Minecraft 0.023a_01 has a possible chunk bug!

So I was playing my favorite version of minecraft
>as I do everyday
And I was walking away from by bass to explore my new world.
When I got back to my bass I looked up at my tower and saw that two
block that I have not place where floating at the top of my tower.

I when to report this to Mojang but it appears that there is no place to report
a bug for version 0.023a_01! Which angers me due to the fact that I refuse to
change versions for I have been player around this version for years.

Attached: mojang will be ruined.png (3841x2163, 3.97M)

I know this is bait. But what the fuck, why would someone play this old ass version.

Here's a thought. Maybe, just maybe, that bug was patched already in a newer version and if the chunk bug bothers you, you should switch to the newer version.


>why would someone play this old ass version
The same reason most people do stupid shit on this site.

Your tower is pretty bad anyway.

I enjoy the simplistic nature of this 23a.
I have played the newer versions but they don't have the same humble feel to them.

It was quick build.

Attached: anon.png (400x267, 37K)

The same people play cs source or tfc.

just play 1.14 like everyone else, grandpa, it's not that bad

Attached: smart_girl.jpg (300x168, 8K)

1.8 for me


Attached: 1562617999697.jpg (165x165, 9K)

I won't go any farther that the heath-bar.
If the version of minecraft has a hunger bar its doomed.

Dude you have Herobrine.

>cant balance the horrific task of occasionally eating a baked potato
dark days, these are

Can't you mod hunger out?

What a little bitch ass baby, you're just a vocal minority though, minecraft is still a great game even with hunger, even better now with all the new content.

I just really like 23a because its simple
The errors and bugs ether get old or interesting.

>didn't build the wall

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-07-12 01-45-06.png (1920x1080, 609K)

I'm sure it is and I do play 1.14 if a friend insist but in private 23a is my go to.

I only agree with you because the world generation and the textures look so much better. I personally don't like any texture today, they're going for a gross drab look when they should have stuck to the nice friendly green alpha. Also those 2D clouds look nicer.

I'm sure that there is an old texture pack for modern minecraft.

If anyone is interested in 23a you can join my old world. 23a runs in the browser so you can join though this link!


the join code is aMrHIti8L6KbAHYh


Oh yeah I'm sure but I'm playing on console because it's nicer easier and more comfy with my gf


Is the console version using a different world gen? Everything feels closer and easier to get compared to the pc version.

Best post i've seen in a while, thanks op
reminds me of all the spergs in school i wanted to beat up

Consider playing a free, libre, open source alternative like Minetest
FLOSS development is as humble as can be and they will be grateful for your bug reports

hmm thanks for suggestion! I'll check it out!

Nothing happens when I use that code. Screen is just white.

You need to go to.
There should be a.
> / ? j o i n =
Put aMrHIti8L6KbAHYh after that.

I did

>muh minetest
fuck off shill

How does one shill for free, libre, open source software?

And the fuck do you think mojang is going to do? Patch a version that is years old?

What's the actual best way to get old Minecraft before those random fucking terrain changes.
I started playing a couple of weeks before they implemented beds and stopped playing after they added the Wither.
I think I'll need mods to remove the hunger bar, any other quality of life changes?

If you mean compared to the java version, then probably. Bedrock and java versions are 2 different games, so yeah there is differences.
I play the Bedrock version on PC though.

I think that its up to you to discover your favorite version.

And the changes listed are choice!

0.30 is a good version

Attached: 1561341890817.png (1200x675, 905K)

Get fucked mojang bootylicker

where my beta 1.7.3 nibbas at?



where the non reddit serb at?
I remember going to one on the /mcg/ spreadsheet almost everyday for a while but then it died

update when?

Attached: LovelyRobot-Mod-1.png (430x300, 52K)