Enjoy your inferior Yakuza.
>One Angry Faggot
But yes, that is pretty bullshit from Ys Net.
Stop shilling your garbage site
Two seething trannies
I'm sure Tim will throw money at the problem he created until it's solved.
I´m so gonna get this when epic release it as a free game
Three seething trannies
forced meme
I don't give a fuck about anything that ever happened to Kazuma, I only care about seeing what happens to Ryo against Lan Di.
Hi Tony, what's the TGD stand for? Transgendered Dicklet?
Kickstarter is not a pre-order service, they detailed what the Kickstarter versions will get and they will deliver it.
Four seething trannies
>no archive or a screenshot of the whole article
Fuck off
Five seething trannies
>tfw never owned a Sega console, never backed Shenmue 3, never played a Shenmue until two months and am considering picking up 3 after a few weeks because I enjoyed them enough
Thanks, Segadrones!
>Kickstarter backers get cucked
>Shenmue 3 will inevitably get cracked with both content versions getting modded in several weeks after release due to how much hate it's getting
>Deep Silver probably gave Suzuki enough money for a sequel and then some anyway
Honestly, all that matters is if the game is just as good as Shenmue 1 or 2.
It's a Kung Fu story so I assume Ryo beats up Lan Di at the end.
one seething incel with paranoia lmao
How can this epic store have so many problems with just this one game? yes i know about the kickstarters, just seriously epic is this headache worth it for this one game?
Six seething trannies
Yeah, in Shenmue VI which will never happen since the retard had one chance at Shenmue III, is already low on cash so he sold out to the chinks, and he didn't even think to wrap the saga up, episode III is like less than 50% in the storyline.
You arent entitled to ore order bonuses
Piss off
Much like Star Wars, corporations think they can do whatever the fuck they want and audiences are so devoted and retarded to let them do it.
Nobody asked for minerals, just what's in the game.
In case of emergency user, dial 8.
>dial 8
i don't remember this episode of zach and cody
the blonde was cuter
At this point I know more about the business practices of the game than the game itself.
in case of shit threads, check this 5
He stated III won't be the end of the story.
Why does tranny Yea Forums hate OAG when they are pretty much the only non leftist news site?
Go on, lads, this one's on me.
Basically, companies can do whatever they want.
They didn't preorder the game though. they gave a company free money to do with what they please because the backers are suckers and dumb.
two incels, a tranny, and a pizza shop
Stop comparing Yakuza and Shenmue you fucking retard.
They're completely different games
There's a difference between not liking what I don't like and being good.
Agreed, comparing Yakuza to Shenmue is an insult to Yakuza
Why did you post a picture of yourself?
the block quote literally contradicts what you are claiming in your shitty article. learn to read
>Standard and deluxe versions released through retail sales are not affiliated with the crowdfunding campaign, so will not be included with backer pledges, however, they will be available for sale separately. Kickstarter Backers will receive the Kickstarter version, Slacker Backers will receive the Slacker Backer version. Both have unique content respective to their versions not available in the retail versions.
>I thought you guys hated this faggot extremists, why dont you like this other extremists instead?!
kys burgermutt
jesus. Literally dabbin on backers
If that's extreme to you, I want to know what you find tame.
ok tim
>refused to give refunds until Epic proposed to pay them
>doesn't gives backers the pre-order bonus despite being the earliest customers
Ys Net is the most Jewish indepedent studio right now.
They seriously had a ton of fans willing to overlook the janky animations and such, how did they fuck up so hard? And now they're sending it out to die by pitting it against Pokemon, Death Stranding, COD, I hope Yu Suzuki had the budget super low to break even, or that he plans to wrap up the saga in water colored manga form.
Shenmue 3 is being developed exclusively by Lan Di
>One Spamming Incel
Shit thread
I've got a dick, which is more than I can say about you.
>shenmue 27
>ryo finally finds Lan Di
>the tense atmosphere finally fills the room
>the two slowly approach each other
>the screen slowly fades to black
>EGS picks up Shenmue 3
>devs see how gamers are upset at exclusivity
>purposely do as many dickish things as possible to destroy EGS from the inside with controversy
Like this one right here?
Hasn't every Shenmue release been met with controversy, problems and delays? Are they trying to beat some kind of record?
>Nevertheless, this is a prime showcase of how censorship doesn’t care who you are or what you are, it will eventually hit something you love. Censorship knows no bounds, no limits, nor restrictions, and it’s just a matter of time that when it’s encouraged and promoted as a viable solution to spite ideological opponents, it will eventually capture in its net something that you value. Always.
40%. At least, you aren't a bisexual degenerate... I hope so.
Being propaganda in the other direction doesn't make it good. You ever think some of us don't want any propaganda? He is also retarded.
Please defend this image.
You should try and own your hypocrisy, user. Not revel in it.
Why? Liberals and commies always celebrate when weebs and conservatives get censored. It's completely natural to not have empathy for people who hate you and want you dead.
Then you aren't actually against censorship, user. You are also being a massive hypocrite because your article supposedly says you should never celebrate censorship, but you and billy are doing so. This is because you don't care about cnesorship. You'd be fucking estatic if they banned libshit. What you care about is owning the libs, that's all.
>weebs are conservatives
Went to Anime expo this weekend. Didn't get a very conservative vibe. 300k attendees.
I'm just laughing that people claiming for censorship now are suffering the consequences of what they have asked. It only serves them right.
I said "weebs and conservatives", not "conservative weebs".
its not from that
he is a retard
>defending muslim kombat 11
But Yea Forums told me epic gay store is based.
what a retard you are and a maymay that died the day it was made
Their actual videogame articles are alright but at least half of what they post about isn't videogames. It's like the right-wing version of Kotaku.