I heard that Gust had to apologize to the fans about something relating to Atelier Ryza...

I heard that Gust had to apologize to the fans about something relating to Atelier Ryza. But what would they have to apologize for?

Attached: 1562847561396.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

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Ryza's boobs didn't jiggle in the initial reveal. Now they do.

She is fat, FAT

Oh, that's odd. They coded breast jiggle in like a week?

All these hype for what looks like a 2006 unreal engine game.

Proobably idolshit. those people are legit insane.

Name a single 2006 game that looks this good. For low budget weebshit, it genuinely looks fantastic

Holy shit this looks litteraly like a HIRE meme

My computer is fairly outdated and I don't have the money to upgrade it, so I'm actually thankful that there are still new non-indie games being released in 2019 that I can run on my Phenom II. Not that I dislike indie games, I just like something like this for variety. If you're wondering how I'm pulling it off with such an old CPU, I do also have a Radeon R9 that I got as a gift, so I think that makes up for it somehow. Sekiro ran surprisingly well, and I'm not talking like 10 FPS, I mean it is actually pretty smooth, though I didn't pull up an FPS counter to find out the exact number. Anyway, worst comes to worst, if my PC somehow still can't run this at least it's also on Switch, but I would be really surprised if I had trouble running a Switch game.

that's some really bad jiggle physics


I normally never cared about Atelier but dem tights

Gears of War, Metal Gear Solid 3, Final Fantasy 12, the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, Splinter Cell: Double Agent.

Yeah, this is exactly why they did this. To pick up new fans.

Post an example of really good jiggle physics.

Fun fact, Crysis 1 was set to release in Fall 2006 but was pushed back to 2007.

Oh yeah?

Is snoy going to censor this game? Asking for a friend

Yea, E3 05 and 06 were covering it and was considered best of show.

Who cares, retard? It's on PC and Switch.

Just asking nigga, don't have a switch and my PC is a fucking toaster, do this games require high specs?

Yeah thinking I'm gonna buy this game.

Which one is unreal engine game tho?

Not really, if you can run an Xbox 360 game you can run this game.

Skyrim is decent with the right mods. Just cbbe and hdt is shit, but there are some addons that tweak it to not suck.

Is this a newer game? Shit looks like mabinogi

This is a game that is being released in October.

Nice i think it can, thanks user

DMoMM is a great game, but you're fuckin insane if you think it looks graphically better than this.

Those titties move on a gyro similar to a chicken head when you pick it up and move it around and it stays in one spot.

He may actually be right, I remembered it looking much worse but I looked up some screenshots and it has aged well.

Reminder that if you are not pronouncing Stout the German way you are pronouncing Ryza's last name wrong.

Is it pronounced similar to this?


Yes, actually.

I want to get into Atelier. How do I do that and in what order?

You can actually do it with this one if you want, it's the start of a new subseries. If you want to play something else, then Atelier Rorona, I guess.

Because it's baked to character animation rather than letting actual in-game physics to do some jiggle calculation.
It doesn't look good because Gust simply can't into animation.

>I guess
some more solid argumentation would be appreciated

I only said I guess because I feel like people would not want me to suggest Ayesha or Sophie.

user, if you like these games, you should be able to talk about them at some more length to someone who wants to get into them.

Just wait till Ryza.

I'm just concerned they'll be too old and put you off. Like the other poster said you should probably wait until Ryza and then get into the rest of the series if you like that one.

I've got a soft spot for ps2 era games with all their imperfections, so it should be all good.

In that case, you may even like Atelier Iris.

I thought Gust/KT was shit at optimizing PC games and shit that should be simple like Blue Reflection and the other Atelier ports ran like shit?

user, will it kill you to write more than two words about the game you like? What's good about it? Why should someone start from it and not any other one?

This man knows. Jesus the animations in Rorona were a sin against humanity. It's like gust games are made by 1 tied up overworked guy running on nothing but soda and pockys.


Poor fucking show. Is this what atelier fans are like?

you are fat dude

Or maybe there's just not a lot of people up at 1 in the fucking morning to answer your question.

>what are timezones

This is an American website.

>being this delusional

Dark Messiah looks way better, even without mods. Go look it up.

Rorona came out full on 10 years ago, dude. This is like wondering why a PS1 game looks so blocky.

>this is a current gen game
Weebs have the worst standards

Probably a simple plugin they'd forgotten to toggle.

that's falcom

Play my game while you wait for Ryza. I have jiggle physics.

Attached: lulua2.webm (500x281, 2.43M)

why do grown men play this game?! i played the demo on ps4 and it's..... it's a game for little girls for fucks sake

It's a decently tough little girl game, though.

Attached: Atelier_Lulua_2019_06_17_23_30_07_995.jpg (1920x1080, 1.39M)

I can't imagine this game actually turning out to be very good but I'm certain I'll buy it anyways and regret it deeply later. How I wish cute anime girls really were enough to get me through a title.

It'll be as enjoyable as Lulua.

Attached: Atelier_Lulua_2019_05_31_14_34_00_315.jpg (1920x1080, 1.22M)

In all the right places. And not enough, quite frankly.

It's more difficult than games for boys though.

Holy shit, she can fly?!

There's nothing to code, it's just a simple prepacked animation that could be done in a day.

So why are people acting like a big boob protagonist is a new thing for Atelier with Ryza, when Lulua is obviously pretty stacked as well? I don't understand why Ryza is receiving so much attention.

It's not the boobs, it's Ryza's thighs that are getting people fully erect.

Attached: 20th_cutin_holiday_006.g1t.00.jpg (1920x1080, 377K)

The FOTM character everyone is obsessing over isn't even particularly interesting or erotic either.

Dude. It's the thighs.

Just imagine I posted the meme of the fat guy holding his head.

Selfies belong on /soc/

>or erotic

To you maybe.

Attached: 1531735244879.png (960x540, 402K)

She is lewd enough. This is official art.

Attached: 1559798684475.jpg (1472x2048, 1.47M)

This thread has convinced me to get into Atelier. Where do I start?

Can you post more of the official art?
I'm thinking of buying a poster since the art for this game is so good

Rorona or Ayesha. Stop playing after Shallie as the games after that are shit. Most people who've started with Arland agree that Ryza will most likely be a horrible game due to a lack of time limits causing the game to adopt grindy tasks for pacing.


Attached: shoplist05.jpg (600x822, 211K)

What makes her stand out exactly? Nothing about her really seems too unique, and she's got pretty standard proportions for an animu girl. Everyone says she's got huge thighs but in all of the official art it just looks like she has average-sized thighs that are being squished by legwear that's too tight, especially since she has a thigh gap.

Attached: 1559417171096.jpg (391x325, 10K)

Is this artist known for anything else?

Either you're homosexual or are somehow not into any of the fetishes that Ryza embodies. She embodies a shit ton of fetishes: thighs, big boobs, fang, genki, etc

How do I order these as an American

Do I need to play other Arland-games before Lulua? I'm kinda looking for a JRPG and Lulua looks decent

Ryza's friend is so ridiculously sexy. Shame she's a lesbian, I can't masturbate to out of character porn.

That's his twitter. Don't know much about him, but it didn't seem like he was overly high profile until Atelier Ryza.
You don't. Ryza is the start of a new atelier trilogy (or at least that's the assumption). It will not have connections to older games.

Whoops, my bad, thought you said Ryza instead of Lulua. You absolutely need to play the first three Arland games before you play Lulua or literally half the game will feel meaningless to you.

You don't -need- to, but storywise you'll miss out on all the fanservice, returning characters and references. Still, the plot itself is standalone in every game.

>genki anime girl with big boobs and thighs
Unheard of!

damn her head is too big would not fuck

More like not big enough. Big heads really get me going.

I dunno man, she struck all the right notes? Does something need to be extremely inventive to be good, or can something that merely excels within an existing paradigm count as good?

Attached: chara.png (933x1093, 656K)

Sure, just randomly spoil one of the final bosses.

I agree, they didn't even include the whole pokedex!

Thanks. Might start the whole trilogy then.

Something I don't see much appreciation for is the single glove. More games need girls with one glove.

I recommend that, yeah. Rorona is a very fun game anyway.

Not him, but the way you say this, is that meant to imply Totori and Meruru are less fun?

I'm not saying it isn't good, I just don't understand the disproportionate amount of attention she gets compared to any other character. Also I think it's normal to expect something that got a sudden burst of popularity to have pushed boundaries or distinguished itself in some way, otherwise it seems like there's no apparent reason it should get more attention than anything else that effectively does the same thing.

the thing about those tight and short pants is that they make you really really sweaty
guys tend to forget this digusting fact

No, I only mentioned Rorona because it's the one user would start with being the first Arland game. My opinion of the four Arland games is roughly equal, although I think each one does different things better.

To you, maybe.


Attached: 1466466403596.jpg (640x640, 41K)

Then it would have to be the thighs. No other atelier protagonist has had meaty, overly emphasized thighs. Then people started bandwagonning on the meme. It helps that other aspects of Ryza like her big boobs, cute face, and general high quality of official art act as a "gateway drug" to accept the thigh fetish. This should be reason enough for longtime atelier fans, though I'm not entirely sure why more newcomers are hopping on the Ryza bandwagon.

I was looking at Rorona anyway, so it's helpful that you singled that one out.

>Thighhigh toeless boots

I know some people are onboard with that kind of thing, but they just look retarded to me.

Attached: 1471036485630.png (454x267, 51K)

On that note, come to think of it, thighs have always been popular in Japan. It's what the whole zettai ryouiki thing is all about (and what makes it surprising that this has never happened in Atelier until now). But I wonder why it's only just recently that it finally caught on in America. If there was some inciting incident that made something click in the minds of Americans and made them start appreciating thighs.

Frankly the whole Pokemon catastrophe has made me more forgiving of other franchises like Atelier. If something as profitable as Pokemon can only muster graphics like that, what hope do smaller Japanese franchises have? I respect that Japanese companies aren't like western companies, they don't have as much money to work with, so I can appreciate these games for what they are.

Looks more beautiful than Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

Isn't "big fat boobs" kind of redundant because boobs are already made of fat?

Senran Kagura 2 for the 3DS, not even joking. Way better than the HD games.

Honestly, with all the losses "fun" has had in the past year, I needed this.

Nice to see, one developer standing up to the tyrants and having the balls to just do something about it, a small shred of light in a dark world, even if its in a game I was never gonna play, in a franchise I've never heard of.

Congrats guys, I'm happy for you.

What fucking losses? We got Banjo in Smash. This has been a great year.

>muh snoy

Attached: 1556393580381.png (3840x2160, 3.06M)


Is it going to be yurishit?

>posts an anime picture as if it's proof
What the fuck?

is シュタウト german?

Attached: 1527229533956.jpg (350x240, 28K)

SIE can't actually deny Aniplex anything. Aniplex outranks SIE within Sony.

I hope so, we don't need any plebs like you entering the Atelier fanbase. Keeps the plebs out.

>But what would they have to apologize for?
my ruined pants after I repeadetly cream myself while playing this game.

Stick to western AAA games then. Ubisoft and EA games are made for your kind.

Switch and Steam western releases will definitely be censored.


Yeah, you fucking idiot.

>I will write a retarded post for no reason

cool ps2 era animations



Nintendo has promised never to censor a third party game.

>anime picture
Retard. You can play the demo on your fucking PS4 right now.

Attached: 1537189580376.jpg (3840x2160, 980K)

Attached: 1560065175245.png (748x988, 771K)

Even the 360 version looks decent

It was originally there, then the ethics department told them to remove it. Then fans got mad, so they put it back

"Even" the 360 version. 360 was considered a powerhouse of a console back in its day.

I find it hilarious that you people who kept repeating the phrase "ethics in journalism" are now trying to turn "ethics" into a dirty word.

>you people
Who is you people?
>who kept repeating the phrase "ethics in journalism"
When have I ever said that?
>are now trying to turn "ethics" into a dirty word
>Missing the joke
Back to retard era with you

Well, looks like my assessment of you as a complete fucking moron was correct. Done looking at your posts now, leave my board any time.

The reviews of the 360 version state that the graphics are severely downgraded from the PC version, so yeah

That's because this was back in the day when games were made for PC first, and PC is always superior to console. But as far as consoles go, 360 used to be the top dog.

Yeah whenever it worked RROD

My name isn't Rrod.

>projecting this hard
>my board
Damn retardera's getting bold lol

>ASSumes hard as fuck
>calls others moron
Oh the ironing.

You know Gust belongs to KT and not S-E right?

But will it have giggle physics? Honking for a friend

You better buy it nigger

He's one of those people. Complains about the state of video games all the time then never buys the good ones, and then he's surprised when they flop.

These people don't play video games. They just like to whine about them.