How would you react?

How would you react?

Attached: 1562046755438.png (658x557, 267K)


>le green text man

Attached: 1562709846914.jpg (250x231, 6K)

id say "yes"

I’m really not sure how to react to this anymore
This screencap just gave me a feeling of total emptiness

No, it can run games at 500 FPS *double dab*

goo goo gaga poopy diapey

>it's real
The fucking state of 4channel.

Why yes, it can. How did you know?

Yes, it can do 1440p/144hz.

You were saying?

>ha I don't have a gaming PC but still talk about PC masterrace
literally no one

Sounds like an mf needs a better goddamn pc.


"No, I'm rocking 240fps consoletard"

Attached: Dpuv1SGW4AE652w.jpg (300x577, 19K)

What fucking toaster can't reach 120fps on your average game?

The person who would say that obviously does otherwise they're retarded. I'm no pc master fag but holy shit whoever made this was ass hurt.

Every janitor and mod should be fucking fired for letting reddit screencap threads stay on the board and those who answer to this post seriously, banned

>give ALL your money to BIG DADDY MICROSOFT!
>pay 60 dollars a year for a function that every electronic, including your fucking phone, can do free of charge!
>play on a platform that only allows games we approve of!
>our console is now catching up to technology that was state-of-the-art 6 years ago!
>bought a game on disc? don't forget to download the 40 gigabyte install from the internet after you insert the disc because we use outdated technology!
>does this all sound retarded? hey that's okay! our business model preys on the uninformed and tricks them into thinking that we're the best that video gaming has to offer! our customers will buy fucking ANYTHING!

What's a good, cheap game I can get from Steam to use as a benchmark?

Attached: dem.jpg (1920x1080, 454K)


Hollow knight is good for lighting benchmarks and witcher 3 for performance

make this a tweet and we are talking

"Actually, yes, it can, for many games. Don't change the goalpost, either."

Attached: speccy.png (840x499, 37K)

BEST Yea Forums thread

Ashes of the Singularity for cpu

Saints Row 2

what did he mean by this ?

I only have a 60hz monitor so I've never tried

it's a valid point about how a lot of people's PCs are not great.
only brought down by wojak and reddit

feels good to own both a pc and consoles

By saying 'Yes.'

Attached: speccyy.png (660x525, 36K)

Of course it can you fucking retard, why would you think I'd bring it up if it couldn't? Not only that, I have a 144hz monitor so I can actually have it refresh that fast.

Typical console peasent tactic of goal post moving.

He cute

who the fuck cares
it's some dumb redditor using a shitty MS paint wojak meme

some people still cant get over the fact that their precious memes will migrate over to other websites when they get to popular

uhh... yeah im thinking he based

Which is ironic considering how many twitter memes end up making their way here