What's the best port/way to play this?
What's the best port/way to play this?
Dreamcast/arcade if you want the offspring
The psp version doesn't have the offspring but the music fits the tone of the game
Anything else is garbage
Crazy Taxi isn't Crazy without the YAYAYAYAYA so play the DC version
can't you mod that in on PC?
Theres only 4 songs, 2 by the offspring and 2 by bad religion
If you're gonna mod in 90s socal pop punk why not go overboard and toss in sublime or blink 182.
>blink 182
>blink 182
The Arcade. PC cucks will deny it.
quintessential 90s pop-punk lil zoom
I played the arcade cab just the other day.
yeah bro i HAVE to be a zoomer for not liking blink-182. shut the fuck up retard
>mod in all the Sublime albums
>starts playing
Imagine not actually owning a Buddha cd
Just play on pc and drop four songs into the music folder
too much loadings.
if you can emulate the arcade version thats better.
>blink 182
>not owning Enema of the State in high school when punk was cool
>not being popular
>not having friends
I'm so sorry user
Steam version with the controller fix and original music
Fuck son I still love me some enema.
>Blink 182
I would have pantsed you every day if we went to school so nobody would know I like them too
If they ever make a switch port for this shit on the go, there better be Offspring or else I will fucking go BALLISTIC, I'm gonna make Tim McVeigh look like fucking Neville Chamberlain if I can't play Crazy Taxi the way it was meant to be played on the go
They added offspring back for the Android/iOS version.
>Offspring and Bad Religion are both skate punk bands
You can get away with calling later Offspring pop punk, but this is Ixnay Offspring
One can only tolerate touch controls for so long
But nah, it's an alright port