Is it worth getting into now? Like from level 1?

Is it worth getting into now? Like from level 1?

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it's the worst time in the history of the game
modern WoW is a literal and unironical slot-machine designed to sell you microtransactions and timegate you into remaining subscribed for as long as they can milk your patience
wait for classic

Theres no level 1 experience, if you buy the game you get a lvl 110 boost. Low level experience is really bad because the game is a frankenstein of old expansions. You get the BfA experience right out of the box, but its also the worst expansion ever and theres no way to experience old content like it was back in the day.

Fuck no, wait for classic if anything

Its trash just play with microsoft word instead

WoW at endgame is currently a radioactive dumpster fire, but as a new player you're not gonna care about that until you get there.

Just play the better game user...

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Why are FFXIVfags like this? This is a WoW thread.

it's just the one autistic avatarfag

MMOs are not fun to get into. Just play a smaller gamw with more focus on refined gameplay, instead of pure stat progression.

This is a FFXIV thread now

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Absolutely not. The game is way too late into its life cycle to start playing from scratch. Wait for classic, which is a far better game anyway.

Right now? On it's worst expansion so far? Fuck no, play another game, as for MMO's FFXIV is way better at this moment.

fuck no

wait for classic wow (releases at the end of august)

do not, i repeat, do NOT play modern wow

Yeah, just make sure you don't play on servers with streamers

Hopefully this will be updated

When in doubt, go EU to play it safe

Why do you pretend its exclusive? There's WoW shitposters in XIV threads all the time.

no mmo is worth getting into anymore. mmos died at the end of the 00s.

why would you want to avoid streamers? they will set up the biggest wpvp battles

Blizzard... please stop shitposting here. We don't like your shitty games. Could you.... Would you... please stop marketing here?

It starts on August 27 so you can't get into it now, you need to wait.

No, not with current WoW.
Just wait until Classic WoW releases. It's coming out late August.

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Play through the free level 1-20 trial, you can get a slight feel for how the game works. Then wait for classic

Play classic. it’s a better game in almost every single way unironically.

until it dries up and no more new content and then you're cucked living in the past.

No, Blizzard fucked the leveling

wait for classic or next expansion, bfa is pretty lame

>start completely new
>get boost to 110
>don't know anything and be a total scrub
>ignore boost and start from level 1
>everyone else is in full heirlooms oneshotting everything

I guess it could be fun if you don't mind everyone else being a lot stronger than you

wait a month n a half

>the absolute state of BFA

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Will they rerelease the expansions for wow classic ever?

Maybe, even if they did it's a bandaid fix to the fact that Classic will die eventually.
Hardcore Classicfags also can't handle the idea of fragmenting even more the fanbase.

I couldn't imagine trying to 1-120 this game as a new player. Fuck that. There is nothing to keep you going, as you out level quest and zones, the story just becomes a jumbled mess and there's 0 connection to anything.

Played since vanilla, unsubbed for the first time ever til classic. I feel like that should tell you everything you need to know.

Heirlooms are shit now. The only benefit they give is xp, the normal gear is stronger.

If classic is successful enough they will make tbc servers. And even if they don’t I’ll love having been able to play official vanilla again.

I guess, if you like the most mundane grind ever. Maybe for one time it could be comfy or something, but it's overly long and way too easy. Maybe try a free trial which let you play to lvl 20 and then decide if you want to do that for 100 levels.

Honestly, though the game has some problems now the experience is still worth it especially for new players . Don't listen to those who talk about the level boosts and whatnot...those are for people who have been playing for years and years. In fact there is even a mechanic where if you level a character from start to max without any skips, you unlock its race special outfit. There are some great thingsin the game like the battle pet system - they basically created an improved form of Pokemon inside the MMO!

Also don't listen to classicfags. Classic is Rose colored glasses and tedious nonsense. There is a lot to enjoy in the game now and I wish they spent time improving it rather than dividing and spending money on classic servers which show a version of the past . If you wanted an old style time consuming or tedious mmo there are better titles, as much as I enjoyed it back when it was new I'd never want to go back to classic.

What makes you consider WoW now and what do you think you like about it or MMOs? WoW may be a good idea, but so might Final Fantasy XIV, depending. Or even niche / next gen MMOs like Shroud of the Avatar. I can provide invites/ recruits to most games that might interest you.

They reworked leveling so that you dont outlevel most zones except the last ones before moving to the next tier of content.

Yea it tells us that youre bored of playing wow for 15 years. What is that supposed to mean for a completely new player?

As others have said, if you enjoy the 1-20 trial then you'll probably enjoy most of the rest of the leveling experience.

You should play vanilla on Kronos. Once Classic WoW comes out, Kronos will be updated to Burning Crusade.

That's ok, games don't need an endless stream of new content

you're better off joining a private server

No. Blizzard doesn’t want people to level up anymore. The leveling process is absolutely awful and unbalanced now as each new expansion brings changes that make the whole experience a boring and confusing slog. They want you to use max level boosts so that you don’t notice they completely ruined a huge part of the game.

This is the most blatant shilling I've seen in awhile. Is this ironic? It's fucking retarded either way. WoW is at its all-time worst right now and by far the worst time to get into it, and anyone who argues that is just fucking deluded or getting paid.

Tell me this is pasta

120 and current content is okay.

Just hang in there for another 45 days and play classic wow

wait for blizzcon, if they annouce an old world revamp or something, or buy the full game and start from 110 with the boost, bfa is ok now with the latest patch

>if you like the first few hours of a game you might like the rest of it
I cannot even begin to imagine the sheer pathetic misery of your daily life.

It's worth it if you like a comfy world to be part of.

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Literally the worst expansion they ever made.

They tried reinventing the wheel so much they managed to remove everything that was ever good about the game.

Nothing post-activision (post-wotlk) is worth playing.

>pre Activision
Well respected developers putting their heart and soul into their mmo passion project.
>post activision
Soulless drones whose only job is making papa Activision as much money as possible.

No. Not even classic. It was good on release but a sub fee for an ancient game when there are so many other free or single purchase alternatives is a terrible waste of money.

If you want to experience wow, play a private server so you won't have paid anything when you decide to drop it.

Do you genuinely think that levels 1-20 would give him an idea of what the end game experience is like? As in, the only part that matters in current WoW?

Levelling process is nothing like the endgame and makes a very tiny portion of the overall content. And endgame of current wow is unmitigated trash. There isn't a single good piece of content in it. It's not even a matter of taste, it's just terribly designed, terribly programmed, terribly modelled game.

Play Everquest 2 instead, it has real graphics.

There are 110 levels before you get to the end game experience and the only part about that part that hasnt changed since legion is the zone scaling and being able to get more than 2 hits in on a mob before it hits the dirt.

But yes if OP is going to play wow now he should know the correct experience is unsubbing by the time he hits 110.

Activision is nothing but blizzards scapegoat. Every singlr last terrible decision made beyond the store is 100% blizzards fault.

Nonsense. Every manager there now reports to Activision. And anyone who doesn’t like how Activision is running things gets replaced by one of their puppets.

Since the new raid just came out , you'll be doing the same shit for 4 months. actual cuck simulator

WoW is not an mmorpg where you create a custom character and explore fantasy worlds taking part in a grand story while making friends along the way

WoW is a single player game played in the same world as other players. You will spend all your time mindlessly completing the same 4 objectives over and over again to make bars turn green and make one number (ilvl) go up.

once you complete this, you will spend all your time repeating the same quests over and over in hopes that a ((((unique)))) mount or toy will drop so that you can make another green bar.

You will hopelessly try to complete filling all your green bars, but the game is designed to prevent you from ever completing this goal, as the new expansion will release with 500 more green bars to fill

Player interaction involves getting angry that they don't know how to play, and thats about it

Also, the game is physiologically designed to make you addicted to filling green bars. its also a completely NO-Skill, all KNOWLEDGE based game.

Shut the fuck up clueless dipshit. Activision makes no developer decisions for blizzard.

Don't listen to the contrarian shills on Yea Forums. BFA is good. Sure its not perfect, but its still certainly better than Classic that's for sure. And this is coming from someone who played a Classic private server recently and saw just how outdated and shitty Classic is by todays standards.

>certainly better than classic that’s for sure

If you actually believe this then you need to go. You prefer instant gratification and green bar filling a-la rather than an actual mmo experience.

>a game literally made by people who were so obsessed with making green bars fill up that they shit into a sock rather than get up to go to the bathroom has accomplished nothing during the past fifteen years but find new ways to make people want to fill green bars

What a surprise.

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can someone explain the context of this?

Entitled poopsockers being complete assholes to the developers. Unfortunately, it worked.

no. wait for classic