Quake hampions

quake hampions

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i remember this thread

Me too

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I'm so fucking mad that Quake Champions was outsourced to Saber Interactive.

I will never not be angry about that game, it did not deserve to go the way it did. I love the characters, love the revamped Quake 1-style maps, I just fucking hate Saber Tech so much.

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Quack champion

Realistically, nobody was going to play a fucking hero-shooter based on quake.

I allow OPs autistic reposting of this thread because it's the only video game related thing on Yea Forums.

same, recycled a chuckle out of me

blame id instead, they're the ones that wanted it done on the cheap
its a blatant cashgrab exploiting old fucks that should know better

Quack Champions

Cool, but where's the new maps?

That's a cow, OP.


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Good thread

I stopped playing around the time they released that strogg turret character. Why'd they keep resetting my level after each update?

Dead gamepions

The game has seasons now. You unlock shit like items and nametags by leveling up instead of the old lootbox method, although lootboxes are still available if you want to trade your shekles for them.
Also Stroyboy is shit. Nobody plays him outside of FFA.

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>quakefags are becoming self conscious of their public image
>worried about being "toxic"
Paul Steed didn't die for this.

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I see they still don't have the self awareness to understand that quake 3 was pretty much just a tech demo and that basic deathmatch died as soon as CS released.

why do people even like cs as much as they do though

how is "learn some janky ass stutter stepping shit and memorize where ABOVE your crosshair your shots are going to hit with each individual gun" so appealing to so many people

paul sneed

Because you can pick up the game and just start fragging people with lucky headshots so you feel like you're doing something. Also the matches have downtime rather than just being full on all the time like in quake so people can just casually play it while on VOIP with friends. CS has quite a lot of custom modes as well that people can play without having to be competent with the shooting.

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