Project Diva X Review

New AVGN!!!!

Attached: new_avgn.jpg (1239x955, 205K)

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Fuck he looks old

never understood why people watch people with the "angry gamer" schtick

Nobody watches if for him, they just want to see archaic games broken down. He at least knows what he's talking about. Also it's supposed to be self aware cringe.

Because it's cute and funny :)

It was entertaining for a bit back in 2004-06 before the irate cuck and other retards started doing it as well

>But now fuck that. It's the 10-year anniversary of the year 2000.

Attached: 1542825028780.jpg (233x198, 7K)

Fuck, made me look.

Why does it look like a sloppy shoop

I legit think that there's good jokes and skits in some of the episodes. The problem is that earlier he was working on material he was very familiar with, and had something to talk about.
Now he's run out of those games, and good episodes are a rarity. Sure, you can still get fun stuff like Seaman and Earthbound, but mostly he seems to be scraping the barrel, and has to rely on viewer requests.