Is Soul Calibur 6 just dead now?

Is Soul Calibur 6 just dead now?

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You just want a 2B thread

I just want to know if the game is every going to update.

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Still pretty healthy online and we're still getting 7 more characters. Most importantly the game is really good so that fact should keep it at least somewhat alive for a good while.

If you want news on Cassandra we might get a trailer at comicon on the 19th, or maybe at a japanese tournament the devs are attending on the 21st. She will probably release at evo.

>>If you want news on Cassandra
Yes, that is exactly what I wanted.

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Ok well if we haven't heard anything by the 21st I give you permission to kill yourself

Why would I kill myself before Three Houses and Code Vein?

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Ok good point

>Three Houses in two weeks
>Code Vein in two months
>No More Heroes 3 is a thing
>Legend of the Heroes Trails of Cold Steel 3 is coming
>Muh backlog is huge

I can't kill myself even if I wanted to.

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Pretty much and deservedly so with its limited roster, small stage selection, nerfed creation suite, and shitty, overpriced dlc.

Don't forget astral chain, fren

Just watched a tournament for it yesterday. Will be featured at ESO in Las Vegas. Was boring as fuck to watch though DESU.

The game updates almost every month dumb 2Bitch poster

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Its the healthiest the series has been, but it pales in comparison to Tekken. It will always play second fiddle to it.

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No Hilde no buy.

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Best gameplay in the series though, and one of the best fighters out right now. And the customization is still pretty flexible.

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>astral chain
Shit I forgot about that, I want it too. Killing myself won't be viable for another five years at the least.

>Granblue Versus
Death will have to wait some more.

I just really want Cassandra. I will be happy once she is in.

Any really good players for it? I would like to see some high level play.

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NLBC or WNF? I thought they were both pretty good.

>pirate it
>can't get into it
Getting old sucks.

Is it just my rig or does the pc version have a ton of stuttering? GeForce experience says I can handle ultra settings fine, but even when I put it on medium or low I get Hella stutters in game.

No Cassandra, no buy.

>have no copy
>brother does
>just play his
>can't get into it because limited roster
I need Cassandra...

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>GeForce experience
Jesus Christ normalfag, at least try to act like you belong.

What am I supposed to use as my baseline? Im not a pc mustard face

In game graphics presets and then tweak the individual settings as needed. If you don't know what something means, just google it.

I did that already, I only mentioned GeForce cuz it said I could handle ultra.

Try updating your driver and getting rid of geforce experience. It's useless.

Yeah something's wrong on your end.

Waifu trash kills everything.
>All 4 guest characters are shitty females who don't even suit the setting.


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>replying to shitposters

Good riddance. What a fucking meme franchise.

No Rock or Hwang, no buy.

All up to date, the most I did was try to disable it, not gunna remove it cuz I stream games to my vita with it.

>Geralt isn't his waifu

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I am planning on getting Soul Calibur 6 when I get more money.

Also since this is basically a 2B thread (I would have liked to talk about the MILF Cassandra)

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All I can really tell you then is to lower the settings until it goes away, and if it doesn't than you probably need more ram/a better cpu.

Aside from RE, long cutscenes and shitty DLC practices it is a great game

>go outside
>so you can be disappointed in how ugly and trashy most women are

But tira, 2B, and Amy have all had really interesting movesets.

And even after 4 females there will still be more dudes in the roster.

the virgin Hecc vs the chad Bowie

The virgin Bowie vs the chad Hecc