Am I gay for wanting to put my penis in her?
Am I gay for wanting to put my penis in her?
yes, that's pretty gay
wanting to fuck females is pretty gay dude
>This is a japanese special forces operative.
That depends. Where in her do you want to put your penis?
I don't understand how the senran kagura artists managed to master the art of drawing sexy girls. They have just the right amount of cleavage, their thighs have just the right surface area, and their butts are perfectly plump. It's like they created the ideal female form. Not supermodel skinny, but in better shape than the average woman. Perfect for mating and having children with.
her pits
first, yes, very
second, you daon't have a penis, Homura
lmao look at this faggot wanting to spend time with girls, what are you gonna do after fucking her? do each others nails?
You don't have a penis, Homura.
am I gay for wanting to _be_ her?
No, because then you get to fuck Homura
No, because Asuka is a girl. If you wanted to fuck a boy, like Miyabi, that would make you gay.
It makes you a pedo.
Homura get off Yea Forums
I don't think you have a penis.
Enjoy your lesbianism.
For me, it's Haruka.
I have no regrets then
No you're straight, straighter than half of Yea Forums considering Yea Forums has a lot of faggots who browse and post here
No, but you are gay for being OP.
>fleshlight hair
Miyabi is a feminine and beautiful girl.
Only if you have a feminine penis.
No bully!
So handsome.
Men have armpits too user that's gay.
i want to impregnate this boy
How nice.
I want Haruka to sit on my face and stomp my dick to a pulp, anons.
I want to bury my face in her chest.
god damn I want her to lick my beansprouts!
That's a nice thought.
i wont stop until her belly is swollen, then snek will be next
I take it they're personal favorites user?
it's gay to have sex with girls because they like dick and that's gay
White or green, snakes are best girls.
I want to impregnate Aceman!
Can't argue that.
If you get hard when you put it in, yea
Paizuri machine
yep, i couldnt choose one over the other so they're both #1 to me
Fair enough. They deserve it anyway
Imagine having sex with a snek
Does she have a penis?
Not if I get her first
>tfw no senran gf
Does senran have any lactation?
These girls aren't real. Some perv in Japan got paid to draw them for lonely salarymen to whack to. It's unhealthy and delusional.
Your vagina isn't real. A doctor created it by turning your dick inside out.
Ironic. You waifufags are exactly like trannies: whenever someone calls you on your delusional lifestyle, you sling empty-insults.
oh yeah, really nice
That's not ironic at all, it's just a similarity
Nice one ya seething pseud retard
Nice try, sweaty.
Dilate harder, trannies
>tries to call out others for empty insults
>has to resort to empty insults after getting BTFO
Now THIS is irony
It's just what the fool gets for trying to go against life and hometown
Extremely nice situation
>These girls aren't real
Yeah we know. We just don't care.
>It's unhealthy and delusional.
What is?
Very nice.
Those offerings are too good
It makes you a retard.
Please don't make the pseudointellectual retard think the things he has to say are valid and worth considering, he might think he's a person.
they also deserve a dozen children each
I like that one.
trial and error. there are a LOT of girls, and only like 30% of them are just right. though which 30% depends on your tastes.
That's a lot of kids.
got any of that dog slut? she doesn't get enough love and I'm a fan of that ditzy bitch act
How do I play these games in 4k
It manages to show her heavy breasts very nicely
Please, she prefers the term "breeding sow". If you really need to stick with the dog motif, then "bitch in heat" is okay, too.
oh lord help my penis, slings are too much.
Fitting considering what she wants to be.
One of the best pics about her
absolutely based
Yeah. Thanks for the funposting, I gotta go now and be productive
See you next time user.
paizuri onahole
Should I kill myself if I can no longer live with the fact that I will never have a Senran gf?
I want to play keep away with Murakumos mask
it might not be enough, i might need to give them more than that.
Haha dont worry user, i mean you're a little weird because its a 2D fictional girl but imagine if in clown world there were men who likes to kiss and have sex with other men hahaha i know, imagine if this was real, no way haha.
>clown world
fuck off.
Claim your Senran RIGHT NOW.
the sisters. don't bitch - they come as a package deal.
Now that's a wave of destruction that's easy on the eyes.
"What should we wish for, girls?"
"What if I were 50 feet tall?"
"We've already seen that."
"I know, but I liked it. I wanna see it again."
Snek all day
For me, it's Yozakura.
I pick Orochi.
It's a bit like not being able to live with the fact that your closet doesn't go to Narnia.
Thanks for fucking reminding me faggot maybe this time I won't get yanked off the bridge
t. faggot
Is it really true that ingame it's mentioned Yozakura lactates?
Iirc at the end of the gessen arc in PBS Shiki makes a joke about /attempts to milk big Yo
Oh from what I was told it was a scene about her hanging around younger siblings or something. It's hard to separate user fantasies from actual game stuff
I think there was something before as well but I can't remember
How come Minori or Hibari don't posted as much?
Which games have Renka in them?
Because people in general hate minori because she's probably a retard. Hibari I dunno, maybe she acts too childish as well
EV and PB
Peach Ball or Peach Beach?
Estival versus and peach Beach splash. And mobile shit as well I guess
sk has mobile shit ?
Yeah maybe more like definitely
Peach beach splash
>sk has mobile shit ?
Most of the artwork you see in these threads are made for the mobile shit
Hibari does act childish, but even she was put off by Minori
I want that cop to inflict lewd and unusual punishment on me
The other girls are much better. Would you take Minori over any the girls posted here?
At least they're pretty fun to play as, I like that minori backpack can be charged
Best of the best right here
lol seething
I actually enjoy Hibari's ridiculous flailing. Even more so in SK2 where you can make her electro-charged
Imagine those soft thighs gripping your head while you're facehugged by her puffy vulva
Wasn't there an image that showed everyone in her team had a sad backstory except her?
Maybe Jasmine but only because of Hanzo
They actually go back on that a bit. While Hibari didn't have some tragic past, she basically got stuck being a shinobi because she inherited her family's special eyes. She didn't even want to be a Shinobi.
Dear god...
I'd take minori over yomi
And every time you brush your tongue against her sweet spot you feel her thighs tighten their grip, causing you to basically French kiss her pussy
>no iron legged titty ninja gf to sexually bully me
Man I miss being facesat.
Helps that I have a facehugger fetish
I bet its japan only so i dont even bother
post butt
perfect genetics
Imagine feeling the heat from Yomi's plump, wobbly ass cheeks warming up your face as she bears her child-rearing hips down onto your head, blacking out your vision and flooding your nose with the scents of fresh sweat, perfume, and her lust as she presses her tight, virgin asshole against your lips and lets her juices run freely from her puffy pussy and down your chin.
Have sex.
I love Yomi and Ryoubi's big bums
Sounds great but with Miyabi instead.
And then she farts haha
god i wish
i'm new to this series. which game should i start with for the best introduction to this wonderful series?
am i gay for wanting to be her
Burst or Burst Renewal
Shinovi Versus if you really like one of the newer girls, girls on the left in pic related.
No, because that would also make me gay. And I'm not gay.
No, but wanting to fuck a male to female transgender ninja like Leo is.
What are everyone's favorite pairings? Which ones have the best justification?
Weirdly, I'm not really into shipping any of the characters together. The only one I can even come close to is Imu and really I just want her to move on from Miyabi whose clearly not interested and find someone who is interested in her.
Based and wholesomepilled.
>When Haruka's ninja outfit is super slutty but deep down she still wears wholesome, cute underwear
Legitimately my actual fetish. Girls wearing cute panties into their adult years instead of slutty shit is absolutely elder god tier.
>That throwaway line in It's Your Fault (etc etc) where Tomoko talks about how the punk girl she was forced into a group with has hello kitty panties
>interested in imu
Bullshit, tomboys are the best option.
>no mental faggotry of females
>no physical faggotry of males
This makes traps ultra gay because you are dealing with mental faggotry of a "woman" and physical faggotry of a man.
There's definitely someone out there for her. She just has to look
Oh shit!
Kats has the thiccest smile of them all
Girls with shit-eating grins like hers are always the best
Minori is genuinely fucking retarded
Hibari has a personality shtick going on with her hypno eyes
>Hibari's Hypno eyes
I'll always love when she used them on Haruka and made her speak like a caveman.
Imu is best.
literally the most fun character to play
She's my favorite.
She's hot but understated
Her look is understated. She's not as flashy as a lot of the other girls.
Her forehead is pretty distracting so that's something.
I don't know what you're talking about.
You know, that big shiny forehead made for kissing.
It's funny that most of her artwork makes her forehead look normal. Then occasionally they remember that she's supposed to have a fivehead and draw things like this
She's best when drawn this way.
I'm actually glad not many like best Senran.
She's the most popular Hebi.
On this board I meant.
Beautiful, YOUNG, and claimed
>yomi is voicing this goddess this season
I wanna sprout beans
Youthful and womanly
My pretty Japanese ninja wife.
Old and decrepit.
Full of vigour
>She's the most popular Hebi.
That's not saying much.
It's this anime gonna be good, or should I just wait for the milf porn?
I love my perfect wife Homura!
Which Senran would be happiest if you invited her out to suck your dick for a first date?
First episode is to be/was released today, so we'll find out. I'll watch for my dosage of ara ara
Are both parties in love?
Snek because she's incapable of emotion.
Holy shit whit that ear
>putting penis into female
what's wrong in your brain?
Listless old lady.
so old
absolutely ancient
Incorrect. Rin is young and full of life
god that thigh
Rin is a deceitful old bag. I bet there are crow's feet.
>full of life
>jessica "balding" nigri
What about it?
it's so massive.
Even young woman can be sleepy every once in a while.
Rin is just weary with age.