How about we settle it right here in the ring if you think you're so tough?
UNIST Thread
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Pass is vee
Time to deliberate on teams a bit more tonight
PC or PS4?
Default is always PS4
And shit sai, fix your internet
kw: pclobby
I'm working on something so I might end up on autopass a few times depending on room size. Also I'm halfway between tipsy and drunk so don't expect masterful play.
Kind of an odd night. I'll take a break for abit as I've got stuff to do for a few and hope it sorts itself out. Be back soon but if the room fills up and someone else is around feel free to kick me if need be!
Sorry, fucked up on the room settings.
Once again. I'm not sober.
Started up EDF5 today, and it's removed all of the Unist stress. I forgot how much I love video games.
Okay, how does this sound
>sha, icey, mag, atic, lamp, razzy, huo, phrumf, clawz, bench
>x, kita, sai, lain, waifu, merk, hippie, sean, dia, joker
Any wc on pc right now?
I will give this team my blessing if you make it so I fight Dia.
I can't even be mad that I helped you kill me
They're not in order yet, this is just the roster.
I am but I'm going to leave in a couple more games.
I've found my new training regimen. Call it the "Little brother method". All you do is spectate a game, and try and push the buttons like you're reacting to what's on screen. Finally, I'll master blocking. Sometimes it's scary being this smart.
Let me know how it goes for you. I could use such a training regiment if it proves successful.
Also, I'm getting around 80ms online so I'm not sure if it fixed itself or not hippie. Guess we'll see.
I actually thought about this the other day while I was watching one of the matches. I wonder how effective it would be; the issue is you don't get the feedback to know if you did the correct inputs or not.
Dang, I was expecting ridicule. Might actually start doing this now.
What a coincidence. I had a similar feeling playing Ys 7, though that started last night
Unless you get direct feedback from the game to tell you whether you actually blocked or not, I'd say that's just a waste of time.
You're better off just jamming to your playlist instead while paying attention to the match and note down player habits
Still gotta figure out what is actually helpful information to look for. Most games I end up too scared to try anything but block, so nobody whips out the crazy plays.
At last, the answer to up-backing
I kept thinking it was shorter in range than it really was. It seems punishable but nothing ever managed to catch you even when shielding.
Rekkas are exempt from shielding rules since they're not canceling into anything else other than into itself.
But Hyde's rekka is incredibly easy to fuck up since you get a limited time in the air to delay it and then you're at most +1 if the 2nd hit is timed juuuuuust right
Not him but those must've been some really well timed ones because they seemingly caught him every time.
Lack of feedback is definitely going to be a problem for that kind of thing but what you can do is just idly do repetition of any kind of motions you find difficult while you're watching matches. As a simple example say you find your DP motions unreliable, just do them slowly so you can train that muscle memory a bit while you're watching the matches. I wouldn't try whole combo inputs or something like that without direct game feedback since most worthwhile combos have at least some kind of delay that's greatly helped by the game letting you know you did it right.
It's kind of "be yourself bruh" level advicem but you need to just turn off the fear. That'll happen naturally over time as you build more knowledge of the game and know the answer to certain situations you find yourself in. Basically if you see some character pulling some shit where you don't know what to do, go lab it out in training mode and you'll realize it's not actually as scary as it looks, then you won't panic and just try to hold downback when it happens in the future (though there are cases where you do just want to block it, you don't necessarily need to challenge everything the opponent does)
They only caught because he was backdashing/starting to jump
Aw man, that was a crazy comeback inbound too.
It keeps habbenig
>Rekkas are exempt from shielding rules
Well damn. I never knew this.
I'll have to play it a bit safer then until I figure out how to actually get through as Chaos.
I kept underestimating the range itself, not the recovery.
get it all out of the system before the tourney hopefully
That is kinda smart, DP motions will probably never make physical sense. "Just b urself" is also pretty good fighting game advice, I'd guess.
It's not really in my control when it's just an abrupt cut-off. Usually what happens is that I fail to load in to the match-to-be-spectated and THEN it blows up
The range is pretty formidable and it's the fastest thing Hyde's got that moves him forward. 236x~B is just too damn slow
>tfw had to learn DP-motions because I needed three of them in my Marvel 3 BnB
When I first had to do them, it was uncomfortable as fuck for my thumb but yeah, given enough time, it becomes second nature. All just a matter of time
>back to back rolls
I wasn't prepared! Hahaha.
>DP motions will probably never make physical sense
I never got all the hubbub about DPs, sure ending on a diagonal isn't as easy as ending on a cardinal direction but it's just pressing 3 directions. Even back when I started on pad I didn't have all that much trouble with it; you just have to practice it, same as anything else when it comes to building muscle memory.
That was an odd screen shake left and right. Did anyone else notice that? Is it part of Azhi?
GGs asterisk sion dude.
>didnt save the replay
>coulda swore I saw nanase ff after I shielded her air approach
GGs PC lobby and you too .
Man, that health pool looked pretty even to me.
this is exactly what I get
It had me fooled too
It makes sense in words, but hot damn do I just start spazzing in the lower corner of the pad. It's not even a question of which side I'm on, trying to shoryuken just doesn't work out. Sometimes it happens though.
Whip out your waldstein, basta. Fenix needs that knowledge
ggs friend
The stress of being in a match will definitely help you choke. Just practice it a fucking bajillion times. I'd wager even the OG super turbo pros still sit down and just do a bunch of quarter circles and dps in a row to make sure they're still on point
To be honest, instead of doing a clean DP input I've always done 6236. Pressing forward, then doing a quarter circle immediately after always works, even with QC inputs immediately after.
Holy shit, even I don't know which side that orb hit from
One rotation's all I got time for tonight
GGs PC lobby
Those projectile sideswitches are pretty rough. That one you hit me with at the start of the lobby with the corner side swap and offscreen orb was pretty slick.
Literally me right now.
I dunno dude, I think the Yuzu slash ball special happens more often than the diagonal teleport when I do that. The difference is often lethal.
That 4.4k combo was pretty sweet.
Do I run back to EDF to keep myself from crying?
Gonna be a short night at this rate. I always get the Wald mirror and this shit is the worst.
Its a situation were I see what yall do, understand it. Never able to do it though, be it execution or im stuck blocking always.
Pretty much every modern game seems to accept that as a DP, but honestly it's fucking bullshit. Especially in UNIST it seems to give a very generous buffer for when you have a 6 in front of a 236 so you can't dash into a 236 as a result which is a pain in the ass, and I highly doubt that's a balance consideration on FB's part; it's just there to make DPs easier for the people who have whined about it over the years.
When I first switched from pad to stick I spent a lot of time just fucking with Melty Blood's training mode doing all the motions to make sure I built the muscle memory well. MB is good for practicing that stuff because the interpreter is very strict (no 6236 DPs it has to be 623, and half circles don't get the arcsys 4236/4126 shortcuts, though UNIST doesn't have those either for the rare occasion you do a non-CVO IW), and being a French Bread game the training mode shows you the frame timings for each input, which is something every fighting game ought to do. Overall it's great for building up a clean muscle memory for all those basic motions.
GGs Frank.
Not gonna lie, drunk or not and even though it was only one match, I'm a little butthurt over how hard I got washed. Gonna getcha next time.
kharid how are you still orange? do you just not play online outside of here?
Guess I gotta fire up MB for more than 5 minutes.
Wald mirrors are great because it doesn't matter how good you are with Wald. The first one to smash 6C when close or 214X when far wins.
I'll probably switch to Chaos when we fight though since being on the receiving end is miserable.
It's the same story with all anime grapplers
They need a lot of bullshit to keep up with everyone else, but they aren't equipped to deal with their own bullshit
yeah I used to play ranked but now I just play on here
>tager mirrors
Whoever is magnetized is winning
I was amazed how you conditioned dia into just taking 4 C.j to the face without moving. If I try that I get counterhit or DP'ed.
Also can we stop playing Mika's theme every fucking game.
Just clap
I'll catch back up to you all I swear
As much as everyone loves to cry bullshit on strong mixups I think mixups that rely on hard reads have their value. It sucks homosexual anus when they're relevant to playing random strangers online but when you're against someone you've played a thousand matches against that's where the games get really interesting.
j[C] is incredibly easy to just throw out
Is skipping straight to divekick after launcher a good option for the air portion of that combo for Linne? I've seen ya do it a few times cutting out j.B and j.C and the likes.
did you switch controllers or something?
Depends on the starter since proration.
I notice dia doing it for awkward confirms off of lights and assault combos that aren't CH/Grd break
Referring to Dia doing it that is.
Remember back in... what was it, CT? CS? when you could round start 360 each other in a Tager mirror?
how did you know?
Ah, so maybe off of 214BA that comes out late or stuff like 6B or 5C?
That was less conditioning, and more me failing to shield an overhead in 5 frames several times in a row.
It's necessary for launchers that lead into j.5A midscreen. For corner confirms, it's generally optimal.
oh, by the way just from watching/and the few matches you're a much stronger player now so good shit
i'm used to you always washing me so I felt something was off in that last match
>ran out of meter just as I was about to finish
Hmm, guess I should experiment with it abit if it's optimal and see if I can make it work..
God I suck penis at this game
As a slight correction, it's optimal for assault/divekick confirms and counterhit confirms (with a whiff into 66B). The normal corner combo is better for most hits.
>Also can we stop playing Mika's theme every fucking game.
this gave me a big grin
I love Mika's theme probably more than any other in the game but when I realize we've had it on for the last five hundred rounds I can't wait to be P1 again so I can change it
Appreciate that as I probably would get lost if it didn't pan out proper. I'll log this and hope I can throw it in the muscle memory bank.
Damn you make it look so easy to body people with Wald. Then I play and it looks like they gave a monkey a pad and I get slapped around the room.
Its nice to see a Wald that can play at a decent level, but I doubt ill ever be that good.
I don't really notice since I've never played with sound on PSN. Maybe I should pick Nanase's theme to give myself a better edge.
I switched from pad to hitbox. Regardless of the outcome you've clearly adjusted your gameplan so it's not just the inputs
>but I doubt ill ever be that good.
Not with that attitude, sadman
GGs PC lobby. Gonna make some scrambled eggs then head to bed. I'll leave the lobby up with myself on autopass so you guys can keep playing.
That's a double edged sword for me. I get a morale boost but if I lose, I feel like I failed Nanase.
thanks! I think taking a break made me forget some bad habits
Okay it's my turn to sperg out a bit:
What is this fucking "Nanase theme bad" meme? Sure I might be biased since I started the game being forced to listen to it in Mission mode but there's nothing fucking wrong with it. It might not be badass thrash metal battle music (which I absolutely love, Hilda's theme is among my favorite in the game) but this discord-ass ebin maymay that Nanase's theme is somehow bad or annoying just baffles me.
Does stage selection matter on psn netplay? i heard some stages lag on pc netplay
plinking button on an arcade box is a dangerous habit
I think it just came to a point where people would rather listen to anything else.
I just avoid Altar
short answer is nobody fucking knows
it might it might not, most likely the latter
His combos are really simple so with how slow he is in general, knowing when to go on the offense or to be patient and block for thirty seconds becomes the main priority. Argen remade his Wald tutorial video if you want to watch it.
Helped me out a bunch back when I was barely learning him.
Park and training stage is the best ones
>Decide to take a small break from the game
>Use newly found free time to watch some movies, some anime, some anime movies, and play some video games I've been ignoring
>Suddenly it's been over a month since I've played
>The rust grows by the day and I was I felt like a fraud at my most limber
Hahaha shieeeeeeeeeet. Maybe next week the PC lobbies will feel the wrath of my rusty drunken Orie play
Well if it's any consolation it's my favorite theme in the game.
Also, looks like it's time for me to gym up once again so hopefully I'll be back later. If not, GGs m8s.
Also also, thanks for the advice tonight. Hopefully I'll be able to apply it in future matches.
I told you guys I knew them, I'm just a shitter and im never in a position to do them.
When in doubt, copy habits and eventually form your own
Nanase's theme is my favorite theme but I don't like whatever the main instrument is. Makes my head hurt if I listen to it for too long. Everything else about it great though.
I try to. I watch footage and go "Ok, he did this for this reason" then I get into a real match and go "uuuuuuuuh dash.B is a good button" or "I should use this since they are at range" and I do it till I get it, situation be dammned.
Haha don't worry we've all been there at some point. It's only uphill from here.
share my shame friend
Damn that 22C caught me trying to churn out a punish
Then you must apply training mode a bit harder than lobbies. Get that into your muscle memory, start doing them instead of your bnbs if need be to get it through your system and make it native to you
Aw fuck I'm going on a week-long trip with family in a few weeks, I hope the rust shakes off without too much pain. I haven't been playing long enough to be confident in taking a break for a whole week.
I know that feeling. I've been barely playing lately and now it's gotten to the point that I feel like I was a better player back in January.
Quit avataring as kaguya panels.
no. it's not like anyone draws fanart of my character anyways. report me.
Holy shit I won a game.
I post this vintage gook meme for your celebration
I feel ya dude. Ill probably stop again when Fire Emblem comes out, but thats a few weeks away.
Wait it's a meme? I just didn't like Nanase's theme. Can't remember it having any sort of funk, Yuzu's gets stuck in my head with that weird piano-slide-thing. Mika's sounds at home in an old Sega game, and Hilda's got the Bloodborne noises. What does Nanase have? A weird toot?
>Playing setplay kusoj when you could be playing UNIEL
>What does Nanase have? A weird toot?
The guitar is the best part.
Shitposts aside from what I've heard about UNIEL it does sound more appealing than UNIST, the broken jank aside. I wish an anime game would focus more on fixing its broken shit with updates than buffing the weaker characters with stronger setplay.
Lost? This isn't /vg/
>5f with huo
Is it another cursed inter-WC connection?
I got so hyped about winning a single game, I forgot I had to go again. Makes the Basto-pill all the harder to swallow.
Jesus Christ bast, he has a family.
You're not really playing fighting games until someone forgets they have to keep playing.
is that a real place?
You tryna say the lag carried me? I'll have you know it was all skill all the time.
They'd probably disown me if they saw how badly I play Unist.
The dredge has to pool somewhere
Piss off void
i sure hope not
i've spent more time on that board than i'd care to admit. as long as you can separate that behaviour from other places then fine but the autists who can't stop acting like assholes here need to fuck off
/vg/ is so insulated in its own shitposting mire and vocabulary that it's incredibly easy to tell who's from there immediately since they can't
The problem is that they samefag and it gets a bit annoying
I show up for gacha trash. It's a poor choice but it's better than everywhere else respectively.
Anyway, I'm shitfaced and it's late. I'll catch you all another time. You'll have have to free my ass up another time for the purple enki. Ggs, see everyone soon.
I pirated it to see if I like it and it's pretty cool.
I just don't have the time to get good at both this and my main game unfortunately, but I like the GRD system and the night time aesthetic
Yo, GG PC lobby. I hope Enkidu gets dash and grab buff in UNICLR
>PC lobby
Why is the thread getting invaded by cancer
Oh shit I perpetuated the Mika songs. Sorry Marcus.
And will I ever learn how to do the Yuzu 4-2 with RB being C attacks? Does the game count unbound buttons as inputs? Slapping my thumb down onto triangle and X usually hits circle too.
I dunno, I know Melk and Frank are on /afgg/ now and again but they seem fine
>Mika songs
Mika songs are best songs. I can't even remember how the rest of the BGM sounds like anymore.
Yuzu's theme is better, scientifically.
ggs man
You'd best stop passin' Clawz, I know you're dying for a rematch.
Because you acknowledge their existence. Come on have you mever shitposted before? any (You) is a victory it doesn't matter what they say.
ggs bro
I have ps4, it's just I have my modded music and colors on there. I play Asura Enkidu
I swear to god if someone dosn't take of Mika's there song...
Also I like playing your Enkidu hippie, it forces me to think about what buttons I press more. Cant just dash.B in neutral.
Enkidu's considered one of his worst match-ups probably because of that.
Thats a lot of bad matchups....
Is Wald trash?
Why is there so many trannies in the unist scene?
Man, where's buster? I'm missing my daily Wagner dose.
I decided tonight to not give a shit about winning or "learning" (though just playing will result in that to some degree) and had a few drinks and just want to have fun with what I know already. After all at the end of the day it is still a game, even if I want to become good at the game.
Hey I made that
If I were to change anything, bump Phonon to even/slightly bad and Mika to bad
>Accidentally use [4]6C instead of just 6C
The only times I remember this move is when I either accidentally use it or try to do dumb stuff against zoners.
He's certainly not all that advantageous
But you'd need to know your shit to play him well and the good ones make you question if it's ever your turn
>I win one game
"Pssssh I don't care about winning I'm drunk".
Is there any worse feeling?
have a good weekend friend, maybe I'll get the hang of this hitbox shit at some point. I don't want to be a bitch, admit defeat, and go back to pad.
looking forward to garage gear and tripoint if you can still make it hippie
Yeah. Argen made mention that Mika's probably his third worst MU after Hilda and Yuzu.
I wasn't sure If you had a read or if that was a bad input. Ill scratch that from my notes then.
Did you want me to sub in then
You could win 0 games. Every Night. 5 times a week. For a solid Month.
I needed a break badly.
And now I'm the villain for going all out against an inebriated man! There's no winning in this, is there?
Dude a win is a win don't worry about it.
Basto should probably get in the habit of using EX god press since it's projectile invuln and I love projectiles.
Although, I learned the hard way not to try and do that when wald has vorpal
Wald is bad if the opponent knows what they're doing. Like I play Enkidu and I get fucked by Wald because I never knew the power of 66B is.
66B is technically airborne which means that you are immune to his command grabs, same with 66C but it's much riskier to use. So you can actually do 66B at the end of a block string or as a mean to approach even more if they're gonna do a wake-up command grab and it also stuffs a lot of Wald's buttons. I think his C buttons and 2B are the only ones you really can't 66B through so instead you can use 66C for that case.
And what's crazier too is that on block if you do 66B from a safe distance you can actually throw out 2A or 5A to check if they're gonna mash because Wald has a longer startup on his moves. I wouldn't really use it online though since the timing is at a 4 frame window.
66B alone shuts a lot of shit down for Wald.
Wald basically has to gamble in neutral on
>Is she going to 66B in or 623A in
And j.C to beat the 66B or throw out a button to beat th 623A
He's got no good option that beats both
Wald's charge move is one of the easiest things to react to and avoid. Even with huge delay, people will casually jump over you and go for the punish.
The only exception would be using its projectile invul to catch people spamming or to shake up people turtling in the corner. Otherwise it's best used as an ender for a corner carry and not much else.
No matter what I do I can't get this Wald away.
I've tried that before a few times. You actually recover quickly enough to still jump unless I make a hard read and use it as soon as you barely begin the animation. Eating a 4k combo and losing 100 meter isn't worth the chance.
Anybody else support ChaosXHilda and ChaosXPhonon
Great, this guy again
Shit, I was half way through my thought out reply.
getting legitimately upset about online games
absofuckinglutely not. return from whence you came.
don't give him replies
Getting mad at games is pretty sad. I hate when I realize I'm being a bitch halfway through, and then it's just a unique anger-shame mix.
What says is the important bit, "winning"only matters in a tournament with a prize you care about; these lobbies are casual matches; even if you're taking them seriously and trying to win, the win itself doesn't matter, just the learning experience. Honestly if you keep sadposting so incessantly you need to expect to be bullied for it. If it's just a way of venting as you go through the learning process then so be it, as long as you don't let the people who tell you to fucking kill yourself for posting such laments get to you.
I feel like im spamming j.C too much. Yeah it's great, but Dia is picking up on it and mashing lows after I land.
Also thank you Dia for changing the music, your my personal savior.
Basically if something works you just do it until it doesn't. The problem is if it's not "real" offense and burns into your muscle memory then savvy opponents can punish it.
I just wanna talk about best ships
>I feel like im spamming j.C too much
I guess I can throw in another matchup thing.
I honestly think Hilda vs Enkidu is either 50:50 or 55:45 in Enkidu's favor.
It's really just the fact that in neutral, Hilda is kinda narrow and that's one of her big weaknesses, other than that her frame data on whiff is shit and she has no invincible reversal except for veil off she can get bullied easily.
The ONLY thing that is really shitty in the matchup is actually dash blocking because Enkidu's dash sucks so many AIDs cactus.
But when you really start to break down Hilda's frame data and how a lot of her buttons can sometimes phase through people, it's really not bad.
Also 5A oki is the most bully thing you can do to Hilda and Chaos since they have the same weakness of no invincible reversal. But yeah that's the Hilda/Enkidu matchup.
For the record, if I somehow typed it wrong, I wasn't actually mad at Clawz's flawless dismissal of my only win. Found it kinda funny actually. I was hoping the pout-based image conveyed the feeling.
100% just to aggravate you, I'm going to put it back. You'd best hope I don't end up in that player one spot.
I wasn't dismissing you I didn't even know which player I was replying to. You beat me those matches, just enjoy it.
There isn't anyone trash in this game.
for what it's worth in a tournament setting, consider that pissing off your opponent on a personal level will *always* affect their gameplay
please no
Is it normal to feel bad about even my victories?
If I ever get stuck in a tournament setting, this is the first thing I'll keep in mind.
Try to use 4B more as wald. It catches a good number of DPs, is significantly positive on block, and has a shock-wave to trip people up if whiffed (which makes it even more positive on block).
How does UNIST compare to GG?
trying to take something away from every match was working well for the longest time but I feel like I need to adapt to keep improving at the same rate. anger has never really been an answer to things outside shitty conections though.
Be specific or I'll just consider you bait
You mean like a spacing tool?
It has so much startup that I usually get counter hit out of it, so I stopped using it in neutral as much. Ill put that in m notes to use it more.
There's a pretty equal amount of hot girls, I'd say they're basically the same game.
I mean in general. GG is the only fighting game I've really gotten into so it's my only point of reference.
Newish player here, rooms on PC version atm?
As a guy who probably doesn't qualify as having played either, I think Unist might be easier? I don't have to do airdashes in this, there're only 3 attack buttons, and picking a character was easier because Yuzu exists.
Do online tourneys count? Kinda wanna do this in a tourney I entered coming up.
Unist is more grounded and the equivalent to roman cancelling is locked behind winning the GRD war. There's fewer 50/50s in general too. Those are the biggest things, plus a large number of smaller differences of course.
Either I'm getting tired or dia is way more responsive than earlier. I'll probably need to 360C now too.
Use it as a meaty to catch people recovering or as a hard read for people doing dash attacks. If they block it you're still pretty safe and if not it leads into a corner carry or a nice combo. It's nice to have for those who like to jump a lot too on wakeup.
I find unist harder than gg. Unist combos are so much longer and require so many more precise input and timing. GG combos typically just involve gatling your normals and ending in a special, only really advanced stuff requires much more. Unist standard BNBs require multiple split second special inputs and constant standing/crouching/forward/backward shifts between normals.
I can't hold back anymore, i can't stop this feeling! I gotta defend the Earth! Good games, thank you as always for putting up with my interminable sadness.
And goodness gracious, I hate you Waldstein.
why is redblade bitching about 50/50s and oki if all of this stuff was back in uniel as well
This is partly why I said I didn't count as playing these. I mostly ran through everybody's instakill animations and told myself "Maybe I'll play GG someday" like 2 years ago.
cuz he's gay and loves lickin dicks, ask /afgg/ u fukkin homosex
Go ask him in discord or something
Fuck. Just when I want to be done, atic joins the room.
Keep at it bro. The sadness is all a part of learning.
>Is it normal to feel bad about even my victories?
To some degree sure, if you think you learned nothing from it. Just remember at te end of the day it's a video game, winning won't change your life. Winning money from a tournament is nice but unless you have no emotions at all you're probably not playing these games solely to win money from tournaments, so enjoyment is probably a consideration.
Honestly this is a stupid fucking question.
I cut my teeth on Xrd (in PS4 public lobbies whatever that level of play is like) and when I picked up UNIST I found it pretty fucking easy to pick up some kind of intermediate-level play. Having a consistent group of people to play with is probably more important than anything else. eg. playing UNIST with these threads which have solid players in them, compared to just playing public lobby randoms. If you have brain cells in the double digits then translating mechanics from game to game shouldn't be a concern though muscle memory-wise you'll still need to practice no matter how much something may make sense in your mind.
I'd say overall GG feels like it has more character specific knowledge checks than UNIST, but now that I've garnered some proficiency with UNIST I'd probably perform far better in GG if I put time into it, so I can't say that statement is an absolute.
He's always been a thin skinned faggot. Also option selecting when he loses to the Japanese
As someone who has spent serious time in both, they're very different games. Assuming you mean Xrd, the big differences are in ground/air teching, oki, grab mechanics, and air control. In unist you cant air tech into pressing buttons, where thats a huge deal in gg. In unist throws are two buttons with a 14 frame tech window allowing for lots of OS play but with lots of potential for counterplay, compared to gg's one button throws where OSs are more simple. In unist you can roll any way on the ground so oki is more predictive compared to gg where everyone has fixed knockdown times. They're kind of similar in that you can block air to air moves but generally not ground to air, but unist has less air movement and a short hop. UNIST is slower paced overall.
Thats enough for me, its early and I'm tired now. Hope to see you play more Wald bast, its educational.
GGs all, every day a new step forward
ggs. Having two Walds helped me practice a few things related to the matchup for sure. Now if only I could figure out when I should actually use 6C.
Maybe I should've just taken a break tonight after all, I don't even know what I'm doing right now
A bunch difficult challenges still left when I get back!
Excellent. Time for some tough love.
Dang, was that A hien or B hien following CS on that FF? Either way, I wanna steal that sweet tech.
Thanks for the games.
I feel like I'm getting more reliable with Chaos but simultaneously haven't been adapting as quickly as I would like with him. His corner defense is still as painful as ever and I only seem to remember GT after the fact.
Though I did manage to land a new BnB so I'm feeling accomplished.
GGs m8. I feel like as long as you might pick up 1 new thing or accomplish 1 goal it's a good session, win or lose. Keep up the improvements.
I'm certainly looking forward to getting blown up by the good stuff.
ggs. It's about time for me to go to bed.
B Hien. It's FF -> CS (can work on either side if you want to side switch)-> B Hien ->214B-C -> j.5B -> j.C -> j.2B -> regular stuff.
Corner air route works too (I think).
I'll have to test it out since that could come in handy for clutch corner situations.
Thanks again for all the help and GGs!
Yeah, I should've just taken a break.
ggs everyone
GGs, see ya guys later.
Off-topic but any of you guys aware of any good laptops I could get for around the 500-600 dollarydoo zone?
GG what i was there for
GGs lads
Looks like I was able to get in at least 1 more game (and a fun one at that, dueling DPs are fun times) before closing up. GGs everybody!
If anyone else is still down to play let me know, otherwise see ya next time!
Maybe Logical Increments will help ya out.
anyone wanna keep playing or anything lemme know
I'm down for a few more fights if you wanna go. I'll keep the same password even.
And it's ready whenever you are.
>akatsuki mirror nanase theme random last battle
GGs see you guys this weekend or Sunday whenever; I'll be around
GGs and thanks for hopping in for a few more games Clawz, even if they were quite rough on your end.
Surely the next session will bring you some more fortune!
Yeah, Nanase theme is the best in the game after all with close second from Linne's theme.
It's not good to lie, man.
It's a good thing I'm only stating an opinion instead of a fact.
Haha can't say I agree with Nanase's theme being the "best" but if he says so then whatever. GGs sai
Oh shit one last thought, I might make a lobby tomorrow night, but threadless. It's a secret, okay?
Dead men (or in this case threads) tell no tales.
How can I play a pirated version online?