So, sword or shield?
So, sword or shield?
>Sword or Shield?
Pokemon Go Home and Sleep
Neither. Wait for armour and sphere for the same game with all the Pokemon.
both. :^)
Sword since my brother like the shield dog.
And to be honest? I'm kinda glad.
every time i told myself that they couldnt come up with a worse naming for version, they proved me wrong.
I was going to get Shield but then they revealed the Sif looking dogo and the fighting gym leader who shows off her feet so now I'm getting Sword.
Sword doggo looks kinda meh while Shieldbro looks regal af, so I'm going with him unless the revealed wild pokemon differences are vastly weighed in Sward's favor.
Shield I guess, hate how both look like fucking giant plastic McDonald toys but I mean I gotta pick one.
Not gonna buy this shit game, fuck off.
I'm getting Sword.
You could've just avoided this thread
You could've just scrolled by and not bothered clicking on it
You could've done literally ANYTHING else rather than just clicking on a thread of a subject you do not like just to drop a shitty post that brings nothing to the thread and just ruins the mood
This is why everybody laughs at you sad pathetic incels complaining every single day about these games, no one likes you people and no one cares what you think
Fuck off and lets us, normal human beings who aren't cynical trash bags, enjoy things
get absolutely fucked lmao
THE POWER OF THE SHIELD! Actually I'm weeb trash so I'll probably get sword but both designs are pretty ugly.
I'll come in every pokemon thread and be as much of a killjoy as possible to any faggot still retarded enough to be hyped after all the shit gamefreaking is doing. Kys.
None. I'm surprised there are people here who are actually going to buy this shitfest
Cyber Sleuth
I'm not getting neither if wartsmash isn't in
Sword because shields are for pussy babies
Sword for the cute smelly brown feets
I cringed hard at this desu
Joe, bringing your Discord friends is not going to work. Go back to Twitter
Shield for ghost shota. That said I hope there is not just a Lite bundle, fuck that lame console.
If I get it, probably Sword. I'd need to be convinced more though.
>isekai for incels
I had a dream a few weeks ago that Sword and Shield was canceled and that GF was going to take another two years to re-develop it as Frost and Grass.
Im getting shield, my friends are getting sword lots of trading will be happening for me
>Pay 60 dollars for 8 hours of gameplay
Y'mean Ice & Grass?
I don't want to buy another half assed game.I hope this game under performs so they either step up they give it to a different developer.
Neither you jizzrag
I don't know, it was a fucking dream but probably based on the fact that we know Sword and Shield is going to be shit and that by just giving it a later release date and doubling the size of their team they could deliver a better product.
You could have chosen to ignore shitposts but you reply to them anyway.
>Pokémon Grass
user that name is pretty shit
Will you buy it if they put your garbage "bro" in?
I bet you retards use something like Aggron.
>8 hours of gameplay
I'm going to make online matches that take 8 hours on their own.
My bug bro is already in, still not getting it :^)
Pokemon watching Ice melt.
Pokemon watching Grass grow.
I'm going to hope they put my leggo bros in but still nah
It's basically LGPE2
I'll buy it when they put in some god damn effort. The last 2 generations were fucking lazy attempts too, sword and shield was just the straw that broke the camel's back.
It was probably a result of those frequent Pokemon threads where the OP is of various girls of the franchise getting bound and gagged.
I guess my dream thought Leaf was named Grass or some shit because I vaguely remember her (big tits and all) appearing on the box art in the dream.
Incels likes harems?
>you can't like a pokemon if it isn't competitive
I bet your favorite pokemon is Landorus T.
I want a pokemon game that I actually want to play more than 5 hours of.
I dont play comp anymore
No, I like Heracross
I think I'm done with the series, though
Post balance changes that'd make Sword and Shield good
>Grass resists Fairy
>Ice resists Dragon, Water and Fairy
>Poison SE against Water
>Water SE against Steel
>Rock SE against Fairy
The only good swordshield post are lewds.
With that in mind Zamazenta has better porn
My favorite has been OU/UU for 6 gens now.
Nice samefaggotry spamming dextard
>normal human being
>enjoying pok*mon
That's gonna be a massive yikes from me. Go back to twitter to fawn all over >le cute brown tomboy some more, please.
Shouldn't you be working on the game, Masuda?
Neither, fuck Gamefreak.
You are a cuckold if you buy this franchise anymore. Truly worse than CoDfaggots.
you're a funny guy user
Fuck you nigger it's an open forum
yiking at this post
I actually like Shield Hero series but I'll have to agree with ya, mate.
Naofumi is the embodiment of an incel's fantasies if I ever see one.
Pokemon is the most normalfag vidya there is you stupid fuck.
The jig is up reddit, you have to go back
>he doesn't like qt brown tomboys
shit taste
>isekai for incels
As opposed to isekai for normalfags? Isekai is literally for retarded weebs and teenagers.
Need more info on exclusive content before I decide
Based Shockwave poster
Gale of Darkness.
you need to go back
What kid would pick shield?
I wish they kept the naming more colour based
fuck you that joke doesn't work because he never said that
Shield has tyranitar so that unless Sword gets Mamoswine or something
Im gonna take a pass on this gen, ill play again when they hire more people. The last 2 gens were forgettable as fuck, and this one looks like trash.
>we're removing pokemon to help balance!
you can't it is fucked. Here is the ideology they are going into the game with. GF learned nothing from Z-moves and megas
My gf wants shield so I'm getting sword.
I'm laughing really hard at this overblown rant being the reply to that first post
this is some spicy bait
that's the joke
The legendaries of this gen are so fucking stupid looking, I can't believe a hundred billion dollars franchise like Pokemon can fuck up a design this bad.
I don't know what's going on bros, the new regular Pokemon are actually better looking than the last few gens but this fucking dogs? It felt like these were design by different team somehow. And the cover art of the game looks like it was done by an intern tbqh.
I couldn't help but think that something is going on at GF bros. I mean, they couldn't be fucking things up this bad on purpose, right?
Whichever has the best waifus
that's not how it works you retard
>still supporting gayfreak and letting them get away with making garbage
Fuck off, every single one of you shills.
They have different art director (he's a British guy) this time so it might be part of reasons for legendaries' weird designs.
it's like this
Despite that being faggot shit, that's the wrong pokemon
>you vs the guy she tells you not to worry about
>tfw your bud is getting sword so you have to get shield
Come on, we all know that they're eventually gonna make Pokemon Lance. They fucking love make second versions and this'll be no exception, ESPECIALLY if the sales are great.
Reminds me of that glorious thread from some weeks ago
Just confront him and decide what you play by rock-paper-scissor and let the winner choose, bro.
I did that with my brother every gen myself.
If you aren't critical of anything, you are mindless. Stop being a "Yes-man."
if you purchase sw/sh, you're an incel shillfag.
I know, but the Zamazenta pic I have is lewd.
would fuck sword dog
Is there more?
Yeah. Wasn't joking.
The gamecube Pokemon games are better than all the pokemon games in the last 6 years
>implying any of you faggots bitching about the national dex have ever even completed it in Sun and Moon
>inb4 faggots pull up screenshots of their hacked gamesaves
>hire more people
They are in this mess because they hired more people. They force new hires to work the pokemon mines as the veterans work on new IPS to someday maybe be free of being the "Pokemon" guys. Every pokemon has been rookies. Kind of like every other developer forcing new hires to make tree and rock models all day for games. Instead Gamefreak forces new hires to make entire pokemon games.
stop playing pokemans
there was no national dex in Sun and Moon. and now they're just not including pokemon in the game's code at all.
>comes to Yea Forums
>is surprised when he gets shitposted on
Just a reminder that /vp/ has already taken a massive L.
I can't believe that Masuda actually raped a girl.
>Criticism is shitpost
>level-5 shills are reduced to literal begging once again
I'm more like a spear guy yo
Based as fucking hell
Do Pokefags have the lowest standards of any fanbase?
Just search zacian bara
That'd be the sports vidya fanbase mate.
Pokemon is far from the worst.
Or zamazenta bara
I haven't bought a Pokemon game since XY
>made of metal
>40 kg
What the fuck
alloys user
did you know osmium weighs a ton despite being small
where are you gonna spend the billions of yen gay horse gave you, legosi-kun
I'm actually surprised they got a lot of bara art, the only other legendary that got this was Solgaleo
rabbit porn
Pokémon sucks more now than ever
we all know you're gonna buy SS anyway because wooloo are small you fucking loli chaser
I am sure the 3rd game will either be Axe or lance. Probably lance.
How will the third version work though? The leaks confirm there's no "third" mon, just the villain for the doggos and a "true evil"
whichever the cute brown gym trainerfu likes
buying this game for her alone
What the fuck does this even mean
I just started reading Beastars not to long ago
Is this a spoiler?
angry gay horse who is totally against carnivores because his bbf carnivore komodo dragon left him for an airhead wolf girl and is Legosi's grandfather is putting Legosi under his wing to chase la chupacabra
oh yeah, forgot about htat
Pokemon Artillery?
Pokemon Battalion?
i can't believe beastars went for the analogy of racemixing is bad
daily reminder you legosifags
Swordshield like the one Reyn from Xenoblade was using.
Went to shit after they changed fem protag