If you were GameFreak, how would you make Shield and Sword not suck?

If you were GameFreak, how would you make Shield and Sword not suck?

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If I were gamefreak I'd pay fans to make the game and retire.

We all know what this thread is really about.
What pokemon you guys wanna HUG? for me it's sylveon followed by all others in the eevee family

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just add all the pokemon back because their excuse of "higher quality animations" and "muh balance" are flat out lies

>Poorly veiled furry thread

Jesus, OP. You didn't even try to hide it. Mods just 404 this thread. It's obvious it'll just be a deluge of faggot ERP and furry porn posting.

Fuck off furfags.

>Admit it looks like a 3DS game ported to Switch
>Bite the bullet and take some time to port in new mons and update textures
>Fire Masuda

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They're trying to put as little effort and money as possible they can into this project though. It makes sense. They know they can get away with it despite the backlash.

look at him go!


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i wouldn't. i'd cancel that garbage fire and give the fans what they really want. an HD remake of gold and silver, with everything from HGSS in it

none of that faggoty let's go shit though. it'd be a real-ass pokémon game

Shut down Pokemon Fusion and make the next game based on that concept.

If i had the choice, I wouldn't have started with sword n shield, I would have made a new stadium/coliseum game after LGPE so that majority resources can be dedicated to porting every Pokemon into a proper Switch engine, then make a new gen game afterwards with everything in place. Also, the stadium game would be live-servicey with events and multiplayer focus, and actually update with new pokemon for each game released afterwards.

Ants aren't supposed to use guns

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>Reuse all X/Y/Sun/Moon models for all Pokemon
>Use Battle Frontier as a basis for endgame content and expand upon it
>Bring back Pokeball Customization
>Use walking animations to have Pokemon follow you
>PSS system for online matches maybe reintroduce Bases for some social aspects?
>New Megas with unique Dynamax models counting as such and all Pokemon without Megas will size up with Dynamaxing
>Quest systems for certain Mythical Pokemon quests included for Pokemon recieved thru codes as well
That or make it as shitty as possible.

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it's too late

explain bullet ants

eevee furfags please go

Trash the main series and start a new one.

Make a pokemon adventure game spinoff with Jesse and james


>Add all the pokemon back since they're already using the SM models anyway
>Add a difficulty option to the game, have it default to easy (like the 3ds games difficulty) have normal (like the ds games difficulty) and hard (something for a challenge).
>Add following pokemon from HGSS
>Have emerald's battle frontier
>Remove dynamax and add back megas
>Have bases again

post it

by fucking off to /vp/ you retard furfag manchild


Honestly even with all the current dumb shit intact if the game has good pacing (like the first half of XY, for example) and a decent challenge to the battles overall it wouldn't be a complete failure in my eyes.
Still won't make it worth 60 bucks, but still.

why does pokemon attract degenerates and trannies so much

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>one of the largest multimedia franchises in the world
>furry creatures

Because it attractes the furrie community, which is a bunch of degenerates and trannies

Quit and play dragon quest


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by cancelling it and giving the franchise to atlus or falcom.

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I love the VGC tiger

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You tend to overlap a bunch of groups for better or for worse when you are literally the biggest media franchise on Earth

Delete all the Pokémon.
Make 3D Kanto but like Kanto expanded edition just virdian forest more elaborate and routes longer etc.
Change the Pokédex to the original 170 pokemon (+johto evos).
Have a fucking good time chillin in kanto.
Dont worry about gimmicks or forms or any shit. Just like chill in kanto. Maybe surf with pikachu on my days off.


It's like you want people to post the KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO meme nostalgiafag-kun

Why is there no "pokemon thread outside of /vp/" report option? The OP isn't explicit enough to be labeled as furry porn.

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It's too late in my opinion.

The whole engine would need an overhaul and the art direction.

The only way it's going to suck the least is if all Pokemon are available, the attack animations line up with the Pokemons attacking body part, theres no weird size discrepancies, you have following Pokemon, the handholding parts are hidden well for advanced players, the cast doesn't sound like they're speaking to the protagonist like he has severe autism, there's a real asshole in the game somewhere they get rid of the cringe sounding Digimon moves like g max surgedrive or whatever that was.. they...


It's just gonna be a shit game. Please just let Pokemon die like sonic.

Less Pokemon, there are way too many and a ton of them are shit.

Focus on changing up the gameplay. It hasn't changed in 20 years. Competitive players need not >You, stop min-maxing a children's game and go the fuck outside. Meta changes are not gameplay changes.

I don't think eevees can stand like that

Execute all furfags without a trial

Cutting down on available Pokemon was a correct decision. It just seems that rest of the team at GF didn't understand why it was made and didn't follow up on it.

Cut mega/z/wumbo autism, fix the animations

If I were Gamefreak
Why would I want to?
Trash sells to Nintendo fans, man. They probably don't even want a good game.

I beat off to feral and all pokemon. I beat off to lolis, shotas, furries, 3D, love JAV, r34, every FUCKING partialism ever and I beat off to literally everything under the fucking sun.
What I don't do? Project what I beat off to; to anyone else, especially on social media.
Why not just make a god damn vidya thread and go back to /vp/


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Make it Kanto.
Keep it simple.
Add day & night cycle for umbreon and espeon.
Add a daycare south of cerulean for breedin'.
Add happiness stat.
Remove shinies.
Remove EV's and IV's.
Remove abilities.
Add metalcoats, kings rock, dragonscale.
Fight professor oak as last boss.
Throw me a mew under a van after completing the dex.
Gen2 move pools and items.

Based opinion

Add crafting, farming and dating sim.
Fantasy Life but Pokemon.

I wish there was an antifa for furries. Antifur.

There was in mid-00s. Furries won.

Its fucked. Give control of the mainline series to Genius Sonority and have Game Freak make porn or at least help make cute girls for the series.

Find the animators and modelers responsible for Stadium, Colosseum and Battle Revolution and put them in charge of visuals. Execute anyone responsible for animation and modeling after gen 5.

I would actually strip away more shit and sell it later as dlc. I would rapidly reduce the quality of the games over time just to see how much shit pokemon and nintendo fans will put up with. I believe that they are so desperate for new games that they might even be okay with just a blank screen and defend it zealously.

It would be exactly the lets go shit. People want all the mons not HGSS gen 4

No one wants all the mons. Everyone who says they do are lying, brigading or stupid.

Import the PBR animations, make hp bar decrease instantly instead of waiting five years and make super effective pop ups etc. show up while the move is beong executed
boom, better animations and faster game flow

>Delay the game 1 or 2 years
>fire Masuda
>hire a larger team
>bring back the national dex
>work on animations
>work on textures
>get rid of gimmicks (mega evolutions, z- moves, dynamax, etc.)

There, pokemon is fixed.

I would hug growlithe and tell him james is coming home one day.

Obviously hire an entire team dedicated to giving soulful animation to every pokemon.

I would make the fans pay me for the privilege of making my game for me.

Serious question: what exactly goes wrong in someone's life and brain to become attracted to animals?

I watch a lot of porn of all kinds but it has to have humans in it because I am human. I just don't understand.

I would make it 2d with the Ruby and sapphire art style, actually make it challenging, and get rid of all animations just to btfo of all the retard autists that don't just turn that shit off immediately

Look up mare pussy and you'll understand.

Tali wasn't human and y'all jacked to her without thinking twice.

Erase everything except the eyes and you might find the grim truth.
Because she's just a purple human with less fingers.

>just a human "but X"
Your journey already started. Next you'll add Y and Z because i-it's still like a human right?

Humans not only don't really fit with my main fetish but also are kind of bland and boring because I already see them in real life

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Fuse the concept with BotW.

Actually try for once.

>Postpone production of Town, and move all personnel to work on Sword and Shield
>Make porting all the pokemon to the game top priority and build everything else after that
>Add about only 20 new pokemon to the game
>Get some actual programmers to clean up all the extra space that Game Freak's filling with duplicate models

Add equipment, like the battle arena on neopets has/had. Equipment could add a little extra attack or defense values, maybe give additional moves. There could be special battle gear that allows switched Pokemon to use moves instantly or something that automatically fires off when they hit the battlefield.

You mean hold items?

>Add a difficulty option to the game, have it default to easy (like the 3ds games difficulty) have normal (like the ds games difficulty) and hard (something for a challenge)
I actually came up with an idea for that by allowing the player to choose their age.
>kid = easy
>teen = normal
>adult = hard.

>adult difficulty is a picture of Abe telling you to turn off the nintendo and go have kids.

I would give it to different devs and rebuild its turn-based combat from the ground up into something more intricate and interesting.
Series suffers from fetishization of that one single combat system from 20 years ago that was basic as fuck even then.

Pokemon date cafe


I don't want to see pokemons roaming around in the grass or any other part of the map, it looks cringey as fuck.

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Make the ultimate official straight pokephilia simulator, featuring the entire pokedex except Gardevoir

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Put the full national pokedex into the game. That's all they need to do to effectively save the games for me.

A bit more polish on battle animations wouldn't go amiss

Had I started development of the game, I think I'd have maybe not bothered with the gigantamaxing/dynamaxing stuff. Just focussed on a more "pure pokemon experience where you fight the gyms and beat an evil team, no BS about this new mysterious pokemon power or whatever.

It can work and not be cringy as fuck, you would just need extremely skilled and passionate devs to make it work and have dev cycles of at least 5 years, with the budget to support all of this.
With all the money gamefreak's made and the connections they've established with companies that actually know how to make pokemon games, they can actually make this happen, but this timeline is cursed so it will never ever happen.

>You mean hold items?
NO, I don't mean stinking hold items. I mean equipment. Like gear, literal weapons, armor, force fields, not replacing the hold function, but enhancing it. More like the NP battle arena. There would be type-specific gear because a dog shaped Pokemon would have trouble using a zapper (despite what smash would have you believe). Maybe magical claws/swords/helmets to change the damage types of various attacks Peck becomes Volt-peck with the thunder cap, Sprite sword allows you to hit ghost types. That sort of thing.