need a balance, when that's done, put in the engine mode to let us play who we want.
Why would it play the same? Do all characters play the same now? Surely, if Speed is the leading one, then all characters are playing speed now and playing the same, except this time, it's the -only- 7 or 8 characters that are speed? It hurts nobody.
That's projection. This has nothing to do with hardship, you're misplacing the arguement. Choosing your character, has nothing to do with a hardship, it's simply people want to be that character aesthetically. Don't be silly, user.
>he doesnt know
>this one based as fuck user taking on fucking everybody and winning each time
Gotta admit, mother fucker doesn't quit, and he's starting to win me over
They need to keep cycling levels with these shortcuts. Just fix one, insert another. Let peiple find them and exploit it for a week or two. People seem to enjoy it.
>He's still going
>Place first
>"No, you placed last" regards game
Why does this keeps happening?
>gives up
If they balance the game then needing to switch engines doesn't matter and you can play anyone, but there are enough differences to make that choice matter and you actually have to try to learn your type.
If they make an engine system then, by default, everyone will switch to the best engine. There's no incentive to play anything other than the best because every character has the absolute best option available. Your fantasy world of people playing turning Crunch or balanced Tiny doesn't exist. People will always use the best. It's false variety.
I'm asking for balance because universal mechanics make speeds and acceleration characters able to blatantly ignore their negative stats. Those negative aspects have no effect on them. They can ignore part of the game systems in their current incarnation.
>Ignoring every argument presented and regurgitating the same ones
Fuck off with your censored game.
Thank G*d you will NEVER be a video game developer.
Electron Avenue is so fucking BORING. Even with USF I feel it takes forever.
What should Crash's next mainline game be like?
You have shit internet
You're the one that 'gave up' on making a good counterargument and instead choose to repeat the question every time
she looks likes she eats dog
He doesn’t care, bro.
I think he’s legit autistic.
your post is incomplete.
It should have ended with "of their alternate skins"
If everybody will switch to the best engine by default, why doesn't everybody play Speed? [Obviously, most do, because it is the best, but also, takes the most skill to use]
Why not use the roster of characters available? If so, we're stuck in this speed only characters, ruining the entire aesthetic this amazing roster, doesn't that seem like a waste? If people were not going to use balanced balance/turning
why are so many people asking for it? When it's done, why can't you just have a variety of play styles and let people play the character?
Not an argument
Not an argument
Not an argument
No idea. I had a race that I thought I was winning by a landslide but as soon as I crossed the finish the person I thought was in second was in 3rd and the person who finished second was right behind me and invisible.
Pinny, your wife Isabella's son still needs his huggies restocked. Get on it.
> everybody will switch to the best engine by default, why doesn't everybody play Speed
Because their favorite characters that are locked to a certain class aren’t speed?
Dumb cunt.
Id rather dogs eat her if you catch my drift.
Beenox only did what we told them. Recreate the game. They did it, almost too well. We need to tell them, lads. We need to tell them to make it based on ENGINE. We need to tell them we just wanna play our favourite character. There is no downside of this, at all. Why would they waste all this time on these skins, these characters, all for us to only play accel/speed? Making it even worse, Ami with the nitro boost. The roster is far far too good to be locked behind such outdated mechanics. We don't fuck with the game stats, purely just let us play who we want. All the races would be filled with such a good line up of characters that way. I really wish this happens, but I've gotta feeling some purists would for, for some odd reason, be against this
Daily reminder, there is no reason after Turning/Balance are fixed, that an engine system can't be put in place, to let us pick our favourite driving style, and then allow us to play any of the characters. Do not let Beenox making all these animations, podium animations, and skins go to waste. I am up to discussion. Remember, calling names and crying does not make you right, one at a time.
You're wireless aren't you
Is it bad that I would've like the option to change the colors of the back fire?
cope and kneel my dog, your master commands you
Well user, that's hardly first date etiquette but I can respect your resolve.
>If so, we're stuck in this speed only characters
No, YOUR idea makes everyone stuck using speed only.
W-why is he looking at me like that??
There we go. Favourite characters are LOCKED into speed, for what reason? What would unlocking and allowing them to play whatever they want with any character, what harm would that do? Don't say dumb cunt, you're projecting, petal.
Stop projecting. When the buzzwords come out, you know you're losing the argument.
I thought we left all this senseless arguing behind in the last thread.
Who else /360sonthebigjumpofelectronavenueandoxidestation/?
Where my sick trick bros at
Why does my idea make everybody use speed? Surely, variety would be added when balance/turning are fixed, and people could pick accel, speed, and now B/T and play -whoever- they wanted? Why does fixing these things (which you're asking for) mean people would only pick speed? Do people ONLY pick speed now?
Im a ride or die kinda nigga with my boy Fake Crash but hwne im forced to play speed and accel characters I can immediately feel the difference and it feels really good
I would, but what the fuck do I know about fixing a racing kart?
>there is no reason after Turning/Balance are fixed, that an engine system can't be put in place, to let us pick our favourite driving style
The 'reason' is simple. It's shit game design and doesn't require players to experiment with the classes they don't like. Piss off already.
based, get these faggots.
Let me play as komodo
Reported for baiting and shitposting.
Enjoy your ban.
Speed doesn't even take the most skill to use. It's the easiest class to play precisely because u-turning and airbraking give every character pin point turning abilities and retain SF/USF reserves. It plays itself and that's why it's the meta.
Right now turning is the hardest to play because it has no advantages. The one advantage it should have is made moot by the universal mechanics, which also give Speed and Accel their advantages.
You've been told these things time and time again, but you refuse to acknowledge any arguments, then blow it off by saying it's all about aesthetics. Well, guess what? You're also robbing characters themselves of variety by taking away their classes. Think about that for a second. Switching to an engine system means characters literally have no character.
oh i thought we're exchanging buzzwords now?
The honest answer is beenox made a remake and were true to the original where chatacters had the stats, not the car. I think of it like tiers in fighting games with big rosters: there will always be top tier and lower ones.
Do you think this game should go the full way and have obscure characters? Well obscure in the sense that a normalfag wouldn't know about them.
Because this guy is a fucking loon and can't accept that his idea is shit. It kills the whole point of classes or characters playing different in general.
>Its another scrubs who can't get good with certain classes episode again
>laughing mhdude01 pura'ing in the distance
>DNFs you
Ouch! Sorry bro, just had to do my USF thing. Better luck next time right?
I think I need to go to bed
What the fuck!
Why can’t every character in street fighter use every move in the game?
Why can’t i equip sonic boom and hadouken on Chun li? This is restrictive and bad game design and capcom nerds to change it right now!
Why is he so fucking smug in this game?
>Be a new player that is inexperienced and doesn't know how the game works
>Rather than learning how the game works start spouting how the game should work so it would be easier for you
For fucks sake user. If you are baiting, I gotta tell you, that you are doing a darn good job
Thanks bro, I just get my coins quicker thanks to your good gameplay. Everyone wins.
You realize projection is a buzzword nowadays right? user you are the the one who is projecting the most here though. We get it, you want to play the character you find most appealing AND be able to choose the tier. You're doing all these mental gymnastics to convince yourself and us that that IS the way the game is meant to be played. If you could choose any tier on any character, there would be no reason to play other characters. Simple as that user, you don't have to get so erratic about the whole ordeal, your opinion is just as valid. But that's all it is. An opinion. and it's shit ;o
>Tiny Tiger tier gains but with Bandicoot power
Wound't you?
It's perfect. In fact I hope this is exactly how his character is written from now on. He just acts extremely supportive and caring with this smug demeanor. Really gives him more character.
Thats funny because every Crunch player ive seen especially those who use RC are mediocre to terrible.
So instead the game design of them being useless is better, and not viable? Don't be silly, user. There are only two classes worth experimenting at the moment. Speed and Accel. Most people say they can't even play them, and play balanced/Turning, only fair to balance both to give them a true try. Now that's bad game design, just leaving it as it is, surely?
Speed is the meta, and it does take the most skill, the literal name under speed says "advanced" Can't get more canon then that, user. I don't think it robs them of anything, user. I think it would be GREAT to see this god tier cast, of all skins, being finally utilised to the top percentage. Once again, if turning/balanced were not so fucked, and they fixed it, and you could use them up with speed/accel, why on earth wouldn't you want to use all the hardwork they did and use all characters? It wouldn't change a single thing. A model, of crunch, but as a balanced turning, would not ruin the game, you know this, though.
Not yet.
This is correct, I like that, but they don't need to follow it that much. Seeing as how half the community is screaming for a balance of turning/balance. While they're at it, there is no point letting us not use our favourite characters too.
That's a lot of projection. There is no difference in characters if speed/accel is the meta, and we only get to see speed/accel characters, you know it's true.
Don't cope, you know speed/accel is the meta.
Street fighter is a combo based fighting game, has nothing to do with kart racers.
As long as you see my point, user. I don't agree with you thinking it's shit. I think you don't like that I've called it out.
"Well, I have a little prize for you Crunch... Follow me."
A few hours later...
Rating of his personalities:
CTR:NF > CNK >>>>> WOC >>>> Radical era.
Y'all're just gonna USF past and not even say howdy?
he's right, you know
Can we get Banjo-Kazooie in this game too for us Xboners/PCbros? S&SASR wasn't enough.
>So instead the game design of them being useless is better, and not viable?
Are you retarded? Why can't you make a single reply without blatantly strawmaning things that were never said.
Are you actually illiterate?
>Why not use the roster of characters available?
I use it, I'm not married to a class.
You actually don't know how this game works and this post proved it. If you think speed is hard to play you're actually garbage and should never, ever talk about balancing because you factually do not understand why CTR is broken.
t. flexed on
>gets his autistic ass BTFO
>”that one example that proves me wrong doesn’t count because i say so”
Okay, retard.
No, keep that garbage or if here. This isn't Super Smash Kart
I want Ice Uka Uka as a racer pretty badly
I have pretty decent internet actually
The race goes along nicely, no invisible beakers or anything, no one teleports or anything.
1st player gets hit by warp orb, I swoop in and finish 3 seconds ahead him. Then when everyone else finishes, I get placed last for some unknown reason.
>implying Ami wouldn't be the one to get the Crunch
>Bro did you run out of reserves before the next boost? That's embarrassing, no worries though! I'll give you some tips later.
>another episode of engine fag kills a thread
Agreed. Should've did what MKDD did with Wario's Track and force it to 2 Laps.
S..source please?
You just said yourself it would be "shit game design" to fix turning/balanced, and make all classes viable, and keep it so all classes are not viable, and lock away half the cast. Don't be silly, user.
I wish I wasn't, I want to use Ripper Roo or Crash as speed, but for obvious reasons, can't.
Well let's fix it then, but the engine idea still makes a pass. It wouldn't change anything. The model of the character, and what he is playing, does not effect the game in the slightest. Are you telling me the model of a Crunch or a Ripper Roo effects stats in game?
Not an argument
They need to get a better voice director for John Dimaggio first. From nailing it in N.Sane trilogy to this game is a fucking sin. Unless of course Uka Uka is forever cursed to have bad voice acting in crash racing games.
>wanting one of the worst Crash chars in the next game
This skin still eludes me. Also Howdy
>Not liking Mr. T Crunch in CTTR with his random advices
Waifufags don't make threads like this into a garbage /vg/ general
Shit like this does. This is Discord tier garbage, holy shit
Why do you hate fun bud? Are you mad about Spyro's inclusion too?
>no tails
So close
t. delusional barafag
>You just said yourself it would be "shit game design" to fix turning/balanced, and make all classes viable, and keep it so all classes are not viable, and lock away half the cast
Oh boy, literal schizo here
Okay, would you be so kind as to show me where I said that?
itt: assblasted shitlord trannies
Get good subhumans
I want him.
>doesn't know how the game works
>thinks his idea, based on not knowing how the game works, still gets a pass
>returns to AESTHETICS because he has no argument whatsoever
>still doesn't understand that he's actually taking away character -and gameplay variety by making everyone a carbon copy of each other
This is why people called you stupid.
seeThe logic is flawed, they can't experiment with the other characters, because they're objectively worse, and will only end up using speed/accel. You're asking to not change that, and keep that "shit game design" while calling my method shit, doesn't really make sense, user. Surely fixing it would be the best action going forward? Then, obviously, implement this engine, to allow us to be anybody.
>waifu fags have fun, but slightly cringy shit like angry Ami and DANCE TO THE HEARTBEAT Megumi
>one autist that thinks he's god's gift to game balance just because he wants Ripper Roo to be a speed managed to out pace the entire waifufag community in a single night for terrible
The original argument, was always aesthetics. You're changing it around. Nobody here can tell me why a model of Ripper Roo, on a speed kart, would effect the game. or Tawna, with a BALANCED turning kart, would break the game. Aesthetics, were always the main priority. to let people play, what they want, and with THEIR personal favourite driving style.
I love how the entire subject has been completely changed, to not it's about me wanting "game balance"
At first, I said I didn't give a fuck about balance, and just wanted us to play whatever character we wanted. I let you guys have it that we could balance it first, THEN add this. If it were me, I would keep it the exact same, and just go full speed with every character, because as you know, it's the meta.
>Replying to anyone whose having this severe of a problem with a go kart mascot game
>Replying to anyone who gives lengthy replies to numerous posts
The latter is ALWAYS a red flag and yet these kinds of people almost always continue to get (you)s
Are we actually being raided?
>The logic is flawed
No it's not. You actually can't justify the removal of classes entirely by saying I'm not in support of fixing them. All I've ever wanted was for them to be fixed.
No, how about... You have absolutely no idea what I think, because you don't listen and only want to beat up strawmen all day.
So Crunch just locked for me out of the blue and he's showing up on the Pit Stop for me, in fact the entire Oxide edition DLC is not showing up. Has this happened to anyone else?
I can't find words to describe how insane this user is
Official list of terms the assblasted use to defame Crunch bros:
But none of it sticks. Because a Crunch bro can smell a Cocofag who got dabbed on
I'd unironically believe we have some Resetera posters on Yea Forums tonight
i'd honestly rather have 100 posts of people discussing what each trophy girls ass smells like over this kind of back and forth arguing over nothing
Oh dear
>Saved the turbo boost just to flatten a Cocofag
based crunchbro
You not being able to take on one "autist" is not a raid, user. I'm going easy on you all. I'm still waiting on why we can't play any character we want, with our preferred driving mechanics. How do the pixels of what the character is, effect the game?
You keep saying strawmen, but I'm on your side. I know you want to fix them, that's why I changed my thing to "alright, we'll fix them first" that makes perfect sense. As stated, 1000 times before, when they're all fixed, and people have preferred preference and things are "balanced", why couldn't we implement a system to change to whatever character we wanted? That's all I'm looking for.
You calling me insane, is not an argument.
I was going to buy CTR but all the furry posters ruined it
>flexing on coco as he passes her
>still doesn't understand that the counter argument to aesthetics was the negative effect it would have on game mechanics
>still doesn't understand that the engine system is a lazy workaround to avoid actually fixing the game systems
>still doesn't even understand why speed is the meta, but preaches it anyways
>hides behind aesthetics every time because he's unable to provide a single fact to back up his own claims
>still doesn't even understand that by removing the class system he'd actually be robbing the game of what little character there is in favor of everyone being speeds
>claims balancing will fix that, not understand that if it's balanced then character variety and mechanic variety is maintained
Stop being bad at the game. You've admitted you have no idea how it works. You don't even know why the best shit in the game is the best. Just say you want Ripper Roo to be good and stop pretending you're an authority with good ideas.
Oh no, the internet smutted up something? How could this have happened?
I've just realized something you just said user, who just I want to remove classes, what? Why are you putting words in my mouth? Is this just a mis communication? How can you not see I'm saying what YOU want. We fix the classes, and then, we just let people PLAY those classes, but with -any- character they want. How can you be against this?
user, it's 3 in the fucking morning, give it a rest. If you're a Britbong, then go eat your fucking breakfast. Nobody realistically cares about you, we find your behavior to be irritating, obnoxious, annoying, and overall brings an unpleasant aura onto what has otherwise been a series of pleasant threads. Seriously, sit back and shut the fuck up for a moment, damn.
Think about your favorite videa.
Now imagine if you used this mind set when you first saw it.
A bit stupid to rely on Yea Forums to choose your games to play.
Minus tryhard and maybe zoomer those desginations arent any less true and are fairly applicable to Crunch players. Its just an honest statistic of their racing stature and the stigma of them all ranging from pathetically bad or “decent”. In short a Crunch bro isnt fit to clean shit from toilets.
Through Dick, Unity.
the sonic fags have evolved
I play speed, and dnf people. I'm not saying I'm an authority, you're projecting. I'm waiting on an answer, after all classes are fixed, why you can't make it so instead of lcoking the character behind speed, and only getting that character, you can't play ANY character. That doesn't effect the game in any way, shape or form. You're doing what I'm apparently doing, ignoring what I'm saying.
>still doesn't understand that the engine system is a lazy workaround to avoid actually fixing the game systems
I'm saying fix it, I don't know how many times I can say it.
You're replying, so you must care to some degree, and know I'm right. Don't be silly, user.
I feel dirty, bros. At first i was a Lizfag, then Ami made my peepee feel funny and now i want to watch anime with Megumi and have hot, bareback sex with her afterwards with the intention of impregnating her.
I’m scared.
"Well... this is not ideal."
Based central time bro
I'll give him this, through it all, he's roasting you all alive, no offense lads. It's 1 vs about 6, and he has all weened you down slowly, one by one.
I can't help but agree with the cunt, I know where he is coming from. he's just doing it in an autistic way
>if they're a Britfag then we have to deal with this for at least another 12 hours
Why do you agree with him
Please put forth literally any more effort to describe why this is a 'good' idea.
That's a tricky one. I wouldn't think that any of their asses would smell bad but if I had to choose. I'd say Ami would have the stinkiest bum. Only because she looks like she works out and gets all sweaty. But depending on who you ask that might be a good thing. Isabella might have that mommy musk and Coco is 14 going through puberty so she might have adolecent oder. Comes down to Liz and Megumi. I honestly can't imagine them being even a little stinky since Liz is a Bandiboy model and Megumi I got nothing.
Liz = Megumi > Isabella > Coco > Ami
Crunch is just one of those characters women will never understand, like how women claim every display of male comraderie in media is gay. The flexed on, they see Crunch and go "that player must be a gay furry!". They screech, impotently and like a woman, for lack of understanding of the true STRENGTH they just witnessed. That's (You)
If any player could use any stats you wouldn't be able to predict their lines or where they will place items or what shortcuts they will take and how. The true meta will never be realized. Fixing the issues with balanced and turning is enough.
We know it's you, it's not hard to play the 4D chess game on an anonymous image board
Based. I'm not trying to ruin the thread, just waiting for an actual answer, which I can't get without being called something, they're awfully rude. It's almost like I'm pulling at a nerve or something. We'll see what happens, hopefully Beenox fix turning/balance classes. So they can keep up with us accel/speeds
>he keeps saying people are projecting
>he keeps saying people have no argument
>he keeps saying people ignore him
>yet he can't provide a single fact based statement to counter anything anyone says
It's been explained multiple times across multiple threads how it negatively affects the game but you've chosen to ignore it every time.
oi impressive innit?
>Brain-damaged NEET who leeches off his little sister
A girl should always look out for number 1
Sounds like an E Celeb, but without that annoying chin. and a female.
Excuse me?
>Based. I'm not trying to ruin the thread, just waiting for an actual answer, which I can't get
He's not right on the mere merit that he's wasting his energy towards this cause on Yea Forums, instead of say, I dunno, forwarding an email to Beenox's complaints/feedback inbox or some shit
I just think the classes are balanced already
Maybe give balanced and turning a one point of speed, that is.
I just don't want all classes be speed
Is Crunch like a good guy chad now?
I think your computer has a virus now user.
But don't you know? In magical fairy land where anyone can be anything people will play turning and balanced on speed characters.
Based Wholesome Crunch
Nobody is looking at characters and thinking what there class is and taking it into account, don't fucking lie, user. You know that most characters are who speed, are just gonna be in front, same with accel. It would make no difference.
It hasn't, user. No answer has been given on why AFTER Turning/Balanced have been fixed, and now Turning/Balanced/Speed/Accel are all "equal" and "more fair"
Why there couldn't be a system, after that, to let people choose what they want the kart to play like, and the character, they like. The only thing people say is some kind of weird side step, and don't ever answer me directly.
I'm really not.
That's cool dude, I don't think all classes would be speed, even though admittedly, most are not, but that's why people are asking to fix turning/balance, ya know?
This is correct, I think I should make an email, I was simply asking/waiting for discussion
>I'm going easy on you all.
Oh please show us your true autismo power level, user. Please I need a laugh
>now I'm starting to feel bad for him
God fucking damn it. Let's all just fucking race and play CTR, holy fuck
>gotta win to play as the american
Fancy a shag m8? I could always go for the ol' In and Out.
user, I like Crunch because he's a total bro in the original CNK. But even I think 70% of his playerbase are gay furries.
Who is your
>Favorite Crash character
>character you wanna fuck
we wuz nitro fueled and sheeiit
My bad
That's cool dude, I don't think all classes would be speed, even though admitelly, most are NOW, but that's why people are asking to fix turning/balance, ya know?
it's propaganda
does anyone here actually find the character classes an interesting mechanic?
seriously i don't see a single reason to play anything besides speed, it feels so much better to play than any of the others, interacts with map design in the most interesting ways, and is the best archetype in the game already anyway
i would like to see a game mode that just sets every character to speed stats but lets you choose anyone you want
Now I will always think of liz as that tiny teleports behind you cunt from game of thrones. Thanks.
>Isabella baybee Ripper Roo (main in OG)
>forgetting the imouto
Not like I needed proof you were a retard though
>You know that most characters are who speed, are just gonna be in front, same with accel. It would make no difference.
What? No, you do not fucking know that. I've led the pack with Handling characters numerous times.
I like Crunch and i’m not a gay furry.
I wished they introduced a ID based lobby system.
I really wanted some comfy ctr Yea Forumseekends.
Seems like the DLC key is verified upon connecting to the server since they popped back one of the times I reconnected. Does this mean the DLC is unavailable offline?
Answers have been given. You ignore them. You get told exactly how it would break the systems. You ignore them. You've been told what actually needs to be fixed. You ignore them. Hell, you didn't even know why speed is broken and why turning is bad.
So, really, your'e just ruining threads by basically being a kotaku writer.
In a Never Ever Scenario, Would you play as Robotnik if he came out in a GP?
Not Eggman BTW
Stop arguing, it wont matter at the end of the day, you ALL are wasting your time, no point just be comfy
Uka Uka
Nina Cortex
When is my girl getting in?
This would be neat, but unnecessary, seeing as most people who play online, are speed.
Not an argument.
Yeah but that's because you're obviously good, and got lucky. Let's not pretend handling is better to play online than speed/accel user. That's just you wanting to win this argument for the sake of it. We all know Handling is -trash- compared to the others. Surely you're not going to say that just to "win" this?
never once been too kotaku, cancer place from the Yea Forums threads I've seen. All I'm saying is how pixels of the character, effect the way of play. Remember, I only added to my argument to "fix turning" [and other broken classes] AFTER you guys made me realize it needs to be fixed. I at first, wanted it to be exactly the same, but just let us use whatever character we wanted, with whatever "broken" class there is at the moment. For example, as you all know, I hate all speed characters, aesthetically, but I am forced to play them because MY preference is speed. I'd main, if I could, Fake crash, for example.
Soon I hope.
Who would his mask be
No you shut the fuck up now you insufferable prick I've tried to follow your logic and now I know you're just a fuckhead redsetrator. I can and do predict what players will do based on their class and I'm not even in the USF the whole lap territory so I know others do too. If you cannot refute my valid point then you have no business speaking of balance and projecting your shitty ideas onto what was an otherwise decent CTR thread. You have and are currently ruining the thread with your insistence that yours is the better idea, when you get proved wrong at every turn.
>Crashbros EVER breaking bread with Sonicfags
fuck outta here nigga
It didn’t have to be this way.
hey... you guys seen Tawna recently? I gotta talk to her about something real important
Naughty Dog were Sonicfags you amazing retard. Who do you think Crash is based on?
She's getting in the outhouse for sure
Stop projecting, and swearing. It makes you come across as you're panicking, user. Never once have I insulted you, or anybody. Once again, balance isn't the true issue for me, I added it for you guys to silence you. I simply wish for all characters to be playable, with any class. Broken, or fixed. Doesn't bother me. Speed will always be my go to, unless it's nerfed, obviously. Just seems like a waste to not be able to use half the cast. With all the skins/animatiosn they've given us
>Fake Crash
>Fake Crash
>Fake Coco
>This would be neat, but unnecessary, seeing as most people who play online, are speed.
i dont really care about what other people play, i want to play komodo joe and go fast
speed is the only category that feels good to play to me but i dont like its characters
>says he can dnf everyone
>says that other people are only lucky at winning
>claims everyone else is projecting
>still can't argue against fact based assessments of the state of CTR
I guess MHdude01 and Cyberman are just always lucky.
ACTUAL balance suggestions coming through
>Nerf U-Turn and Air Brake handling for Accel and Speed
>Make Balance reflect their stats
>Reduce Off-Road/Slow penalty for Handling, buff their speed slightly
Also for weapons
>Let Warp Orbs fire backwards, but they only affect 1st place if done so
Mate, nobody is putting you down for being a gay furry Crunch player. Nobody is putting you down for your racing stigma as thats just what it is. Its just what you are. If its any consolation the gay tend to act more like women as time goes on so by some slim chance if Crunch was real he might be swayed by you.
Wa-Wa and Lo-Lo
We should be friends Sonic
I literally said he was a good player, user, with a little bit of luck, don't be silly.
>be able to usf in clockwork wumpa
>50% of the time cannot jump the ramp in the egyptian race
I might be brain-damaged.
>don't be silly
Why are you such a cunt
Because using very simple words like that seems to really, really trigger you user. Don't be naughty.
Ami you look really cute today
>Not an argument
I wasn't having an argument with you to begin with but thought your brainlet status was worth pointing out. Sorry, I can't be a part of your autistic need to be right, just wanted to point out that you're a dummy who doesn't deserve a voice. LMFDO
I can’t believe Crash is actually back.
Wow, look at this condescending prick. Apparently you're always lucky if you play handling or balanced. You can't possibly be actually good. It's always luck that lets them win.
Over there talking shit about you, as usual. You should challenge that bitch to an oil wrestling match.
>The figures that show up for the Nitro Squad's podiums are all Coco
Not an arguement.
No, I said you have got to be really good with a bit of luck to win as handling, a little less so balanced, but I've been told balanced is worse off than handling, so at this point, who knows? They're both no viable, and silly that so many good characters are locked in that class. I'm -far- from condescending, user. Don't be silly.
Not an rebuttal shitheel, so you finally admit your idea is nothing more than that, an autistic daydream? I'm trying to help you you fucker. Literally if you want to play other characters, learn how to play them. You are not playing this game to it's maximum capacity by limiting yourself to one class. You are clearly of the mindset that you need to be winning to be having fun, as evidenced by you feeling stuck to speed characters. You also clearly do not want to put the effort in to learning the other classes, on the premise that they are "bad anyway". These two things together lead me to believe you are probably still in your teens. You can and have gotten your little booty stomped by turning and balanced, and you want to know why? Because they got gud. They made an inferior class work for them by having track knowledge and solid fundamentals. They outplayed you. If you want the luxury of playing Fake Crash and WINNING, you have to learn that class. You don't bend the system to your whim to get what you want without having to put in the effort lil zoom. Now kindly shut the fuck up and let this thread go on without your childish fantasies interfering with reality.
This game is even worse balanced than the original. I do not know why everyones talking about accel characters in here. SPEED characters are even better because you no more lose your reserves from doing braking turns. In the original you would use speed characters only for hotlapping but for speedrunnig you kept using accel for consistency.
>alright megumi, step off of the train and into your new home!
No one's denying the speed is good as hell, I agree at this point.
They should have perfect handling while braking and air turning. That pretty much killed any semblance of the other classes being leaderboard material this time around.
How much longevity does it look like the game will have? I've been replaying the original and 100%d it for the first time, but I can't afford the remake any time soon
>says everyone is projecting
>keeps using language to insinuate everyone else are children
>passive aggressively calls people bad
>continues to ignore legitimate arguments and claims he's never gotten an answer even though he's been answered multiple times across multiple threads
>says game play is irrelevant even though he's proposing a major overhaul to the game systems
Nah m8 you're one big ol' condescending prick
i don't think anyone is going to argue this game is better balanced than OG
there's literally not a single reason to play any class but speed at the moment
accel was at least also viable in OG because airbraking wasnt nearly the tool it is now
>Liz, really badly
All we're talking about is an autistic day dream. Nope, already wrong what you're saying. You shouldn't force the player to have to learn, and force a handicap on himself, and play shitter characters objectively, that he likes the aesthetic of, the actual character, not the class. Nobody has to "git gud" with handling/turn. They're both broke, as we all know. I don't agree, as most people on the podium are speed/accel. I don't think if you win as handle/turn you've "git gud" you've forced and broke the system, that doesn't need to be there. As stated, I don't -truly- care about balance, I love the way it is. I'll always be a speed addict, I just wanna be a speed addict with Fake Crash or something. Makes zero sense why it can't be implemented. I know it annoys you, obviously, but that doesn't make you correct.
In this -entire- arguement, nobody, or I, has once linked the video of the objectively broken handling/turning characters, and YOU lot are the ones asking for the fix, not me. That needs a looksie, I think, until then.
Also, that whole "teen" thing, stop projecting, unironically.
You already /flexed. I would advice upgrading your responses and capacity for banter....oh wait Crunch player. Alas all you have is your homoerotic devotion to a bar character.
>Ripper Roo
>Ripper Roo
>____Ripper Roo
>ywn brush Fake Coco's hair while she excitedly geeks out about the campaign she's been writing
Why live
at least 6 months of DLC
probable PC release next year as well
*SHOULDN'T have perfect handling.
t. Coco
better than a super homoerotic devotion to hating a character for arbitrary reasons. it makes crunch bros stronger
Dunno user, think you're projecting, everything you just stated, you did the exact same to me. Half the things you listed are just all false and made up on the spot so you can make a better list, notice how you've done it ever post, and I haven't done one for you? It's because I use words, and don't just make things up. If you can't think of an argument, it's fine. Just agree to disagree.
>says everything is projecting and false again
Thanks for proving me right.
It will have a year worth of gran prix support.
And then again once the pc version comes out in a year.
Not an argument.
Why did you choose to hurt me just now?
Racoon ami is breddy gud
Proving me right yet again.
Not an argument.
Do you need some third party controller or can you do it with an official one?
I'm sick of doing my dailies, I don't like being forced to do things. I just want to enjoy the game.
Ohhh seems I may have touched a nerve here lads, I got him on the backstep!
Once any my teenage friend, I'll make this one short and sweet for you. We can say it together first if it will make you feel better.
"If I want to play as a handling/turn character in CTR:NF then I need to practice and git gud. I will not go on Yea Forums and post about my ideas on how I could get what I want with no effort. I will stop being a condescending prick with no self-awareness."
There, that better?
Continue proving me right. It's the only thing you're good at now.
Is it wrong if i want to frenchkiss racoon Ami for for ten minutes straight all the way in and swapping bandicoot spit with her while bear hugging her?
Yes, the strength of “Crunch Bros” is unparalled across the boards of Yea Forums and beyond as theyre united in their singular devotion to a Scrappy Doo tier character. The awesome strength of Scrappy Doo 2!
Crunch gets pegged by Liz for money!
>Ohh it seems I may have touched a nerve
That's projection.
>Teenage friend
More so, but at least, an argument.
Not true, handling/turn are both seen on the list as "novice" and beginner characters, why would you need to git gud as those? Don't be silly. Accel/Speed is meta and what you're meant to lead up too. Turn/balance need a rework, but you know this. Also, you're not very good at the condescending talk, petal. Come to me for lessons. I've been doing this for years. Don't be silly.
Not an argument.
this mf taking on the entire thread and speaking to you like children
lads for the love of fuck get this dude, I was against him but now I'm leaning towards him
Why would anyone argue with someone who has proven time and again that they're a retard?
>drawfags are going to start drawing lewd amis only to post the racoon versions on their $10 patreon membership
Cheeky little bastard.
>subtle waifu posting
>ongoing totally-not-gay Crunch discussion about why he's great
>enginefag getting a discourse in proper shitposting
Okay now this thread is looking a lot more interesting
You're projecting, user. Resorting to child like taunts because you can't argue it, it's fine.
I literally have not a single fucking clue what you've been rambling on about but do you realise you've been here for at least 2 hours now?
model rip and sfm when?
>still can't make an argument so he calls everything not an argument
>continues to prove me absolutely correct
One day you'll break from the cycle of being wrong. But on this day you only serve to prove all my points factually true.
So you admit to not knowing what we've been talking about, and are the one so blindly defensive and calling me a retard and saying how much -you- know about the game and how correct YOU are? user, now I -really- mean this
Don't say silly things like that, if you want your arguement to mean anything.
Yup, the little bitch is triggered AF now!
Shit like this is why I keep coming back to this site.
That's projection, and some cope, once again still doing the green text lines of made up lies, after I told you to stop, only revealing yourself more.
Is this the worst CTR thread yet?
>this level of cope
Holy fucking shit you brainlet little child... just because the game states those are beginner classes doesn't mean they don't take skill. You literally need to git gud so you can stop fucking complaining on this thread. In this time you could have already watched some videos of the characters you want to play but no, you'd rather guard your petty little ideas of what you think is good game design. Your condescending talk is laughable, lumpy, and I know for a fact this is as much socializing you do in a month. My mental image of you continues to deteriorate with every post, and your existence can only be a product of our current society. A leech, is what I think of you as now. How... does that feel? How can you take everything that was said here and at the end of it all say "yup, I sure won that thread" as if that were even possible? As the final nail, I ask those of you still here to vote honestly so we may banish this evil little person from our beautiful community.
Dude my first post in the thread was that one. 75th IP dummy. You know you don't have to respond to every single post that rubs you the wrong way right?
Person who drew this posted them here for free. Guy is based and showing us what he did and that he was practicing.
Until the next one
Oh no, now he's moved on to cope. Whatever shall I do? Oh, I know, continue being absolutely correct about you having no ability to deal with logical arguments reducing you to blathering about how everyone is lying about you and claiming they're making non-arguments and projections.
I've got such a hard read on you that even the library won't allow you to be donated.
Which bandicoot enjoys tummy tubs the most and why is it
Not soon enough
Stop projecting/coping
No, a strawpoll won't change the way it is. You can rig it, and make sure the people all in here choose against me because I'm "the bad guy"
Nobody is talking about game design, I've already stated I don't truly care about balance. I just want to play whatever character I want, people don't like that, for some odd reason. Stop being naughty with the cope strawpoll, the first sign of somebody unable to win an arguement
I'll let you off cus of that goat reaction image
That's some true cope now, user.
Only fails when bandiqts arent posted enough
I don't doubt that, but I've seen hundreds of insecure drawfags that went from drawing whatever people requested to going Patreon-only when they smelled the cash.
>he can still only reply with seethe, cope, projecting, not an argument
Now he's been reduced to the lowest of the vermin and STILL KEEPS PROVING ME RIGHT.
>The time spent having this argument could have been spent getting good with turn characters
Why are people like this bros? Why can't they dedicate this much effort learning a game?
Yes, because children are the ones who point out the flaws in one another's grasp of the language in which they are expected to understand. I don't even care what your original point was. Race me faggot.
Lurk more.
Reminder that Tawna Bandicoot
That's right, Tawna
Is into tickling
I would love to see model rips of the nitro girls
even if its the switch models
That's projection.
That's projection, but a side of cope.
>How was right?
>fucking placed next to megumi AGAIN!
>why wont this cunt shut up?
Not an argument. Don't get involved, supes.
>learning objectively bad classes
I'm a speed chad my dude, come on
Oh you delicious little teenybopper I eat your fucking tears mmm lap them up numnumnum yoou have been utterly and thoroughly btfo and everyone can see through pathetic your attempt at changing public favor, you have finally admitted your idea has nothing to do with anything that was mentioned in this thread until you mentioned it and you came here solely to post a delusional fantasy and then proceed to defend it for whatever godforsaken reason. Let me teach you a little word that might go a long way in helping you to... I don't know... get along with people. It's called cognitive dissonance, user, and I truly believe you may have a problem with it.
That's factual dismemberment of your disposition. You continue to prove me correct. You will continue to prove me correct. If you keep responding to me you'll have proven me correct, and if you stop responding you'll have proven me correct.
This is the situation you've put yourself into. I've called every single action you take, have taken, and will ever take because you have less character than the CTR cast once you remove classes.
Holy fucking stop seething you cringe lord kek
>I rely on a crutch!
I don't know man, sounds pretty nerdy virgin to me.
imagine thinking you're a chad for playing the most meta class
I just bought the cheapest chinese third party controller with turbo function I could find. I taped a coin on the button, and let it sit for dozens of hours at a time. Farms around 9000 coins and 3500 nitro per night. Once the Grand Prix is over I'm gonna send that piece of shit back, get a refund, and then get a new one for the next GP.
>if you keep responding to me you'll have proven me correct
This is something somebody would say with no more argument left in the tank. Keep up, user.
>advanced is crutch
Stop coping.
It is the meta, though.
Stop projecting.
What's great is the samefagging. That's when I knew that fucker was serious.
Don't forget he thinks playing speeds is difficult. Apparently hold back, direction, and square when turning then driving in a straight line is hard.
>he claimed no argument AGAIN
lmao keep proving me right
>the daily that gives the most nitro is already marked as completed even though I didn't do it
>2 of the dailies requires Fake Crash which I haven't unlocked yet
>Let's put a random element in our game which only punishes skilled drivers!
I love how, I have turned the entire thread on speed purely by liking it, god damn the effect I have on people
You know the drill by now.
i just said it was the meta, retard. how do you argue when you have literally no reading comprehension.
fucking this, speed characters aren't even hard to play.
>Just get good bro, You're totally gonna beat speed and accel players of equivalent level.
Why are they fat?
I LOVE Tawna!!
Advanced is a crutch, the vast majority of them don't even top 3 dude, anyone playing for the past week with the influx of amis could tell you this.
because it makes them better
Making Isabella a mother.
Yes, keep stroking your god complex further you loon. The actual reason is because you're a spectacle. Make of that what you will.
Wrong, you know it's the meta. Stop being naughty. Only makes your argument look worse, user. It's called advanced, for a reason, ya know? And not novice kek.
every mascot racing game has rubberband weapons. It is almost like they were never intended to tryhard in. Why the fuck dont you autist play a real racing game instead?
>punishes skilled drivers
citation needed
Yes, you will, see there's these things called items, their chaotic presence means being a time trial hero isn't enough to win games.
I hope that was wordfiltered or some shit user I deserve more praise than that for exorcising that little demon.
God I know user. Did you see how mad he got when I called him out for being a teenager? Or when he moved the goalposts for the 16th time, just like the number of years he has been on this planet? Or how he truly believed for a second he had a good idea, until he finally had to back down and say "w-well... it was just m-my idea I never said it was a good one or had any benefit to anyone but myself". wew, good times were had by all.
I have zero god complex, you're projecting, much like
I simply don't understand why, after they do what you guys told me you want them to do, fix the classes, they can't implement a system to let you pick your class, and then pick any character you want. You're the ones going insane on me. Just chatting lel
Stop projecting, we've been over this. Also stop talking to yourself, cringe lord kek
>talking about a cute mascot kart game
>goes full blown autism talking about demons
See what I mean by people calling me autist are projecting?
Guys, please stop posting bandicuties.
>you're projecting bro, i don't have a god complex, i just warp people around me and my opinions!!
What do you grind? I thought they patched nitro gain in solo.
But it punishes everyone
Stop what now?
With clocks no one wins
It punishes players in the lead more than those in the back.
How is saying what is happening a god complex? I don't think that at all, I'm just saying, look at the ruckus I've caused, simply stating some opinions, don't be naughty.
>he thinks people haven't been mad about speeds since the end of day one
Yeah! They should be fatter!
>That little nod she does when she wins
Very cute
>god damn the effect I have on people
seems like you have some kind of precedent for this shit, user.
She's one of the two best classes and super popular. People are jelly
oh, did they gave the front guy a longer effect? i didn't know that, thanks user
Holy shit user are you serious? There is nothing wrong with speed characters, what's wrong is you believing that is the only way to play. What's wrong is you somehow dodging every single legitimate argument and criticism lobbed at you and still believing you are a smart person.
What's wrong with speeds, my dude? Is it because they're objectively better than all the others?
Let's hope for that balance fix, but if not, just go speed and destroy everything
I do though, let's face it. You lot are still replying, how much you betting I'm brought up last thread for such a trivial, silly, little opinion?
Lab Basement on hard, gives 7 nitro per minute if you use GP characters and kart. It isn't great, but it adds up. I also still play every night to do the daily challenges if I feel like it.
I've always loved her but I didn't think I would be loving her this much.
>nigga that doesn't even know why speeds are broken
>thinks he made people mad about speeds
And you say other people are projecting.
>Stop being naughty
This is practically foreplay for you isn't it? Gross dude.
It's like if they intentionally made the lightning from Mario Kart even worse
>Effects everyone on the track, including those behind you
>Have a long spin out that can cause you to fly off the edge of the track
>Makes you so slow that some jumps are impossible to make
>Everyone is affected for the same amount of time so 1st place won't actually be affected that much
there is nothing wrong with speed charactets, 100% correct, user. I am a speed player. My original argument, as stated 1000000 times, is simply this, it isn't complicated, it isn't some GREAT GAME DESIGN CHANGE, it is literally, all it is, is this
IF/WHEN we fix turning/balance, why can't we make it so we can pick the class, and ANY character we want, instead of forcing us to play set characters in set classes?
IF we don't fix turning/balance, I don't really care, ya know? I'm speed, but then still, why can't we implement what I just said?
let's fix them then, but that still doesn't change the arguement on why the engine like system can't be implemented. I didn't care for balance until you guys brought it up, once again, I'm ON your side, I just don't know why you won't let us play whatever characters we want?
Unironically, stop projecting, weirdo.
On herbelly?
If that's the fucking case, we're cool. Whatever user, fucking hell.
>just get good at random bro.
Damn, you must really play at scrub level.
Fucking wholesome.
I knew it, you're practically fapping to all this attention you little weirdo. Here have this last you, on the house.
You've been told. You ignore it.
Based, and, dare I say it? redpilled.
I said to stop projecting, and you didn't even deny it, yikes from me user.
I think the blue orb would be fine if it affected first place more strongly. Like, give first olace the clock effwct or just make the explosion and cooldown bigger like in Mariokart. It's okay that it hits other players IF it hits first place harder
So they can sit on my face, duh
>Just get good at random bro
What the fuck does that even mean?
I don't user, people just say horrible things to me for no reason, and misunderstand what I say. They keep saying "YOU THINK YOU'RE GREAT AT GAME DESIGN"
When I am literally saying, DON'T EVEN CHANGE IT -AT- ALL if you don't want too. Keep it EXACTLY as it is. If you want to fix it, fix it, if you don't, don't. I'm just saying there is no reason to lock all the aesthetics, and characters, behind classes. That's it. It isn't even complicated lel. Everybody trying to jump me has made it far more than what it is.
poor fake crash
Ok was I the only one who didn't know that Oxide had a skin based off this too?
How cooties flirt with crash
Megumi : makes him a bento box every day and sends him anonymous love letters
Liz : often invites him to the bottle'o and gives him love taps frequently
Ami : gets him to pose and flex so she can feel on his muscles, especially when tawnas around
Isabelle : flirts out loud but exclusively in French so no one catches on.
Tawna : never in public. Lots of puppy love talk in private
You're thinking of the Star skins, user, that's the Electron skin, which only Crash, Coco, and Cortex have
what about coco
>it isn't complicated
How do you know that? You don't even know why speeds are broken, and you're suggesting they throw out the systems the game is balanced around entirely just to satisfy your dick's craving for Ripper Roo.
I assume Fake Crash has his own Bandicoot family waiting for him at home. Fake Coco, Fake Crunch, and even Fake Tawna. He must be so lonely is weird deminsion surrounded by tiny toothed weirdos
>tags: ugly men, ryona
>girls flirting with guys
Good one haha
And Coco?
That's illegal
Actually, Fake Crash, and I would never lewd Ripper, that's literally insane. There, you just did it
>you're suggesting they throw out the systems
what? When did I -ever- say that? How have you not realized, I just mean you simply pick the classes, with any character you want? Why on earth would I want to GET RID of classes, user?
Gotcha, completely flew under my radar
>holy proper fuck
That's kinda cute. Aviator Coco skin when?
Tawna would never let those thots around Crash
battle mode 3 minutes?
How does Crash respond to such advances?
No, just crystal challenge on hard
>Get LaMarche to just channel his Orson Welles again
Didn't you know? He travelled in time and made his own colony in the prehistoric era.
I think it's a lame idea and removes one of the unique aspects the game. Also it doesn't fix turning/balanced type, it just makes it so no one have to use them
Obliviously like a true chad
>Madam Amberly
>Rusty Walrus
>Farmer Ernest
>Tenth Dimension track
Twinsanity Grand Prix when?
Go watch SwordOfSeals lap digital N Tropy players with Pura and you'll sing a different tune
I sincerely love the little things they put into the remakes regarding these two. You can tell they really do love each other and are a great sibling pair. Makes the lewds hotter, too.
It's a remake, they're not gonna overhaul or plain remove one of the base features of the original game. It's not gonna happen, and that's a good thing because it would be fucking boring.
God, i want to FUCK Coco so hard!
600 let's do this shit
Fine, but it's gonna be lewd.
you assumed wrong
Pray for Fake Crash
what like this?
>Coco, Tawna and Pasadena
>But not Crash in between
Tell the class how you would fuck that 14 year old mutated bandicoot.
The game itself is fine, my main problem is that the developer seemingly tries everything in their power to make the game go from fun kart racing to a tedious grind.
>dat fortnite shop system
>dat grindy GP where you have to place amongst the top 5% or not get shit
>dat laggy online
>dat no coins for singleplayer
Crash is for Tawna only
>implying a big brother loving his little sister isn't the purest form of love
Sweet 600
We did it reddit!
How do I get Biker Crash? I didn't have enough coins when he first showed up, but now that I do I don't see him anymore, or any other Grand Prix exclusive skin for that matter.
Nice bobs
>What the fuck??.... Megumi??? How did you enter here? And where are my clothes?!
I did ur mum lmao!
You're garbage with everything but speed and so instead of wanting to learn handling and balance even if they were buffed you want the classes removed entirely. Fuck you, your idea is retarded
Are servers down or what? Pit stop and grand prix pages are working but on online I'm stuck at Preparing Lobby.
>dat grindy GP where you have to place amongst the top 5% or not get shit
You only need 5% for the champion kart. But I agree in everything else, The shop was poorly implemented.
Works for me (PS4). Try restarting the game.
It means yo're absolutely delusional if you think items are going to make you win with a shit class. It makes it even worse!
Everyone suffer and benefit from items, but Accel and Speed will pull away from the pack right at the beginning, while turning and balanced will be stuck in items mayhem for the rest of the race.
Turn is irredeemable, and like it or not, time trial heroes do dominate online races.
>Halloween GP might not have any sexy spooky costumes
I'm scared.
it's still rape if the victim was a guy my friend
Nice, thanks for the tip, I'm sick of those retarded challenges.
I need to play those games damn.
try restarting your internet
Give me nurse Megumi and I don't care about anything else.
So instead, forcing Speed/Accel characters is NOT boring? Don't know about that one, user. Entire swarms of amis etc, pretty boring to me
Even though I main her for the nitro boost and shes speed kek also indeed, it is a remake, but they've gone far and beyond that, adding skins and all other things that were not in the original, all, aesthetic
I want to wear Liz like a fresh pair of Levis!
a shame we can't use her, turning etc
When crash does this in game It always reminds me of that guy sliding down the sand hill going "nice meme". Nice chuckle every time.
>He can't use Liz