Gaming Naked

Why don't you play vidya in the nude, Yea Forums?

>more comfy
>builds self-confidence
>collect more vitamin D from natural sunlight, meaning you can get your necessary sun exposure faster, reducing the need to go outside
>lets skin breathe better, reducing distracting itches
>stronger emotional connection to your environment, including your vidya
>more time to get gud, since less dirty clothes means less time spent washing them
>save lots money on new clothes/detergent/bleach better spent on Steam summer sales

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I have that asus laptop.

I do

Reminds me of the time I went to a friend's house during the summer
>his mom lets me in
>naked at his desk
>hears me walk in
>quickly jumps up
>get a clear view of his dick and balls
>runs to get changed
>awkwardly wait
>mind suddenly starts racing
>smell the chair
>get a boner
>immediate regret

I'm only naked when I'm showering or at the park at night

Real gamers do multiplayer VR while naked.

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Being naked when I masturbate at the computer every night is good enough. It's really kind of overrated and silly to do it out of necessity like when you're doing something sexual, bathing, getting something from your laundry room, and changing clothes. You go outside naked and it's fun for a little while them you start to wonder why the hell you're naked.

I used to when I was 18 to 20 lmao, I even told my friends the first couple years when we played I would play naked.

>mind completely goes blank
>he comes back from the toilet and we awkwardly stare at each other
>we both sit and proceed booting up our game that we meant to play
>boner still doesn't want to calm down
>he notices and asks if he can rest his feet on me while I game
>i awkwardly say yes

Don't reply to me.

imagine the smell

>collect more vitamin D from natural sunlight, meaning you can get your necessary sun exposure faster, reducing the need to go outside

this is what shitskins and niggers actually believe

living alone is the best thing
in the summer I'm rarely clothed at all
I even hang my washing out to dry in just a pair of sunglasses, my neighbours don't even give a christ

imagine my disgust when i opened that image and no one was japanese.

>Real gamers do multiplayer VR while naked
I don't know about real gamers but definitely do VRChat naked. With onaholes too.

>play vidya in the nude
Dude, I spent a lot on my gaming chair, I don't want to leave the kinds of stains that being naked on it every day would cause.
Nobody wants those sorts of stains on their gaming chair.

That does not look like an exciting game.

>Coding Simulator 2016

I have a tiny penis so I don't want to be reminded of it.

Learn to wipe your ass correctly, you stupid nigger.

>Getting your dirty ass and vagina/penis all over your chair

I'm a nudist, I do everything naked.

> or at the park at night
Doing what? Playing handhelds?


How was it? Did it feel awkward at first or were they totally accepting?

It takes a while, but the "nudity is 100% sexual all the time" mentality goes away, and it becomes something that feels much more free, more sensual than sexual.

More skin exposure means more sunlight absorption, dumbass.

Part of seeing a lot of other naked people is that you realize everyone in the world is insecure about their bodies in one way or another, regardless of how conventionally attractive they are.

Try bathing regularly?

Based. Visit any nudist beaches/events?

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Yes, I visit a somewhat local nude beach a few times a year during the Summer. I plan on going fairly soon. I also met up with the Young Naturists of America a few years ago before it was disbanded.

But I do

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I do but people in the internet cafe keep yelling at me to put clothes on

You are face to face talking to other people, feeling like you are together in the same room. While waving your bits around right in front of them while they talk to you normally.

>suction cup titty

Its called a hand towel.

shut the fuck up


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Tell me about sunlight. I get enough sun exposure daily but still have vitamin D deficiency. Hmm

I would rather fuck naked, virgin

Cool, how was it?

Huh, sounds interesting..
Are there specialized worlds for that or do you just... do it in secret?

Thanks for the bump, fren!

More bare skin = more surface area to absorb sunlight

It's hard to find related pics that won't make the jannies butthurt.
But if someone already has some feel free to postem.
Boys and anime characters are fair game.

You can still fuck naked and be naked while doing other things.

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maybe he means sweat stains, thats gonna happen for sure if you play long enough with your bare as on it

VRChat is pretty much guaranteed to have people naked and possibly masturbating to each others avatars. But there are plenty of games with open socialization and there is nothing stopping you.


Only time I'm playing nude is with the bf

It was fun, met some great people. I was bummed when I found out they were disbanding the group.

Im naked 90% of the time when I'm at home, gaming is just part of it.

That sounds like borderline exhibitionism but good to know that's out there I guess.
I'm talking more about legitimate naturism over exhibitionists, but I guess they're related enough to talk about.

>Yes goyim, keep buying our trendy clothing. You need to look fashionable this season! Your outfit is so last year. You should instead spend your entire week's income on our newest textile products made by 10-year-olds from third-world countries, and wear them for the sake of decency

That sucks ass. What did the group do though? Organize events and stuff?

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Being naked or semi-naked can be great. It's important to get comfortable with your body.

I game shirtless, pantsless or nude every now and then and haven't slept in clothing in about 15 years.

>tauren resto druid
What a whore.


Also turns out that nudity helps with sleep and blood circulation

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Looking at that image helps my blood circulation a lot.

Yes, it was intended to encourage younger people to get involved in the nudist community. Nudism is normally associated with old people, so it was a good way to meet new people your age. We met at a hiking trail that led to a spring where we had a picnic, swam, played some games. Great time.

but i'm already always naked op. i don't have clothes anymore.

>always have to shower before you game
>Still get bodily fluids all over
>In the summer soak chair in sweat
>In winter soak it in duck sauce from walking around all day in heavy coats

>get turned on, make pillow slimy
>sweat doesn't get absorbed into clothes, goes into the carpet/pillows/blankets
>period starts randomly, oops

Women aren't people.

bottom left has a belt on his pants

I play vidya only wearing a heavy blue and grey striped t shirt and nothing else. I place a towel underneath my bum so i dont get sweaty or sticky and i put a fan at waist level angled slightly up

I'm always naked when I'm in my house, I eat naked, I go to shit naked, I would be naked outside if people weren't such pussies.

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I just wear some loose shorts to keep any sweat from seeping into the chair.

Who's the girl and where can I see more of her?

>Here's your controller, bro

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Because Im not some peasant degenarate? I game strictly wearing formal wear, I dont know and dont want to know how they do it in Africa or wherever youre from.


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I can't sleep naked because my dick rubs against the sheets and its distracting. Also I'm scared of testicular torsion

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>That preposterous feel when you enter the zone and you realize your tailcoat has bundled up into a rather agitating mass in which your lower back repeatedly grazes against, inevitably pulling you out of said zone.


I've done this and joked about being naked, but if course they thought it was a joke.
It feels strange, but I kinda did it out of necessity, it was summer and moving around in vr makes you sweaty so I had a fan blowing on me and my door locked.
I think with the index it will be easier to hear people around you or knocking on your door.

>It takes a while, but the "nudity is 100% sexual all the time" mentality goes away, and it becomes something that feels much more free, more sensual than sexual.

I get that, but being naked simply loses its appeal for me after a while and is often more of a hassle. The biggest thing is your dirty naked ass just out there in the open. You have to bring towels with you to sit on because your ass is dirty and gross.

Being naked only for short periods of time, even non sexually like just lounging around for a bit at home, stripping outside, or going skinny dipping is much better than making it a lifestyle thing. It's great to be open about the human body, but people who make it a lifestyle thing tend to be pretentious assholes.

Friend from work had this, was funny at first but it was obviously ruining his life.


i can't divorce nudity from sexuality
i have massive exhibitionism and casual nudity fetishes so if i was naked all the time i wouldn't be able to stop jacking off
plus the fake leather on my chairs peels off on the seat even wearing clothes i can't imagine how fast it would peel with sweaty bare ass

Sorry lad, it's hard to find related pics that won't trigger the jannies (because all nudity is always sexual all the time).

Eh, that kind of depends on where you draw the "nudist" line. Obviously most of them are going to be clothed most of the time in day-to-day life. unless they live in a legitimate nudist colony.

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literally me

I only get naked for Yea Forums, not vidya.

Get your nasty sopping cunt off my seat

Kind of unrelated, but what happens if you get a boner at a nudist beach?

A kind old lady will come help you make it go away

Just start walking closer to your boyfriend and hide it in his ass.

they call the boner police on you

Lemme help you out with that

Yeah I was in your position for a while. Still am for the most part desu. But the more time I spend nude doing non-sexual things, the more nudity becomes part of normal life. Not just sexually arousing by itself but a genuine feeling inner-confidence, and heightening the sensations. I feel more engaged with my surroundings, it that makes sense.

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If you bathe everyday your ass is really no more dirty than the clothes you've been wearing all day which absorb God knows what. I've been a nudist for about 10 years now and I really never have that problem unless I'm on my period, in which case I wear undies.

You either sit down or go jump in the water until it subsides. It really doesn't happen as much as you'd think and it's not a big deal as long as you aren't flaunting it and making people uncomfortable.

>Barely any doujins that deal with nudism that aren't just "teehee I'm running around outside without my shirt on!"
>Can name the number of good doujins that deal with proper nudism that aren't just exhibitionism stuff on my hand

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Guy on the left isn't even naked LOL!

>BTW im a girl guys

I'd walk around all day naked if I lived alone

I really tried to avoid mentioning it because of this.

You look at all the old and fat beachgoers, unless you're into that as well.

I'm just messing with ya anyway I really don't care

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Meant to quote Yeah of course all the best doujins about nudism are also exhibitionist. But that's only because the point of hentai is to get you off.

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I don't game naked, but i pretty much wear nothing but my boxers when i'm not expecting to go anywhere.

Saves on washing on too.

I started sleeping naked last summer because it was really hot last year and now I can't wear pyjamas anymore

in the summer time I sit on my chair naked with a towel down for sure, I don't know how people can stand sitting there sweating for hours it's disgusting
if I won the lottery or something I'd have a house in each hemisphere so I would never have to live in the summer fuck being hot

I always go naked at the beach and while vidya

>you will never get fucked within an inch of your life out in public where everyone can see you

>4 dudes working hard
>the 1 girl in her fucking glamour-shots pose that no work could get done in.
Of course.

lol, women amirite?

You forgot the best part, None of the noobs you're pwning have any idea that they are owned by a naked dude, It makes me chuckle every time I get a headshot

I had sex at the beach as well user. Not big deal.

How'mst do you find boys/grills interested in exhibitionism?
And what vidya do you play while waiting for them to show up?

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Try nudist campings. Some people are normal, the rest are kinky as hell.
Rune factory 3-4

That's the thing. You bathe and then you're clean, but after a while your body starts sweating and making grease, you use the toilet and even though you wipe down there it's still dirty until the next time you bathe. Clothes will absorb a lot of that and create a barrier so that you don't get that stuff all over the place, then you remove your clothes and wash them so they're clean to use again.

Like I said there are times and places to be naked, but being naked all the time is really impractical unless you want to have to carry a towel with you to sit on everywhere and don't mind spreading nasty body fluids and smells around.

what are some nudism doujins i can look up
those coats with nothing underneath is my fetish

I only game naked when I play skyrim or sims 4 with loverslab mods installed. I dont need my sweaty, repulsive body getting stuck to my fucking chair. I also dont need my chair turning to shit because of my caveman-tier hygiene.

Because I fart a lot and am paranoid about leaving small shitstains on every place I sit bare ass

It's it's on n h e n t a i do net.
Artist's name is Xil.

How do I tell which is which? There any red flags I should be looking for?

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