>Master Alphinaud and his assistants
If you didn't choose this option you are a cop
Master Alphinaud and his assistants
Other urls found in this thread:
I chose this option and im a lesbian cop. What now
she did nothing wrong
Just finished the last role quest and man that was some good shit to tie up loose ends. Well worth leveling multiple jobs.
>giott is a girl
WoL is canonically a brothel worker that does adventuring on the side.
I would've preferred to not have seen that
Please donate to the Doman Enclave, my friend.
put those shitsmeared lizards to use instead hien
Fuck Mhiggers and fuck Chinks. My donations will all go to my home Ishgard.
>finished story
>Go into Yea Forums threads looking to see anything about the ex trials or stuff they found cool or main story lore.
>Instantly get spoiled in the first few posts about role quests.
Man. Are you fucking kidding me?
make me
>run potd
>see this
Guy from other thread, can i ahve your character file ? this look cute as fuck
The only people who would pick such a "lolsorandom lmao remember this?!?!?" choice are lalafel memelords and underage faggots. You were uniting everyone into building a giant talos, not being a dick about past mistakes.
I'm that one guy with 2k less health than everyone else
Imagine what goes in the mind of the person who thinks this is better than aetherpact.
looks like a homostuck character
>Just unlocked bahamut
Does anyone have any tips for SMN, I'm having trouble of keeping track of everything.
or people who know it's a videogame and wanna see what the funny choice does, and it has a funny payoff, so its fine
Like I said, lalafel memelords and underage faggots.
try to keep track of everything
for which levels?
also just play around in a simulator if you don't want to waste crafting mats
why are there still femroes? you are no longer necessary, go away, stop existing
Stop being shite human beings.
>WoL is cheeky cunt
lmao get fucked tranny
Maths and basic numeric knowledge I'd imagine, unlike the semen that seems to circulate throughout your every orifice and cavity.
make me
>Hurr I caused 7 calamities but it's fair because I suffered one
>Mine was worse because reasons
>Now I need to make sure it doesn't happen again by invoking it multiple times
What a moron
a trait of autistic people is being unable to recognize or appreciate jokes, just thought that was interesting
WoL is absolutely schizoid. One minute they're all cheeky, the next they're a bitter and jaded cunt.
Here's your cross-dimensional hero, bro.
that's not very interesting at all, actually
keep it together until you hit 80 and try not to be too much of a burden on your teammates, then spend a couple hours in stone sky sea
R4 is for weaving and baha. You double weave everything. You don't want to cast R2. You don't need to press egi assaults instantly or wasting your R4 stacks.
>Calamity so bad they had to rewrite the laws of existence to end it
>Retards like you who cannot grasp true consequence ended up annihilating the true men and created ghastly knockoffs filled with vice
You're autistic nigguh
>Run expert roulette
>Tearing through Twinning
>Like sprinting the whole way damn
>Fuck guys calm down
>Everyone leaves before opening the final chest
>Open it
>Long Fall Orchestrion Roll
>My face
Stupid bitches
i'm 66-67 in everything
i'm trying a sim but i have no idea what i'm doing and how i could be doing better. and the autosolver is shit
And a trait of underaged people is that they make jokes of everything. Just thought that was interesting.
Another interesting fact is that you're full of shit, as that is not a "trait" associated with autism, but don't let that stop you from being an internet psychologist buddy.
Says the person with only half a soul
mystery niggas rule the world nigga
Did anyone felt it was a bit much when they added that they wanted to sacrifice the later half to revive the past half but he wants to sacrifice your half to revive their half so they can sacrifice themselves to save the first half.
Like damn.
>I do not consider you to be truly alive so I won't be held accountable if I murder you
do you need more reason than that?
>Amaurotians nearly end all existence
>Want to end nearly all existence again to try and return to the previous status quo that ended up going to shit for reasons they still didn't understand and could easily repeat
>Take that power away from them permanently
>This is wrong somehow
No, math and basic numeric knowledge proved that ever trying to get a lily proves to be a dps loss my cum guzzling friend.
Like i've said on he previous thread.
This man
Generated ONE lily for the #6 fastest speedrun of O12S.
>repeatedly engage internet randoms to convince them something is "interesting"
you're the only autistic one here
>ghastly knockoffs filled with vice
Erm, the Amarotians were filled with vice too, one of them warns you not to parade around in your unique clothing because it might engender negative feelings of jealousy and covetousness in your peers. Creations are to be shared with all to prevent the ever-present negative feelings in all men from rising forth.
I have three of those already nigger. Do you actually think people rushing through don't already have all that shit?
>the first two times i run the twinning the roll drops and i win it both times
>use one to play in my house nonstop and sell the other for 1m gil
Just finished the main story
10/10 best anime I've watched all year
>in dungeon
>press flamethrower
>alt tab out and quickly type out this post
feels good man
Currently going for 1 mil on my server my dude.
It was probably Zodiark influence. Or Emet was ultra lonely. Or both.
>She sees your penis
I wish it would drop for me... I want mortal instants too.
Your options are
Saviours of the world - meh
Nobody adventurers - meh
or the Alphinaud joke
What an outstanding and deeply telling set of options
this face conveys two sentiments:
>it's smaller than I expected.
Yeah but the writers could've have simplified it without the whole sacrificing the later half to revive the previous that got sacrificed. It felt way too much for my small little brain.
So there were 13 Ascians before the calamity and then they added a 14th one. Judging from Emet's reaction we're the divided version of the 14th?
Like i said. You're autistic you dumb ass nigguh
>>Amaurotians nearly end all existence
Good attempt, but you didn't think I'd notice the fact you left out the part where the calamity began half a world away, and Amaurot had ample time to panic and ponder the nature of the calamity, to which their greatest minds came to the conclusion that giving the planet its own will was the answer.
Which worked. It just took a shitton of aether to do so, and while the ancients contained a fucking shitton of it, it still required them to sacrifice half their city to make it work.
>B-but under v-very rare circumstances w-where you're b-barely e-ever healing i-it's a dps loss! i-it's trash!
Why are you tannies always this retarded?
its fractions nigga does the lighthouse robot trigger your 2nd grade PTSD too??
>FFXIV in the OP image filename
You've doomed us all
Flamethrower is actually useful? Is just supposed to be used as an aoe attack now?
To be fair, all the stories about the WoL do them no favours. Everybody probably expects it to be the size of a Roegadyn's forearm.
I mean why not? I get 40k easily just by giving you two platinum pieces each week.
>you can dye the sandwich basket
by copying someone who already figured it out
>Hit flamethrower
>AoE markers begin to stack up under my feet
In all honesty though, God damn that plan had a LOT OF SACRIFICING OF HALVES.
I need a faceapp smile on this Minfilia
Termination was 10/10 event. It will probably come to play later. Yes giant cataclysm but what caused it? Leaking of subconscious was just after effect.
its a strong aoe what more do you want
i even use it in the extreme primals
Kiritsugu would be proud as shit
>but you didn't think I'd notice the fact you left out the part where the calamity began half a world away
It was the same people, user. The same power of creation going haywire.
>Amaurot had ample time to panic and ponder the nature of the calamity
Exactly, and they didn't manage to find out what caused it at all, or how they could prevent future recurrence. All they figured out was that by sacrificing 3/4th of the people who where left they could halt the calamity in progress.
>Which worked. It just took a shitton of aether to do so, and while the ancients contained a fucking shitton of it, it still required them to sacrifice half their city to make it work.
Half to stop the calamity, half of what was left to repair the damage. We also know that Zodiark tempered many of the remaining Amaurotians and the ones that didn't get tempered put a stop to his bullshit. We also know Zodiark didn't come from carefull planning and ministrations, he came from desperation, Emet's version of events is also likely to be full of holes and exhalations toward Zodiark, him being tempered after all.
A Kidz Bop CD
Post your math then nigger, post your reasoning to why you think lilies are better than aetherpact.
Do you unlock a secret ending if you do all the role questlines to completion?
someone explain the final 80 DRK quest cutscene to a brainlet like me
It's very strong. Noticably melts crowds, amazing on big pulls/add phases as long as they aren't shitting AOE everywhere.
Yes. One plot twist
>obvious cutscene skipper
Get fucked, faggot. No spoonfeeding.
blm aoe feels really shit when your other dps and healer aren't braindead and kill the pack too quickly
>Emet's version of events is also likely to be full of holes and exhalations toward Zodiark, him being tempered after all.
So does anyone really believe we'll be able to believe anything Hydaelyn or her chosen say? I'm glad Ardbert basically all but posed the question.
G'raha can literally summon WoLs from wherever he wants. what the fuck?
Yes it is pretty cool if you want to learn more about the WoD and one NPC that crossed worlds from the 13th.
is there some kind of soft limit to how many off gcd abilities you can weave in between gcd abilities?
currently levelling as machinist and if i try to use ricochet + gauss shot + that guaranteed crit ability it seems to delay the next gcd ability a little bit
am i just slow
Is SMN/SCH any good? Is BLM going to get nerfed?
where did the 7 WoLs he summoned go? did they vanish back home
I'm just amazed when the other dpser finds their fucking aoe buttons.
How often does it tick? I'm trying to compare it to spreadshot and see if its worth it on single target (doesn't feel like it) but I can't really understand it.
>Explain 80 to me
These are your Dark Knights today. I'd kill to have been there when you saw this scene, to see the hamster wheel spinning and the gears turning.
>Amaurot had ample time to panic and ponder the nature of the calamity
Which is precisely what caused the Final Days.
Opposite. In Kiri case minority for majority.
No, all abilities have animation lock which is roughly 600-700 milliseconds + your ping.
SCH is k, SMN is not so k. BLM won't get nerfed because yoshi plays it..
>HoH to level BLM
>can never get a cast off unless I swift or triple
Generally you'll only need to do 1 except SMN lel but depending on the animations you can fit 2. A self-buff canceled into an attack is usually the easiest to double weave if needed.
every off gcd ability has an animation lock of 0.7 seconds, with a few rare exceptions
for mch 1.5 second overheat you can only squeeze in one, during normal 2.5 you can squeeze two
What is hiding in this magical place?
They were just 7 chumps with the echo, not WoLs.
It ticks every second. Doesn't it say so in the tooltip? And there's no damage dropoff.
SMN is fine, it's not ninja and not BLM. SMN has always been in a comfortable spot.
99% of players don't get to the point in the game where they're never casting cure2 so its a persistent, constant buff to your skills and allowing you to use more tools and resources. Even in the absolute worst case it's still only as bad as dissipation, which has actually never happened even according to your own link.
Aetherpact will at best allow you some extra broils in high end content while not being remotely interesting or interactive no matter what situation you find yourself in.
how do we know which boss special moves can actually be leg-sweeped/grazed/nutpunched
Going to be honest. Now that the hype has worn off. Does everyone agree that after the first little bit, the story seems to forget certain things and have a bit of plot holes?
Sin Eaters mainly try to convert except after the tesslen event. The sin eater illness thing is never brought up again. Anything else I missed from early game?
Any bets for ETA till they buff Wars into the stratosphere because of their whining?
so amaurantians were communists? no wonder they ended in a calamity
Drinking dwarfs and beds. Sadly you can't visit locked rooms
the cast bar looks different and is flashing or something i dont remember the visual que
Fuck you Hien. You were never around to help the reconstruction. I'm donating to the QT
I can't wait to reprise my role as main antagonist in Shadowbringers!
Read the fucking help windows next time, you impatient nigger. Or use your fucking eyes.
Interject and Head Graze work on skills whose bar pulses red.
stun is not interrupt, interrupt is basically just another term for silence
most bosses cannot be stunned except for like ifrit i think
most non-boss mobs can be stunned, interrupts have a flashing cast bar
I mean what has Hydy really told us beside "look to the light" and buffing us?
Vauthry is commie.
Very soon.
You know, after all that happened on the First, I went through Mor Dhona without a UI and just looked at everything and I felt like "what if it was reversed, where we went to the Crystarium and Mor Dhona was actually the place we went to?"
It's a really well designed area.
That's pretty good though, MCH is amazing in PotD, if those people are somewhat competent, which of course they aren't, this would easily be a sub 10 minute run.
... genderbent thordan?
>The sin eater illness thing is never brought up again
After you get Light AIDS Emet comments that everyone around you will turn into a Sin Eater too
>Not getting the GNB to run at sanic speeds and gather up all the mobs on the floor for one big dick nuke
Do you even fuckin grind, bro?
they're from the 13th shard
>he died doing nothing despite showing up as early as heavensward
what was it all for?
Anyone know how much skill speed is needed to decrease GCD?
>literally Goat-Chicken in Polish
The only name I never had problems remembering from Doma.
Also I've never expecting such a fucking exhausting, time consuming and requiring surgical precision vista. I love it.
His name was Ardbert, and he was my friend.
Nothing, honestly just as worrying as being constantly fed pails upon pails of bullshit to me.
>Give the Source soul of the XIVth your Blessing
>Unleash them upon the world, nudging them towards your goal without so much as a "how do you do?"
>Doesn't it say so in the tooltip?
I didn't see it, and the job guide doesn't saw it either. Still, thats the roughly same damage on your 123 for all enemies so thats pretty damn good. Weird that its barely an upgrade from autocrossbow though
Wait...what if primal summoning is the power of creation?
if you really think that's the last we ever see of him you're very naive
I was talking about the illness in alisaie's part of the story where people became catatonic.
The sin eater conversion stuff barely happened which was a bit disappointing. You don't even deal much with them after the faerie forest. Other than of course the light wardens.
kill all asciens. don't believe their lies
It literally is. The Ancients could do it with their own aether instead, which replenished faster than they could spend it under normal circumstances.
The souls now cannot do it as they are so weakened, and are taught to substitute with crystallised aether.
go watch Rak'tika cutscenes again
I don't want buffs I want more shit to do.
Hydaelyn is already in question. Look at her. She's flawless. Look at Zodiark. Something wrong. Hydaelyn can't be flawless. She's most powerful primal like Zodiark after all. No reason to create someone like Zodiark if you can create someone like Hydaelyn. She will do everything fro free.
manipulation 2 and prudent touch for quality, muscle memory or brand/name of elements for progress along with careful synth 2 and 3
also i think someone else linked the bigass crafting doc that has leveling rotations at the end, they should be unaffected by the crafting changes
>pan up
>"end of cutscene I guess"
>pans back down
>Big Dick Nuke
>WAR still outdamages it
YES user YES
redpill me on nuSCH, how is it bad? lack of bane is a tragic loss. I also feel like I got nothing to burn aetherflow on, but all my roulettes have been putting me in low level shit for some reason
>woaaah yoshi i love fell cleave haha make it gooder
>duuude yoshi feller cleave is getting dope haha make it goodest
>hey now yoshi fellest cleave is kinda stale, when are you gonna give me something new?
>WoL has PTSD from Ishgard
>gives no fucks whatsoever about Ala Mhigo
>never use a mount other than the company chocobo because it feels wrong somehow
>ardbert brings it up if you ask about seto
it was nice that the bird got some recognition
Isn't it like 6/14ths or something?
The illness is brought up several times during the MSQ, the last I remember it being brought up is when you call in people from all over to help with the Talos, one of the caretakers joins and tells you that since the night sky has returned all the patients have become stable.
Also, with the big fight in Lakeland there is repeated mention of people "turning", and all those sin eaters protecting mt. Gulg is literally the majority of the Eulmorian army that the Exarch said was so massive.
There's also the even in Eulmore where the singer lost her voice and they talk about her ascension, you can find her patron in Eulmore later agonizing over where she could have gone.
coldcast flare is dps similar to fire3>flare>flare except more reliable.
Nobody gives a fuck about Ala Mhigo, not really. Not even Mhiggers.
Most of them just want an excuse for a good bloodletting.
FFXIV newcomers edition
>no option to accept his offer to bunk with neo-Ascians in post-rejoin world
Seriously fuck Eorzea. HOW many times have we been poisoned now?
>the same niggas keep fucking up tether in titty EX
>all that time with Hildy finally starting to rub off on WoL
You don't see it happening anywhere else for the illness.
And sure, while there's people "turning" but you don't really see it happening anymore. It seemed they really lighten the tone after the first few levels.
>fell cleave isn't even that good anymore
>all the tank shit war could do is gone
>GNB is amazing
>PLD is universally praised
>DRK can summon fray, has TBN, and its own version of inner release + fell cleave
>WAR has a 123, one ogcd, and 15 seconds of mashing fell cleave
I dropped war for gnb but you're full of shit if you think war is any fun to play right now
do line AoE attacks like Geirskogul go out in the direction you are facing or the direction your current target is?
DPS rotation is boring, but their oGCD Healing is even more broken than it already was.
They're still so strong that they're basically mandatory for raiding like they always have been.
The aetherflow situation sucks, but you learn to just spam sacred soil because it's broken.
it's not really that it's dropped, but the high sineaters converting people happens instantly. I think sineater weakness is something that happens when a shitty sineater claws you up and you get infected.
which is pretty sad to think about; halric's just a kid and he about to turn.
It is. Y'shtola says so.
The real question is is the Dark Knight's delusional conjuration the power of creation?
>other BLM in party going out of their way to stay in my leylines
>99% of players don't get to the point in the game where they're never casting cure2 so its a persistent
You do realize the need for cure I/II in savage is just not there right?
Raid damage comes in the form of chip damage, heavy aoe damage and tank busters. Most of tank buster dmg can be healed through ogcds and regen, heavy and chip aoe damage is healed though aoes such medica II and cure III. And this is the reason why lilies were shit, the fights don't need single target healing and the reward for generating a lily is shit.
Meanwhile aetherpact is a super regen that is to be used to heal tankbusters just a normal heal skill that SCHs charged it up by consuming aetherflow stacks as normal.
Imagine if you needed to use physick to charge your fairy gauge. That's how bad Lilies were.
thanks mystery nigga
>tfw no roleplay duty where you play as the Scions vs a turning sin eater WoL
I wonder if there will ever be a dungeon roleplay or a boss that makes you roleplay as the Scions.
>That Lakeland invasion
>Lightning the tone
Nigger what the fuck are you on?
Eulmore also being a hollow shell with almost everyone turned into sin eaters probably went over everyone's head as well.
MCH is pretty close to perfect here's how I'd improve it
does ramping potency/s for total 1000 instead of flat 100/s for total 1000
Queen's weaponskills are now actual weapon skills that synergize with MNK brotherhood and wildfire/overheat
Halric is gonna be fine.
I don't think it's fun. I thought FC was stupid shit from the moment I saw WARfags jerking off over their cleave crits.
Yoshida deciding spamming cleave or bloodspiller makes for fun and interactive class design is a fucking joke.
alphinaud in the burn and y'shtola in the steppep don't count?
Yeah, I noticed the heal strength. I crit the tank and he gained a second health bar. God damn. They're gonna nerf that, aren't they
I'm a brainlet. What was the DRK 80 quest telling you? I was way too tired and sleep deprived to understand.
I wonder if it'll be a future event.
leave the party, they're never going to clear and the leader isn't going to kick them
>5:35 left
the amaroutian at the creation bureau said we have little to no creation powers though
that will be the final msq fight of 5.5, where you fight a (you) from a future where you transformed into a sin eater
I meant more as a 80 dungeon mechanic, like you would control a scion corresponding your role in a boss fight with other players.
SCH will actually probably be buffed and get energy drain back
WHM will probably also be nerfed even though it really doesn't need to be.
SE is retarded when it comes to healers though, so nothing would surprise me at this point
>time consuming and requiring surgical precision vista. I love it.
>unlock BLU
>get rezzed when healers do it for free
You can always rewatch the entire DRK questline on the inn as many times as you want, no need to tell you.
user that's toxic behavior and is why western data centres are so shit
3 wipes = leave for me.
Doesn't matter if it's in a row.
That's the rule I always follow, and it helps as you take a break before you get right back into it again.
pummeling the exarch
Adlo has literally always been that good
At higher levels you get an ability on a 90sec CD that guarantees a crit for it.
This is more of a problem with the fights and less of a problem with lilies. Most normal players who never even went to savage had a fun skill/trait that let them use their buttons more. Meanwhile, fairy gauge may have been stronger in savage content but it's utterly dull and boring in EVERY tier of content.
Lilies could have been fixed by making fights require more healing, there is no way to fix aetherpact as the skill itself is just dull as fuck with no interaction involved, and it's even worse now since it doesn't heal for shit anymore.
>does ramping potency/s for total 1000 instead of flat 100/s for total 1000
I don't get it. What would that change accomplish?
You accepted your Shadow and it turned into a Persona.
I think FC as a big wrath dump for when you don't need to mitigate is a good idea. Inner release giving you infinite wrath was definitely the wrong way to go since now you're focusing entirely on damage. Hell, berserk in general shouldn't have stuck around once FC showed up.
Just make up an excuse and say you gotta go, it's not toxic.
There's only so many times you can watch the same person fuck up the same mechanic before you realize leaving is your only option if you want to clear that day.
People that leave after 1 wipe are fags though.
pointed towards your target
I wonder how much of an ego boost it would be for someone if the WoL has sex with them.
Creation magics involve aether manipulation, but aether manipulation is not Creation magic.
Esteem is aether manipulation like black and white magic.
I watched it again. I don't know if im right about my interpretation but it was pretty much you're talking to yourself saying that no matter what happens you'll be yourself. Have I got that right?
I queued for leveling roulette as a tank and got darkholdt. Whenever I glanced at the white mages mp bar it was always 25% or less full and it wasn't until we reached the final boss that I realized that this dumbfuck was using cure 3 as his main single target heal because 3 is bigger than 2.
>Queen's weaponskills are now actual weapon skills that synergize with MNK brotherhood and wildfire/overheat
Fuck no. I agree Queen should have some more interaction with the rotation but more autistic cooldown syncing bullshit is the last thing MCH needs. I don't know why everyone is constantly so desperate to recreate the 4.0 MCH Wildfire problem on every job with tons of "dude what if you had a bunch of shit you had to fit into a tiny burst window and if you go out of sync due to mechanics your dps gets fucked, sounds fun right?"
So what's the deal here?
warrior still too weak
Nigger, are you for real? You get an exhaustive list disproving that it's never brought up again, and you seriously go "yea sure but you don't see it happening anywhere else"?
What the FUCK is your problem? Are you retarded? Not even the same poster, I'm just pissed off on that poster's behalf because you are such a bird brained idiot, I feel bad taking that time to write that post, fucking hell kill yourself.
Not much.
>Stoically nods at you.
>Performs squats.
>Performs squats.
>Performs squats.
>Bids farewell.
warrior is always on top. Nothing new here.
Two things
1. Make it more skillful/risky to sit there and get the full duration off
2. You can use flamethrower as a Shoah/precast freeze on boss transitions
All magic is the same principle as creative magic. Creative magic takes from the caster's aether and shapes it according to the mind's eye. Magic works exactly the same way, which is why the first spells were prayers. All magic involves shaping aether according to your will.
I'd honestly prefer shadowflare, but there really also needs to be a way to dump aetherflow during boss fights because you usually just overheal something once the cooldown is done.
Another issue shared by all healers is that on big pulls having to individually DoT everything just fucking sucks, there was no reason to remove bane from healers, and give fucking miasma back while we're at it, dumpster the potency on biolysis if you have to.
They didn't want to sacrifice ANY Aumorites to bring back the ones they lost. They wanted to sacrifice part of the life force of the planet, NOT THE STAR, to bring back the Aumorites. That means plants, animals, ningen etc
i'm pretty sure wol would do it if you made it into a quest and gave them nq food as a reward, so probably not all that much
why was the dps rolequest so shit
user. Face a bridge and jump. You need some water to cool off your autism.
Flamethrower can't be shoah, but a gas attack can.
You only DoT on pulls of 3 or less enemies. 4 or more and you're better off just spamming AoE.
saddest scene in the game honestly
PLD main tank, WAR second rate DPS as always.
user, by "the star" they are referring to the planet. Not all stars are suns.
>top padded parses
My dude max% became meaningless the second dancer got in the game
I just heard Emet's JP voice. ENG voice is fuck miles better. The JP voice sounds like a standard bassy good-looking voice of a villain that they always do. It doesn't convey his attitude that well.
Just check the difference here.
>punches palm
I'll literally take a button that lets me throw useless confetti for 1 Aetherflow just so I have something to use it on
No it was a problem with lilies because devs knew the fights these lilies were going to be in and instead of balancing WHM vs the content they were going to implement, they balanced WHM vs content that only existed in their heads where a fuckton of healing was required to clear the content.
Feel free to follow through your suggestion, you deserve nothing less for being such a fucking idiot.
Even the orange parses are padded to shit now
75th-90th is going to end up being the most accurate parses now
As a paladin tank main I can say that I go with the mindset of knowing what I have to do and accept what I can't.
DPS is very important yes I won't deny it, and all should pull their weight. Put I will always see myself as a support tank in 8man if there is a WAR.
No shame in that.
Let me make sure I'm right
Tribe A sacrifices half of itself to stop the calamity
Tribe A wants to sacrifice half of itself to bring back the people sacrificed in the calamity.
Fast forward
Tribe A wants to sacrifice humans to bring back their people back to life.
Then to sacrifice that half to bring back the original Tribe A peeps back.
Have I got this right?
You fucked it up user.
warrior needs buffs
I really dislike his ENG voice.
max parse was always stupid
But why would Zodiark, the will of the star, want to eat the aether from the star? Which he is the will of?
Well I dont think Queen's moves should be called weaponskills when they're anything BUT
I dont really care for Queen interacting with wildfire or Overheat. To be frank, if it did, it would be easy as shit to line up anway, just press queen before burst oh wow. However it does trigger me that Queen's weaponskills are a blatant LIE and dont function as advertised and don't even give monk chakras
Sorry dude, that eng voice fucking sucks.
>This is more of a problem with the fights
Yeah no shit, that's how content in this game is, player toolkit has to match content, or vice versa, there's no wondrous land where people play differently in this game, because if they do play differently, they're just playing wrong. Majority of people who press button wrong don't even realize that something's going on or is useful, so your argument is shit in the first place.
Not sure why you idiots are even arguing about it, Lilies were redesigned, they're better and make more sense now, shut the fuck up with defending shit design with shit players.
Gonna pump Hyurjuice into a giraffelet and you can't stop me no matter how much you sniff the air.
I'm aware, and it sucks. I usually DoT the first pack of a pull while running and the first two of the next pack before switching to spamming aoe as the other pack catches up but that's just not the same as picking the right target, dotting it up and hitting everything with a good bane and covering them in shadowflare.
I just really fucking hate the braindead art of war/broil spam, there's no finesse, not making sure your DoT's are always up, it's dull.
perhaps they are saving that for sweeps
He didn't. He was fed the aether of the Amaurotines.
>dont really care for Queen interacting with wildfire or Overheat. To be frank, if it did, it would be easy as shit to line up anway
Wait, what the fuck ramps up wildfire then? I've always been saving my battery and heat for when wildfire comes up
>Want to
Not want to, need to. Zodiark was always a parasite that feasted on the Aether (first of the Amaurotians sacrificed to it) and in return granted stability to the failing star.
only your weaponskills, just like it says on the tooltip
i'm going to play mch and you can't stop me
50% sacrificed to stop the calamity
50% of the remaining 50% sacrificed to undo the damage the calamity did
Dissenters split off and create Hydaelyn, shit is fucked
Only way to bring back the sacrificed souls of the Amaurotine elite is by sacrificing the rejoined Source souls to restore Zodiark's power
imagine having taste THIS bad
Yshtola x Runar
Yeah, he wants the aether of living beings. They were gonna sacrifice the aether of living beings other than Amauronites. Not the star, which Im assuming he's intrinsically tied to considering... everything.
The turret attacks don't count as weapon skills? What about gauss or ricochet? Does flamethrower count as one or one per tick?
The argument was more about how job design for SCH has been significantly worse than WHM for at least 3 expansions now but w/e mate.
I want this lala
why would i stop you
aoe is such a minor part of the game so who cares
I want to ___________ Feo Ul
Don't miss your HRT dosage sweaty
Read your tooltips, nigger.
You have Weaponskills and Abilities. You ramp up Wildfire with Heatblast.
Sorry for your bad taste. That JP voice is literally music to my ears.
The JP version is so...fuckin' basic. Not a single person refutes this, and just goes WAAAH ENG SUCKS, without trying to deny this. As it's true. The only folks that enjoy him are tone deaf to it anyways, and if they're playing with english subs then that just proves it. The range on the english vs the basic JAP version is clear as day.
>Lmao who cares if something was made way worse than it was?!
Fuck off kid.
>job design for SCH has been significantly worse than WHM for at least 3 expansions
Well, you're a fucking retard if you think that, probably a one-trick shitter too.
hate this fucking ice giraffe womans voice
Mr Yoshida can we please have some healer outfits that weren't designed exclusively for white mage?
>my taste good! your taste bad! ungabunga
butthurt dubfag seething, par for the course
Honestly wish this game wasn't as much as a themepark like WoW, MSQ done and with both EX's done there really is no drive to do anything but wait for the Raid and/or more MSQ quests.
Praise and maybe carefully headpat
It stuck with me even after the ending.
>no life the game
>clear all content
>waaah there is nothing to do
Get a fucking job and also a life, and you won't have this problem.
English Emet is terrible. The sound director probably didn't get the memo that his character is supposed to change over the story so he always speaks like he's posing and overacting, even when he's not supposed to. In Amaurot, he's just telling a story, there's no need to fucking INTOOOOONE.
My honest opinion.
JPN is more consistent during certain parts but
ENG has really good voice delivery like really fucking good. Some lines do feel they were trying too hard to get the accent correct instead of having the correct tone or emotion thus landing the delivery to be flat.
Fuck off Emet-Selch. Your people are dead you have to move on. Millenias just to go back where you started.
summon whenever I am in need
Did you really need to do that?
If Hydaelyn doesn't need sacrifices, why didn't they just dream up something like her in the first place? Then there never would have been a fight that shattered the world.
Come and play with us
Look at the tooltips for your skills. Does it say "weaponskill" under the skill name? If it does not then it doesn't count as a weaponskill.
Actually I thought you posted the same link twice. That's why i said that you fucked up.
His voice literally does change throughout the story in English you deaf motherfucker.
level other jobs while you wait for raids like literally everyone else?
You really want to lose again buddy? I know WHMcucks struggle with learning basic things but come now, not even you lout are this slow.
Sightseeing log, or pic related
>The turret attacks don't count as weapon skills?
savage, alphy.
>no life the game
>projecting this hard
But user I just did all that from Early Access to now, I took my time since I have school and work to deal with. Why do you have to project this hard? Expansion has been out for a while and doesn't have much to offer at endgame outside of the EX fights and the Role Quests. Are you saying that you're still not even done with this content in a game that caters to people who can only put a few hours into the game?
>want alphascape chest for glamour purposes
>no one does AS4 anymore
>have to roll against 7 other people for shaft anyways
I didn't think this through.
top kek
give me my sword you fucking fairy bihtc
what did she mean by this?
>Ow you play rough
>Bigger is better!
This is your dancer for tonight. Say something nice.
Hydlyn is probably just a facet of Zodiark, so she still does drain aether but not nearly as much as a fully unleashed Zodiark, it wouldn't make any sense if 1/4th of amaurotians could make something much stronger than 1/2 of them + their brightest minds, so they probably just augmented the existing Zodiark.
Group A sacrifices 50% to stop shit from being fucked
Group A then sacrifices another 50% to repair the damage that had to be repaired
Group A then wants to use the life that comes from those previous people's sacrifice to bring them back
Group B arises saying that's not right, and the life that comes after shouldn't die because none of what happened was their fault
>that pot texture
Jesus christ
Gimme an elf wife and I will Aymeric. Or just a hug from you.
Will I be able to donate gathering mats? No interest in doing crafting, but I am working on mining
>play healer exclusively since I got the game
>see healthbars dropping to zero when i try to close my eyes to sleep
>try to play a dps but I keep targeting the tank to heal
>eyes are always on the healthbars
I've been tempered
I can't stop seeing Y'shtola saying those lines, it's confusing my peepee
>hurf durf projection
>proceeds to confirm he indeed no-lifed everything
Is there anything more degenerate than discussing """""lore"""""? It's all completely made up anyway so anyone can be an "expert" at no effort. Apply yourself.
>wet wet wet
Only if you're a Hrothgar.
ignore and eventually completely forget about
WOW! HOT a What Baabhabhiat
SEETHING lorelet
man, this whole fairy place is anime as fuck
hey now, yhstola also fuck amaljaa and sahagins
why is every girl in this game a size queen its not fair bros i just wanted to play male au'ra
God I just want there to be giantess art of her already getting bigger.
>still no naming conventions
>one of scenes with Ardbert looks like picrelated
Like it was planned since beginning.
It's an MMO. The alternative to lore and story discussion is parsefagging or whatever the fuck you'd call what /vg/ does.
You should try asking before the fight.
5.0 SMN feels like it's making my brain explode at times. I have so much shit to press.
The Bible is completely made up lore too, yet I don't see you lose your shit discussing it.
Anyone have that Eden gif?
And Vauthry.
Whats a more tragic tale, Titanias entire story, or Magnai not being able to get his dick wet
I hate how there wasn't anyone telling him his people made their choice, and all the choices leading up to their self destruction. What happened was their own fault, and it would happen again, just like he keeps saying the lesser people keep fucking up, yet the lesser ones are still there unlike the ascians.
It's such a simple logical way to deny his doublethink, and not even a hint of dialogue goes to that direction.
Yeah its real sad. Even if they succeeded what they got back wouldn't have been what they lost. Everybody would have been tempered by Zodiark, or else so distraught by the fact that so much had to be destroyed for them that more Hydaelyns would be inevitable. Emet's Amaurot facsimile would be more accurate than whatever came out of the Rejoining.
Ever considered that it's not the job design getting worse but SCH getting nerfed?
Because nothing beats bad job design like secrets of the lily II, one ilm punch or 4.x MCH in general.
Christfags get the rope.
Spam the random name button in character creator, deduce them yourself
>TFW not even lalafels want your little sun
Feels bad man.
>whatever the fuck you'd call what /vg/ does
ERP sessions and degeneracy
I mean desu, Hydaelyn probably uses dick loads of aether but her only job is to A) Keep Zodiark from eating everything and B) Make sure the warrior of light doesn't get nuked so she can do A. And she's been failing A pretty consistently it seems.
>thinks finishing in 2 weeks is being a poopsocker
Not to say that user isn't retarded for not doing other things but holy shit how bad can you be if you haven't even done the basic endgame by now user? Had people already done with most of that shit on Excalibur before a week of Early Access was even up.
the bible is gay
>The Bible is completely made up lore
>t. actual lorelet
You have no idea how deep the occult rabbit hole goes.
>or 4.x MCH in general.
4.x MCH post heat patch unironically made more sense than 5.0 piece of shit MCH
>balance theorycrafters unhappy the job is playable now
>one of them made a bullshit post about how MCH would be 4 times as ping reliant
>jump to conclusions on its dps from inconclusive early testing and tell everyone its shit
>its actually really high and right where it should be
>less ping problems due to the lower animation lock on gauss and ricochet
>most of their "complaints" are horseshit and they can't adjust
>one of them was even trying to argue MCH lost its identity
reading the MCH lounge on the discord during early access was fucking great, they were so sure the job was going to be shit when its the most fun its ever been since HW
It is indeed poopsocker tier, and no, just because you also finished it already doesn't make you somehow not a poopsocker.
You are also a poopsocker, you just lack self awareness.
>Is there anything more degenerate than discussing """""lore"""""?
Life. There is no point live. Just kill yourself. I did it once. Feels good.
Should I take the male midlander pill?
Craft, Sightseeing Logs, Level a Job, Treasure Maps or decorate your house. You definitely have plenty to do if you're done with all character progression available to you at the time being.
Are you those idiots who pull one pack at the time?
arigato anons
Wow is better
except that the turning stopped the moment you brought back the night
You came to terms with your darkside
>>its actually really high and right where it should be
It does less pdps than BRD while contributing no rdps
It does less rdps than a really good DNC
It can't even remotely compete with BLM and only barely competes with SAM
There's 0 reason to take MCH in any slot ever
You being upset about parsetrannies or whatever will not change these objective facts of reality
Jokes on you, dps and tanks can take a shit while waiting on queues.
SCH has literally only gotten two interesting new abilities in three expansions and lost four times as much.
Lilies weren't poorly designed, they were poorly implemented. MCH was never good until now, but at least they actually fixed it instead of making it worse. MNKs have always been insufferable shitters so fuck them, discount dragoons But seriously they should have just deleted the class when they decided to gut positionals, what the fuck is the point of them even? .
This has to be bait at this point. FFXIV definitely doesn't have content outside of Savage that lasts more than a week. If 2 weeks is poopsocking to you it makes me wonder what youre take on a proper pace is. A month? 2 months?
4.0 MCH was way better before the abhorrent heat patch lobotomized the job
All of your opinions are just flat out wrong, sorry
Play an RDM so you can play dps and still get your fix of hot tank ass
Bye. Have a beautiful day.
>There's 0 reason to take MCH in any slot ever
Except when the MCH enjoys playing MCH
>Lilies weren't poorly designed, they were poorly implemented.
What's the difference?
>MCH was never good until now
HW MCH was literally perfect, shut the fuck up.
>less pdps than BRD
Based retard
>HW MCH was literally perfect
lmao, imagine being this based
Aha, so you admit your argument rides on babyrage waaaah I want to play this and not any actual objective consideration. Should've said so sooner.
ummm sweaty? thats not how the balance runs things mmk?
>4.X MCH ever being good
There's a reason it was the least played class user. It wasn't fun and highly dependent on ping. I've stuck thru this class since EA of HW but even I have to admit 4.0 was the lowest point MCH has hit so far. 5.0 MCH isn't great but it isn't bad either, it's just fine like most of the non-story content of this expansion.
Creator Tier MCH was great for sure but early HW-MCH? No
>Playing the healer role quest
How come Ardbert didn't even notice the greatness that is Lamitt? Is he a faggot?
>the BRD cartel spreads lies in futile effort to remain relevant in the meta
What argument? Who do you think i am?
Almost, see the two repliers.
1st sacrifice - stop it
2nd sacrifice - fix it. The world was post-apocalyptic and dead at this point. Wind didn't blow, grass was dead, rivers dried up.
Then they wished to sacrifice a portion of the world (their words, 'portion') to Zodiark to resurrect the dead ancients.
Faction disagreed, felt the new life deserved to live and not be culled as a harvest. New faction eventually summons Hydaelyn. Enervation, or the displacing/splitting of something, seems to be the specialty of Hydaelyn. From his speech in the Crystal tower before you go to Eulmore and mt Gulg or whatever it's called:
>As a counterbalance to Zodiark, Hydaelyn was created with the power to enervate her foe
>This singular ability strikes not as such banal things as flesh, but everything that defines the target, diluting its existence
He makes the example with Ryne then
>Do you see? This selfsame fate befell not only Zodiark, but the very star.
I sympathize with him and the tragedy is how he is doomed. If the rejoinings happen, the source is sacrificed, Zodiark resurrects the dead then he will be surrounded by soulless husks mindlessly enthralled to Zodiark, the same as Lakshmi's example. His misfortune is to have the strength of will to remain an independent, conscious soul and not just a mindlessly tempered thrall yet still to be doomed to, as he said ingame, "Exist solely to carry out his dark will. Zodiark's dark will". So even if he knew his fool's errand he'd be unable to stop himself on it. Not that I think he would - he sincerely believes it would work.
>dubfags continue to shart themselves in anger that not everyone is a faggot like they are
>What's the difference?
Grab a dictionary.
>HW MCH was literally perfect, shut the fuck up.
Even if I would agree with you here, and I don't, that basically means that MCH was only bad for one expansion, not sure why you'd even bring it up when SCH was poorly designed for three expansions now.
>DRG max
yikes of the dragon
He didn't want to fuck subhuman beast races.
>Creator Tier MCH was great for sure but early HW-MCH? No
No what? It was good from the start. The change that propelled them into meta wasn't even their personal DPS change, it was hypercharge extension. It was just as good as bard in A3S, it was BETTER than bard in A4S and the only reason it wasn't hot shit in Gordias was that A1S was a double-dot fight at which BRD excelled and A2S was an AOE fight for which BRD had better resources. MCH actually did not even change that much over the course of HW, so you can't say there was some different Creator MCH from Midas MCH.
I'm not even the fag you were arguing with, I'm just pointing out that your party is not obligated to conform to your autistic padding bullshit.
Your lala-land in which there is no excuse to play a job if it doesn't pad your parse does not exist. Everything is clearable with a party made up of whatever everyone wants to play, provided it has the role requirements fulfilled.
>Working through SB MSQ
>ilvl too low for dungeon required
Alright how do I get this up at 70, I need about 10
He's not a pedophile nor a vegaphile, so a potato child isn't very appealing.
Stop playing non meta job
XIV is competitive game
>Redo BLM binds
>Took me 3 days to figure out I had manaward bound when I meant to bind manafont
Who else /retarded/
>creator tier MCH
MCH had no changes for creator though, look it up, it got its core buffs by the time Midas came out, the fight design did help MCH, but its not like it got a buff or anything at that point.
the only real problem with early MCH was hypercharge was pretty weak, after it got buffed, every group wanted a well played MCH because it was fucking great
Only you, really.
post more of this cute creature
Is MCH really great now? I was scared of the changes and having to rearrange my hotbar so I switched to Dancer when Shadowbringers launched. Are gunslingers truly cool now?
He's dumb MC.
Buy scaevan gear if you have the tomestones. It's 390 and can be easily upgraded to 400.
While leveling MCH I didn't have heatblast on my bar from 52 to 74
What physical DPS should I play? Was going to do DRG but honestly I party with an FC mate and whenever he says the DRG meme, I get a huge mental debuff and fall victim to every mechanic in the book.
>the least played class
It means the pleb filter worked. It doesnt matter if bottom barrel trash can't play the job. 4.0 MCH was incredibly difficult to pilot and nuanced, after that it became a braindead "123 while managing no resources until 60s mark" job
dwarfs arent people
which pom are you Yea Forums?
Ardbert realised the beard was fake, and that was when all the mystique went down the drain.
Nobody wants to fuck a lalafell, much less be near one. Everybody would hang with cheerful beardy dwarves who force mugs of ale into your hand with a lali-ho.
Not him but job satisfaction is #2 (behind BLM) and as someone who's played every DPS at least to 60 except DRG, they're my second favorite, again behind BLM.
DRG is the only fun melee DPS currently, and allegedly
If you want to be a generic faggot that nobody will remember, sure. Fuck I hate hyurs, they are so goddamn boring and cookie cutter.
Today I finally finished Omega, what a cute ending.
Also I just unlocked The Dancing Plague! Titania is quite spooky!
Daily reminder that Crystal Exarch stayed pure for the WoD for 300 years, he's earned a legendary fucking by his famous inspiring hero
Since the original tomestones were discontinued, I assume they cost poetics now? Been capped on them for a while
I still firmly believe Emet was just goading you to kill him all along, I mean the whole Amaurot scene makes little sense if he actually believed the WoL was just going to turn into a lightwarden and purge everything. This was his legacy, he was handing something over to you.
He attacks all the scions as they try to help you, but never once attacks you until you rise up. The Amaurotian that recognized his fate (hyderantheous or w/e his name was) also strongly implies Emet would be aware Ardbert was around.
There's also the big difference in demeanor between Hades and Emet. Emet seems resigned, bored, tired, while Hades seems desperate, anguished, and resentful, a final outburst.
No, I don't want to ruin the thread with /vg/-tier posting, I just thought that my character holding a pot bigger than her was funny
careful, gonna cut yourself on that edge! what did you do? proclaim "WE'RE DA HEROES O DA RAELM" or "..."?
>smn doesn't have a smaller pom in front of it
Maths is artificial. How good are you on Maths?
Hey balance tranny, watch this.
>Performs squats
We're not Zack Fair, user.
Wow! That's fantastic! Maybe you should fuck off and take your blog and shitty typing style back to wherever you came from!
Just checked in person, it is poetics so that's convenient, thanks
>ever trusting the balance cartels
they'll spread blatant lies masked as half-truths to enforce their circlejerk. enjoy artificial memes trashing every non-meta job until the public perception of jobs warps toward their defined eceleb approved meta
you should take all information from that propaganda hole with a grain of salt
>Enjoying the job you're playing
Umm, literally not allowed.
Reminder that this game would have been better off as a Single Player game and that its state as a mediocre WoW-clone holds its story potential down completely. Thank god for Ishikawa for doing such a good story in a horrible sub-genre of MMOs, just like Soken this game doesn't deserve her.
>Big ass heroics are needed
>Bringing everyone together for a mad scheme
>"lmao lets joke around :^)))))"
>"why, would you actually try and inspire people?! THINK OF THE MEEMS BRUUUHHHH"
Only children or autists.
Omega ending is full of soul.
yeah we kno
B-but, but...
>Lilies weren't poorly designed
But they were.
Secrets of the lily II 20% of reducing 5s on asylum/assize cd on a crit cure I/II was bad design as it was RNG on top of RNG and with the cherry on top of bad implementation as spamming cure I/IIs for said procs is bad.
Current lilies are well designed, they play for the job, while 4.x lilies played against it.
>has space and time magic
>could give himself any kind of donger he or his partner wanted, just as he yeeted his tail
would let him fuck all my holes repeatedly
This kills the out-of-combat aetherflow.
>new expansion came out a few days ago
>already finished all the content
Next expansion when? This game is so stale
Stop, you'll give them an aneurysm.
>literally playing a game with catgirls and lolimidgets
>playing sunset riders inside ffxiv
the answer is yes, they went out of their way to rework the job after seeing the majority of players were unhappy with how SB MCH played, as of now, most players I see playing it absolutely love it and I myself am really enjoying it, feels really good to play
only problem you might run into is if you are running on something like 150ms or higher, but really, with shit like mudfish and VPN's, this shouldn't be a real issue
While somewhat true this story wouldn't exist in any other format and would have stopped at the end of the first HW credits at best.
So were they seriously too lazy to even add headgear to the new races?
>tfw you will never be railed by a partially crystallized Allagan catboy time wizard with nigh-infinite magic and a 300 year prep period in which to decide how best to lose his virginity
If you choke at his meme then that's silly, user. But samurai and DRG feels like it has a lot of synergy given it's a mutual melee class and a lot of DRGs went SAM or SAMs went DRG. It just has basically not changed at all from SB beyond a few tiny tweaks (Not having to spend tokens to get free 50 kenki, that double iajitsu or whatever it is called)
You have to remember you are still at the cusp of becoming a light warden in that scene. We're told before that whoever kills a light warden has the light flow into them. Which would mean Emet-Selch. I am not sure if that would kill him (it could) but it would not be comfortable and would complicate his plans. So that is the explicit reason he punishes any Scion trying to help you but does not kill you. You have to turn into a light warden and doom this world - he said so multiple times.
When Ardbert and you reunite (he had shown no knowledge or recognition of Ardbert, only Hyderan did. It's a risky leap to assume that Emet would unless you have proof Emet did imply) is when he realizes he has to do something new. Given:
>his emotional outburst "Damn you, damn you all"
>dropping the playful mocking arrogance of Emet-Selch
>Promising to just kill you instead of hope you'll turn
It's clear Ardbert arrests the plan of making you into a light warden. So I don't see anything to suggest it's him resigned to his fate. Rather it's him furious at being thwarted and deciding to snuff out this WoL problem directly. We really don't see anything to suggest he is handing his legacy over until he is well and dead and dying. Amaurot itself was more to his benefit, and could simply be "I want to show the WoL what he will be sacrificed for"
Lastly -
>Fucking around, making fucked up silly comps just to increase the difficulty for themselves, laughing and having fun
>Autistic parse padding and constant frothing vitriol
If the Sun Brother can't find his Nhamma, what hope do the rest of us have?
>no tank run
That's the best thing i've watched in weeks.
It's because they have to custom retrofit every piece of head armor in the game.
>all trusts reset to 71 after the MSQ
>you need to manually grind them up to 80 again
>by running one dungeon 15 times per level
>trusts need at least two levels per dungeon
>only three of them gain XP at a time
>they don't gain XP from killing mobs in the dungeon
it hurts so bad dear god it hurts why
Wow, what a hot take! Having such a unique opinion makes you a very interesting person!
Sadu lives like two minutes away. They just have to overcome their autism.
Took a long time to get.
Yeah, that's how adding new races work, you dumb slanty-eyed fucks.
What's this from?
I skip all cutscenes to get to endgame faster, couldn't give less of a shit what the anime twinks and shit whyfoos are doing
Stay mad
SAM has changed so much with the removal of Hagakure, your rotation is so much more rigid that losing a single GCD due to a boss invuln or mechanic will fuck up your DPS by so much
To be fair, there's like 30 unique helmet models per job
Yeah that's the biggest shitheap of the whole trust system. Who the Hell is going to grind those out? For what purpose?
If it had the favoritism that Lightning did it could have gotten multiple sequels.
Lastly, Emet-Selch is tempered by Zodiark. Says so himself. Talk to him before clicking the MSQ progression NPC in Level 74: Into the Dark and he says
>And like one of your primals, He tempered us. It was only natural. There is no resisting such power. And so we Ascians came to exist solely to bring about the rule of darkness. His darkness.
Lorebook mentions the primal tempering process is "a primal can also project its own internal aether upon other weak minded beings, corrupting their hearts and minds, effectively creating obedient followers". The level of willpower seems to dictate the capacity (or failure) of tempering - apparently Zenos implies sufficient willpower can resist or reverse tempering before Shinryu but I haven't checked for sure.
Suffice to say Emet-Selch is not some mindless drone because of the great willpower of an Ancient. However, he himself recognizes Ascians exist solely to bring about Zodiark's darkness. So I can't see his will being to sacrifice himself to you and pass the torch. He wants to win - both to bring about Zodiark's will and to resurrect his people. It's only after he's dying that he wishes for a silver lining to it all, and so implores you to remember the Ancients, remember their existence.
You're right, I thought Hagakure was a 60s cooldown like the replacement but it was a 40s one.
Not based
>too old
is this some sort of sick joke?
Im sorry if this opinion offended you to the point of snide remarks but if you disagree then argue in favor of it being a WoW-clone
You do you user, if you want to solely treat it like most MMOs nothing is stopping you though at this point I would ask why play a game with such a sparse endgame and heavy focus on the single player aspects?
Actually, every other piece of armor only has 3 or 5 variations because they are shared between races/gender variations.
Why did they choose stinky ul dah and not drowning wrench in limsa?
1. Sync ALL ARR dungeons down 50, HW 60, etc.
2. Cut ilvl down a bit for every level the person is above the duty's intended level (DPS/HPS should overall still be higher with level)
3. Give an option to switch between this system and the current one both due to preference and oversights making certain jobs in certain duties way too strong or weak
>completely stops replying
Parsetrannies utterly and unequivocally BTFO for all of eternity
>Paid $40+$11 for a sub to skip the meat of the expansion just to get to 2 expert trials
Good for you?
>grab two mob packs
>run to thancred
>tab out
>edge for six minutes
>tab in and repeat until boss
>FC disbanded because of girl drama
It is like 13 years old meme.
>1. Sync ALL ARR dungeons down 50, HW 60, etc.
For abilities* So a level 50 in Satasha has all of their actions, for example.
>he thinks i paid for any of it
I used botted runescape gold
My hard drive to your temp cache
>I skip all cutscenes to get to the endgame faster
isn't the endgame like 2 EX fights? the raids don't come out until later, you practically miss nothing by taking your time with the story
>if this opinion offended you to the point of snide remarks
They sell mirrors in the shithole you come from?
>Return to you and they all being dead
Nigger he's died to single packs before.
I think they went on to increase that 40% suicide rate.
Yep. There is no even post game quests. Only foreshadowing for future content
same nip VA too
you gonna be in my layer
If it had the favoritism Lightning did our WoL would come to the real world at the end of Shadowbringers to star in Papa John's advertisements
This is your alliance for tonight.
I pull two packs too. Trusts can deal with them.
>no argument to be made
Thank you for the (you)s user. Ill make sure to make good use of them and not spend them all in one place.
You took money that was yours and bought a product where you only care about 1% of the content. I'm just sad for you. There's literally no reason for me to be mad. I'm sure YoshiP is happy to have your money.
Yeah, making an expansion means expanding upon those variations if you want new races. Not just being lazy.
>trying to mac out every job to 80
>between all the ones at max and currently leveling I have no space to hold these weapons, armor, and dumb rings
>because every job has to have 2 fucking rings for whatever reason
Please expand the armoury space Yoshi. I will suck your dick.
>kill for a friend (of mine)
>There's literally no reason for me to be mad.
Yet here you are seething and giving me (You)s lmaooooooo
If Urianger can't keep up we drop down to single pulls, all I have to do is run forward until we hit a boss. I tried getting them to solo bosses, but if you're not in the arena when it seals off they just teleport out to you.
Can't wait for the nerf in 5.1, killing off all trust content forever.
Look at all those slags slobbering over the Gunchad Cock
Peak performance
I bet the other alliances had no dancers at all. I fucking hate this game's grouping sometimes.
>An alliance with 2 SCH, another with 2 WHM and last with 2 AST
>He's not in a one-man FC
>while there's people "turning" but you don't really see it happening anymore
They are hated and sent away, The Inn is the only place that takes them in. This has been said. People don't want a timebomb near them
>joining a "kill for a friend" party
you deserved it
The new expansion seriously has 0 raids?
Are we posting our Warriors of Edge yet or are you guys just being fags
>You have to remember you are still at the cusp of becoming a light warden in that scene. We're told before that whoever kills a light warden has the light flow into them.
Not exactly. We're told that when a lightwarden is killed, the light flows out of it, but we also know Emet has no reason to stick around on the first for all this to unfold, he could have just sniped Ryne from the start (whom he knew all about) and be done with it. He didn't, and it's very unlikely that this was by accident.
>Rather it's him furious at being thwarted and deciding to snuff out this WoL problem directly.
This makes little sense, however, as if this was the case the previous comment still holds true; all he had to do was take out Ryne after Vaulthry and be done with it. His taunting of the WoL with how they'll kill/turn all their friends also feels out of place, as he's bored and detached for everything else and has no reason to be so spiteful, quite the opposite in fact.
The fact that Emet turns into Hades is also not insignificant, Hades and Emet being very different from one another. I would go so far as to say that Hades is Emet's desire to revive his people given form, his ambition, his drive, his hopes and dreams and his sorrow. In the end, he's not a defeated megalomaniac or raging schemer, he's resigned and at peace, asking only to be remembered (which coincidentally is also what the entirety of Amaurot was about, showing you his people, their history, who and what they were)
What argument is there to make? You've stated your garbage opinion and there's no reason for me to convince you of anything else.
The lack of self awareness needed to make a snide remark while saying my doing so makes me offended was pretty funny though.
>someone roll 98
>I roll 99
>it was first clear
I need my luck in ShB. Never seen new EX mounts. Like they don't even exist
>light mode
please tell me no one actually uses this?
1) I would sync it down to the lowest level in the party. You'll overwhelm some scrub sprout with abilities they don't know about if you suddenly force them to use it. But there's no reason to make a bunch of level 80s queue for Tam-tam in their leveling roulette and queue for tam tam at all. I agree with your intent though. I would go further because it's obnoxious when you end up losing your really fun level 71-80 or 61-70 abilities in a SB or HW dungeon respectively. A supreme example of how STUPID this is is Dragoon.
>Hey we know your AOEs suck dragoon, so we're giving you Coerthan Torment so you have a 1-2-3 AOE rotation and not just spam 1 ability.
>Oh btw Sonic Thrust (62) and Coerthan Torment (72) cannot be used in half of the content in the game.
Not even half the game, more than half atm because SHB has no patch content.
And because TP was removed you can literally just zone out and spam Doom spike.
Low level dungeons are already absurdly easy, with the right ilvls and statlvls it wouldn't matter that you can suddenly do Hissatsu Guren or Xenoglossy against Garuda Hard mode.
Raids are held for a few weeks so autistic faggots don't skip the story to rush to endgame, not that it stops them.
>So many flavor of the month retards fucking up my tank queues
Now I know why they didnt add a tank in Stormblood
One of those is an NPC
>So I can't see his will being to sacrifice himself to you and pass the torch.
No, that's exactly why. This is Emet's defiance, Hades being the will of Zodiark. It's also why he doesn't just throw himself off some cliff and has to go to such lengths to be properly put down.
He means the ex trials, Titania and Innocence, dumbass.
>meme comp
>controller interface
the absolute state of trNAnnys
I leveled it to max prepatch, fucking DROPPED it this patch. Thank god SAM and PLD are still fun as fuck.
>DNC in low level duties
>none of the skills that activate of your normal combos, let alone fan dances
>if it's too low you only have the first aoe move
>no close position
I always die a little inside when i get content below lvl 40 or so.
on the other hand
>1000 potency move every 30 seconds
is really dumb and melts a lot of shit in early dungeons.
Oh no, I meant you still need to be the appropriate level to use the abilities, this is about not cucking people who already have them
>Queue up for daily dungeon bonus
>It's Satasha
Every fucking time
Wait 300 years? I thought he only popped up around Biggs the 3rd and then for the 100 years after the Flood.
>Kyodai no enagee wo Pandoraboxxu
xiv is designed for both gamepads and kb
it's not surprising you can parse 100 on both
and the alternative lore is a randomly exploding nothing and now we have highly detailed life right?
200 years stuck in the Tower + getting woke up and making the time machine + 100 years in the First getting shit set up
He does say it took them some time to open the Crystal tower where he was, but I do believe he mentioned Cid still being involved at that time.
>Go to sleep at the height of euphoria, a grand victory snatched from the jaws of defeat
>Wake up with the world in complete ruin, your dear compatriot slain and everything going to shit
Guy did not have an easy time of it, that's for sure.
it's fucking garbage now dude
>11 oGCDs but you basically cannot use R2 and even R4
>low dps
>fixed rotation
>clunky as fuck
and WHAT THE FUCK is that ruin change
Cid started it but didn't complete it.
I don't even hate it, but it's just so much to keep up with
Really? I found it's easy to bullshit your way to max level just doing Hasty Touch + Byregots rotations. Assuming you dont hit 1% bad luck every time and use a few HQ mats here andt here, it should easily HQ anything that's not Lvl.x0 ***
To the first. You're correct, my bad.
>It can be struck down, aye, but its essence won't dissipate like the weaker kind. Vile aether will billow outwards and envelop the nearest living being─a reckless young swordswoman, perhaps─and turn her into a brand-new Warden.
The reason he doesn't just snuff out Ryne at that point will be:
1) Literary license. Same reason the villain doesn't just snipe/backstab someone at a far more expedient moment.
2) His contempt for the abilities of halfmen like the scions.
All your theories are very nice but they are ultimately purely speculative and headcanon without solid evidence ingame. The hard evidence that exists all points directly away against such a complex deception of Emet-Selch intending to go quietly into the night and hand over the reigns of existence to the new races:
>He is tempered by Zodiark and doing so is against Zodiark's will
>He earnestly desires to resurrect his fallen people and until you best him, he does not believe you and the new races are worthy of existence
>His original plan before Hydaelyn was to harvest new life for Zodiark to bring back the lost
>His new plan after hydaelyn was to sacrifice all of creation post division to reunite the world.
>He does not consider you and the scions and everything else to be truly alive. Explicitly, you are not living and it is not murder to kill you.
You would have to make him an utter liar for 90% of the story to make your theory true, and he tells us again and again he never lies. Then there's the outburst in the abyss before Thancred's auracite yeeting. Why is that an act?
Hades is not the will of Zodiark. Hades is the true Emet-Selch. Emet-Selch is his title. You are drunk on your fanfiction.
What's up with ruin 2 and 4?
Why does this game keep talking about Ala Mhigo like a should care about it
Just cleared Heavensward and I'm still not %100 clear on what it is and who lives there
>fixed rotation
>clunky as fuck
SB SMN had fixed rotation.
>SMN is hardest job to play!
>oooh clunky
Try to press buttons lmao.
It's the part of the eorzean continent that is occupied by the garlean empire. It's east of the black shroud on the world map.
smn is the most popular non-dancer dps so all smn complaints are automatically trashed
One is instant cast.
they're also some of the biggest whiners around up there with sch and war
smns are always crying